
SIRY Christina

University of Luxembourg > Faculty of Humanities, Education and Social Sciences (FHSE) > Department of Education and Social Work (DESW) > Teaching and Learning

Main Referenced Co-authors
WILMES, Sara  (34)
TE HEESEN, Kerstin  (17)
Heinericy, Sandy (6)
Main Referenced Keywords
science education (6); Science education (4); Luxembourg (3); multilingual (3); primary school (3);
Main Referenced Unit & Research Centers
SciTeach Center (1)
University of Luxembourg: Luxembourg Centre for Educational Testing - LUCET (1)
Main Referenced Disciplines
Education & instruction (87)
Languages & linguistics (3)
Neurosciences & behavior (3)
Arts & humanities: Multidisciplinary, general & others (1)
Chemistry (1)

Publications (total 96)

The most downloaded
SIRY, C. (2011). Emphasizing collaborative practices in learning to teach: Coteaching and cogenerative dialogue in a field-based methods course. Teaching Education, 22 (1), 91-101. doi:10.1080/10476210.2010.520699

The most cited

73 citations (Scopus®)

SIRY, C., ZIEGLER, G., & MAX, C. (2012). ‘Doing science’ through discourse-in-interaction: Young children’s science investigations at the early childhood level. Science Education, 96 (2), 311-326. doi:10.1002/sce.20481

SIRY, C. (In press). Critical perspectives on learning to teach: Collaborative teaching and research in elementary teacher education. Rotterdam, Unknown/unspecified: Springer.

SIRY, C. (In press). Situating difference as a valuable resource in education research. In K. Scantlebury (Ed.), Moving science education into the 21st century: A festschrift in honor of Kenneth Tobin. Springer.

DE ALBUQUERQUE TRIGO, M., SIRY, C., & FRENTZ, T. (In press). Exploring boundary spanning in teacher education: Supporting elementary science education through a school-university partnership. In D. Polly & K. Zenkov, Boundary-Spanning in School-University Partnerships. United States: Information Age Publishing.
Peer reviewed

GLOTOV, S., & SIRY, C. (31 May 2024). Designing Emerging and Responsive Teacher Education [Paper presentation]. ATEE (Association for Teacher Education in Europe) Spring Conference 2024, Bergamo, Italy.

WILMES, S., SIRY, C., & Tang, K.-S. (2024). Drawing together international perspectives on material and embodied aspects of science education: Introduction to the special issue. Research in Science and Technological Education, 42 (1), 1 - 7. doi:10.1080/02635143.2024.2309058
Editorial reviewed

WILMES, S., & SIRY, C. (2024). Engaging with materials and the body: young plurilingual children's resource-rich interations in science investigations. Research in Science and Technological Education. doi:10.1080/02635143.2023.2298353
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SPORTELLI, D., & SIRY, C. (2024). Facing Teaching Challenges of the 21st Century: Collaborating with Teachers to Support ESD Pedagogies [Paper presentation]. ATEE Spring Conference.
Peer reviewed

DE ALBUQUERQUE TRIGO, M., TE HEESEN, K., WILMES, S., BARBU, R., & SIRY, C. (01 September 2023). Examining a School-University Partnership to Support Elementary Science Education in Luxembourg [Paper presentation]. 15th Conference of the European Science Education Research Association, Cappadocia, Turkey.
Peer reviewed

DE ALBUQUERQUE TRIGO, M., & SIRY, C. (31 August 2023). When Science Meets Language in Primary Education: Supporting Teachers for Linguistic Diversity [Paper presentation]. 15th Conference of the European Science Education Research Association, Cappadocia, Turkey.
Peer reviewed

GLOTOV, S., SPORTELLI, D., & SIRY, C. (31 August 2023). Dialogic Collaboration for Planning an Early Childhood STEAM Workshop [Paper presentation]. The 15th Conference of the European Science Education Research Association (ESERA), Turkey.

WILMES, S., & SIRY, C. (August 2023). Mapping multimodal interaction in classroom spaces: Views enabled through the geosemiotic [Paper presentation]. European Science Education Research Association, Cappadocia, Turkey.

DE ALBUQUERQUE TRIGO, M., BARBU, R., WILMES, S., TE HEESEN, K., & SIRY, C. (18 April 2023). School-University partnerships in support of equitable primary science education [Paper presentation]. 96th NARST International Conference, Chicago, IL, United States.

SIRY, C., & WILMES, S. (April 2023). Creating reflexive and critical spaces: International perspectives on working with teachers towards equitable science education [Paper presentation]. NARST 2023 Annual Conference, Chicago, United States.

DE ALBUQUERQUE TRIGO, M., SIRY, C., Figueiredo Pinto, R., & TE HEESEN, K. (2023). Outlining the History of Primary Science Education in Luxembourg: From Normative Education Acts to Stakeholders’ Voices [Paper presentation]. ISCHE Annual Conference 2023, Budapest, Hungary.
Peer reviewed

Fernández Monteira, S., SIRY, C., WILMES, S., DE ALBUQUERQUE TRIGO, M., TE HEESEN, K., & BARBU, R. (09 September 2022). Supporting early years science education during COVID-19 crisis [Paper presentation]. 30 Encuentros de Didáctiva en las Ciencias Experimentales, Melila, Spain.

WILMES, S., SIRY, C., TE HEESEN, K., DE ALBUQUERQUE TRIGO, M., BARBU, R., & SPORTELLI, D. (29 January 2022). The different lenses we look through: Examining the role(s) of language and communication in science education research [Paper presentation]. SEEDS January 2022 Conference [Refusing “Back to Normal”: The role of science education in enacting more just and joyful futures].

TE HEESEN, K., SIRY, C., & WILMES, S. (2022). Inquiry-based pedagogies as an inclusive practice: Approaches for in-service teacher education. In K. N. ANDERSEN, B. T. Ferreira da Silva, ... V. Silva de Moraes Novais (Eds.), Educação, Cultura e Inclusão: Contextos internacionais e locais (pp. 101-111). Editora Appris.
Peer reviewed

DE ALBUQUERQUE TRIGO, M., BARBU, R., WILMES, S., TE HEESEN, K., & SIRY, C. (2022). Building School-University Partnerships to Support Primary Science Education in Luxembourg [Paper presentation]. LuxERA Conference, Belval, Luxembourg.

DE ALBUQUERQUE TRIGO, M., & SIRY, C. (10 November 2021). What Tendency for "Inquiry" and "Language": Examining Key Journals in Science Education [Paper presentation]. LuxERA Emerging Researchers’ Conference 2021, online, Luxembourg.

TE HEESEN, K., & SIRY, C. (June 2021). Bees and the Making of the citizen. Revisiting the history of teaching science to unravel the intertwining of societal needs and movements over time [Paper presentation]. ISCHE - International Standing Conference for the History of Education.

TE HEESEN, K., SIRY, C., DE ALBUQUERQUE TRIGO, M., & WILMES, S. (30 January 2021). Working towards responsive science education pedagogies during a time of crisis: centering community, diversity and access [Paper presentation]. SEEDS January 2021 Conference [Reflecting in a Time of Crisis: Envisioning New Paths for Socially-Just Science Education].

TE HEESEN, K., SIRY, C., WILMES, S., Kneip, N., & Heinericy, S. (2021). Innovativer naturwissenschaftlicher Unterricht mit mehrsprachigen Kindern: Was lernen wir von den luxemburgischen Grundschulklassen? Nationaler Bildungsbericht. Luxembourg, Luxembourg: Luxembourg Centre for Educational Testing (LUCET) & Service de la Recherche et de l’Innovation pédagogiques (SCRIPT). doi:10.48746/BB2021LU-DE-47

WILMES, S., & SIRY, C. (2021). Multimodal Interaction Analysis: a Powerful Tool for Examining Plurilingual Students’ Engagement in Science Practices Proposed Contribution to. Research in Science Education. doi:10.1007/s11165-020-09977-z
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TE HEESEN, K., & SIRY, C. (23 October 2020). Enacting responsive science teacher education: revised strategies , adapted resources and rapid digitization during a time of crisis [Paper presentation]. 1st meeting of the scientific advisory board for the DigiMINT project, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology.

SIRY, C., & WILMES, S. (2020). Working toward equitable research practices: the value of highlighting complexity and respecting context. Cultural Studies of Science Education. doi:10.1007/s11422-020-09979-3

Monteira, S. F., Jiménez, M. P., & SIRY, C. (2020). Scaffolding children’s production of representations along the three years of ECE: a longitudinal study. Research in Science Education. doi:10.1007/s11165-020-09931-z
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TE HEESEN, K., Heinericy, S., Kneip, N., SIRY, C., & WILMES, S. (2020). Mit Kindern in den Himmel schauen. Ideen für den Unterricht. SCRIPT.

WILMES, S., & SIRY, C. (2020). Science notebooks as interactional spaces in amultilingual classroom: Not just ideas on paper. Journal of Research in Science Teaching. doi:10.1002/tea.21615
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Bazzul, J., & SIRY, C. (Eds.). (2019). Critical voices in science education research: Narratives of academic journeys. Sense.

Haus, J., & SIRY, C. (2019). Agency, materiality, and relations in intra-action in a kindergarten science investigation. In C. Milne & K. Scantlebury (Eds.), Material practice and materiality in science education (pp. 131-150). Springer.
Peer reviewed

WILMES, S., TE HEESEN, K., SIRY, C., Kneip, N., & Heinericy, S. (October 2018). The role of critical reflexivity in the professional development of professional developers: A co-autoethnographic exploration. Interfaces Científicas, 7 (1), 13-24. doi:10.17564/2316-3828.2018v7n1p13-24
Peer reviewed

TE HEESEN, K., SIRY, C., & Schreiber, C. (August 2018). From Epics to Novelization : Conceptualizing Science Education Curricula and Practices through a historical lens [Paper presentation]. 40th International Standing Conference for the History of Education, Berlin, Germany.

WILMES, S., & SIRY, C. (2018). Interaction rituals and inquiry-based science instruction: Analysis of student participation in small-group investigations in a multilingual classroom. Science Education. doi:10.1002/sce.21462
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VILLANYI, D., MARTIN, R., SONNLEITNER, P., SIRY, C., & FISCHBACH, A. (11 January 2018). Un outil sur tablette tactile facilitant l'autuévaluation à l'école primaire [Paper presentation]. 30e colloque de l'ADMEE-Europe au Luxembourg. L'évaluation en éducation et en formation face aux transformations des sociétés contemporaines, Luxembourg, Luxembourg.

SIRY, C. (2018). The science curriculum at the elementary level: What are the basics, and are we teaching them? In L. Bryan & K. Tobin (Eds.), Thirteen questions for science education. Peter Lang Publishing.
Peer reviewed

TE HEESEN, K., Kneip, N., Heinericy, S., SIRY, C., & WILMES, S. (2018). The role of critical reflexivity in the professional development of professional developers: A co-authethnotaphic exploration [Paper presentation]. America Education Research Association annuaal conference, New York, United States.

SIRY, C., WILMES, S., TE HEESEN, K., Kneip, N., & Heinericy, S. (2018). Being and becoming Science Education Professional Developers: A Co-Autoethnographic Examination [Paper presentation]. National Association for Research in Science Teaching, Atlanta, United States.

WILMES, S., GOMEZ-FERNANDEZ, R., GORGES, A., & SIRY, C. (2018). Underscoring the value of video analysis in multilingual and multicultural classroom contexts. Video Journal of Education and Pedagogy, 3 (4). doi:10.1186/s40990-018-0016-0
Peer reviewed

WILMES, S., SIRY, C., GOMEZ-FERNANDEZ, R., & GORGES, A. (2018). Reconstructing science education within the language I science relationship. In K. Tobin & L. Bryan (Ed.), 13 Questions: Reframing Education's Conversation: Science. Peter Lang.
Peer reviewed

WILMES, S., SIRY, C., TE HEESEN, K., Kneip, N., & Heinericy, S. (January 2018). Critical reflexivity in the professional development of professional devlopers: A co-autoethnographic exploration [Poster presentation]. The Role of Science Education in a Changing World, Leiden, Netherlands.

VILLANYI, D., MARTIN, R., SONNLEITNER, P., SIRY, C., & FISCHBACH, A. (2018). A Tablet-Computer-Based Tool to Facilitate Accurate Self-Assessments in Third- and Fourth-Graders. International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning, 13 (10), 225-251. doi:10.3991/ijet.v13i10.8876
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SIRY, C., ANDERSEN, K. N., & WILMES, S. (2018). „Doing Science“: Erwerb von Kompetenzen im naturwissenschaftlichen Unterricht der École fondamentale. In Luxembourg Centre for Educational Testing (LUCET), Universität Luxemburg & Service de Coordination de la Recherche et de l’Innovation pédagogiques et technologiques (SCRIPT), Nationaler Bildungsbericht Luxemburg 2018 (pp. 140-141). Luxembourg, Luxembourg: We-Print.

WILMES, S., & SIRY, C. (2018). A dialectic view of student science notebook use: the dance of the individual | collective [Paper presentation]. Connecting Connected Minds: Capturing the relevance of social interaction and cultural diversities in a digitalized media ecology" EARLI SIG Meeting, Belval, Luxembourg.

Rodríguez, A., GOMEZ-FERNANDEZ, R., & SIRY, C. (August 2017). Comparative Analysis of Factors Affecting Portuguese-Speaking/Lusoburguês vs. US Latin@'s Language Learners in Science [Paper presentation]. European Science Education Research Association (ESERA) 2017, Dublin, Ireland.

WILMES, S., GOMEZ-FERNANDEZ, R., GORGES, A., & SIRY, C. (June 2017). Problematizing video analysis rooted in the verbal:Examples from culturally and linguistically diverse science classrooms in Luxembourg [Paper presentation]. 2nd Association of Video Pedagogies Conference (AVPC), Aalborg, Denmark.

WILMES, S., SIRY, C., GOMEZ-FERNANDEZ, R., & GORGES, A. (2017). Problematizing video analysis rooted in the verbal: Examples from culturally and linguistically diverse science classrooms in Luxembourg [Paper presentation]. Proceedings of the 2nd Association for Visual Pedagogy Conference.

WILMES, S., SIRY, C., GOMEZ-FERNANDEZ, R., & GORGES, A. (2017). Reconstructing Science Education within the Language Science Relationship. In symposium coordinated by Bryan & K. Tobin, 13 Questions: Reframing Education`s Conversation: Science [Paper presentation]. National Association for Research in Science Teaching, Austin, United States.

WILMES, S., & SIRY, C. (2017). Interaction Rituals in Multilingual Student-Centered Science Instruction [Paper presentation]. European Science Education Research Association, annual conference, Dublin, Ireland.

SIRY, C., & WILMES, S. (2017). Multimodal Wonderings [Paper presentation]. European Science Education Research Association annual conference, Dublin, Ireland.

VILLANYI, D., FISCHBACH, A., SONNLEITNER, P., SIRY, C., & MARTIN, R. (November 2016). Autoévaluation des élèves de l'école primaire en mathématiques [Paper presentation]. Colloque international « Évaluation en mathématiques : dispositifs, validités & pratiques », Paris, France.

SIRY, C., WILMES, S., & Haus, J. M. (September 2016). Examining children’s agency within participatory structures in primary science investigations. Learning, Culture and Social Interaction, 10, 4-16. doi:10.1016/j.lcsi.2016.01.001
Peer reviewed

VILLANYI, D., FISCHBACH, A., SONNLEITNER, P., SIRY, C., & MARTIN, R. (June 2016). Différences interindividuelles dans l’autoévaluation des compétences scolaires à l’école primaire [Poster presentation]. 22èmes Journées Internationales de Psychologie Différentielle, Chambéry, France.

SIRY, C., BRENDEL, M., & Frisch, R. (2016). Radical listening and dialogue in educational research. International Journal of Critical Pedagogy, 7 (3), 119-135.
Peer reviewed

SCHREIBER, C., SIRY, C., REUTER, R., BRENDEL, M., & BUSANA, G. (03 September 2015). Problematizing science as a primary school discipline: Learning from contingencies and diversities [Poster presentation]. ESERA2015: 11th biannual Conference of the European Science Education Research Association, Helsinki, Finland.

VILLANYI, D., FISCHBACH, A., SONNLEITNER, P., SIRY, C., & MARTIN, R. (August 2015). Self-assessment of academic competencies via a computer based tool in Luxembourg primary school [Poster presentation]. 16th Biennial EARLI Conference, Limassol, Cyprus.

ANDERSEN, K. N., SIRY, C., & Hengesch, G. (2015). Naturwissenschaftlicher Unterricht an der Luxemburger École fondamentale. In MENJE (Ministère de l’Éducation nationale, de l’Enfance et de la Jeunesse) & Université du Luxembourg (Eds.), Bildungsbericht Luxemburg 2015. Analysen und Befunde (Band 2) (pp. 28-33). Luxembourg, Luxembourg: Service des Statistiques et Analyses.

WILMES, S., SIRY, C., & HILGERS, J. M. (2015). The role of wondering in inquiry-based science education: Expanding the notion of questions [Paper presentation]. European Science Education Research Association annual conference, Helsinki, Finland.

MAX, C., SIRY, C., & KRACHEEL, M. (2015). “And? Did we do nice things?”: Children documenting their emerging inquiries in early science learning. In C. Milne & K. Tobin (Eds.), Sociocultural studies and implications for science education: the experiential and the virtual (pp. 135-153). Springer Science & Business Media B.V.
Peer reviewed

SIRY, C., & Ali-Khan, C. (2014). Sharing seeing: Exploring photo-elicitation with children in two different cultural contexts. Teaching and Teacher Education, 37, 194-207. doi:10.1016/j.tate.2013.08.004
Peer reviewed

SIRY, C., Ali-Khan, C., & Siry, D. (2014). Political engagement as a child: Rethinking, reseeing and reinvesting youth in political participation. In K. Tobin & A. Shady (Eds.), Transforming Urban Education (pp. 377-387). Rotterdam, Netherlands: SensePublishers. doi:DOI:10.1007/978-94-6209-563-2
Peer reviewed

SIRY, C., & Lowell, N. (2014). Exploring the complexities of learning to teach: Collaborative methods and participatory structures in teacher education. In K. Tobin & A. Shady (Eds.), Transforming Urban Education (pp. 283-302). Rotterdam, Netherlands: SensePublishers. doi:10.1007/978-94-6209-563-2_17
Peer reviewed

SIRY, C., Ferrara, J., & Lang, D. (2014). Preparing Preservice Teachers in a PDS Context: Insights into Field-Based Methods Courses. In J. Ferrara, J. L. Nath, ... I. N. Guadarrama (Eds.), Research in Professional Development Schools: Creating visions for university-school partnerships. Charlotte, Unknown/unspecified: Information Age Publishing.
Peer reviewed

SIRY, C., & Martin, S. N. (2014). Facilitating Reflexivity in Preservice Science Teacher Education Using Video Analysis and Cogenerative Dialogue in Field-Based Methods Courses. Eurasia Journal of Mathematics, Science and Technology Education, 10 (5), 481-508. doi:10.12973/eurasia.2014.1201a
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SIRY, C. (2013). Imagining educational spaces of possibility, hope, and joy. In M. T. Kress & R. Lake (Eds.), We saved the best for you: Letters of hope, imagination and wisdom for 21st Century educators (pp. 47-50). Rotterdam, Netherlands: Sense Publishers. doi:10.1007/978-94-6209-122-1

SIRY, C., & MAX, C. (10 October 2013). The collective construction of a science unit: Framing curricula as emergent from Kindergarteners’ wonderings. Science Education, 97 (6), 878-902. doi:10.1002/sce.21076
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Bencze, L. J., Carter, L., Chiu, M.-H., Duit, R., Martin, S., SIRY, C., Krajcik, J., Shin, N., Choi, K., Lee, H., & Kim, S.-W. (June 2013). Globalization and science education. COSMOS, 8 (2), 139-152. doi:10.1142/S021960771250005X
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SIRY, C. (June 2013). Exploring the complexities of children’s inquiries in science: Knowledge production through participatory practices. Research in Science Education, 43 (3). doi:10.1007/s11165-013-9364-z
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SIRY, C., & MICK, C. (2013). Multivoiced research with children: Exploring methodological issues in children's documentation of school projects. In T. M. Kress, M. Curry Stephenson, ... B. J. Porfilio (Eds.), Challenging Status Quo Retrenchment: New Directions in Critical Research (pp. 129-145). IAP Press.
Peer reviewed

SIRY, C., & WILMES, S. (2013). Working with Inservice Teachers to Develop CPD: An Emergent, Responsive Approach to Teacher Professional Development [Paper presentation]. national Association of Research in Science Teaching, Annual International Conference, Rio Grande, United States.

WILMES, S., & SIRY, C. (2013). Designing Science Professional Development with Teachers: An emergent, responsive approach in a time of inquiry-based science dissemination [Paper presentation]. Stockholm University.

SIRY, C., & Lara, J. (March 2012). “I didn’t know water could be so messy”: Coteaching in elementary teacher education and the production of identity for a new teacher of science. Cultural Studies of Science Education, 7 (1), 1-30. doi:10.1007/s11422-011-9339-1

Martin, S. N., & SIRY, C. (2012). An analysis of the utilization of video-based media in science teacher education. In B. Fraser, K. Tobin, ... C. Campbell (Eds.), International handbook of science teaching and learning (pp. 417-433). Rotterdam, Netherlands: Springer.

SIRY, C., ZIEGLER, G., & MAX, C. (2012). ‘Doing science’ through discourse-in-interaction: Young children’s science investigations at the early childhood level. Science Education, 96 (2), 311-326. doi:10.1002/sce.20481
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SIRY, C., & Kremer, I. (October 2011). Children explain the rainbow: Using young children’s ideas to guide science curricula. The Journal of Science Education and Technology, 20 (5), 643-655. doi:10.1007/s10956-011-9320-5
Peer reviewed

SIRY, C. (03 August 2011). Exploring the significance of resource-rich views in science education. Cultural Studies of Science Education, 6 (4), 1019-1029. doi:10.1007/s11422-011-9353-3

Martin, S. N., & SIRY, C. (August 2011). Networks of practice in science education research: A global context. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 48 (6), 592-623. doi:10.1002/tea.20425
Peer reviewed

SIRY, C., & Zawatski, E. (2011). “Working with” as a methodological stance: Collaborating with students in teaching, writing, and research. International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education: QSE, 24 (3), 343-361. doi:10.1080/09518398.2010.539581
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VLASSIS, J., & SIRY, C. (2011). Strategies for linking language and science [Paper presentation]. Fibonacci European training session, Leicester, United Kingdom.

VLASSIS, J., & SIRY, C. (2011). Science and language in a multlingual context [Paper presentation]. Fibonacci European training session, Leicester, United Kingdom.

SIRY, C. (2011). Emphasizing collaborative practices in learning to teach: Coteaching and cogenerative dialogue in a field-based methods course. Teaching Education, 22 (1), 91-101. doi:10.1080/10476210.2010.520699
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SIRY, C., & Ali-Khan, C. (2011). Writing we: Collaborative text in educational research. In C. Malott & B. J. Portfilio (Eds.), Critical pedagogy in the 21st century (pp. 233-249). Connecticut, United States: IAP Press.

SIRY, C., Ali-Khan, C., & Zuss, M. (2011). Cultures in the making: An examination of the ethical and methodological implications of collaborative research. Forum: Qualitative Sozialforschung, 12 (2), 24.
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SIRY, C., & Siry, L. (2010). Brothers. In S. R. Steinberg, M. Kehler, ... L. Cornish (Eds.), Boy culture: An encyclopedia (pp. 178-181). Greenwood Press: Westwood, CT.

SIRY, C., & Lang, D. (2010). Creating participatory discourse for teaching and research in early childhood science. Journal of Science Teacher Education, 21 (1), 1-12. doi:10.1007/s10972-009-9162-7
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SIRY, C., Martin, S., Baker, S., Lowell, N., Marvin, J., & Wilson, Y. (2010). Coteaching in science education courses: Transforming teacher education through shared responsibility. In C. Murphy & K. Scantlebury (Eds.), Coteaching in international contexts: research and practice (pp. 57-78). Rotterdam, Netherlands: Springer Press.
Peer reviewed

Fellner, G., & SIRY, C. (2010). Reconceptualizing the relationship between universities and schools: a dialectic and polysemic approach. Cultural Studies of Science Education, 5 (3), 775-785. doi:10.1007/s11422-010-9285-3
Peer reviewed

Adams, J. D., SIRY, C., Dhingra, K., & Bayne, G. U. (2010). Forum: Science agency and structure across a lifespan. A dialogic response. In W.-M. Roth & K. Tobin (Eds.), ReUniting Psychological and Sociological Perspectives (pp. 341-353). Rotterdam, Netherlands: Springer.
Peer reviewed

SIRY, C. (2010). Envisioning polysemicity: Generating insights into the complexity of place-based research within contested space. In D. J. Tippins, M. P. Mueller, M. van Eijck, ... J. D. Adams (Eds.), Cultural studies and environmentalism: The confluence of EcoJustice, place-based (science) education, and indigenous knowledge systems (pp. 315-322). Rotterdam, Netherlands: Springer.
Peer reviewed

SIRY, C. (2010). PCBs. In D. Mulvaney & P. Robbins (Eds.), Green Politics: An A-to-Z Guide. SAGE publications.
Peer reviewed

SIRY, C. (July 2009). Expanding the field of science education: A conversation with Ken Tobin. Eurasia Journal of Mathematics, Science and Technology Education, 5 (3), 197-208. doi:10.12973/ejmste/75272
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Ferrara, J., Santiago, E., & SIRY, C. (2008). Preparing teachers to serve diverse learners: A PDS / full-service community school model. In I. N. Guadarrama, J. M. Ramsey, ... J. L. Nath (Eds.), University and School Connections: Research Studies in Professional Development Schools (pp. 151-164). Connecticut, United States: Information Age Publishing.

SIRY, C., Horowitz, G., Otulaja, F. S., Gillespie, N., Shady, A., & Augustin, L. A. (2008). Conceptual change research and science education practice: A response from educators. Cultural Studies of Science Education, 3 (2), 451-470. doi:10.1007/s11422-008-9094-0

SIRY, C., & Famiglietti, J. (May 2007). A nutritious field trip. Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior, 39 (3), 175-177. doi:10.1016/j.jneb.2006.11.008
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Ferrara, J., & SIRY, C. (2007). Pre-service teachers and classroom teachers learning together: A collaborative teacher education program. Excelsior: Leadership in Teaching and Learning, 1 (2), 39-48.

SIRY, C. (May 2006). Teaching with trade books: Wonderful, wiggly worms. Science and Children, 43 (7), 14-16.

SIRY, C., & Buchinski, L. C. (September 2005). A field guide of their own. Science and Children, 43 (1), 36-39.
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