

Main Referenced Co-authors
SCHILTZ, Christine  (42)
HORNUNG, Caroline  (25)
GEORGES, Carrie  (17)
MARTIN, Romain  (16)
UGEN, Sonja  (15)
Main Referenced Keywords
Numerical cognition (4); SNARC (3); Development (2); Embodiment (2); ERPs (2);
Main Referenced Unit & Research Centers
University of Luxembourg (2)
Faculty of Language and Literature, Humanities, Arts and Education (FLSHASE) > Luxembourg Centre for Educational Testing (LUCET) (1)
Main Referenced Disciplines
Neurosciences & behavior (22)
Education & instruction (20)
Theoretical & cognitive psychology (18)

Publications (total 57)

The most downloaded
HOFFMANN, D., HORNUNG, C., GAMO, S., ESCH, P., KELLER, U., & FISCHBACH, A. (2018). Schulische Kompetenzen von Erstklässlern und ihre Entwicklung nach zwei Jahren. Esch-sur-Alzette, Luxembourg: Luxembourg Centre for Educational Testing, Universität Luxemburg - Service de la Coordination de la Recherche et de l'Innovation pédagogiques et technologiques.

The most cited

79 citations (Scopus®)

HOFFMANN, D., HORNUNG, C., MARTIN, R., & SCHILTZ, C. (December 2013). Developing number–space associations: SNARC effects using a color discrimination task in 5-year-olds. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 116, 775-791. doi:10.1016/j.jecp.2013.07.013

Braeuning, D., HORNUNG, C., HOFFMANN, D., Lambert, K., UGEN, S., FISCHBACH, A., SCHILTZ, C., Hübner, N., Nagengast, B., & Moeller, K. (2021). Long-term Relevance and Interrelation of Symbolic and Non-symbolic Abilities in Mathematical-numerical Development: Evidence from Large-scale Assessment Data. Cognitive Development, 58, 101008. doi:10.1016/j.cogdev.2021.101008
Peer reviewed

GEORGES, C., HOFFMANN, D., HORNUNG, C., MULLER, C., SONNLEITNER, P., SCHILTZ, C., & UGEN, S. (Eds.). (2021). LEARN Newsletter - Editioun 2021. Esch-sur-Alzette, Luxembourg: LEARN.

HOFFMANN, D., Schmit, P., & UGEN, S. (2020). Le bilan de l'évaluation systémique de l'éducation a Luxembourg. ONQS.

WOLLSCHLÄGER, R., HORNUNG, C., SONNLEITNER, P., HOFFMANN, D., PIT-TEN CATE, I., & FISCHBACH, A. (July 2020). A propensity score matching approach on predicting academic success of primary school students [Paper presentation]. 12th Conference of the International Test Commission, Esch-sur-Alzette, Luxembourg.

WOLLSCHLÄGER, R., HOFFMANN, D., HORNUNG, C., SONNLEITNER, P., PIT-TEN CATE, I., & FISCHBACH, A. (06 November 2019). Predicting Academic Success in Early Primary School: A Propensity Score Matching Approach [Paper presentation]. 1st LuxERA Emerging Researchers Conference, Esch-sur-Alzette, Luxembourg, Luxembourg.

HOFFMANN, D., HORNUNG, C., GAMO, S., ESCH, P., KELLER, U., & FISCHBACH, A. (2018). Les compétences scolaires des enfants au début du cycle 2 de l'école fondamentale au Luxembourg et leur développement après deux ans. Esch-sur-Alzette, Luxembourg: Luxembourg Centre for Educational Testing, Universität Luxemburg - Service de la Coordination de la Recherche et de l'Innovation pédagogiques et technologiques.

HOFFMANN, D., HORNUNG, C., GAMO, S., ESCH, P., KELLER, U., & FISCHBACH, A. (2018). Schulische Kompetenzen von Erstklässlern und ihre Entwicklung nach zwei Jahren. Esch-sur-Alzette, Luxembourg: Luxembourg Centre for Educational Testing, Universität Luxemburg - Service de la Coordination de la Recherche et de l'Innovation pédagogiques et technologiques.

HOFFMANN, D., Hornung, C., GAMO, S., ESCH, P., KELLER, U., & FISCHBACH, A. (08 November 2018). Schulische Kompetenzen von Erstklässlern und ihre Entwicklung nach zwei Jahren [Poster presentation]. Luxembourg Educational Research Assocation Conference LuxERA, Belval, Luxembourg.

Braeuning, D., HORNUNG, C., HOFFMANN, D., Lambert, K., UGEN, S., FISCHBACH, A., SCHILTZ, C., & Moeller, K. (September 2018). Differential association of symbolic and non-symbolic numerical abilities in children with and without MLD – Evidence from large scale assessment data [Poster presentation]. Biennial EARLI SIG 15 "Special Educational Needs" Conference, Potsdam, Germany.

GAMO, S., SONNLEITNER, P., HOFFMANN, D., HORNUNG, C., UGEN, S., KELLER, U., & FISCHBACH, A. (11 January 2018). Parcours scolaires et performance mathématique des élèves scolarisés au Luxembourg : Effet du contexte langagier et socio-économiques [Paper presentation]. 30 ème colloque de l'ADMEE-EUROPE, Esch-Belval, Luxembourg.

GEORGES, C., HOFFMANN, D., & SCHILTZ, C. (2018). Implicit and explicit number-space associations differentially relate to interference control in young adults with ADHD. Frontiers in Psychology. doi:10.3389/fpsyg.2018.00775
Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi

GEORGES, C., HOFFMANN, D., HORNUNG, C., MARTIN, R., MULLER, C., SCHILTZ, C., SCHULLER, A.-M., & UGEN, S. (Eds.). (2018). LEARN Newsletter - Édition 2018. Esch/Alzette, Luxembourg: LEARN.

GEORGES, C., HOFFMANN, D., HORNUNG, C., MARTIN, R., MULLER, C., SCHILTZ, C., SCHULLER, A.-M., & UGEN, S. (Eds.). (2018). LEARN Newsletter - Editioun 2018. Esch/Alzette, Luxembourg: LEARN.

GEORGES, C., HOFFMANN, D., & SCHILTZ, C. (2017). Mathematical abilities in elementary school: Do they relate to number–space associations? Journal of Experimental Child Psychology. doi:10.1016/j.jecp.2017.04.011
Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi

HOFFMANN, D., HORNUNG, C., MARTIN, R., SCHILTZ, C., SCHULLER, A.-M., & UGEN, S. (Eds.). (2017). LEARN Newsletter - Editioun 2017: Méisproochegkeet. Esch/Alzette, Luxembourg: LEARN.

HOFFMANN, D., HORNUNG, C., MARTIN, R., SCHILTZ, C., SCHULLER, A.-M., & UGEN, S. (Eds.). (2017). LEARN Newsletter - Éditioun 2017: Multilinguisme. Esch/Alzette, Luxembourg: LEARN.

GEORGES, C., HOFFMANN, D., & SCHILTZ, C. (2017). How and Why Do Number-Space Associations Co-Vary in Implicit and Explicit Magnitude Processing Tasks? Journal of Numerical Cognition.
Peer reviewed

GEORGES, C., HOFFMANN, D., & SCHILTZ, C. (14 September 2016). How Math Anxiety relates to Number-Space Associations. Frontiers in Psychology, 7 (1401). doi:10.3389/fpsyg.2016.01401
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GEORGES, C., HOFFMANN, D., & SCHILTZ, C. (September 2016). Age modulates the relation between number-space associations and arithmetical abilities in elementary school children [Poster presentation]. 8th Expert Meeting on Mathematical Thinking and Learning.

GEORGES, C., HOFFMANN, D., & SCHILTZ, C. (October 2015). Math anxiety is predicted by the strength of number-space associations, over and beyond arithmetic ability and WM [Poster presentation]. Neuroeducation of Number Processing 2015.

GEORGES, C., HOFFMANN, D., & SCHILTZ, C. (September 2015). The link between number-space associations and visuospatial abilities depends on visualization profile [Poster presentation]. 6th International Conference on Spatial Cognition.

GEORGES, C., HOFFMANN, D., & SCHILTZ, C. (May 2015). Inhibitory control influences number-space associations in atypical young adults with ADHD [Poster presentation]. Annual Meeting of the Belgian Association for Psychological Sciences (BAPS).

GEORGES, C., HOFFMANN, D., & SCHILTZ, C. (March 2015). Inhibitory Control Influences the SNARC Effect in Tasks without Explicit Reference to Numerical Magnitude [Poster presentation]. International Convention of Psychological Science (2015).

HOFFMANN, D., Goffaux, V., SCHULLER, A.-M., & SCHILTZ, C. (2015). Inhibition of return and attentional facilitation: Numbers can be counted in, letters tell a different story. Acta Psychologica, 163, 74-80. doi:10.1016/j.actpsy.2015.11.007
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MULLER, C., REICHERT, M., GAMO, S., HOFFMANN, D., HORNUNG, C., SONNLEITNER, P., WROBEL, G., & MARTIN, R. (2015). Kompetenzunterschiede aufgrund des Schülerhintergrundes. In R. MARTIN, S. UGEN, ... A. FISCHBACH (Eds.), Épreuves Standardisées: Bildungsmonitoring für Luxemburg. Nationaler Bericht 2011 bis 2013 (pp. 34-56). Esch/ Alzette, Unknown/unspecified: University of Luxembourg, LUCET.

HORNUNG, C., HOFFMANN, D., LORPHELIN, D., GAMO, S., UGEN, S., FISCHBACH, A., & MARTIN, R. (2015). Allgemeine Befunde zum luxemburgischen Schulwesen. In R. MARTIN, S. UGEN, ... A. FISCHBACH (Eds.), Épreuves Standardisées: Bildungsmonitoring für Luxemburg. Nationaler Bericht 2011 bis 2013 (pp. 22-32). Esch/Alzette, Unknown/unspecified: University of Luxembourg, LUCET.

GEORGES, C., SCHILTZ, C., & HOFFMANN, D. (2015). Task instructions determine the visuospatial and verbal-spatial nature of number-space associations. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 68 (9). doi:10.1080/17470218.2014.997764
Peer reviewed

GEORGES, C., HOFFMANN, D., & SCHILTZ, C. (October 2014). Different number-processing tasks entail qualitatively different SNARC effects [Poster presentation]. Workshop on Educational Neuroscience of Mathematics, Tübingen, Germany.

SCHULLER, A.-M., HOFFMANN, D., Goffaux, V., & SCHILTZ, C. (2014). Shifts of spatial attention cued by irrelevant numbers: Electrophysiological evidence from a target discrimination task. Journal of Cognitive Psychology. doi:10.1080/20445911.2014.946419
Peer reviewed

GEORGES, C., HOFFMANN, D., & SCHILTZ, C. (May 2014). Cognitive style influences number-space associations [Poster presentation]. Meeting of the Belgian Association for Psychological Science, Leuven, Belgium.

HORNUNG, C., HOFFMANN, D., LORPHELIN, D., & FISCHBACH, A. (April 2014). Developing a mathematics large-scale assessment at the beginning of first grade in Luxembourg [Poster presentation]. 6th Expert Meeting on Mathematical Thinking and Learning, Leiden, Netherlands.

GEORGES, C., SCHILTZ, C., & HOFFMANN, D. (April 2014). Task instructions determine the visuo-spatial and verbal-spatial nature of number-space associations [Poster presentation]. 21st Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Neuroscience Society, Boston, United States.

HOFFMANN, D., Mussolin, C., MARTIN, R., & SCHILTZ, C. (2014). The Impact of Mathematical Proficiency on the Number-Space Association. PLoS ONE. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0085048
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HOFFMANN, D., Pigat, D., & SCHILTZ, C. (2014). The impact of inhibition capacities and age on number–space associations. Cognitive Processing. doi:10.1007/s10339-014-0601-9
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SONNLEITNER, P., REICHERT, M., WROBEL, G., HORNUNG, C., HOFFMANN, D., GAMO, S., & VILLANYI, D. (January 2014). Qualitätssicherung der Itementwicklung zur Überprüfung der luxemburgischen Bildungsstandards [Paper presentation]. Scientific exchange, Kiel, Germany.

FISCHBACH, A., UGEN, S., MULLER, C., HORNUNG, C., HOFFMANN, D., & MARTIN, R. (January 2014). Istzustand und Ausbau der Épreuves Standardisées (ÉpStan) [Paper presentation]. Scientific exchange, Kiel, Germany.

HOFFMANN, D., HORNUNG, C., MARTIN, R., & SCHILTZ, C. (December 2013). Developing number–space associations: SNARC effects using a color discrimination task in 5-year-olds. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 116, 775-791. doi:10.1016/j.jecp.2013.07.013
Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi

ENGEL DE ABREU, P., SCHILTZ, C., HOFFMANN, D., MARTIN, R., UGEN, S., SCHULLER, A.-M., & HORNUNG, C. (2013). LEARN stellt sech fier. ORBilu-University of Luxembourg.

HOFFMANN, D. (2013). An Investigation of Number-Space Associations: Exploring Developmental and Cognitive Influences [Doctoral thesis, Unilu - University of Luxembourg]. ORBilu-University of Luxembourg.

HOFFMANN, D., Pigat, D., & SCHILTZ, C. (01 March 2013). The impact of inhibition capacities on number-space associations [Poster presentation]. 5th Expert Meeting on Mathematical Thinking and Learning, Walferdange, Luxembourg.

HOFFMANN, D., Pigat, D., & SCHILTZ, C. (26 February 2013). The impact of inhibition capacities on number-space associations in young and elderly adults [Poster presentation]. Interactions between Space, Time and Number: 20 years of Research, Paris, France.

HORNUNG, C., HOFFMANN, D., LORPHELIN, D., FISCHBACH, A., UGEN, S., VILLANYI, D., Böhm, B., & MARTIN, R. (2013). Mädchen und Jungen. In SCRIPT & EMACS (Eds.), PISA 2012. Nationaler Bericht Luxemburg (pp. 78-87). Luxembourg, Unknown/unspecified: MENFP.

WROBEL, G., DIERENDONCK, C., FISCHBACH, A., UGEN, S., HOFFMANN, D., HORNUNG, C., GAMO, S., Böhm, B., & MARTIN, R. (2013). Zusammenfassung der Ergebnisse von PISA 2012 / Synthèse des résultats de PISA 2012. In SCRIPT & EMACS (Eds.), PISA 2012. Nationaler Bericht Luxemburg (pp. 123-127). Luxembourg, Unknown/unspecified: MENFP.

GEORGES, C., HOFFMANN, D., & SCHILTZ, C. (2013). The SNARC effect and its relationship to spatial abilities in women [Poster presentation]. 18th Conference of the European Society for Cognitive Psychology.

HOFFMANN, D., Mussolin, C., & SCHILTZ, C. (07 September 2012). The interaction between number and space processing and math achievement in adults [Poster presentation]. “Space and Embodied Cognition ”5th International Conference on Spatial Cognition, Rome, Italy.

ENGEL DE ABREU, P., SCHILTZ, C., HOFFMANN, D., HORNUNG, C., MARTIN, R., SCHULLER, A.-M., & UGEN, S. (2012). LEARN stellt sech fier. ORBilu-University of Luxembourg.

HOFFMANN, D., HORNUNG, C., MARTIN, R., & SCHILTZ, C. (17 July 2012). A developmental investigation of the SNARC effect using a colour discrimination task [Paper presentation]. Workshop “Making Sense of Numbers”, Oxford, United Kingdom.

HOFFMANN, D., Mussolin, C., & SCHILTZ, C. (10 February 2012). The SNARC effect – Does it depend on the level of mathematical training? [Paper presentation]. 4th Expert Meeting on Mathematical Thinking and Learning, Leuven, Belgium.

SCHULLER, A.-M., HOFFMANN, D., & SCHILTZ, C. (10 February 2012). Shifts of spatial attention cued by irrelevant numbers: Electrophysiological evidence from a target discrimination task [Poster presentation]. 4th Expert meeting on Mathematical Thinking and Learning, Leuven, Belgium.

HOFFMANN, D., HORNUNG, C., Mussolin, C., MARTIN, R., & SCHILTZ, C. (2012). A developmental investigation of the SNARC effect using a colour discrimination task [Poster presentation]. Annual Meeting of the Belgian Association for Psychological Sciences, Liège, Belgium.

SCHULLER, A.-M., HOFFMANN, D., & SCHILTZ, C. (April 2011). Shifts of spatial attention cued by irrelevant numbers: Electrophysiological evidence from a target discrimination task [Poster presentation]. 18th Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Neuroscience Society, San Francisco, United States.

Goffaux, V., HOFFMANN, D., MARTIN, R., & SCHILTZ, C. (11 February 2011). When numbers act as attentional cues: behavioral and fMRI investigations [Poster presentation]. 3rd Expert Meeting on Mathematical Thinking and Learning, Ghent, Belgium.

HOFFMANN, D., Goffaux, V., & SCHILTZ, C. (2011). Facilitation and inhibition of return using numbers as attentional cues [Poster presentation]. Math Expert Meeting, Gent, Belgium.

HOFFMANN, D., Goffaux, V., & SCHILTZ, C. (2011). Facilitation and inhibition of return using numbers as attentional cues [Poster presentation]. 18th Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Neuroscience Society, San Francisco, United States.

HOFFMANN, D., Mussolin, C., & SCHILTZ, C. (2011). The SNARC effect – Does it depend on the level of mathematical training? [Poster presentation]. Annual Meeting of the Belgian Association for Psychological Sciences, Gent, Belgium.

HOFFMANN, D., HORNUNG, C., Mussolin, C., & SCHILTZ, C. (2011). Developing number-space associations: SNARC effects in a color discrimination task in 11-year-olds [Poster presentation]. 15th European Conference on Developmental Psychology, Bergen, Norway.

HOFFMANN, D., Goffaux, V., & SCHILTZ, C. (2010). When small is left and large is right : Behavioural evidence for attentional shifts due to irrelevant numerical cues [Poster presentation]. Annual Meeting of the Belgian Association for Psychological Sciences, Brussels, Belgium.

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