The output format of lists of publications from ORBilu can be in the form of a simple list sorted on 3 criteria or in the form of lists made up according to different categories. Here are the details of these presentation models.
Model 1
- Theses and dissertations
- Post-doctoral thesis
- Doctoral thesis
- Master dissertations
- Scientific outputs
- Articles in scientific journals with peer reviewing verified by ORBi or included in HEC journal guide
- Books
- Written alone
- Written in collaboration
- Direction and/or edition of collective works
- Chapters in collective works
- Proceedings published in a book or a journal
- Articles in scientific journals without peer reviewing verified by ORBi and not included in HEC journal guide
- Eprint/Working paper
- Book translations
- Book reviews
- Prefaces, postfaces, glossaries
- Reports
- Expert reports
- External research reports
- Business case studies
- Computer developments
- Textual, factual or bibliographical databases
- Softwares
- Others
- Unpublished scientific communications
- Scientific congresses and symposiums with international audience
- On request
- On personal proposal
- Scientific conferences in universities or research centers
- Scientific congresses and symposiums with national audience
- Posters
- Diverse speeches and writings
- Popularization articles
- Other articles for a general audience
- Conferences given outside the academic context
- Communication in media
Model 2
- Theses and dissertations
- Post-doctoral thesis
- Doctoral thesis
- Master dissertations
- Publications
- Books
- Written alone
- Written in collaboration
- Direction and/or edition of collective works (including proceedings of scientific meetings, special issues of journals)
- Catalogs
- Critical editions
- Index, concordances and corpus
- Translations
- Others
- Articles and book chapters
- Articles in journals with peer reviewing
- Articles in journals without peer reviewing
- Articles in proceedings
- Book chapters
- Contributions to encyclopedias and dictionaries
- Prefaces, postfaces, glossaries
- Translations
- Book reviews
- Others
- Computer developments
- Textual, factual or bibliographical databases
- Softwares
- Others
- Patents
- Learning materials
- Course notes
- Other learning materials
- Published reports
- Research reports
- Expert reports
- Others
- Scientific popularization and diffusion for general audience
- Articles in magazines or newspapers
- Others
- Unpublished conferences and communications
- Communications to congresses and symposiums
- Conferences in universities or research centers
- Posters
- Conferences given outside the academic context
Model 3
- Theses and dissertations
- Post-doctoral thesis
- Doctoral thesis
- Master dissertations
- Publications
- Publications
- Books
- Written alone
- Written in collaboration
- Direction and/or edition of collective works and journal's special issues
- Articles in scientific journals
- With peer reviewing
- Without peer reviewing
- Chapters in collective works (including proceedings published in collective works)
- With peer reviewing
- Without peer reviewing
- Book reviews
- Prefaces, postfaces, glossaries
- Reports
- Expert reports
- Research reports
- Book translations
- Learning materials
- Other scientific outputs
- Textual, factual or bibliographical databases
- Softwares
- Research blogs
- Others
- Unpublished communications
- Scientific congresses and symposiums with international audience
- On request
- On personal proposal
- Scientific conferences in universities or research centers
- Scientific congresses and symposiums with national audience
- Posters
- Promotion and popularisation of research
- Books for a general audience
- General audience and popularisation articles
- Catalogs
- As editor or director
- As author
- Conferences given outside the academic context
- Communication in media
Model 4
- Theses and dissertations
- Post-doctoral thesis
- Doctoral thesis
- Master dissertations
- Books published as author or co-author
- Book chapters and contributions to collective works
- Contributions to collective works
- Contributions to encyclopedias, dictionaries...
- Prefaces, postfaces, glossaries...
- Contributions in scientific journals
- Articles
- Case briefs/Comments on statutes or statutory instruments
- Analysis of case law/Statutory reports
- Others
- Books published as editor or director
- Oral or not published communications in scientific congresses and symposiums (including posters)
- Expert and research reports
- Learning materials
Model 5
- Books published as author or co-author
- Books and journal issues published as editor or director
- Book chapters or contributions to a collective book as author or co-author
- Articles accepted in reviewed journal
- Articles accepted in journal without reviewing
- Book reviews
- Articles accepted in conference proceedings
- Oral presentations in conferences with scientific selection committee
- Patents
- Preprints (limited to preprints deposited on established preprint servers)
Model 6
- Books published as author or co-author
- Books and journal issues published as editor or director
- Book chapters or contributions to a collective book as author or co-author
- Articles accepted in reviewed journal
- Articles accepted in journal without reviewing
- Book reviews
- Articles accepted in conference proceedings
- Oral presentations in conferences with scientific selection committee
- Poster presentations in conferences with scientific selection committee
- Patents
- Preprints (limited to preprints deposited on established preprint servers)
Model 7
- Theses and dissertations
- Post-doctoral thesis
- Doctoral thesis
- Master dissertations
- Articles in scientific journals with peer reviewing
- As first or last author
- As co-author
- Others
- Articles in scientific journals without peer reviewing
- Books
- As author or co-author
- As editor or director
- Book chapters and contributions to collective works
- Book chapters
- Prefaces, postfaces, glossaries...
- Scientific congresses and symposiums
- Published
- With international audience
- With national audience
- Unpublished
- Scientific conferences at universities or research centers
- Book reviews
- Reports
- Research reports
- Expert reports
- Other reports
- E-Prints/Working papers
Model 8
- Articles in scientific journals with peer reviewing
- Patents
- Scientific conferences in universities or research centers
- Scientific congresses and symposiums
- Published communications
- Oral communications or posters
- Books
- As author or co-author
- As editor or director
- Book chapters and contributions to collective works
- Cartographic materials
- Theses and dissertations
- Post-doctoral thesis
- Doctoral thesis
- Master dissertations
- Expert reports
- Learning materials
- Course notes
- Other learning materials
- Other publications and communications
- Articles in scientific journals without peer reviewing
- Articles as other collaborator
- Computer developments
- Speeches and writings for a general audience
- General audience and popularisation articles
- Conferences given outside the academic context
- Others
Model 9
Only for requests based on University of Luxembourg authors (identifier or author's name selected in the list).
- Articles in scientific journals as first or last author
- Articles in scientific journals as co-author