
BARBU Ragnhild

Main Referenced Co-authors
TE HEESEN, Kerstin  (6)
TRÖHLER, Daniel  (6)
WILMES, Sara  (6)
SIRY, Christina  (5)
Main Referenced Keywords
Adaptaciones COVID-19 (1); Adaptations to COVID-19 (1); Citizenship (1); citizenship (1); citizenship education (1);
Main Referenced Disciplines
Education & instruction (16)
Sociology & social sciences (4)
History (3)
Social work & social policy (1)

Publications (total 23)

The most downloaded
TRÖHLER, D., & BARBU, R. (2010). Schulpolitik der Gegenwart. Ein Glossar. Forum für Politik, Gesellschaft und Kultur in Luxemburg, (301), 24-25.

The most cited

5 citations (OpenAlex)

GARDIN, M., BARBU, R., & ROTHMÜLLER, B. (29 May 2015). Educating future citizens in between Mischkultur nationalism and authorities: traces from teachers’ journals. History of Education, 44 (5), 537-552. doi:10.1080/0046760X.2015.1040082

DE ALBUQUERQUE TRIGO, M., TE HEESEN, K., WILMES, S., BARBU, R., & SIRY, C. (01 September 2023). Examining a School-University Partnership to Support Elementary Science Education in Luxembourg [Paper presentation]. 15th Conference of the European Science Education Research Association, Cappadocia, Turkey.
Peer reviewed

DE ALBUQUERQUE TRIGO, M., BARBU, R., WILMES, S., TE HEESEN, K., & SIRY, C. (18 April 2023). School-University partnerships in support of equitable primary science education [Paper presentation]. 96th NARST International Conference, Chicago, IL, United States.

Fernández Monteira, S., SIRY, C., WILMES, S., DE ALBUQUERQUE TRIGO, M., TE HEESEN, K., & BARBU, R. (09 September 2022). Supporting early years science education during COVID-19 crisis [Paper presentation]. 30 Encuentros de Didáctiva en las Ciencias Experimentales, Melila, Spain.

WILMES, S., SIRY, C., TE HEESEN, K., DE ALBUQUERQUE TRIGO, M., BARBU, R., & SPORTELLI, D. (29 January 2022). The different lenses we look through: Examining the role(s) of language and communication in science education research [Paper presentation]. SEEDS January 2022 Conference [Refusing “Back to Normal”: The role of science education in enacting more just and joyful futures].

DE ALBUQUERQUE TRIGO, M., BARBU, R., WILMES, S., TE HEESEN, K., & SIRY, C. (2022). Building School-University Partnerships to Support Primary Science Education in Luxembourg [Paper presentation]. LuxERA Conference, Belval, Luxembourg.

BARBU, R., DE ALBUQUERQUE TRIGO, M., WILMES, S., & TE HEESEN, K. (2021). Adapting to Covid19 in Luxembourg: Centering community, diversity and access in remote primary teacher education for science [Paper presentation]. 14th Conference of the European Science Education Research Association (ESERA 2021), Portugal.

GARDIN, M., BARBU, R., & ROTHMÜLLER, B. (2016). Le spectre du tronc commun. D'Lëtzebuerger Land, (14), p. 13-14.

ROTHMÜLLER, B., GARDIN, M., & BARBU, R. (16 February 2016). Bürgerschaft und Schule. Tageblatt, 39 (102), p. 6-7.

BARBU, R. (2015). La educación del ciudadano católico: la institucionalización de la educación primaria en Luxemburgo en el siglo XIX y en anos posteriores. In D. TRÖHLER & T. LENZ (Eds.), Trayectorias del desarrollo de los sistemas educativos modernos - Entro lo nacional y lo global (pp. 58-72). Barcelona, Spain: Editorial Octaedro.

GARDIN, M., BARBU, R., & ROTHMÜLLER, B. (29 May 2015). Educating future citizens in between Mischkultur nationalism and authorities: traces from teachers’ journals. History of Education, 44 (5), 537-552. doi:10.1080/0046760X.2015.1040082
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BARBU, R. (2015). Educating the Catholic Citizen: The Institutionalization of Primary Education in Luxembourg in the 19th Century and Beyond. In D. TRÖHLER & T. LENZ (Eds.), Trajectories in the Development of Modern School Systems (pp. 46-59). New York, United States: Routledge.

BARBU, R. (30 August 2013). Religion and school revisted [Paper presentation]. Theory and Data in the History of Education – A Cross-Cultural Exchange.

BARBU, R. (19 March 2013). „Religion, Kirche und Schule hinterfragt“. Der Fall Luxemburg zwischen Säkularisation, Säkularisierung und Sakralisierung [Paper presentation]. Forschungskolloguium.

BARBU, R. (14 February 2013). Shifting emphasis of religion: The formation of primary school in Luxembourg in the 19th and early 20th century [Paper presentation]. International Conference: Between the National and the Global Developments of Modern School Systems, Walferdange, Luxembourg.

TRÖHLER, D., HADJAR, A., LENZ, T., VOSS, P., & BARBU, R. (2013). Rapport d'expertise sur le bilan de la réforme de l'école fondamentale. Université du Luxembourg.

TRÖHLER, D., HADJAR, A., LENZ, T., VOSS, P., & BARBU, R. (2013). Forschungsbericht zur Überarbeitung der Bilans intermédiaires in der Luxemburgischen Grundschule. Walferdange, Luxembourg: University of Luxembourg.

TRÖHLER, D., & BARBU, R. (2012). Introducción. In Los sistemas educativos: perspectiva histórica, cultural y sociológica (pp. 9-12). Barcelona, Spain: Octaedro.

BARBU, R., & TRÖHLER, D. (Eds.). (2012). Los sistemas educativos: perspectiva histórica, cultural y sociológica. Barcelona, Spain: Octaedro.

BARBU, R. (2011). Rezension: Gert Biesta: Good Education in the age of measurement. IJHE Bildungsgeschichte, (2), 213-215.

TRÖHLER, D., & BARBU, R. (Eds.). (2011). The Future of Education Research: Education Systems in Historical, Cultural, and Sociological Perspectives. Rotterdam, Netherlands: Sense Publishers.

TRÖHLER, D., & BARBU, R. (2010). Schulpolitik der Gegenwart. Ein Glossar. Forum für Politik, Gesellschaft und Kultur in Luxemburg, (301), 24-25.

BARBU, R. (2009). Besprechung von: Anne Overesch: Wie die Schulpolitik ihre Probleme (nicht) löst. Deutschland und Finnland im Vergleich. Zeitschrift für Pädagogische Historiographie, 15 (2), 94-95.

BARBU, R. (2007). Rezension: Polizeiliche Kriminalprävention der Länder und des Bundes: Qualitätssicherung polizeilicher Präventionsprojekte - Eine Arbeitshilfe für die Evaluation. Zeitschrift für Evaluation, 6 (2), 334-336.
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