MAINASSARA CHEKARAOU, A. W., BESSERON, X., ROUSSET, A., QI, F., & PETERS, B. (2022). Local Verlet buffer approach for broad-phase interaction detection in Discrete Element Method. ORBilu-University of Luxembourg. doi:10.48550/arXiv.2208.13770 |
Ojeda-May, P., Eriksson, J., ROUSSET, A., BESSERON, X., MAINASSARA CHEKARAOU, A. W., & PETERS, B. (2021). OpenMP optimisation of the eXtended Discrete Element Method (XDEM). Partnership for Advanced Computing in Europe. |
MAINASSARA CHEKARAOU, A. W. (2020). Large Scale Parallel Simulation For Extended Discrete Element Method [Doctoral thesis, Unilu - University of Luxembourg]. ORBilu-University of Luxembourg. |
PETERS, B., ROUSSET, A., BESSERON, X., MAINASSARA CHEKARAOU, A. W., Gallo, M. G., Sansone, F., Lupi, A., & Galleti, C. (2020). Process analysis in thermal process engineering with high-performance computing using the example of grate firing. In V. Scherer, N. Fricker, ... A. Reis (Eds.), Proceedings of the 12th European Conference on Industrial Furnaces and Boilers. Peer reviewed |
ROUSSET, A., MAINASSARA CHEKARAOU, A. W., BESSERON, X., PETERS, B., & Galletti. (31 August 2020). Numerical Analysis of Interaction between a Reacting Fluid and a Moving Bed with Spatially and Temporally Fluctuating Porosity [Paper presentation]. Interpore2020, Qingdao, China. |
BESSERON, X., ROUSSET, A., MAINASSARA CHEKARAOU, A. W., & PETERS, B. (18 June 2020). Parallel coupling strategy for multi-physics applications in eXtended Discrete Element Method [Paper presentation]. HPC Knowledge Meeting '20, Barcelona, Spain. |
MAINASSARA CHEKARAOU, A. W., BESSERON, X., ROUSSET, A., KIEFFER, E., & PETERS, B. (2020). Predicting near-optimal skin distance in Verlet buffer approach for Discrete Element Method. In 10th IEEE Workshop on Parallel / Distributed Combinatorics and Optimization. doi:10.1109/IPDPSW50202.2020.00093 Peer reviewed |
MAINASSARA CHEKARAOU, A. W., ROUSSET, A., BESSERON, X., PETERS, B., Galletti, C., Gallo, M. G. (Other coll.), & Sansone, F. (Other coll.). (27 April 2020). Detailed Numerical Three-dimensional and Transient Analysis of a Grate Firing Combustion Process by Innovative High Performance Computing [Paper presentation]. 28th European Biomass Conference and Exhibition (e-EUBCE 2020). |
MAINASSARA CHEKARAOU, A. W., ROUSSET, A., BESSERON, X., Qi, F., & PETERS, B. (26 July 2019). Verlet buffer for broad-phase interaction detection in Discrete Element Method [Paper presentation]. 8th International Conference on Discrete Element Methods, Twente, Netherlands. |
BESSERON, X., Pozzetti, G., ROUSSET, A., MAINASSARA CHEKARAOU, A. W., & PETERS, B. (21 June 2019). High Performance Parallel Coupling of OpenFOAM+XDEM [Paper presentation]. UL HPC School - June 2019 - User Session, Luxembourg, Luxembourg. |
BESSERON, X., POZZETTI, G., ROUSSET, A., MAINASSARA CHEKARAOU, A. W., & PETERS, B. (05 June 2019). Co-located Partitioning Strategy and Dual-grid Multiscale Approach for Parallel Coupling of CFD-DEM Simulations [Paper presentation]. 8th edition of the International Conference on Computational Methods for Coupled Problems in Science and Engineering (COUPLED PROBLEMS 2019), Sitges, Spain. |
MAINASSARA CHEKARAOU, A. W., ROUSSET, A., BESSERON, X., & PETERS, B. (24 September 2018). Verlet buffer for broad phase interaction detection in Discrete Element Method [Poster presentation]. 30th International Symposium on Computer Architecture and High Performance Computing, Lyon - École Normale Supérieure, France. |
MAINASSARA CHEKARAOU, A. W., ROUSSET, A., BESSERON, X., VARRETTE, S., & PETERS, B. (2018). Hybrid MPI+OpenMP Implementation of eXtended Discrete Element Method. In Proc. of the 9th Workshop on Applications for Multi-Core Architectures (WAMCA'18), part of 30th Intl. Symp. on Computer Architecture and High Performance Computing (SBAC-PAD 2018). Lyon, France, Unknown/unspecified: IEEE Computer Society. Peer reviewed |
ROUSSET, A., MAINASSARA CHEKARAOU, A. W., LIAO, Y.-C., BESSERON, X., VARRETTE, S., & PETERS, B. (2018). Comparing Broad-Phase Interaction Detection Algorithms for Multiphysics DEM Applications. In AIP Conference Proceedings of 15th International Conference of Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics (ICNAAM). New York, United States - New York: American Institute of Physics. doi:10.1063/1.5043900 Peer reviewed |
POZZETTI, G., BESSERON, X., ROUSSET, A., MAINASSARA CHEKARAOU, A. W., & PETERS, B. (2018). On the performance of an overlapping-domain parallelization strategy for Eulerian-Lagrangian Multiphysics software. In AIP Conference Proceedings of 15th International Conference of Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics (ICNAAM). New York, United States - New York: American Institute of Physics. doi:10.1063/1.5043895 Peer reviewed |