

University of Luxembourg > Faculty of Humanities, Education and Social Sciences (FHSE) > LUCET

Main Referenced Co-authors
KELLER, Ulrich  (52)
MARTIN, Romain  (40)
FISCHBACH, Antoine  (32)
HORNUNG, Caroline  (27)
GAMO, Sylvie  (24)
Main Referenced Keywords
Genetics Lab (10); reading comprehension (10); large-scale assessment (9); mathematics (9); complex problem solving (8);
Main Referenced Unit & Research Centers
Faculty of Language and Literature, Humanities, Arts and Education (FLSHASE) > Luxembourg Centre for Educational Testing (LUCET) (12)
Luxembourg Centre for Educational Testing (LUCET) (1)
University of Luxembourg: LUCET (1)
University of Luxembourg: Luxembourg Centre for Educational Testing - LUCET (1)
Main Referenced Disciplines
Education & instruction (106)
Theoretical & cognitive psychology (11)
Social & behavioral sciences, psychology: Multidisciplinary, general & others (7)
Arts & humanities: Multidisciplinary, general & others (3)
Engineering, computing & technology: Multidisciplinary, general & others (2)

Publications (total 129)

The most downloaded
SONNLEITNER, P., Mayer, H., KELLER, U., & Hazotte, C. (2012). User’s guide to apply, configure and adapt the Genetics Lab. ORBilu-University of Luxembourg.

The most cited

70 citations (OpenAlex)

SONNLEITNER, P., KELLER, U., MARTIN, R., & Brunner, M. (2013). Students’ Complex Problem-Solving Abilities: Their Structure and Relations to Reasoning Ability and Educational Success. Intelligence, 41 (5), 289-305. doi:10.1016/j.intell.2013.05.002

OTTENBACHER, M.* , WOLLSCHLÄGER, R.* , KELLER, U., SONNLEITNER, P., HORNUNG, C., ESCH, P., FISCHBACH, A., & UGEN, S. (2024). Nationaler Bildungsbericht 2024. (3). Esch-sur-Alzette, Luxembourg: Luxembourg Center for Educational Testing (LUCET). doi:10.48746/bb2024lu-de-12a
* These authors have contributed equally to this work.

SONNLEITNER, P., BERNARD, S., & UGEN, S. (07 November 2024). Emerging Trends In e-Assessment: Insights From OASYS And The Impact Of Generative Item Models [Paper presentation]. CIDREE Conference 2024, Belgrade, Serbia.
Editorial reviewed

SONNLEITNER, P., BERNARD, S., & UGEN, S. (2024). Emerging Trends in Computer-Based Testing: Insights from OASYS and the Impact of Generative Item Models. In B. Ranđelović, E. Karalić, K. Aleksić, ... D. Đukić (Eds.), E-testing and computer-based assessment (2024, pp. 82 - 99). Belgrade, Serbia: CIDREE Yearbook 2024. Belgrade: Institute for Education Quality and Evaluation.
Editorial reviewed

KAUFMANN, L. M., KELLER, U., SONNLEITNER, P., FISCHBACH, A., & HORNUNG, C. (07 November 2024). Grade repetition during COVID-19: Investigating early childcare and school support as potential protective factors [Paper presentation]. LuxERA Conference 2024, Belval, Luxembourg.
Peer reviewed

KRÄMER, C., BRAUN, C., WETH, C., & SONNLEITNER, P. (06 November 2024). Hot off the statistics lab: First in-depth analyses of Luxembourg secondary school students’ basic reading competencies [Paper presentation]. LuxERA conference 2024, Esch/Belval, Luxembourg.
Peer reviewed

BERNARD, S., RATHMACHER, Y., KELLER, U., KINIF, P. S. G., & SONNLEITNER, P.*. (17 September 2024). autoMATH: automatic mathematic item generation purposefully not powered by AI [Paper presentation]. 53rd DGPs Congress / 15th ÖGP Conference, Vienna, Austria.
Peer reviewed

SONNLEITNER, P., BERNARD, S., INOSTROZA FERNANDEZ, P. I., & HORNUNG, C. (17 September 2024). Testaufgaben nach Maß: Erfahrungen hinsichtlich Vorhersagbarkeit und Fairness University of Luxembourg generativer Itemmodelle in Mathematik [Paper presentation]. 53. Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie, Vienna, Austria.
Peer reviewed

KAUFMANN, L. M., KELLER, U., SONNLEITNER, P., FISCHBACH, A., & HORNUNG, C. (17 September 2024). Early childcare and support in school during COVID-19: Investigating potential protective factors against educational inequality [Paper presentation]. DGPS Congress, Vienna, Austria.
Peer reviewed

BERNARD, S., RATHMACHER, Y., KINIF, P. S. G., KELLER, U., & SONNLEITNER, P.*. (03 July 2024). Automatic math item generator “autoMATH”: Bridging the gap between tradition and AI? [Paper presentation]. Iternational Test Commission (ITC) Conference 2024, Granada, Spain.
Peer reviewed

SONNLEITNER, P., & BERNARD, S. (28 February 2024). Algorithmically Generating Math Items: Lessons learned in Fairness and Technology [Paper presentation]. Symposium “Mathematic assessments and advanced psychometric applications & challenges", Dortmund, Germany.

BERNARD, S., & SONNLEITNER, P. (28 February 2024). autoMATH: An automatic item generator purposefully not based on AI! A look at where we came from and where we are now [Paper presentation]. Symposium “Mathematic assessments and advanced psychometric applications & challenges", Dortmund, Germany.
Peer reviewed

BERNARD, S., & SONNLEITNER, P. (2024). Dorobber gëtt gekuckt! Eng Eye-Tracking Pilotstudie mat Kanner: Wou leit de Fokus, a wat kann een dorausser leieren? In C. GEORGES, C. HORNUNG, C. MULLER, P. SONNLEITNER, C. SCHILTZ, S. UGEN, ... V. CORNU, LEARN Newsletter - Editioun 2024 (pp. 17-18). Esch-sur-Alzette, Luxembourg: LEARN - learning expertise and research network.

SONNLEITNER, P., KELLER, U., & Sperl, H. (2023). Entwicklung und Validierung des Luxemburger Orthografietests.

BERNARD, S., INOSTROZA FERNANDEZ, P. I., GAMO, S., MICHELS, M. A., & SONNLEITNER, P. (09 November 2023). AIG and student math assessment: Psychometric characteristics of automatically generated items [Paper presentation]. LUXERA 2023 Emerging Researcher’s Conference, Belval, Luxembourg.
Peer reviewed

KRÄMER, C., GAMO, S., BRAUN, C., Inostroza Fernandez, P., & SONNLEITNER, P. (09 November 2023). Spotlight on ESG-VP students - a new approach to testing [Poster presentation]. Luxembourg Educational Research Association (LuxERA) Conference 2023.
Peer reviewed

SONNLEITNER, P. (2023). Alluring potential: How AI transforms Educational Assessment [Paper presentation]. Conferencia Pesquisar em Psicologia - Uso das IAs como ferramentas de Pesquisa.

GAMO, S., VLASSIS, J., SONNLEITNER, P., UGEN, S., KELLER, U., RATHMACHER, Y., & FISCHBACH, A. (17 August 2023). Quels impacts des contextes socio-économique et linguistique sur l’apprentissage des mathématiques au Luxembourg ? [Paper presentation]. Commission for the Study and Improvement of Mathematics Teaching 74, Malmö, Sweden.
Peer reviewed

INOSTROZA FERNANDEZ, P. I., MICHELS, M. A., HORNUNG, C., GAMO, S., KELLER, U., Gierl, M., CARDOSO-LEITE, P., FISCHBACH, A., & SONNLEITNER, P. (14 April 2023). The impact of cognitive characteristics and image-based semantic embeddings on item difficulty [Paper presentation]. Annual Meeting of the National Council on Measurement in Education.

SONNLEITNER, P., INOSTROZA FERNANDEZ, P. I., MICHELS, M. A., HORNUNG, C., GAMO, S., & KELLER, U. (13 April 2023). Benefits of Using Cognitive Models Within a Mathematics Large-Scale Assessment [Paper presentation]. Annual Meeting of the National Council on Measurement in Education.

SONNLEITNER, P., INOSTROZA FERNANDEZ, P. I., & WOLLSCHLÄGER, R. (10 November 2022). Fairness as seen by students - a differentiated look at perceived assessment fairness by 7th and 9th graders in Luxembourg [Paper presentation]. Luxembourg Educational Research Association Conference 2022, Esch-sur-Alzette, Luxembourg.

MICHELS, M. A., HORNUNG, C., GAMO, S., Roeder, M., Gierl, M., CARDOSO-LEITE, P., FISCHBACH, A., & SONNLEITNER, P. (November 2022). Validation and Psychometric Analysis of 32 cognitive item models spanning Grades 1 to 7 in the mathematical domain of numbers & operations [Paper presentation]. Luxembourg Educational Research Association Conference 2022, Esch-sur-Alzette, Luxembourg.

INOSTROZA FERNANDEZ, P. I., MICHELS, M. A., & SONNLEITNER, P. (November 2022). Using Diagnostic Classification Models to map first graders’ cognitive development pathways in the Luxembourgish school monitoring program: a pilot study in the domain of numbers & operations [Paper presentation]. Luxembourg Educational Research Association Conference 2022, Esch-sur-Alzette, Luxembourg.

KRÄMER, C., & SONNLEITNER, P. (September 2022). Zweitägiger Workshop zur Testentwicklung im Kompetenzbereich „Sprechen / Mündlicher Ausdruck“ [Paper presentation]. continuing education / formation continue, Institut National des Langues (INL) - Luxembourg City, Luxembourg.

FISCHBACH, A., COLLING, J., LEVY, J., PIT-TEN CATE, I., ROSA, C., KRÄMER, C., KELLER, U., GAMO, S., HORNUNG, C., SONNLEITNER, P., UGEN, S., ESCH, P., & WOLLSCHLÄGER, R. (2022). Findings from the ÉpStan National Education Monitoring against the Background of the COVID-19 Pandemic. ORBilu-University of Luxembourg. doi:10.48746/bb2021LU-EN-34

MICHELS, M. A., HORNUNG, C., GAMO, S., Roeder, M., Gierl, M., CARDOSO-LEITE, P., FISCHBACH, A., & SONNLEITNER, P. (09 March 2022). Validierung und psychometrische Analyse automatisch generierter Mathematikaufgaben im Bereich Zahlen und Operationen [Paper presentation]. 9. GEBF-Tagung, Bamberg, Germany.

SONNLEITNER, P. (2022). Ist individuelle Diagnostik im Schulmonitoring möglich? Neue Methoden versprechen einen diagnostischen Mehrwert der Épreuves Standardisées. In C. GEORGES, D. Hoffmann, C. HORNUNG, C. MULLER, P. SONNLEITNER, C. SCHILTZ, ... S. UGEN, LEARN Newsletter - Editioun 2022 (pp. 8-9). Esch-sur-Alzette, Luxembourg: LEARN.

FISCHBACH, A., COLLING, J., LEVY, J., PIT-TEN CATE, I., ROSA, C., KRÄMER, C., KELLER, U., GAMO, S., HORNUNG, C., SONNLEITNER, P., UGEN, S., ESCH, P., & WOLLSCHLÄGER, R. (2022). Findings from the ÉpStan National Education Monitoring against the Background of the COVID-19 Pandemic. Online Supplement. ORBilu-University of Luxembourg. doi:10.48746/bb2021LU-EN-34b

FISCHBACH, A., COLLING, J., LEVY, J., PIT-TEN CATE, I., ROSA, C., KRÄMER, C., KELLER, U., GAMO, S., HORNUNG, C., SONNLEITNER, P., UGEN, S., ESCH, P., & WOLLSCHLÄGER, R. (2021). Befunde aus dem nationalen Bildungsmonitoring ÉpStan vor dem Hintergrund der COVID-19 Pandemie (Supplement). In LUCET & SCRIPT (Eds.), Nationaler Bildungsbericht Luxemburg 2021. Esch-sur-Alzette, Luxembourg: University of Luxembourg. doi:10.48746/bb2021lu-de-34b
Peer reviewed

SONNLEITNER, P., KRÄMER, C., GAMO, S., REICHERT, M., KELLER, U., & FISCHBACH, A. (2021). Neue längsschnittliche Befunde aus dem nationalen Bildungsmonitoring ÉpStan in der 3. und 9. Klasse: Schlechtere Ergebnisse und wirkungslose Klassenwiederholungen. In LUCET & SCRIPT (Eds.), Nationaler Bildungsbericht Luxemburg 2021 (pp. 117-123). Esch-sur-Alzette, Unknown/unspecified: University of Luxembourg. doi:10.48746/bb2021lu-de-24a

FISCHBACH, A., COLLING, J., LEVY, J., PIT-TEN CATE, I., ROSA, C., KRÄMER, C., KELLER, U., GAMO, S., HORNUNG, C., SONNLEITNER, P., UGEN, S., ESCH, P., & WOLLSCHLÄGER, R. (2021). Résultats du monitoring scolaire national ÉpStan dans le contexte de la pandémie de COVID-19 (Matériels supplémentaires). In LUCET & SCRIPT (Eds.), Rapport National sur l´Éducation au Luxembourg 2021. Esch-sur-Alzette, Luxembourg: University of Luxembourg. doi:10.48746/BB2021LU-FR-34B
Peer reviewed

FISCHBACH, A., COLLING, J., LEVY, J., PIT-TEN CATE, I., ROSA, C., KRÄMER, C., KELLER, U., GAMO, S., HORNUNG, C., SONNLEITNER, P., UGEN, S., ESCH, P., & WOLLSCHLÄGER, R. (2021). Befunde aus dem nationalen Bildungsmonitoring ÉpStan vor dem Hintergrund der COVID-19- Pandemie. In LUCET & SCRIPT (Eds.), Nationaler Bildungsbericht Luxemburg 2021 (pp. 141-157). Esch-sur-Alzette, Luxembourg: University of Luxembourg. doi:10.48746/bb2021lu-de-34a
Peer reviewed

FISCHBACH, A., COLLING, J., LEVY, J., PIT-TEN CATE, I., ROSA, C., KRÄMER, C., KELLER, U., GAMO, S., HORNUNG, C., SONNLEITNER, P., UGEN, S., ESCH, P., & WOLLSCHLÄGER, R. (2021). Résultats du monitoring scolaire national ÉpStan dans le contexte de la pandémie de COVID-19. In LUCET & SCRIPT (Eds.), Rapport national sur l’éducation au Luxembourg 2021 (pp. 141-157). Esch-sur-Alzette, Luxembourg: University of Luxembourg. doi:10.48746/bb2021lu-fr-34
Peer reviewed

SONNLEITNER, P., KRÄMER, C., GAMO, S., REICHERT, M., KELLER, U., & FISCHBACH, A. (2021). Résultats longitudinaux récents issus du monitoring scolaire national ÉpStan en troisième et neuvième année scolaire : de moins bons résultats et des redoublements inefficaces. In LUCET & SCRIPT (Eds.), Rapport national sur l’éducation au Luxembourg 2021 (pp. 115-121). Esch-sur-Alzette, Unknown/unspecified: University of Luxembourg. doi:10.48746/bb2021lu-fr-24

MICHELS, M. A., HORNUNG, C., INOSTROZA FERNANDEZ, P. I., & SONNLEITNER, P. (11 November 2021). Using Automatic Item Generation in the context of the Épreuves Standardisées (Épstan): A pilot study on effects of altering item characteristics and semantic embeddings [Paper presentation]. LuxERA Emerging Researchers’ Conference 2021.

GREISEN, M., GEORGES, C., HORNUNG, C., SONNLEITNER, P., & SCHILTZ, C. (2021). Learning mathematics with shackles: How lower reading comprehension in the language of mathematics instruction accounts for lower mathematics achievement in speakers of different home languages. Acta Psychologica. doi:10.1016/j.actpsy.2021.103456
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KRÄMER, C., & SONNLEITNER, P. (27 October 2021). Impulsvortrag: Evaluierung und Standardisierung des "Sproochentests" [Paper presentation]. Invitation of the Institut National des Langues, Luxembourg, Luxembourg.

SONNLEITNER, P., & HORNUNG, C. (July 2021). The factor structure of mathematical abilities in Luxembourg’s national school monitoring: Its stability over elementary school and relations to, gender, language background, and SES [Paper presentation]. ITC 2021 colloquium (online).

GEORGES, C., Hoffmann, D., HORNUNG, C., Muller, C., SONNLEITNER, P., SCHILTZ, C., & UGEN, S. (Eds.). (2021). LEARN Newsletter - Édition 2021. Esch-sur-Alzette, Luxembourg: LEARN.

GEORGES, C., HOFFMANN, D., HORNUNG, C., MULLER, C., SONNLEITNER, P., SCHILTZ, C., & UGEN, S. (Eds.). (2021). LEARN Newsletter - Editioun 2021. Esch-sur-Alzette, Luxembourg: LEARN.

SONNLEITNER, P. (2021). Der Elefant im Klassenzimmer: Faire schulische Leistungsbeurteilung. In C. GEORGES, D. Hoffmann, C. HORNUNG, C. MULLER, P. SONNLEITNER, C. SCHILTZ, ... S. UGEN (Eds.), LEARN Newsletter - Editioun 2021 (pp. 10-13). Esch-sur-Alzette, Unknown/unspecified: LEARN.

SONNLEITNER, P. (2021). Matheaufgaben vom Fließband? Neues Projekt erforscht Fairness und Potenzial automatischer Aufgabengenerierung. In C. GEORGES, D. Hoffmann, C. HORNUNG, C. MULLER, P. SONNLEITNER, C. SCHILTZ, ... S. UGEN (Eds.), LEARN Newsletter - Editioun 2021 (pp. 16). Esch-sur-Alzette, Unknown/unspecified: LEARN.

WOLLSCHLÄGER, R., HORNUNG, C., SONNLEITNER, P., HOFFMANN, D., PIT-TEN CATE, I., & FISCHBACH, A. (July 2020). A propensity score matching approach on predicting academic success of primary school students [Paper presentation]. 12th Conference of the International Test Commission, Esch-sur-Alzette, Luxembourg.

SONNLEITNER, P., & Kovacs, C. (28 February 2020). Differences Between Students’ and Teachers' Fairness Perceptions: Exploring the Potential of a Self-Administered Questionnaire to Improve Teachers' Assessment Practices. Frontiers in Education, 5 (17). doi:10.3389/feduc.2020.00017
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SONNLEITNER, P. (December 2019). Gamification of psychological tests: three lessons learned. Testing International, 42, 22-25.

WOLLSCHLÄGER, R., HOFFMANN, D., HORNUNG, C., SONNLEITNER, P., PIT-TEN CATE, I., & FISCHBACH, A. (06 November 2019). Predicting Academic Success in Early Primary School: A Propensity Score Matching Approach [Paper presentation]. 1st LuxERA Emerging Researchers Conference, Esch-sur-Alzette, Luxembourg, Luxembourg.

SONNLEITNER, P., & Kovacs, C. (September 2019). Differences between students’ and teachers’ fairness perceptions: Exploring the potential of a self-administered questionnaire to improve teachers’ assessment practices [Paper presentation]. Third Annual NCME Special Conference on Classroom Assessment, Boulder, United States - Colorado.

SONNLEITNER, P., KRÄMER, C., GAMO, S., REICHERT, M., MULLER, C., KELLER, U., & UGEN, S. (2018). Schülerkompetenzen im Längsschnitt - Die Entwicklung von Deutsch-Leseverstehen und Mathematik in Luxemburg zwischen der 3. und 9. Klasse. Esch-sur-Alzette, Luxembourg: Luxembourg Centre for Educational Testing, Universität Luxemburg - Service de Coordination de la Recherche et de l'Innovation pédagogiques et technologiques (SCRIPT).

SONNLEITNER, P., KRÄMER, C., GAMO, S., REICHERT, M., MULLER, C., KELLER, U., & UGEN, S. (09 November 2018). Longitudinal development of students‘ competencies in Mathematics and German reading comprehension [Paper presentation]. 1st conference of the Luxembourg Educational Research Association.

MULLER, C., REICHEL, Y., WOLLSCHLÄGER, R., SONNLEITNER, P., & FISCHBACH, A. (08 November 2018). Cognitive Potential and Academic Success in Luxembourg: Use case of the "Test of Cognitive Potential" [Poster presentation]. LuxERA, Esch-Alzette, Luxembourg.

PAZOUKI, T., CORNU, V., SONNLEITNER, P., SCHILTZ, C., FISCHBACH, A., & MARTIN, R. (August 2018). MaGrid: A Language-Neutral Early Mathematical Training and Learning Application. International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning, 13 (08), 4-18. doi:10.3991/ijet.v13i08.8271
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SONNLEITNER, P., & Kovacs, C. (July 2018). How fairly am I assessing my students? Equipping teachers with a tool to learn about their own assessment practices: Theory and development of the Fairness Barometer [Paper presentation]. 11th Conference of the International Test Commission, Montreal, Canada.

Kretzschmar, A., & SONNLEITNER, P. (July 2018). The validity of lower-order dimensions: A psychometrical Investigation of complex problem solving competence [Paper presentation]. 19th European Conference on Personality.

SONNLEITNER, P., Meier, P., & Wrobel, G. (May 2018). Finding the right pace: How speech rate influences item difficulty of a listening comprehension test [Paper presentation]. 15th EALTA conference.

SONNLEITNER, P., König, A., & SIKHARULIDZE, T. (April 2018). Mit Komplexität umgehen lernen: Welche Vorteile bieten computerbasierte Problemlöseszenarien in der Sensibilisierung für typische Probleme im Verstehen und Steuern komplexer Systeme? [Paper presentation]. 13th Tagung der Österreichischen Gesellschaft für Psychologie, Linz, Austria.

SONNLEITNER, P., & Kovacs, C. (April 2018). Lässt sich Fairness schulischer Leistungsbeurteilung messbar machen? Erste empirische Ergebnisse zu Faktorstruktur und Validität des Fairnessbarometers [Paper presentation]. 13th Tagung der Österreichischen Gesellschaft für Psychologie, Linz, Austria.

GAMO, S., SONNLEITNER, P., HOFFMANN, D., HORNUNG, C., UGEN, S., KELLER, U., & FISCHBACH, A. (11 January 2018). Parcours scolaires et performance mathématique des élèves scolarisés au Luxembourg : Effet du contexte langagier et socio-économiques [Paper presentation]. 30 ème colloque de l'ADMEE-EUROPE, Esch-Belval, Luxembourg.

VILLANYI, D., MARTIN, R., SONNLEITNER, P., SIRY, C., & FISCHBACH, A. (11 January 2018). Un outil sur tablette tactile facilitant l'autuévaluation à l'école primaire [Paper presentation]. 30e colloque de l'ADMEE-Europe au Luxembourg. L'évaluation en éducation et en formation face aux transformations des sociétés contemporaines, Luxembourg, Luxembourg.

SONNLEITNER, P. (2018). Cognitive pitfalls in dealing with sustainability. In A. König, Sustainability science: Key issues (pp. 82-95). Abingdon, United Kingdom: Routledge.
Peer reviewed

SONNLEITNER, P., KRÄMER, C., GAMO, S., REICHERT, M., MULLER, C., KELLER, U., & UGEN, S. (2018). Évolution en compréhension écrite en allemand et en mathématiques entre la classe de 3e et la classe de 9e. Esch-sur-Alzette, Luxembourg: Luxembourg Centre for Educational Testing, Universität Luxemburg - Service de Coordination de la Recherche et de l'Innovation pédagogiques et technologiques (SCRIPT).

MULLER, C., REICHEL, Y., WOLLSCHLÄGER, R., SONNLEITNER, P., MARTIN, R., & FISCHBACH, A. (2018). Evaluation kognitiver Fähigkeiten im luxemburgischen Schulsystem. Esch-sur-Alzette, Luxembourg: Luxembourg Centre for Educational Testing, Universität Luxemburg - Service de Coordination de la Recherche et de l'Innovation pédagogiques et technologiques (SCRIPT).

MULLER, C., REICHEL, Y., WOLLSCHLÄGER, R., SONNLEITNER, P., MARTIN, R., & FISCHBACH, A. (2018). Évaluation des capacités cognitives dans le système scolaire luxembourgeois. Esch-sur-Alzette, Luxembourg: Luxembourg Centre for Educational Testing, Universität Luxemburg - Service de Coordination de la Recherche et de l'Innovation pédagogiques et technologiques (SCRIPT).

VILLANYI, D., MARTIN, R., SONNLEITNER, P., SIRY, C., & FISCHBACH, A. (2018). A Tablet-Computer-Based Tool to Facilitate Accurate Self-Assessments in Third- and Fourth-Graders. International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning, 13 (10), 225-251. doi:10.3991/ijet.v13i10.8876
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SONNLEITNER, P., König, A., & SIKHARULIDZE, T. (2017). Learning to confront complexity: What roles can a computer-based problem-solving scenario play? Environmental Education Research, 1-19. doi:10.1080/13504622.2017.1378623
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SONNLEITNER, P., KELLER, U., MARTIN, R., Latour, T., & Brunner, M. (2017). Assessing Complex Problem Solving in the Classroom: Meeting Challenges and Opportunities. In B. Csapó & J. Funke (Eds.), The Nature of Problem Solving. Using research to inspire 21st century learning (pp. 159-173). Paris, France: OECD.
Peer reviewed

GREIFF, S., Stadler, M., SONNLEITNER, P., Wolff, C., & MARTIN, R. (2017). Sometimes more is too much: A rejoinder to the commentaries on Greiff et al. (2015). Journal of Intelligence, 5, 6. doi:10.3390/jintelligence5010006
Peer reviewed

VILLANYI, D., FISCHBACH, A., SONNLEITNER, P., SIRY, C., & MARTIN, R. (November 2016). Autoévaluation des élèves de l'école primaire en mathématiques [Paper presentation]. Colloque international « Évaluation en mathématiques : dispositifs, validités & pratiques », Paris, France.

SONNLEITNER, P., Guill, K., & Hohensinn, C. (July 2016). Effects of correct answer position on multiple-choice item difficulty in educational settings [Paper presentation]. 10th Conference of the International Test Commission, Vancouver, Canada.

VILLANYI, D., FISCHBACH, A., SONNLEITNER, P., SIRY, C., & MARTIN, R. (June 2016). Différences interindividuelles dans l’autoévaluation des compétences scolaires à l’école primaire [Poster presentation]. 22èmes Journées Internationales de Psychologie Différentielle, Chambéry, France.

Akcaoglu, M., SONNLEITNER, P., Hodges, C., & Gutierrez, A. (April 2016). Teaching Complex Problem Solving Through Digital Game Design [Paper presentation]. AERA Annual Meeting, Washington, United States - District of Columbia.

Akcaoglu, M., Gutierrez, A., SONNLEITNER, P., & Hodges, C. (2016). Game Design as a Complex Problem Solving Process. In R. ZHENG & M. Gardner (Eds.), Handbook of Research on Serious Games for Educational Applications (pp. 217-233). IGI Global. doi:10.4018/978-1-5225-0513-6.ch010
Peer reviewed

SONNLEITNER, P., Brunner, M., KELLER, U., & MARTIN, R. (August 2015). Complex Problem Solving Provides a Fairer Picture of Multilingual Students’ Cognitive Potential [Paper presentation]. 16th Biennial EARLI Conference, Limassol, Cyprus.

VILLANYI, D., FISCHBACH, A., SONNLEITNER, P., SIRY, C., & MARTIN, R. (August 2015). Self-assessment of academic competencies via a computer based tool in Luxembourg primary school [Poster presentation]. 16th Biennial EARLI Conference, Limassol, Cyprus.

SONNLEITNER, P., Brunner, M., KELLER, U., & MARTIN, R. (March 2015). Can Computer-Based Assessment of Complex Problem Solving Reveal Otherwise Hidden Cognitive Potential of Multilingual, Immigrant Students? [Paper presentation]. International Convention of Psychological Science, Amsterdam, Netherlands.

SONNLEITNER, P. (February 2015). Heterogenität im Unterricht: Welche Möglichkeiten bieten neue Medien? [Paper presentation]. Invited presentation at the Journée pédagogique Atert-Lycée Redange, Redange, Luxembourg.

DIERENDONCK, C., MILMEISTER, M., MILMEISTER, P., WEIS, C., REICHERT, M., UGEN, S., KELLER, U., SONNLEITNER, P., & MARTIN, R. (2015). Mise en place d’une démarche qualité pour le dispositif ÉpStan. In R. MARTIN, S. UGEN, ... A. FISCHBACH (Eds.), Épreuves Standardisées: Bildungsmonitoring für Luxemburg. Nationaler Bericht 2011 bis 2013 (pp. 98-109). Esch/ Alzette, Unknown/unspecified: University of Luxembourg, LUCET.

KELLER, U., VILLANYI, D., FISCHBACH, A., LORPHELIN, D., SONNLEITNER, P., MULLER, C., & MARTIN, R. (2015). Unterschiede zwischen Schulformen. In R. MARTIN, S. UGEN, ... A. FISCHBACH (Eds.), Épreuves Standardisées: Bildungsmonitoring für Luxemburg. Nationaler Bericht 2011 bis 2013 (pp. 58-71). Esch/Alzette, Unknown/unspecified: University of Luxembourg, LUCET.

MULLER, C., REICHERT, M., GAMO, S., HOFFMANN, D., HORNUNG, C., SONNLEITNER, P., WROBEL, G., & MARTIN, R. (2015). Kompetenzunterschiede aufgrund des Schülerhintergrundes. In R. MARTIN, S. UGEN, ... A. FISCHBACH (Eds.), Épreuves Standardisées: Bildungsmonitoring für Luxemburg. Nationaler Bericht 2011 bis 2013 (pp. 34-56). Esch/ Alzette, Unknown/unspecified: University of Luxembourg, LUCET.

GREIFF, S., STADLER, M., SONNLEITNER, P., WOLFF, C., & MARTIN, R. (2015). Sometimes less is more. Comparing the validity of complex problem solving measures. Intelligence, 50, 100-113. doi:10.1016/j.intell.2015.02.007
Peer reviewed

REICHERT, M., SONNLEITNER, P., & MARTIN, R. (26 August 2014). Reading in German versus reading in French: Are there different attributes that determine the difficulty of reading comprehension items in both languages? [Poster presentation]. Monique REICHERT, Rotterdam, Netherlands.

SONNLEITNER, P. (August 2014). A short Glance at the Luxembourg Centre for Educational Testing: Research on Students’ Complex Problem Solving Abilities and Cognitive Task Characteristics [Paper presentation]. Invited presentation at the Department of Psychology, University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam, Netherlands.

SONNLEITNER, P., WROBEL, G., & REICHERT, M. (July 2014). Do cognitive processes involved in solving reading comprehension items differ in students with differing language background? [Paper presentation]. The 9th Conference of the International Test Commission, San Sebastian, Spain.

GAMO, S., SONNLEITNER, P., HORNUNG, C., LORPHELIN, D., KELLER, U., & MARTIN, R. (June 2014). Différence de genre en mathématiques chez les élèves de 3ème et 9ème année d’étude : Etude à grande échelle au Grand-Duché de Luxembourg [Poster presentation]. 21èmes Journées Internationales de Psychologie Différentielle, JIPD, Paris, France.

SONNLEITNER, P., GAMO, S., HORNUNG, C., FISCHBACH, A., DIERENDONCK, C., UGEN, S., KELLER, U., LORPHELIN, D., & MARTIN, R. (April 2014). Assessing Mathematical Competencies within the Luxembourgish School Monitoring Program: Covering the range from 1st to 9th grade [Paper presentation]. 6th Expert Meeting on Mathematical Thinking and Learning, Leiden, Netherlands.

GAMO, S., SONNLEITNER, P., HORNUNG, C., LORPHELIN, D., KELLER, U., & MARTIN, R. (30 March 2014). Gender differences in mathematics achievement in 3rd and 9th grade students: A large-scale study in Luxembourg [Poster presentation]. 6th Expert Meeting on Mathematical Thinking and Learning, Leiden, Leiden, Netherlands.

SONNLEITNER, P., Brunner, M., KELLER, U., & MARTIN, R. (2014). Differential relations between facets of complex problem solving and students’ immigration background. Journal of Educational Psychology, Advance online publication. doi:10.1037/a0035506
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SONNLEITNER, P., REICHERT, M., & UGEN, S. (2014). Item Development and Test Compilation. In A. FISCHBACH, S. UGEN, ... R. MARTIN (Eds.), ÉpStan Technical Report (pp. 5-11). Luxembourg, Luxembourg: University of Luxembourg.

SONNLEITNER, P., REICHERT, M., WROBEL, G., HORNUNG, C., HOFFMANN, D., GAMO, S., & VILLANYI, D. (January 2014). Qualitätssicherung der Itementwicklung zur Überprüfung der luxemburgischen Bildungsstandards [Paper presentation]. Scientific exchange, Kiel, Germany.

DIERENDONCK, C., SONNLEITNER, P., UGEN, S., KELLER, U., FISCHBACH, A., & MARTIN, R. (August 2013). La mesure de la motivation et de l'effort des élèves dans le cadre des épreuves standardisées au Luxembourg [Paper presentation]. Congrès AREF 2013.

GREIFF, S., Fischer, A., Wüstenberg, S., SONNLEITNER, P., Brunner, M., & MARTIN, R. (2013). A multitrait-multimethod study of assessment instruments for Complex Problem Solving. Intelligence, 41, 579-596. doi:10.1016/j.intell.2013.07.012
Peer reviewed

SONNLEITNER, P., Brunner, M., KELLER, U., & MARTIN, R. (2013). The Genetics Lab: A case study on computer-based assessment within a multilingual sample of „digital natives“ [Paper presentation]. 12th European Conference on Psychological Assessment.

Böhm, B., FISCHBACH, A., UGEN, S., MULLER, C., REICHERT, M., SONNLEITNER, P., KELLER, U., Bertemes, J., & MARTIN, R. (2013). Luxemburger Schülerinnen und Schüler im internationalen Vergleich. In SCRIPT & EMACS (Eds.), PISA 2012. Nationaler Bericht Luxemburg (pp. 37-58). Luxembourg, Unknown/unspecified: MENFP.

KELLER, U., SONNLEITNER, P., VILLANYI, D., FISCHBACH, A., LORPHELIN, D., UGEN, S., Böhm, B., & MARTIN, R. (2013). Unterschiede zwischen Schulformen und das Pilotprojekt PROCI. In SCRIPT & EMACS (Eds.), PISA 2012. Nationaler Bericht Luxemburg (pp. 88-99). Luxembourg, Unknown/unspecified: MENFP.

Brunner, M., GOGOL, K., SONNLEITNER, P., KELLER, U., Krauss, S., & Preckel, F. (2013). Gender Differences in the Mean Level, Variability, and Profile Shape of Student Achievement: Results From 41 Countries. Intelligence, 41 (5), 378-395. doi:10.1016/j.intell.2013.05.009
Peer reviewed

SONNLEITNER, P., KELLER, U., MARTIN, R., & Brunner, M. (2013). Students’ Complex Problem-Solving Abilities: Their Structure and Relations to Reasoning Ability and Educational Success. Intelligence, 41 (5), 289-305. doi:10.1016/j.intell.2013.05.002
Peer reviewed

Mayer, H., Hazotte, C., Djaghloul, Y., Latour, T., SONNLEITNER, P., Brunner, M., KELLER, U., FRANÇOIS, E., & MARTIN, R. (2013). Using Complex Problem Solving Simulations for General Cognitive Ability Assessment: the Genetics Lab Framework. International Journal of Information Science and Intelligent System, 2 (4), 71-88.
Peer reviewed

SONNLEITNER, P., Mayer, H., KELLER, U., & Hazotte, C. (2012). User’s guide to apply, configure and adapt the Genetics Lab. ORBilu-University of Luxembourg.

SONNLEITNER, P., Brunner, M., KELLER, U., Hazotte, C., Mayer, H., Latour, T., & MARTIN, R. (2012). The Genetics Lab_Theoretical background & psychometric evaluation. Luxembourg: University of Luxembourg.

SONNLEITNER, P., Brunner, M., GREIFF, S., Funke, J., KELLER, U., MARTIN, R., Hazotte, C., Mayer, H., & Latour, T. (2012). The Genetics Lab. Acceptance and psychometric characteristics of a computer-based microworld to assess Complex Problem Solving. Psychological Test and Assessment Modeling, 54, 54-72.
Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi

SONNLEITNER, P., Brunner, M., KELLER, U., Latour, T., & MARTIN, R. (2012). Intelligence as assessed by modern computer-based problem solving scenarios [Paper presentation]. The 8th Conference of the International Test Commission, Amsterdam, Netherlands.

Kubinger, K. D., Weitensfelder, L., Frebort, M., & SONNLEITNER, P. (2012). Non‐cognitive vs. cognitive predictors for academic success –opportunities and limits of self‐assessments illustrated by the Viennese products [Paper presentation]. Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association 2012.

SONNLEITNER, P., Brunner, M., KELLER, U., Hazotte, C., Mayer, H., Latour, T., & MARTIN, R. (2012). The Genetics Lab: a computer-based test to assess students' complex problem solving abilities. Luxembourg: University of Luxembourg.

KELLER, U., & SONNLEITNER, P. (2012). Genetics Lab scoring algorithm. Luxembourg: University of Luxembourg.

SONNLEITNER, P., BRUNNER, M., KELLER, U., GREIFF, S., Funke, J., MARTIN, R., Latour, T., Hazotte, C., & Mayer, H. (26 September 2011). Genetics Lab: Intelligenzdiagnostik durch computerbasierte Problemlöseszenarien: Konstruktvalidität, Testmotivation und der Mehrwert von Prozessmaßen [Paper presentation]. 11th Conference of the DPPD, Saarbrücken, Germany.

SONNLEITNER, P., BRUNNER, M., KELLER, U., GREIFF, S., Funke, J., MARTIN, R., Latour, T., Hazotte, C., & Mayer, H. (27 April 2011). The Genetics Lab: On the usability and psychometric properties of a newly developed microworld to assess Complex Problem Solving in student samples [Paper presentation]. 3rd Szeged Workshop on Educational Evaluation, Hungary.

SONNLEITNER, P., Brunner, M., KELLER, U., GREIFF, S., Funke, J., & MARTIN, R. (2011). Challenges of modern Computer Based Assessment: Usability, Scoring, and “Digital Natives” [Paper presentation]. TAO Days 2011, Luxembourg, Luxembourg.

SONNLEITNER, P., Brunner, M., KELLER, U., MARTIN, R., Latour, T., Hazotte, C., & Mayer, H. (2011). Assessing Intelligence for Education in the 21st Century: The Benefits of Microworlds [Paper presentation]. Congress of the International Society for the Study of Individual Differences, London, United Kingdom.

SONNLEITNER, P., Brunner, M., KELLER, U., MARTIN, R., & Latour Thibaud. (2011). The Genetics Lab - A new Computer-Based Problem Solving Scenario to assess Intelligence [Paper presentation]. 11th European Conference on Psychological Assessment, Riga, Latvia.

Hazotte, C., Mayer, H., Djaghloul, Y., Latour, T., SONNLEITNER, P., Brunner, M., & MARTIN, R. (2011). The Genetics Lab: An Innovative Tool for Assessment of Intelligence by Mean of Complex Problem Solving [Paper presentation]. The International Conference on Informatics Engineering & Information Science, Malaysia.

Brunner, M., KELLER, U., SONNLEITNER, P., GOGOL, K., & Preckel, F. (2011). Geschlechtsunterschiede in Lesen und Mathematik: Ergebnisse aus 69 Ländern [Paper presentation]. 11. Arbeitstagung der Fachgruppe Differentielle Psychologie, Persönlichkeitspsychologie und Psychologische Diagnostik, Saarbrücken, Germany.

Brunner, M., KELLER, U., SONNLEITNER, P., GOGOL, K., & Preckel, F. (2011). Geschlechtsunterschiede in Schülerleistungen und in der Lernmotivation: Eine internationale Perspektive [Paper presentation]. 13. Fachgruppentagung Pädagogische Psychologie der DGPs, Erfurt, Germany.

Kubinger, K., Hohensinn, C., Hofer, S., Khorramdel, L., Frebort, M., Holocher-Ertl, S., Reif, M., & SONNLEITNER, P. (2011). Designing the test booklets for Rasch model calibration in a large-scale assessment with reference to numerous moderator variables and several ability dimensions. Educational Research and Evaluation, 17 (6), 483-495. doi:10.1080/13803611.2011.632666
Peer reviewed

SONNLEITNER, P., Brunner, M., KELLER, U., GREIFF, S., Funke, J., & MARTIN, R. (2010). Wandel im Bildungswesen, zunehmende Komplexität und Web 2.0: Sind traditionelle Intelligenztests noch "up to date"? [Poster presentation]. 47.Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie, Bremen, Germany.

SONNLEITNER, P., GREIFF, S., BRUNNER, M., KELLER, U., MARTIN, R., Latour, T., & Funke, J. (06 September 2009). COGSIM. Measuring general cognitive ability using computer-based complex problem solving scenarios [Paper presentation]. Invited Symposium, Walferdange, Luxembourg.

SONNLEITNER, P. (2009). Versuch eines Konstruktionsrationals zum Leseverständnis: Entwicklung und Evaluation auf Basis kognitiver Modelle [Paper presentation]. 10. Arbeitstagung der Fachgruppe für Differentielle Psychologie, Persönlichkeitspsychologie und Psychologische Diagnostik, Landau, Germany.

SONNLEITNER, P., Hohensinn, C., Kubinger, K. D., Khorramdel, L., Schleicher, E., & Reif, M. (2009). Does the position of correct answers in multiple-choice items influence item difficulty? [Paper presentation]. 11th European Congress of Psychology, Oslo, Norway.

SONNLEITNER, P., Kubinger, K. D., & Schleicher, E. (2009). Instrumente zur informellen Kompetenzmessung (IKM) [Paper presentation]. Kick-off meeting „Implementierung der Bildungsstandards“, Salzburg, Austria.

SONNLEITNER, P., Kubinger, K. D., & Frebort, M. (2009). Das Wiener Self-Assessment Psychologie mit seinen Verfahren der experimentalpsychologischen Verhaltensdiagnostik zur Messung studienfachübergreifender Soft Skills. In G. Rudinger & K. Hörsch (Eds.), Self-Assessment an Hochschulen: Von der Studienfachwahl zur Profilbildung (pp. 63-72). Göttingern, Germany: V&R unipress.
Peer reviewed

SONNLEITNER, P. (2008). Using the LLTM to evaluate an item-generating system for reading comprehension. Psychology Science Quarterly, 50 (3), 345-362.
Peer reviewed

SONNLEITNER, P. (2008). Using the LLTM to determine an item-generating system for reading comprehension [Poster presentation]. XXIXth International Congress of Psychology, Berlin, Germany.

Hohensinn, C., Kubinger, K. D., Holocher-Ertl, S., Reif, M., Khorramdel, L., SONNLEITNER, P., Gruber, K., & Frebort, M. (2008). Measuring the effect of multiple choice response format by some IRT models [Paper presentation]. XXIXth International Congress of Psychology, Berlin, Germany.

Kubinger, K. D., Frebort, M., Khorramdel, L., Weitensfelder, L., SONNLEITNER, P., Hohensinn, C., Reif, M., Gruber, K., & Holocher-Ertl, S. (2008). Large Scale Assessment at the Austrian Educational Standards: a Review. Testing International, 19, 15-16.
Peer reviewed

SONNLEITNER, P. (2007). Entwicklung und Bewährung eines Regelkatalogs zur Itemerstellung [Paper presentation]. DACHL-Tagung, Klagenfurt, Austria.

Poinstingl, H., Kubinger, K. D., & SONNLEITNER, P. (2007). Das LLTM zur Ermittlung von Itemkonstruktionsartefakten - am Beispiel des Verwandtschaften Reasoning-Tests (VRT) [Paper presentation]. 9.Arbeitstagung der Fachgruppe für Differentielle Psychologie, Persönlichkeitspsychologie und Psychologische Diagnostik, Vienna, Austria.

Kubinger, K. D., Frebort, M., Holocher-Ertl, S., Khorramdel, L., SONNLEITNER, P., Weitensfelder, L., Hohensinn, C., & Reif, M. (2007). Large-Scale Assessments zu den Bildungsstandards in Österreich: Testkonzept, Testdurchführung und Ergebnisverwertung. Erziehung und Unterricht, 157, 588-599.
Peer reviewed

Frebort, M., Khorramdel, L., Holocher-Ertl, S., SONNLEITNER, P., Weitensfelder, L., & Kubinger, K. D. (2007). Entwicklung von Standard-Tests zur Überprüfung der Bildungsstandards für Mathematik und Deutsch am Ende der 4. und 8. Schulstufe (Testungen 2006 und 2007). Vienna, Austria: University of Vienna.

Gruber, K., Reif, M., Hohensinn, C., Kubinger, K. D., SONNLEITNER, P., & Frebort, M. (2007). Testtheoretische Analyse des Lese-Kompetenztests (8. Schulstufe) gemäß Bildungsstandards (Phase 2:2007). Vienna, Austria: University of Vienna.

Hohensinn, C., Reif, M., Gruber, K., Kubinger, K. D., SONNLEITNER, P., & Frebort, M. (2007). Testtheoretische Analyse des Lese-Kompetenztests (4. Schulstufe) gemäß Bildungsstandards (Phase 1: 2006). Vienna, Austria: University of Vienna.

Hohensinn, C., Reif, M., Gruber, K., Kubinger, K. D., SONNLEITNER, P., & Frebort, M. (2007). Testtheoretische Analyse des Lese-Kompetenztests (8. Schulstufe) gemäß Bildungsstandards (Phase 1: 2006). Vienna, Austria: University of Vienna.

Gruber, K., Reif, M., Hohensinn, C., Kubinger, K. D., SONNLEITNER, P., & Frebort, M. (2007). Testtheoretische Analyse des Lese-Kompetenztests (4. Schulstufe) gemäß Bildungsstandards (Phase 2:2007). Vienna, Austria: University of Vienna.

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