New version ORBilu

Here are some frequently asked questions from our community.


The affiliation shown on your profile is taken from official UL HR records. If you think your affiliation is wrong, please contact HR.

For UL authors, it is possible to define multiple affiliations. Once you have selected the UL author from the list, click on the box. If the UL author was employed elsewhere when the reference was published, de-select all the UL affiliations at the top of the screen and then enter their affiliation at the time of publication using the ‘Other affiliation’ field.

We are looking at options that allow for APIs to extract and share data from ORBilu. If you have a need for this, let us know so that we can consider requirements.

ORBilu is partially automated. With ORBilu, you are more visible on the web.

It allows you to be to import your references by pasting your DOI (digital object identifier) of your published paper and ORBilu will find the record by searching appropriate sources (e.g. Scopus, Web of Science, PubMed and RefWorks). With this method you will no longer have to type in all the metadata of your publication. However, it cannot be fully automated. To protect you and your intellectual property, we ask you to upload your publication and validate that you are the owner of that publication (copyright). By doing this, you fully protect your work and give others the right permissions to access and use your work.

Another example of automation is that you can import your reference list into ORBilu. For example, you can export from ORCID in BibTex format and important into ORBilu. (Read more about ORCID below.)

Another example of automation is that with ORBilu, you are more visible on the web. ORBilu communicates and shares data across various platforms, e.g. the UL website, with search engines, with discovery tools, with repository indexes etc. Also read our OAI-PMH section if you wish to know more about scripts/automation.

DOI: When you publish with a publisher/journal, they will automatically provide you with a DOI. A digital object identifier (DOI) is a persistent identifier used to uniquely identify various objects, standardised by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO). The DOI for a document remains fixed over its lifetime, whereas its location and other metadata may change, it is a more stable link than a standard URL.

Handle: While adding a reference on ORBilu, ORBilu provides you with a permalink, called 'handle'. It starts with “hdl.handle.net (i.e. http://hdl.handle.net/xxxx/xxxx). The Handle System, developed by the Corporation for National Research Initiatives (CNRI) is “a comprehensive system for assigning, managing, and resolving persistent identifiers, known as “handles,” for digital objects and other resources on the Internet” (Handle System Introduction), through a global handle service.

Both the DOI and the Handle are persistent identifiers. The difference is that ORBilu creates the handle at the point of deposit of a document in ORBilu, whereas the DOI is created before a publication is published. If you want to share your work, and need a permalink for dissemination or linking, you can always deposit it on ORBilu and use the ‘handle’, which is an equivalent to a DOI (i.e. persistent identifier). Make sure to use http://hdl.handle.net/10993/xxxxx (and not https://orbilu.uni.lu/handle/10993/xxxxx). If you need to create many documents, perhaps that sit on a unique publication platform, or is not deposited on ORBilu or in a repository, or awarded a DOI by a Publisher, then the University of Luxembourg offers a DOI Creation process.

If you need further information contact us ORBilu@uni.lu

ORBilu V2 now provides more metrics for individual publications and for publications extracted in reporting (metric summary) so that you can get live data on how often your publications were cited, shared on social media and so on. To read more about metrics, navigate to that page under About.

The new version of ORBilu is “responsive design”, this means that the website is available on PC as well as on tablet or smartphone with the same level of comfort. However, we advise you to use a screen large enough to make a publication deposit or to switch to landscape mode when your screen does not allow to display all the content.

You can link your ORBilu to your ORCID profile in just a few clicks. This ensures that any references you deposit on ORBilu will link to your ORCID id and your ORCID profile making you more visible.

Always begin by depositing a reference in ORBilu, as this ensures your content is visible across the web to various harvesters and preferably open access. After a day or two, login to ORCID, select ‘add new’. ORCID should discover your reference either from ORBilu or another source (e.g. BASE). You can then add the reference to your ORCID account automatically. You can also export content from ORCID into ORBilu in BibTeX format.

The persons designated as a representative (proxy) of an author in the current version of ORBilu will also be included as such in the new version.

We have set up an ORBilu user group, representing the research community at the University. There is also an ORBI/ORBilu steering group together with the three partner Universities. These groups will consider new developments based on needs and feedback.

The citation count for a publication currently comes from Scopus and will also be in the new version of ORBilu. See more under Metrics.

You can create a metadata record of your deposited datasets on ORBilu in two ways. If your dataset is linked to a specific publication, you can embed the URL for the dataset within your ORBilu reference for the publication. If you would like to create a metadata record for a deposited dataset (e.g. on Zenodo etc.), you can proceed as normal to ‘add a reference’ manually. When you select publication type, you select ‘Computer developments – Textual, factual or bibliographic database’. This ensures you have selected the right category for your reference. Then proceed to fill in the other fields as necessary.

You can add a publication in various ways:

1. By adding an identifier (DOI, Pubmed, Scopus, arXiv) and it is automatically retrieved when possible, and you can complete missing or additional fields. This is the quickest method and will take less than a minute. Remember to add the manuscript to enable Open Access.
2.By manual entry - enter the metadata of the publication and upload the manuscript.
3. By direct deposit - add the styled PDF of the reference by dragging and dropping, the software will retrieve metadata from your publication where possible and you need to complete missing or additional fields.
4. By importing a file containing several references extracted from external databases such as Scopus, Pubmed or arXiv or other tools in a standard format such as BibTeX or RIS. Remember to add the manuscripts to enable Open Access.

Changes to archived references must be made and validated in one day. This prevents references from remaining blocked in this status for too long.

ORBilu is harvested and scraped by various search engines, discovery tools and other systems. When you deposit a reference, it is disseminated across the web in various tools. For full information visit the Impact and visibility page for more information.

You can run reports using an affiliation. In My Reports, select ‘affiliation’ and write in the official name for the affiliation. You can find the official name by looking at your profile or someone else’s profile (who may be in that affiliation).

You can run reports in three ways: by general search (and download output into RIS, BibTeX format or CSV format), My Reports for comprehensive reporting (HTML/PDF format) and My Widgets for codes to embed on websites for example.

While choosing to perform a RIS or BibTeX format with ORBilu , you can import the file in Zotero. Then, in Zotero, you can format the references as you wish and download a simpler CSV report from Zotero.

Also remember that for some ORBilu accounts, there are only the UL publications and not a “whole” CV. If it is the case you can use Orcid and set up a report from here.

You have a researcher profile on ORBilu showing your publications, affiliation, ORCID Id etc. You also have a university website profile, which will have a link to your ORBilu profile. This then ensures that your research is visible through both websites. To update your profile, login to ORBilu and use the drop-down arrow under your name to navigate to ‘My Profile’. Your profile is important as it shows your affiliations (three levels) at the university, you can add an external email which acts as a backup should you leave the university, you can also select a representative (a proxy) who may deposit on your behalf and you can connect your ORCID Id.

You may notice that your statistics decreased during the upgrade to v2. In v2 of Orbilu, we have updated and enlarged our list of web bots and web crawlers, so we have removed visualisations and download statistics coming from these non-human visitors from the various indicators ORBilu provides. This then ensures that the statistics you see are produced real-time and by real people visiting your references.

New graphs will be available and global ORBilu statistics will be downloadable. Moreover, the statistics will now be updated in real time. Navigate to Statistics or scroll down on the homepage to find these.

New graphs will be available and global ORBilu statistics will be downloadable. Moreover, the statistics will now be updated in real time. Click on your name and navigate to My Statistics to see these.

On ORBilu, you can also have access to the stats of each reference. To access it, go on the reference you want and scroll down till the “Statistics” section. You will find there Number of views, Number of Downloads, Citations and so.

Training sessions are planned as soon as ORBilu is launched, then others will be given continuously. You will also find help contents and video tutorials about the main features of the new ORBilu.

ORBilu is harvested and scraped by various search engines, discovery tools and other systems. When you deposit a reference, it is disseminated across the web in various tools. For full information visit the Impact and visibility page for more information.

Contact ORBilu