

Main Referenced Co-authors
KIRSCH, Claudine  (13)
ANDERSEN, Katja  (6)
ALEKSIC, Gabrijela  (4)
DEGANO, Sarah  (4)
KEMP, Valérie  (2)
Main Referenced Keywords
Luxembourg (8); Translanguaging (8); Early Years (4); translanguaging (4); Early Childhood (3);
Main Referenced Unit & Research Centers
Education, Culture, Cognition & Society (ECCS) > Institute for Research on Multilingualism (MLing) (5)
Main Referenced Disciplines
Education & instruction (22)
Languages & linguistics (5)
Arts & humanities: Multidisciplinary, general & others (1)
Social & behavioral sciences, psychology: Multidisciplinary, general & others (1)

Publications (total 25)

The most downloaded
KIRSCH, C., & MORTINI, S. (08 September 2016). Translanguaging. Eine innovative Lehr-und Lernstrategie. Forum für Politik, Gesellschaft und Kultur in Luxemburg, 365, 23-25.

The most cited

22 citations (Scopus®)

KIRSCH, C., ALEKSIC, G., MORTINI, S., & ANDERSEN, K. N. (March 2020). Developing multilingual practices in early childhood education through a professional development in Luxembourg. International Multilingual Research Journal, 4, 319-337. doi:10.1080/19313152.2020.1730023

MORTINI, S., & KEMP, V. (2023). Mehrsprachige Praktiken der Kinder in der Crèche [Paper presentation]. Foire de l'éducation plurilingue, Luxembourg, Luxembourg.

MORTINI, S., & KEMP, V. (07 July 2022). Mehrsprachiges Handeln in frühkindlicher Bildung in Luxemburg [Paper presentation]. Ringvorlesung Sprachenpolitik und Mehrsprachigkeit in Deutschland - Interdisziplinäre Forschung und Fragestellung, Essen, Germany.

MORTINI, S. (2021). Emergent Multilingual Children's Agency within Translanguaging Practices with Peers and Practitioners in Formal and Non-formal Early Childhood Education Settings in Luxembourg [Doctoral thesis, Unilu - University of Luxembourg]. ORBilu-University of Luxembourg.

KIRSCH, C., ALEKSIC, G., MORTINI, S., & ANDERSEN, K. N. (March 2020). Developing multilingual practices in early childhood education through a professional development in Luxembourg. International Multilingual Research Journal, 4, 319-337. doi:10.1080/19313152.2020.1730023
Peer reviewed

MORTINI, S. (14 December 2019). Young emergent multilingual children's agency in learning new language in trilingual Luxembourg [Paper presentation]. Multilingual and Multicultural Learning: Policies and Practices (MMLPP19), Prague, Czechia.

MORTINI, S. (27 November 2019). Children's multilingual agency through translanguaging practices [Paper presentation]. Final conference of the project 'MuLiPEC', Belval, Luxembourg.

ALEKSIC, C., ALEKSIC, G., MORTINI, S., ANDERSEN, K. N., & Di Letizia, L. (27 November 2019). Developing Multilingual Pedagogies in Early Childhood: a review of the project MuLiPEC [Paper presentation]. Gabrijela Aleksic, University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg.

MORTINI, S. (05 September 2019). Young children's agency in learning novel languages in multilingual environments [Paper presentation]. ECER 2019: Education in an Era of Risk – the Role of Educational Research for the Future, Hamburg, Germany.

KIRSCH, C., DEGANO, S., & MORTINI, S. (01 July 2019). Translanguaging as a pedagogy, a practice or a strategy? Examples from a preschool and a primary school class in Luxembourg [Paper presentation]. The various guises of translanguaging, Ghent, Belgium.

KIRSCH, C., DEGANO, S., & MORTINI, S. (01 July 2019). • Translanguaging as a strategy and pedagogy in a primary and preschool in Luxembourg [Paper presentation]. The various guises of translanguaging, Ghent, Belgium.

KIRSCH, C., Aleksic, G., ANDERSEN, K. N., & MORTINI, S. (15 May 2019). The Effect of Professional Development on Multilingual Education in Early Childhood in Luxembourg [Paper presentation]. Multilingual Childhoods: Education, policy and practice, Hamar, Norway.

MORTINI, S. (25 March 2019). Young children's developing multilingual repertoires and languaging in a preschool in Luxembourg [Paper presentation]. 2nd International Conference on Bilingualism, Valletta, Malta.

MORTINI, S. (23 January 2019). Young multilingual children's (trans)languaging and agency in early childhood education in Luxembourg [Paper presentation]. Lecture and workshop at the International School of Oranim College of Education, Oranim, Israel.

KIRSCH, C., & MORTINI, S. (2018). Dialog - traduction française du magazine DIALOG. Dialog.

MORTINI, S. (09 November 2018). Children's languaging and peer interactions in non-formal early childhood education in Luxembourg [Paper presentation]. Luxembourg: A Unique Educational Context? Perspectives on Education (Research), Belval, Esch-sur-Alzette, Luxembourg.

KIRSCH, C., MORTINI, S., ANDERSEN, K. N., & ALEKSIC, G. (2018). Dialog. Une publication du projet « Developing multilingual pedagogies in early childhood ». (Unilu - University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg). Luxembourg, Luxembourg: Mindforest.

KIRSCH, C., & MORTINI, S. (06 September 2018). Practitioners’ and a Child’s Perspectives on Translanguaging in an Early Years Setting in Luxembourg Claudine Kirsch [Paper presentation]. Ecer 2018: Inclusion and Exclusion, Ressources for Educational Research?, Bolzano, Italy.

MORTINI, S. (04 September 2018). Inclusive multilingual pedagogies in a preschool in Luxembourg [Paper presentation]. ECER 2018: Inclusion and Exclusion, Ressources for Educational Research?, Bolzano, Italy.

MORTINI, S., & DEGANO, S. (2018). Mehrsprachige Pädagogik und Translanguaging: 
Theorie und Praxisbeispiele [Paper presentation]. Mehrsprachige Bildung in Luxemburg in formalen und non-formalen Bildungsinstitutionen, Esch-sur-Alzette, Luxembourg.

KIRSCH, C., ALEKSIC, G., MORTINI, S., DEGANO, S., & ANDERSEN, K. N. (10 April 2018). Perspectives on Translanguaging as a Pedagogy in Luxembourg [Paper presentation]. Meeting, New York, United States - New York.

MORTINI, S. (2018). Empowering young children through multilingual practices: A case-study of a crèche in Luxembourg [Paper presentation]. 5th International Conference Crossroads of Languages and Cultures: Languages and cultures at home and at school, Rethymnon, Greece.

MORTINI, S., & KIRSCH, C. (12 December 2017). Developing language skills in the Early Years in multilingual Luxembourg: an ethnographic study [Paper presentation]. LICE, Cambridge, United Kingdom.

KIRSCH, C., & MORTINI, S. (24 August 2017). Developing language skills in 3-year-olds in multilingual Luxembourg: a case study [Paper presentation]. ECER, Copenhagen, Norway.

KIRSCH, C., ANDERSEN, K. N., MORTINI, S., & DiLetizia, L. (13 October 2016). Einblicke in die Sprachideologien und Praktiken von Fachkräften in formalen und non-formalen Einrichtungen in Luxemburg [Paper presentation]. Mehrsprachigkeit in der frühen Kindheit: Ideologien und Praxis, Esch-Alzette, Luxembourg.

KIRSCH, C., & MORTINI, S. (08 September 2016). Translanguaging. Eine innovative Lehr-und Lernstrategie. Forum für Politik, Gesellschaft und Kultur in Luxemburg, 365, 23-25.

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