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Die Bildungsrelevanz der Betreuungswirklichkeit: Eine Studie zur institutionellen Praxis nicht-familialer Kleinkindererziehung. Problemstellung, Ansatz und ausgewählte Ergebnisse des Forschungsprojekts "Betreuungswirklichkeit und Bildungswirklichkeit. Qualität und Qualifizierung in flexiblen Strukturen der Kinderbetreuung luxemburgischer Maisons Relais pour Enfants" (EDUQUA-MRE)
HONIG, Michael-Sebastian; NEUMANN, Sascha; SCHNOOR, Oliver et al.


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Keywords :
Early Childhood Education and Care; Maison Relais pour Enfants; Ethnographic Fieldwork
Abstract :
[en] The study deals with the practice of education and care for 0-4 year old children in the publicly funded daycare sector of Luxembourg by examining six selected crèches with the methods of ethnographic fieldwork. It describes the realities of care focusing on the question how professionals account for their educational significance in light of heterogeneous and at times also dilemmatic expectations of their services. Thus, the study contributes to debates on the educational quality of daycare facilities. In contrast to most other studies on tis subject, however, it does not presuppose what "education" is or should be. Rather, it understands education as a task that educational practice has to confront in order to assure itself as being educational and to represent itself as such in front of its audience. Empirically, the study is about practices of pedagogicalization. Theoretically, it is about aspects of the institutionalization of non-familial childcare.
Disciplines :
Sociology & social sciences
Social work & social policy
Author, co-author :
HONIG, Michael-Sebastian ;  University of Luxembourg > Faculty of Language and Literature, Humanities, Arts and Education (FLSHASE) > Integrative Research Unit: Social and Individual Development (INSIDE)
NEUMANN, Sascha 
SCHNOOR, Oliver 
SEELE, Claudia ;  University of Luxembourg > Faculty of Language and Literature, Humanities, Arts and Education (FLSHASE) > Integrative Research Unit: Social and Individual Development (INSIDE)
Language :
Title :
Die Bildungsrelevanz der Betreuungswirklichkeit: Eine Studie zur institutionellen Praxis nicht-familialer Kleinkindererziehung. Problemstellung, Ansatz und ausgewählte Ergebnisse des Forschungsprojekts "Betreuungswirklichkeit und Bildungswirklichkeit. Qualität und Qualifizierung in flexiblen Strukturen der Kinderbetreuung luxemburgischer Maisons Relais pour Enfants" (EDUQUA-MRE)
Alternative titles :
[de] Realities of Education and Care. Quality and Qualification in Flexible Structures of Daycare in Luxembourgian Maisons Relais pour Enfants (EDUQUA-MRE)
Publication date :
Publisher :
University of Luxembourg, Research Group "Early Childhood: Education and Care", Walferdange, Luxembourg
Number of pages :
Name of the research project :
F3R-INS-PUL-10EDUQ > EDUQUA-MRE Betreuungswirklichkeit und Bildungswirklichkeit > > HONIG Michael-Sebastian
Funders :
Unilu - University of Luxembourg
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since 10 December 2013


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