
HORNUNG Caroline

University of Luxembourg

Main Referenced Co-authors
MARTIN, Romain  (33)
SCHILTZ, Christine  (30)
FISCHBACH, Antoine  (28)
HOFFMANN, Danielle  (25)
UGEN, Sonja  (25)
Main Referenced Keywords
Luxembourg (11); mathematics (8); COVID (6); educational inequalities (6); academic achievement (4);
Main Referenced Unit & Research Centers
Faculty of Language and Literature, Humanities, Arts and Education (FLSHASE) > Luxembourg Centre for Educational Testing (LUCET) (12)
Education, Culture, Cognition & Society (ECCS) > Institute of Cognitive Science and Assessment (COSA) (4)
Luxembourg Centre for Educational Testing (LUCET) (1)
Main Referenced Disciplines
Education & instruction (52)
Theoretical & cognitive psychology (16)
Neurosciences & behavior (10)
Social & behavioral sciences, psychology: Multidisciplinary, general & others (3)
Social, industrial & organizational psychology (1)

Publications (total 77)

The most downloaded
HORNUNG, C., KAUFMANN, L. M., OTTENBACHER, M., WETH, C., WOLLSCHLÄGER, R., UGEN, S., & FISCHBACH, A. (2023). Early childhood education and care in Luxembourg. Attendance and associations with early learning performance. Esch-sur-Alzette, Luxembourg: Luxembourg Center of Educational Testing (LUCET). doi:10.48746/epstanalpha2023pr

The most cited

89 citations (Scopus®)

HORNUNG, C., SCHILTZ, C., BRUNNER, M., & MARTIN, R. (01 April 2014). Predicting first-grade mathematics achievement: the contributions of domain-general cognitive abilities, nonverbal number sense, and early number competence. Frontiers in Psychology, 5, 1-17. doi:10.3389/fpsyg.2014.00272

COLLING, J., HORNUNG, C., ESCH, P., KELLER, U., HELLWIG, A.-L., & UGEN, S. (2024). Literacy Acquisition in German or French in the Pilot Project “Zesumme wuessen!” – Preliminary ÉpStan Results of Student Characteristics, Achievement, Motivation, and Parental Support. Esch-sur-Alzette, Luxembourg: Luxembourg Centre for Educational Testing (LUCET). doi:10.48746/ALPHA2024

Schlüter, B., HORNUNG, C. (Other coll.), & KAUFMANN, L. M. (Other coll.). (2024). Fördern Crèche, Précoce und Vorschulen den Spracherwerb? Esch-sur-Alzette, Luxembourg: University of Luxembourg.

HORNUNG, C.* , & UGEN, S.*. (2024). Rencontre autour des inégalités scolaires au Luxembourg [Paper presentation]. Rencontre autour des inégalités scolaires au Luxembourg, Mamer, Luxembourg.
* These authors have contributed equally to this work.

HORNUNG, C. (28 February 2024). Classroom-based large-scale assessment in Luxembourg: Mathematics in Grade 1 [Paper presentation]. Symposium “Mathematic assessments and advanced psychometric applications & challenges”, Dortmund, Germany.

KAUFMANN, L. M., WETH, C., FISCHBACH, A., & HORNUNG, C. (09 November 2023). Can language skills in Luxembourgish be a stepping stone to German? Evidence against the transfer assumption [Poster presentation]. LuxERA Emerging Researcher's Conference, Belval, Luxembourg.
Peer reviewed

KAUFMANN, L. M., WETH, C., OTTENBACHER, M., FISCHBACH, A., & HORNUNG, C. (21 August 2023). Early Childhood Education and Care in Luxembourg and Language: Performance Closing the Gap between different Language Backgrounds? [Paper presentation]. ERC/ECER, Glasgow, United Kingdom.

HORNUNG, C., KAUFMANN, L. M., OTTENBACHER, M., WETH, C., WOLLSCHLÄGER, R., UGEN, S., & FISCHBACH, A. (2023). Early childhood education and care in Luxembourg. Attendance and associations with early learning performance. Esch-sur-Alzette, Luxembourg: Luxembourg Center of Educational Testing (LUCET). doi:10.48746/epstanalpha2023pr

INOSTROZA FERNANDEZ, P. I., MICHELS, M. A., HORNUNG, C., GAMO, S., KELLER, U., Gierl, M., CARDOSO-LEITE, P., FISCHBACH, A., & SONNLEITNER, P. (14 April 2023). The impact of cognitive characteristics and image-based semantic embeddings on item difficulty [Paper presentation]. Annual Meeting of the National Council on Measurement in Education.

SONNLEITNER, P., INOSTROZA FERNANDEZ, P. I., MICHELS, M. A., HORNUNG, C., GAMO, S., & KELLER, U. (13 April 2023). Benefits of Using Cognitive Models Within a Mathematics Large-Scale Assessment [Paper presentation]. Annual Meeting of the National Council on Measurement in Education.

HORNUNG, C. (17 November 2022). The crucial role of language in mathematical development [Paper presentation]. Patterns of linguistic inequalities in education, Edupôle Walferdange, Luxembourg.

KAUFMANN, L. M., FISCHBACH, A., OTTENBACHER, M., & HORNUNG, C. (10 November 2022). Early Childhood Education and Care in Luxembourg - Is attendance influenced by immigration background and socioeconomic status? [Poster presentation]. LuxERA Conference 2022, University of Luxembourg, Campus Belval, Luxembourg.

MICHELS, M. A., HORNUNG, C., GAMO, S., Roeder, M., Gierl, M., CARDOSO-LEITE, P., FISCHBACH, A., & SONNLEITNER, P. (November 2022). Validation and Psychometric Analysis of 32 cognitive item models spanning Grades 1 to 7 in the mathematical domain of numbers & operations [Paper presentation]. Luxembourg Educational Research Association Conference 2022, Esch-sur-Alzette, Luxembourg.

FISCHBACH, A., COLLING, J., LEVY, J., PIT-TEN CATE, I., ROSA, C., KRÄMER, C., KELLER, U., GAMO, S., HORNUNG, C., SONNLEITNER, P., UGEN, S., ESCH, P., & WOLLSCHLÄGER, R. (2022). Findings from the ÉpStan National Education Monitoring against the Background of the COVID-19 Pandemic. ORBilu-University of Luxembourg. doi:10.48746/bb2021LU-EN-34

MICHELS, M. A., HORNUNG, C., GAMO, S., Roeder, M., Gierl, M., CARDOSO-LEITE, P., FISCHBACH, A., & SONNLEITNER, P. (09 March 2022). Validierung und psychometrische Analyse automatisch generierter Mathematikaufgaben im Bereich Zahlen und Operationen [Paper presentation]. 9. GEBF-Tagung, Bamberg, Germany.

FISCHBACH, A., COLLING, J., LEVY, J., PIT-TEN CATE, I., ROSA, C., KRÄMER, C., KELLER, U., GAMO, S., HORNUNG, C., SONNLEITNER, P., UGEN, S., ESCH, P., & WOLLSCHLÄGER, R. (2022). Findings from the ÉpStan National Education Monitoring against the Background of the COVID-19 Pandemic. Online Supplement. ORBilu-University of Luxembourg. doi:10.48746/bb2021LU-EN-34b

HORNUNG, C., WOLLSCHLÄGER, R., KELLER, U., ESCH, P., MULLER, C., & FISCHBACH, A. (2021). Neue längsschnittliche Befunde aus dem nationalen Bildungsmonitoring ÉpStan in der 1. und 3. Klasse: Negativer Trend in der Kompetenzentwicklung und kein Erfolg bei Klassenwiederholungen. In LUCET & SCRIPT, Nationaler Bildungsbericht Luxemburg 2021 (pp. 44-55). Esch-sur-Alzette, Luxembourg: University og Luxembourg. doi:10.48746/bb2021lu-de-14a
Peer reviewed

ERTEL SILVA, C., HORNUNG, C., & SCHILTZ, C. (2021). Sprach- und Leseunterschiede zwischen portugiesischen Migrantenkindern mit und ohne Klassenwiederholung in Luxemburg. In University of Luxembourg, LUCET & Ministère de l’Éducation nationale, de l’Enfance et de la Jeunesse, SCRIPT, Nationaler Bildungsbericht Luxemburg 2021. Esch-sur-Alzette, Luxembourg: LUCET, & SCRIPT (Eds.). doi:10.48746/bb2021lu-de-15

ERTEL SILVA, C., HORNUNG, C., & SCHILTZ, C. (2021). Différences de performance dans les compétences langagières et en lecture entre élèves à parcours scolaire régulier et irrégulier, issus de familles immigrées portugaises au Luxembourg. In University of Luxembourg, LUCET & Ministère de l’Éducation nationale, de l’Enfance et de la Jeunesse, SCRIPT (Eds.), Rapport national sur l’éducation au Luxembourg 2021. Esch-sur-Alzette, Luxembourg: University of Luxembourg/MENJE, Script. doi:10.48746/bb2021lu-fr-15

HORNUNG, C., WOLLSCHLÄGER, R., KELLER, U., ESCH, P., MULLER, C., & FISCHBACH, A. (2021). Nouveaux résultats longitudinaux issus du monitoring scolaire national ÉpStan en première et troisième année scolaire (cycles 2.1 et 3.1) : tendance négative au niveau du développement des compétences et redoublements inefficaces. In LUCET & SCRIPT, Rapport national sur l’éducation au Luxembourg 2021 (pp. 44-55). Esch-sur-Alzette, Luxembourg: University og Luxembourg. doi:10.48746/bb2021lu-fr-14
Peer reviewed

FISCHBACH, A., COLLING, J., LEVY, J., PIT-TEN CATE, I., ROSA, C., KRÄMER, C., KELLER, U., GAMO, S., HORNUNG, C., SONNLEITNER, P., UGEN, S., ESCH, P., & WOLLSCHLÄGER, R. (2021). Résultats du monitoring scolaire national ÉpStan dans le contexte de la pandémie de COVID-19 (Matériels supplémentaires). In LUCET & SCRIPT (Eds.), Rapport National sur l´Éducation au Luxembourg 2021. Esch-sur-Alzette, Luxembourg: University of Luxembourg. doi:10.48746/BB2021LU-FR-34B
Peer reviewed

FISCHBACH, A., COLLING, J., LEVY, J., PIT-TEN CATE, I., ROSA, C., KRÄMER, C., KELLER, U., GAMO, S., HORNUNG, C., SONNLEITNER, P., UGEN, S., ESCH, P., & WOLLSCHLÄGER, R. (2021). Befunde aus dem nationalen Bildungsmonitoring ÉpStan vor dem Hintergrund der COVID-19 Pandemie (Supplement). In LUCET & SCRIPT (Eds.), Nationaler Bildungsbericht Luxemburg 2021. Esch-sur-Alzette, Luxembourg: University of Luxembourg. doi:10.48746/bb2021lu-de-34b
Peer reviewed

FISCHBACH, A., COLLING, J., LEVY, J., PIT-TEN CATE, I., ROSA, C., KRÄMER, C., KELLER, U., GAMO, S., HORNUNG, C., SONNLEITNER, P., UGEN, S., ESCH, P., & WOLLSCHLÄGER, R. (2021). Befunde aus dem nationalen Bildungsmonitoring ÉpStan vor dem Hintergrund der COVID-19- Pandemie. In LUCET & SCRIPT (Eds.), Nationaler Bildungsbericht Luxemburg 2021 (pp. 141-157). Esch-sur-Alzette, Luxembourg: University of Luxembourg. doi:10.48746/bb2021lu-de-34a
Peer reviewed

FISCHBACH, A., COLLING, J., LEVY, J., PIT-TEN CATE, I., ROSA, C., KRÄMER, C., KELLER, U., GAMO, S., HORNUNG, C., SONNLEITNER, P., UGEN, S., ESCH, P., & WOLLSCHLÄGER, R. (2021). Résultats du monitoring scolaire national ÉpStan dans le contexte de la pandémie de COVID-19. In LUCET & SCRIPT (Eds.), Rapport national sur l’éducation au Luxembourg 2021 (pp. 141-157). Esch-sur-Alzette, Luxembourg: University of Luxembourg. doi:10.48746/bb2021lu-fr-34
Peer reviewed

MICHELS, M. A., HORNUNG, C., INOSTROZA FERNANDEZ, P. I., & SONNLEITNER, P. (11 November 2021). Using Automatic Item Generation in the context of the Épreuves Standardisées (Épstan): A pilot study on effects of altering item characteristics and semantic embeddings [Paper presentation]. LuxERA Emerging Researchers’ Conference 2021.

GREISEN, M., GEORGES, C., HORNUNG, C., SONNLEITNER, P., & SCHILTZ, C. (2021). Learning mathematics with shackles: How lower reading comprehension in the language of mathematics instruction accounts for lower mathematics achievement in speakers of different home languages. Acta Psychologica. doi:10.1016/j.actpsy.2021.103456
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SONNLEITNER, P., & HORNUNG, C. (July 2021). The factor structure of mathematical abilities in Luxembourg’s national school monitoring: Its stability over elementary school and relations to, gender, language background, and SES [Paper presentation]. ITC 2021 colloquium (online).

Braeuning, D., HORNUNG, C., HOFFMANN, D., Lambert, K., UGEN, S., FISCHBACH, A., SCHILTZ, C., Hübner, N., Nagengast, B., & Moeller, K. (2021). Long-term Relevance and Interrelation of Symbolic and Non-symbolic Abilities in Mathematical-numerical Development: Evidence from Large-scale Assessment Data. Cognitive Development, 58, 101008. doi:10.1016/j.cogdev.2021.101008
Peer reviewed

GEORGES, C., Hoffmann, D., HORNUNG, C., Muller, C., SONNLEITNER, P., SCHILTZ, C., & UGEN, S. (Eds.). (2021). LEARN Newsletter - Édition 2021. Esch-sur-Alzette, Luxembourg: LEARN.

GEORGES, C., HOFFMANN, D., HORNUNG, C., MULLER, C., SONNLEITNER, P., SCHILTZ, C., & UGEN, S. (Eds.). (2021). LEARN Newsletter - Editioun 2021. Esch-sur-Alzette, Luxembourg: LEARN.

HORNUNG, C., WOLLSCHLÄGER, R., & SCHILTZ, C. (2021). Rechenstörungen. In S. UGEN, C. SCHILTZ, A. FISCHBACH, ... I. PIT-TEN CATE, Lernstörungen im multilingualen Kontext: Diagnose und Hilfestellungen (pp. 25-39). Esch-sur-Alzette, Luxembourg: Melusina Press.

WOLLSCHLÄGER, R., HORNUNG, C., SONNLEITNER, P., HOFFMANN, D., PIT-TEN CATE, I., & FISCHBACH, A. (July 2020). A propensity score matching approach on predicting academic success of primary school students [Paper presentation]. 12th Conference of the International Test Commission, Esch-sur-Alzette, Luxembourg.

Van Rinsveld, A., HORNUNG, C., & Fayol, M. (January 2020). Finger Rapid Automatized Naming (RAN) predicts the development of numerical representations better than finger gnosis. Cognitive Development, 53, 100842. doi:10.1016/j.cogdev.2019.100842
Peer reviewed

ERTEL SILVA, C., Alieva, A., HORNUNG, C., & SCHILTZ, C. (06 November 2019). The effect of grade retention on reading skills of immigrant children in multilingual elementary school. A longitudinal study [Paper presentation]. LuxERA Emerging Researchers Conference, Esch-sur-Alzette, Luxembourg.

WOLLSCHLÄGER, R., HOFFMANN, D., HORNUNG, C., SONNLEITNER, P., PIT-TEN CATE, I., & FISCHBACH, A. (06 November 2019). Predicting Academic Success in Early Primary School: A Propensity Score Matching Approach [Paper presentation]. 1st LuxERA Emerging Researchers Conference, Esch-sur-Alzette, Luxembourg, Luxembourg.

HOFFMANN, D., HORNUNG, C., GAMO, S., ESCH, P., KELLER, U., & FISCHBACH, A. (2018). Les compétences scolaires des enfants au début du cycle 2 de l'école fondamentale au Luxembourg et leur développement après deux ans. Esch-sur-Alzette, Luxembourg: Luxembourg Centre for Educational Testing, Universität Luxemburg - Service de la Coordination de la Recherche et de l'Innovation pédagogiques et technologiques.

HOFFMANN, D., HORNUNG, C., GAMO, S., ESCH, P., KELLER, U., & FISCHBACH, A. (2018). Schulische Kompetenzen von Erstklässlern und ihre Entwicklung nach zwei Jahren. Esch-sur-Alzette, Luxembourg: Luxembourg Centre for Educational Testing, Universität Luxemburg - Service de la Coordination de la Recherche et de l'Innovation pédagogiques et technologiques.

Braeuning, D., HORNUNG, C., HOFFMANN, D., Lambert, K., UGEN, S., FISCHBACH, A., SCHILTZ, C., & Moeller, K. (September 2018). Differential association of symbolic and non-symbolic numerical abilities in children with and without MLD – Evidence from large scale assessment data [Poster presentation]. Biennial EARLI SIG 15 "Special Educational Needs" Conference, Potsdam, Germany.

GREISEN, M., HORNUNG, C., & SCHILTZ, C. (28 June 2018). Project NUMTEST: Assessing basic number competence without language [Poster presentation]. Third Jean Piaget Conference: The origins of number, Geneva, Switzerland.

GREISEN, M., HORNUNG, C., BAUDSON, T. G., MULLER, C., MARTIN, R., & SCHILTZ, C. (2018). Taking Language out of the Equation: The Assessment of Basic Math Competence Without Language. Frontiers in Psychology. doi:10.3389/fpsyg.2018.01076
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GAMO, S., SONNLEITNER, P., HOFFMANN, D., HORNUNG, C., UGEN, S., KELLER, U., & FISCHBACH, A. (11 January 2018). Parcours scolaires et performance mathématique des élèves scolarisés au Luxembourg : Effet du contexte langagier et socio-économiques [Paper presentation]. 30 ème colloque de l'ADMEE-EUROPE, Esch-Belval, Luxembourg.

CORNU, V., SCHILTZ, C., MARTIN, R., & HORNUNG, C. (2018). Visuo-spatial abilities are key for young children’s verbal number skills. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 166C, 604-620. doi:10.1016/j.jecp.2017.09.006
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GEORGES, C., HOFFMANN, D., HORNUNG, C., MARTIN, R., MULLER, C., SCHILTZ, C., SCHULLER, A.-M., & UGEN, S. (Eds.). (2018). LEARN Newsletter - Editioun 2018. Esch/Alzette, Luxembourg: LEARN.

GEORGES, C., HOFFMANN, D., HORNUNG, C., MARTIN, R., MULLER, C., SCHILTZ, C., SCHULLER, A.-M., & UGEN, S. (Eds.). (2018). LEARN Newsletter - Édition 2018. Esch/Alzette, Luxembourg: LEARN.

HORNUNG, C., MARTIN, R., & FAYOL, M. (2017). General and Specific Contributions of RAN to Reading and Arithmetic Fluency in First Graders: A Longitudinal Latent Variable Approach. Frontiers in Psychology. doi:10.3389/fpsyg.2017.01746
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CORNU, V., SCHILTZ, C., MARTIN, R., & HORNUNG, C. (September 2017). The relevance of verbal and visuo-spatial abilities for verbal number skills – what matters in 5 to 6 year olds? [Poster presentation]. Workshop "Linguistic and cognitive influences on numerical cognition", University of Tübingen, Germany.

HORNUNG, C., MARTIN, R., & FAYOL, M. (05 July 2017). The power of vowels: Contributions of vowel, consonant and digit RAN to clinical approaches in reading development. Learning and Individual Differences, 57, 85-102. doi:10.1016/j.lindif.2017.06.006
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GREISEN, M., HORNUNG, C., MARTIN, R., & SCHILTZ, C. (31 May 2017). Project NUMTEST: Assessing basic number competence without language [Poster presentation]. Annual Meeting of the Belgian Association for Psychological Sciences, Brussels, Belgium.

CORNU, V., MARTIN, R., & HORNUNG, C. (22 February 2017). Visuo-spatial abilities are key for children’s verbal number skills [Poster presentation]. The origins of numerical abilities, United Kingdom. doi:10.1016/j.jecp.2017.09.006

GREISEN, M., SCHILTZ, C., HORNUNG, C. (Other coll.), & MARTIN, R. (Other coll.). (20 February 2017). Project NUMTEST; Assessing basic number competence without language [Poster presentation]. The origins of numerical abilities, London, United Kingdom.

HOFFMANN, D., HORNUNG, C., MARTIN, R., SCHILTZ, C., SCHULLER, A.-M., & UGEN, S. (Eds.). (2017). LEARN Newsletter - Éditioun 2017: Multilinguisme. Esch/Alzette, Luxembourg: LEARN.

CORNU, V., HORNUNG, C., SCHILTZ, C., & MARTIN, R. (2017). How Do Different Aspects of Spatial Skills Relate to Early Arithmetic and Number Line Estimation? Journal of Numerical Cognition, 3 (2). doi:10.5964/jnc.v3i2.36
Peer reviewed

HOFFMANN, D., HORNUNG, C., MARTIN, R., SCHILTZ, C., SCHULLER, A.-M., & UGEN, S. (Eds.). (2017). LEARN Newsletter - Editioun 2017: Méisproochegkeet. Esch/Alzette, Luxembourg: LEARN.

CORNU, V., HORNUNG, C., SCHILTZ, C., & MARTIN, R. (29 September 2016). Different aspects of spatial skills and their relation to early mathematics [Poster presentation]. Workshop "Domain-General and Domain-Specific Foundations of Numerical and Arithmetic Processing", Tübingen, Germany.

CORNU, V., & HORNUNG, C. (June 2016). Développement d’un instrument de dépistage des précurseurs cognitifs pour l’apprentissage scolaire dans un contexte multilingue [Poster presentation]. 22ème Journées Internationales de Psychologie Différentielle.

MULLER, C., REICHERT, M., GAMO, S., HOFFMANN, D., HORNUNG, C., SONNLEITNER, P., WROBEL, G., & MARTIN, R. (2015). Kompetenzunterschiede aufgrund des Schülerhintergrundes. In R. MARTIN, S. UGEN, ... A. FISCHBACH (Eds.), Épreuves Standardisées: Bildungsmonitoring für Luxemburg. Nationaler Bericht 2011 bis 2013 (pp. 34-56). Esch/ Alzette, Unknown/unspecified: University of Luxembourg, LUCET.

HORNUNG, C., HOFFMANN, D., LORPHELIN, D., GAMO, S., UGEN, S., FISCHBACH, A., & MARTIN, R. (2015). Allgemeine Befunde zum luxemburgischen Schulwesen. In R. MARTIN, S. UGEN, ... A. FISCHBACH (Eds.), Épreuves Standardisées: Bildungsmonitoring für Luxemburg. Nationaler Bericht 2011 bis 2013 (pp. 22-32). Esch/Alzette, Unknown/unspecified: University of Luxembourg, LUCET.

GAMO, S., SONNLEITNER, P., HORNUNG, C., LORPHELIN, D., KELLER, U., & MARTIN, R. (June 2014). Différence de genre en mathématiques chez les élèves de 3ème et 9ème année d’étude : Etude à grande échelle au Grand-Duché de Luxembourg [Poster presentation]. 21èmes Journées Internationales de Psychologie Différentielle, JIPD, Paris, France.

HORNUNG, C., HOFFMANN, D., LORPHELIN, D., & FISCHBACH, A. (April 2014). Developing a mathematics large-scale assessment at the beginning of first grade in Luxembourg [Poster presentation]. 6th Expert Meeting on Mathematical Thinking and Learning, Leiden, Netherlands.

SONNLEITNER, P., GAMO, S., HORNUNG, C., FISCHBACH, A., DIERENDONCK, C., UGEN, S., KELLER, U., LORPHELIN, D., & MARTIN, R. (April 2014). Assessing Mathematical Competencies within the Luxembourgish School Monitoring Program: Covering the range from 1st to 9th grade [Paper presentation]. 6th Expert Meeting on Mathematical Thinking and Learning, Leiden, Netherlands.

HORNUNG, C., SCHILTZ, C., BRUNNER, M., & MARTIN, R. (01 April 2014). Predicting first-grade mathematics achievement: the contributions of domain-general cognitive abilities, nonverbal number sense, and early number competence. Frontiers in Psychology, 5, 1-17. doi:10.3389/fpsyg.2014.00272
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GAMO, S., SONNLEITNER, P., HORNUNG, C., LORPHELIN, D., KELLER, U., & MARTIN, R. (30 March 2014). Gender differences in mathematics achievement in 3rd and 9th grade students: A large-scale study in Luxembourg [Poster presentation]. 6th Expert Meeting on Mathematical Thinking and Learning, Leiden, Leiden, Netherlands.

SONNLEITNER, P., REICHERT, M., WROBEL, G., HORNUNG, C., HOFFMANN, D., GAMO, S., & VILLANYI, D. (January 2014). Qualitätssicherung der Itementwicklung zur Überprüfung der luxemburgischen Bildungsstandards [Paper presentation]. Scientific exchange, Kiel, Germany.

FISCHBACH, A., UGEN, S., MULLER, C., HORNUNG, C., HOFFMANN, D., & MARTIN, R. (January 2014). Istzustand und Ausbau der Épreuves Standardisées (ÉpStan) [Paper presentation]. Scientific exchange, Kiel, Germany.

HOFFMANN, D., HORNUNG, C., MARTIN, R., & SCHILTZ, C. (December 2013). Developing number–space associations: SNARC effects using a color discrimination task in 5-year-olds. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 116, 775-791. doi:10.1016/j.jecp.2013.07.013
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ENGEL DE ABREU, P., SCHILTZ, C., HOFFMANN, D., MARTIN, R., UGEN, S., SCHULLER, A.-M., & HORNUNG, C. (2013). LEARN stellt sech fier. ORBilu-University of Luxembourg.

HORNUNG, C., HOFFMANN, D., LORPHELIN, D., FISCHBACH, A., UGEN, S., VILLANYI, D., Böhm, B., & MARTIN, R. (2013). Mädchen und Jungen. In SCRIPT & EMACS (Eds.), PISA 2012. Nationaler Bericht Luxemburg (pp. 78-87). Luxembourg, Unknown/unspecified: MENFP.

WROBEL, G., DIERENDONCK, C., FISCHBACH, A., UGEN, S., HOFFMANN, D., HORNUNG, C., GAMO, S., Böhm, B., & MARTIN, R. (2013). Zusammenfassung der Ergebnisse von PISA 2012 / Synthèse des résultats de PISA 2012. In SCRIPT & EMACS (Eds.), PISA 2012. Nationaler Bericht Luxemburg (pp. 123-127). Luxembourg, Unknown/unspecified: MENFP.

ENGEL DE ABREU, P., SCHILTZ, C., HOFFMANN, D., HORNUNG, C., MARTIN, R., SCHULLER, A.-M., & UGEN, S. (2012). LEARN stellt sech fier. ORBilu-University of Luxembourg.

HOFFMANN, D., HORNUNG, C., MARTIN, R., & SCHILTZ, C. (17 July 2012). A developmental investigation of the SNARC effect using a colour discrimination task [Paper presentation]. Workshop “Making Sense of Numbers”, Oxford, United Kingdom.

HOFFMANN, D., HORNUNG, C., Mussolin, C., MARTIN, R., & SCHILTZ, C. (2012). A developmental investigation of the SNARC effect using a colour discrimination task [Poster presentation]. Annual Meeting of the Belgian Association for Psychological Sciences, Liège, Belgium.

HORNUNG, C., BRUNNER, M., REUTER, R., & MARTIN, R. (24 August 2011). Working memory in 5-to-7 year-old children: Its structure and relationship to fluid intelligence [Paper presentation]. 15th European Conference in Developmental Psychology, Bergen, Norway.

HORNUNG, C., Brunner, M., SCHILTZ, C., & MARTIN, R. (11 February 2011). Longitudinal predictors of early mathematics: Number-specific versus domain-general mechanisms? [Poster presentation]. 3rd Expert Meeting on Mathematical Thinking and Learning, Ghent, Belgium.

HOFFMANN, D., HORNUNG, C., Mussolin, C., & SCHILTZ, C. (2011). Developing number-space associations: SNARC effects in a color discrimination task in 11-year-olds [Poster presentation]. 15th European Conference on Developmental Psychology, Bergen, Norway.

HORNUNG, C., BRUNNER, M., REUTER, R., & MARTIN, R. (2011). Children's working memory: Its structure and relationship to fluid intelligence. Intelligence, 39 (4), 210-221. doi:10.1016/j.intell.2011.03.002
Peer reviewed

HORNUNG, C. (2010). Working memory in kindergarten children: Its structure and relationship to fluid intelligence and mathematical abilities [Doctoral thesis, Unilu - University of Luxembourg]. ORBilu-University of Luxembourg.

BRUNNER, M., KELLER, U., HORNUNG, C., REICHERT, M., & MARTIN, R. (2009). The cross-cultural generalizability of a new structural model of academic self-concepts. Learning and Individual Differences, 19, 387-403. doi:10.1016/j.lindif.2008.11.008
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WANTZ, M., MARTIN, R., HORNUNG, C., & SCHILTZ, C. (2007). Computer assisted assessment of visuospatial working memory [Poster presentation]. 17th EECERA Annual Conference : Exploring Vygotsky's Ideas: Crossing Borders.

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