
There are several ways to generate publication lists and reports in ORBilu. You may want to analyse a csv report of publications (for a department/faculty/research unit), export your publications to Zotero or to a CV, search for the publications of a specific author or topic etc. In this article we describe some of the more common ways to use the available tools.  

  • The lists and reports can be customised according to your needs, by selecting year range, type of document(s), keywords, author(s), disciplines etc. 
  • The lists and reports can be exported in multiple formats, depending on which feature you use, e.g. CSV, HTML, PDF, BibTex, RIS depending on which feature you use (search, My Reports, My Widgets)
  • You can select a presentation model in the form of a simple list sorted by 3 criteria or lists made up according to different categories (more information on the presentation model here). 

Create a simple publication list (PDF/HTML) 

  1. In MyOrbilu > My reports: select filters, model and sort order  
  2. Select PDF or HTML output.  
  3. Generate your report. This opens in a new web browser tab. 

If choosing the Html output, you can copy-paste the URL into a browser to view it. 

About this method 

  • Allows you to share a structured list of publications with a maximum of filtering, sorting and index combination possibilities. 
  • You can copy the list of publications from a PDF to another document. 
  • Could be also useful for faculty/department internal evaluation using ‘affiliation’ to filter: 
    • Provided the authors have identified their publications with an authority affiliation* (ex: SnT, INSIDE, Department of Finance…). 
    • Provided those who deposited content on behalf of other authors selected author names from the list of ‘author identifiers’ as provided by ORBilu. We strongly urge you to use author identifiers rather than their names as names are not necessarily unique. 

Link to your ORBilu profile (URL) 

  1. In MyOrbi > My profile: choose the relevant report format and model  
  2. Click on "View profile page". This opens in a new web browser tab.  
  3. Copy-paste its URL to where you would like a link to go.  

About this method 

  • This is useful if you wish to share an active link to your ORBilu profile, which is automatically updated. The link is permanent. 
  • Your profile provides an external link  to your ORCID, automated information on your main areas of research, most used keywords, main co-authors, etc. 
  • See also widget below for an alternative linking method. 

Link to your ORBilu profile (URL) 

  1. In MyOrbi > My profile: choose the relevant report format and model  
  2. Click on "View profile page". This opens in a new web browser tab.  
  3. Copy-paste its URL to where you would like a link to go.  

About this method 

  • This is useful if you wish to share an active link to your ORBilu profile, which is automatically updated. The link is permanent. 
  • Your profile provides an external link  to your ORCID, automated information on your main areas of research, most used keywords, main co-authors, etc. 
  • See also widget below for an alternative linking method. 

Generate a CSV report for analysis 

  1. From the search menu: perform a simple search or start your research with the faceted search options on the left-hand side. 
  2. The faceted search will display the number of records in ORBilu and help you narrow down your search.        
  3. From here you can export your result to CSV format (for spreadsheets) thanks to the “export” action button. 

About this method 

  • The most in-depth method to analyse publications for author(s), affiliations, projects etc.  
  • There are three types of csv files available, one to members of the public (not logged in) providing bibliographic metadata only, UL members (logged in) and admin users (ORBilu team). 
  • If you would like the maximum metadata to analyse in your search, ensure you are logged into ORBilu.  
  • In Excel, import the csv file using ‘'Data’ (tab) and 'From text/CSV'. Then follow instructions in Excel.  

Export a bibliography (RIS or BibTex format) 

  1. From the search menu: perform a simple search or start your research with the faceted search options on the left-hand side.
  2. The faceted search will display the number of records in ORBilu and help you narrow down your search.        
  3. From here you can export your result in RIS or BibTex format thanks to the ‘export’ action button. You can import the file into Zotero, Endnote etc. You can format the references as you wish for whatever your needs may be.  

About this method 

  • This method is useful if you need to write a funding application, to which you need to append a bibliography in a certain format. 
  • Useful if you wish to write a paper where you cite yourself (and generate an automatic reference list), for example with EndNote. 
  • Useful for creating reference lists for reports to funders, or end of year reports. 
  • Useful to maintain your own CV with your list of publications as you have exported from ORBilu in your selected format. 
  • Useful for exporting references into ORCiD.

*With ‘authority affiliation’ we mean metadata that is created by and for UL tools/services, e.g. official data sources such as HR or SAP. 

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