
KIRSCH Claudine

University of Luxembourg > Faculty of Humanities, Education and Social Sciences (FHSE) > Department of Humanities (DHUM) > Multilingualism

Main Referenced Co-authors
ENGEL DE ABREU, Pascale  (19)
ALEKSIC, Gabrijela  (16)
KEMP, Valérie  (16)
Neumann, Sascha (15)
MORTINI, Simone  (13)
Main Referenced Keywords
Luxembourg (36); iTEO (29); multilingualism (23); translanguaging (21); language learning (15);
Main Referenced Unit & Research Centers
Ministère de l'education nationale, de l'enfance et de la jeunesse (2)
Education, Culture, Cognition & Society (ECCS) > Institute for Research on Multilingualism (MLing) (1)
Institut for Applied Educational Sciences, Research Unit Education, Culture, Cognition and Society, University of Luxembourg (1)
Integrative Research Unit: Social and Individual Development (INSIDE) > Institute for Research on Generations and Family (1)
Main Referenced Disciplines
Education & instruction (126)
Languages & linguistics (37)
Social & behavioral sciences, psychology: Multidisciplinary, general & others (31)
Human health sciences: Multidisciplinary, general & others (9)
Arts & humanities: Multidisciplinary, general & others (8)

Publications (total 207)

The most downloaded
KIRSCH, C. (02 November 2012). Using storytelling to teach vocabulary in language lessons – does it work? (print). Language Learning Journal, 44 (1), 33-51. doi:10.1080/09571736.2012.733404

The most cited

59 citations (Scopus®)

KIRSCH, C. (2012). Ideologies, struggles and contradictions: an account of mothers raising their children bilingually in Luxembourgish and English in Britain. International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism, 15 (1), 95-112. doi:10.1080/13670050.2011.607229

KIRSCH, C., & Duarte, J. (2024). Multilingual Education in Europe. In C. Chapelle, The Encyclopedia of Applied Linguistics (pp. 9). Wiley Online.
Peer reviewed

ALEKSIC, G., & KIRSCH, C. (25 July 2024). Dialogic Reading Practices of Young Children at Home. Journal of Language and Culture in Education, 1 (1), 17. doi:10.5281/zenodo.12806814
Peer reviewed

KIRSCH, C. (2024). Reimers, F.M. (Eds.) (2022): Primary and secondary education during Covid-19: disruptions to educational opportunity during a pandemic. Zeitschrift für Grundschulforschung, Bildung im Elementar- und Primarbereich. doi:10.1007/s42278-024-00209-1
Editorial reviewed

KIRSCH, C., & Hornberger, N. H. (2024). Multiple lenses to understand and shape multilingual literacy practices in Early Childhood Education. Language, Culture and Curriculum, 1-21. doi:10.1080/07908318.2024.2335938
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KIRSCH, C., Mortini, S., & KEMP, V. (2024). Translanguaging in frühkindlichen Bildungseinrichtungen in Luxemburg – mehrsprachiges Handeln von Kindern und Pädagoginnen. In J. Meier, D. İnci, ... V. Blaschitz, Handbuch Mehrsprachigkeit. Verlag Julius Klinkhardt.
Peer reviewed

DE MOLL, F., KEMP, V., SIMOES LOURÊIRO, K., Hadjar, A., & KIRSCH, C. (2024). Luxembourg – Frühpädagogisches Personal. In P. Oberhuemer & I. Schreyer, Personalprofile in 33 Systemen der frühkindlichen Bildung und Kindertagesbetreuung. Munich, Germany: Federal Ministry of Family Affaires, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth - State Institute of Early Childhood Research.
Editorial reviewed

DE MOLL, F., KEMP, V., SIMOES LOURÊIRO, K., Hadjar, A., & KIRSCH, C. (2024). Luxembourg. ECEC Workforce profile. In P. Oberhuemer & I. Schreyer, Workforce profiles in 33 early childhood education and care systems. München, Germany: Ministry of Family, Seniors, Women and Youth; State Institute for Early Childhood Research and Media Literacy (IFP).
Editorial reviewed

Schreyer, I., Oberhuemer, P., & KIRSCH, C. (2024). Luxembourg. Key contextual data. In I. Schreyer & P. Oberhuemer, Workforce profiles in 33 early childhood education and care systems (pp. 28). München, Unknown/unspecified: Ministry of Family, Seniors, Women and Youth; State Institute for Early Childhood Research and Media Literacy (IFP).
Editorial reviewed

Schreyer, I., Oberhuemer, P., & KIRSCH, C. (2024). Luxemburg. Kontextuelle Schlüsseldaten. In I. Schreyer & Onerhuemer, Personalprofile in 33 Systemen der frühkindlichen Bildung und Kindertagesbetreuung (pp. 28). Germany: Bundesministerium für Famile, Senioren, Frauen und Jugend.
Editorial reviewed

KIRSCH, C., & KEMP, V. (2024). Making Sense of Writing: Infants’ Experiences in a Multilingual Day Care Centers in Luxembourg. In Isaak Papadopoulos & Tanya Hathaway, Multilingual Early Childhood Education: Modern Approaches and Research. Nova Publisher. doi:10.52305/XYLP7011
Peer reviewed

ALEKSIC, G., BEBIĆ-CRESTANY, D. D., & KIRSCH, C. (2024). Factors influencing communication between parents and early childhood educators in multilingual Luxembourg. International Journal of Educational Research, 124, 1-14. doi:10.1016/j.ijer.2023.102309
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Andreoli, F.* , KIRSCH, C.* , Peluso, E.* , & Prete, V.*. (2024). The subjective treatment effects of COVID-19 on child well-being: evidence from Luxembourg. International Review of Economics. doi:10.1007/s12232-024-00453-y
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* These authors have contributed equally to this work.

KIRSCH, C., & BEBIĆ-CRESTANY, D. D. (2024). Researching Translanguaging in Literacy Activities in ECE Centers in Luxembourg: Insights into Qualitative Methods and Ethical Considerations. In E. Krompak, E. Makarova, ... S. Meyer, Advocacy in Translanguaging Education. Multilingual Matters.
Peer reviewed

KIRSCH, C. (2023). Meng Mam war haut an der Crèche! D'Wichtegkeet vun der Zesummenaarbecht tëscht Educateuren/ Educatricen an Eltere [Paper presentation]. Let's talk education.

BEBIĆ-CRESTANY, D. D., VAIOULI, P., & KIRSCH, C. (04 October 2023). Coping With the Pandemic in 2020 and 2021: A Mixed-Method Study of Adolescents in Luxembourg. SAGE Open, 13 (4). doi:10.1177/21582440231198393
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KIRSCH, C., & KEMP, V. (23 September 2023). Rollen von pädagogischen Fachkräften und Erziehungspersonen in gemeinsamen Literacy Aktivitäten in Kitas in Luxemburg [Paper presentation]. 3. Innsbrucker Fachtagung zur Elementarpädagogik.

KIRSCH, C., & KEMP, V. (01 September 2023). Children’s agentic behaviour in literacy practices in crèches in Luxembourg [Paper presentation]. EECERA, Estoril, Portugal.

KIRSCH, C. (30 August 2023). Researching children’s participation and agency in Luxembourg [Paper presentation]. EECERA, Estoril, Portugal.

KIRSCH, C., KEMP, V., & Bebić-Crestany, D. (23 August 2023). Multilingual Literacy Practices in Theory and Practice in Day care Centres in Luxembourg [Paper presentation]. ECER, Glasgow (Scotland), United Kingdom.

KIRSCH, C., KEMP, V., & Bebić-Crestany, D. (2023). Guia de leitura dialógica para pais e profissionais. (Unilu - University of Luxembourg [FHSE], Esch-sur-Alzette, Luxembourg).

KIRSCH, C., KEMP, V., & Bebić-Crestany, D. (2023). Leitfaden zum Dialogischen Lesen für Eltern und Praktiker:innen. (Unilu - University of Luxembourg [FHSE], Esch-sur-Alzette, Luxembourg).

KIRSCH, C., KEMP, V., & Bebić-Crestany, D. (2023). Dialogescht Liesen: Guide fir Elteren, Erzéier an Erzéierinnen. (Unilu - University of Luxembourg [FHSE], Esch-sur-Alzette, Luxembourg).

KIRSCH, C., KEMP, V., & Bebić-Crestany, D. (2023). Guide on dialogic reading for parents and professionals. (Unilu - University of Luxembourg [FHSE], Esch-sur-Alzette, Luxembourg).

KIRSCH, C., KEMP, V., & BEBIĆ-CRESTANY, D. D. (2023). Guide pour la lecture dialogique pour parents et professionnels. (Unilu - University of Luxembourg [FHSE], Esch-sur-Alzette, Luxembourg).

KIRSCH, C., & Bergeron-Morin, L. (01 April 2023). Educators, parents and children engaging in literacy activities in multiple languages: an exploratory study. International Journal of Multilingualism, 20 (4), 1386-1403. doi:10.1080/14790718.2023.2195658
Peer reviewed

KIRSCH, C., & ENGEL DE ABREU, P. (14 March 2023). D'Stëmme vun de Kanner während der Covid-19 Pandemie.Abléck an hir Léiererfahrungen, Perceptiounen a Wuelbefannen [Paper presentation]. Soirée bien-être mental des jeunes, Mudam, Luxembourg.

KIRSCH, C., & VAIOULI, P. (13 February 2023). Students’ perspectives on their academic achievement during the Covid-19 pandemic: learner autonomy, school satisfaction and adult support. Social Sciences and Humanities Open, 7 (1), 1-9. doi:10.1016/j.ssaho.2023.100433
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KIRSCH, C. (26 January 2023). Collaboration and joint activities in day care centres in Luxembourg: selective findings of the project COMPARE [Paper presentation]. Together strong in Languages, Betzdorf, Luxembourg.

KIRSCH, C. (26 November 2022). COVID-Kids II.Everything is different: children aged 6-16 share their experiences and subjective well-being in 2021 [Paper presentation]. COVID-Kids Final conference, Esch-Belval, Luxembourg.

Neumann, S., & KIRSCH, C. (17 November 2022). Forschungsergebnisse und Forschungslücken zu Mehrsprachigkeit in der non-formalen Bildung in Luxemburg [Paper presentation]. Patterns of linguistic inequalities in education, Walferdange, Luxembourg.

KIRSCH, C. (16 November 2022). Children’s perspectives on their learning experiences during the pandemic. Journal of Developmental and Adolescent Health, 2 (4).

KIRSCH, C. (14 October 2022). Literacy mit Kleinkindern mit Erzieher*Innen und Eltern in Kindertagestätten [Paper presentation]. Babylonische Sprachverwirrung? Aufwachsen in Vielsprachigkeit, University of Luxembourg, Campus Belval, Luxembourg.

KIRSCH, C., & Neumann, S. (07 October 2022). „Ich will mein altes Leben zurück“ – Einblicke in die veränderten Beziehungen, Aktivitäten und das Wohlbefinden luxemburgischer Kinder in der Pandemie. Diskurs Kindheits- und Jugendforschung, 17 (4), 506-525. doi:10.3224/diskurs.v17i4.01
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KIRSCH, C. (October 2022). Children’s perspectives on their learning experiences during the pandemic [Paper presentation]. 22nd International Association for Adolescent Health (IAAH) European Regional Conference, Athens, Greece.

KIRSCH, C. (29 September 2022). When a policy gets implemented: literacy activities in multiple languages in a day care centre in Luxembourg [Paper presentation]. Palingui online network meeting.

KIRSCH, C. (22 July 2022). Developing collaborative practices in ECE in Luxembourg  [Paper presentation]. Future challenges in Early Language Learning and Multilingual Education, Venue: Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura (ETSA), Campo del Príncipe, Granada (Spain), Spain.

KIRSCH, C. (12 June 2022). Interactions in joint multiliteracies activities in three day care centres in Luxembourg [Paper presentation]. EARLI SIG5 Conference ‘Changing times in ECEC: New opportunities for fostering development and improving sustainability, Utrecht University, Netherlands.

KIRSCH, C., VAIOULI, P., BEBIĆ-CRESTANY, D. D., Andreoli, F., Peluso, E., & Hauffels, I. (2022). L'impact de la pandémie de la Covid-19 au Luxembourg en 2021 : Les enfants de 6 à 16 ans partagent leur bien-être subjectif et leurs expériences. Premiers résultats du projet COVID-Kids II. Esch-sur-Alzette, Luxembourg:

KIRSCH, C., VAIOULI, P., BEBIĆ-CRESTANY, D. D., Andreoli, F., Peluso, E., & Hauffels, I. (2022). The impact of the Covid-19 pandemic in Luxembourg in 2021: Children aged 6-16 share their subjective well-being and experiences. First findings of the project COVID-Kids II. Esch-sur-Alzette, Luxembourg:

KIRSCH, C., Colucci, L., Lutgen, P., & Mortini, S. (2022). Aacht Filmer vum Projet COMPARE: 1. Aféierung; 2. Literacy – Wat ass dat?: 3. Literacy entwéckelen – Wéi a mat weem?; 4. Elterebesuch – Eng Beräicherung; 5. Um Wee zum Partenariat mat den Elteren. (University of Luxembourg, Service National de la Jeunesse).

KIRSCH, C., Colucci, L., Lutgen, P., & Mortini, S. (2022). Cinq films du projet COMPARE : 1. Introduction ; 2. Literacy – Qu’est-ce que c’est ?; 3. Développer la literacy – Comment et avec qui ?; 4. Visite des parents – un enrichissement ; 5. Vers un partenariat avec les parents. (University of Luxembourg, Service National de la Jeunesse).

KIRSCH, C., Colucci, L., Lutgen, P., & Mortini, S. (2022). Five Films of the project COMPARE: 1. Introduction; 2. Literacy – What is it?; 3. Developing literacy – How and with whom?; 4. Developing literacy – How and with whom?; 4. Parent visits – an enrichment Towards a partnership with parents. (University of Luxembourg, Service National de la Jeunesse).

KIRSCH, C. (2021). Bildungspartnerschaften und Literacy: Erste Ergebnisse aus dem Projekt COMPARE. In Service National de la Jeunesse, Zusammenarbeit mit Eltern und Literacy im mehrsprachigen Kontext (pp. 8-17). Luxembourg, Luxembourg: Ministry of National Education, Childhood and Youth.
Editorial reviewed

KIRSCH, C. (2021). Partenariats éducatifs et literacy : premiers résultats du projet COMPARE. In Service National de la Jeunesse, Collaboration avec les parents et littératies plurilingues (pp. 19-32). Service National de la Jeunesse.
Peer reviewed

KIRSCH, C., & ENGEL DE ABREU, P. (18 November 2021). D´Wuelbefanne vu Kanner a Pandemie-Zäiten. Resultater a Perspektiven [Paper presentation]. COVID und Jugendliche, Luxembourg, Luxembourg.

KIRSCH, C., & Mortini, S. (17 November 2021). Engaging in and creatively reproducing translanguaging practices with peers: a longitudinal study with three-year-olds in Luxembourg. International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism, 8, 943-959. doi:10.1080/13670050.2021.1999387
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KIRSCH, C. (09 November 2021). Opening minds to translanguaging pedagogies: perspectives and practices of professionals in early childhood education and primary school.Keynote [Paper presentation]. Beyond Multilingualism: Translanguaging in Education, Basel, Switzerland.

KIRSCH, C. (07 September 2021). First steps into developing multilingual practices in ECEC in Luxembourg: Insights from the projects MuLiPEC and COMPARE [Paper presentation]. ECER, Geneva, Switzerland.

KIRSCH, C., ALEKSIC, G., BEBIĆ, D. D., KEMP, V., & COLUCCI, L. (04 September 2021). Perspectives on multilingualism and multilingual literacies from early childhood educators in Luxembourg [Paper presentation]. Crossroads of Languagea and Cultures 6.

Little, S., Günther-van der Meij, M., KIRSCH, C., Usanova, I., & Duarte, J. (September 2021). Developing Multilingual Literacies – Views from four countries [Paper presentation]. ECER.

Kemp, V., Colucci, L., BEBIĆ, D. D., & KIRSCH, C. (September 2021). Head, shoulders, Knie et pés – singing one’s way into multilingual practices. Language policies and practices in ECE [Paper presentation]. ECER, Geneva, Switzerland.

Heinzel, F., Schüler, L., KIRSCH, C., & Panagiotopulou, J. (2021). „Raum für Mehrsprachigkeit geben!“. Die Grundschulzeitschrift.
Peer reviewed

KIRSCH, C., & ALEKSIC, G. (17 August 2021). Developing multiliteracies in early years education in Luxembourg [Poster presentation]. AILA 2021 Worldcongress, Groningen, Netherlands. doi:10.1080/14790718.2021.1905643

Seele, C., & KIRSCH, C. (17 August 2021). From language policy to educational practices: early multilingual education in Luxembourg [Poster presentation]. AILA 2021 Worldcongress, Groningen, Netherlands.

KIRSCH, C., Peluso, E., Andreoli, F., & ENGEL DE ABREU, P. (2021). Covid-Kids II. Survey for children aged 6 to 16 about their experiences during the Covid-19 pandemic. ORBilu-University of Luxembourg.

KIRSCH, C. (2021). Multilingual children - today & tomorrow [Paper presentation]. Unitalks, Campus Belval, Luxembourg.

KIRSCH, C. (25 May 2021). Practitioners’ language-supporting strategies in multilingual ECE institutions in Luxembourg. European Early Childhood Education Research Journal, 29 (3), 336-350. doi:10.1080/1350293X.2021.1928721
Peer reviewed

KIRSCH, C., ENGEL DE ABREU, P., Neumann, S., & WEALER, C. (21 May 2021). Practices and experiences of distant education during the COVID-19 pandemic: The perspectives of six- to sixteen-year-olds from three high-income countries. International Journal of Educational Research Open, 2 (2), 11. doi:10.1016/j.ijedro.2021.100049
Peer reviewed

KIRSCH, C., & ENGEL DE ABREU, P. (05 May 2021). Présentation des résultats de l’étude COVID - KIDS menée par l’Université du Luxembourg et UNICEF Luxembourg [Paper presentation]. COVID - 19, Un an après: des consequences chez les enfants et adolescents? Webinaire organisé par le comité d’éthique hospitalier, CHL, Luxembourg.

KIRSCH, C., ALEKSIC, G., BEBIĆ, D. D., KEMP, V., & VERBA, I. (21 April 2021). Multilingual practices and literacies in Luxembourg: perspectives from teachers, parents and children [Paper presentation]. EERA Presentation. Developing Multilingual Literacies – Exploring the role of communities for literacy development in multilingual families, Esch-Alzette, Luxembourg.

KIRSCH, C., & ALEKSIC, G. (19 April 2021). Multilingual education in early years in Luxembourg: a paradigm shift? International Journal of Multilingualism, 18 (4), 534-550. doi:10.1080/14790718.2021.1905643
Peer reviewed

KIRSCH, C., & ENGEL DE ABREU, P. (30 March 2021). Table Ronde «Zesumme mat de Kanner duerch Corono-Zaiten» [Paper presentation]. Erwartungen an den ausserschulischen Bereich in Corona Zeiten, Marienthal, Luxembourg.

KIRSCH, C. (20 March 2021). Die Pädagogik des Translanguaging: Möglichkeiten und Herausforderungen [Paper presentation]. 16. FACHTAGUNG DEUTSCHALS ZWEITSPRACHE (DAZ) Pädagogische Hochschule Graubünden, 20.3.2021, Pädagogische Hochschule Graubünden, Switzerland.

KIRSCH, C. (20 March 2021). Die Pädagogik des Translanguaging: Weitere Beispiele und Handlungsanweisungen in Vorschulen und Klassen 1 und 2. Workshop [Paper presentation]. 16. Fachtagung Deutsch als Zweitsprache, Graubünden, Switzerland.

KIRSCH, C. (20 March 2021). Die Pädagogik des Translanguaging: Möglichkeiten und Herausforderungen. Keynote [Paper presentation]. 16. Fachtagung Deutsch als Zweitsprache, Graubünden, Switzerland.

KIRSCH, C., ENGEL DE ABREU, P., Neumann, S., Heber, P., & Hauffels, I. (2021). Fünf Filme des Projekts COVID-Kids: 1 Hört den Kindern und Jugendlichen zu; 2. Die Angst krank zu werden; 3. Erfahrungen mit der Schule zu Hause. (University of Luxembourg; UNICEF Luxembourg).

KIRSCH, C., ENGEL DE ABREU, P., Neumann, S., Heber, P., & Hauffels, I. (2021). Three movies of the project COVID-Kids: 1. Listen to children and young people; 2. The fear of getting ill; 3. Home schooling experiences. (University of Luxembourg; UNICEF Luxembourg).

KIRSCH, C. (2021). Promoting multilingualism and multiliteracies through storytelling: a case-study on the use of the app iTEO in preschools in Luxembourg. In E. Lindgren, E. Breuer, A. Stavans, ... E. Van Steendan, Multilingual Literacy (pp. 187-210). Bristol, United Kingdom: Multilingual Matters.
Peer reviewed

KIRSCH, C. (18 January 2021). Und was ist mit den Kindern? COVID-Kids: Daten der COVID-Kids I Studie aus der Schweiz [Paper presentation]. COVID-KIDS: Fachvortrag. Und was ist mit den Kindern?, Sant Gallen, Switzerland.

KIRSCH, C., ENGEL DE ABREU, P., Neumann, S., WEALER, C., & BRAZAS, K. A. (2021). Bien-être subjectif et expériences quotidiennes des enfants de 6 à 16 ans pendant la première vague de la pandémie COVID-19 au Luxembourg un rapport du projet COVID-Kids. Esch-sur-Alzette, Luxembourg: University of London.

ENGEL DE ABREU, P., Neumann, S., WEALER, C., Abreu, N., Macedo, E. C., & KIRSCH, C. (2021). Subjective Well-Being of Adolescents in Luxembourg, Germany, and Brazil During the COVID-19 Pandemic. Journal of Adolescent Health, 69. doi:10.1016/j.jadohealth.2021.04.028
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KIRSCH, C., & ALEKSIC, G. (2021). Collaboration between home and crèches: perspectives, experiences and expectations of educators in Luxembourg [Paper presentation]. ECER, Geneva, Switzerland.

KEMP, V., COLUCCI, L., & KIRSCH, C. (2021). Head, shoulders, Knie et pés - singing one's way into multilingual practices [Paper presentation]. ECER Conference "Education and Society: expectations, prescriptions, reconciliations", Geneva, Switzerland.
Peer reviewed

KIRSCH, C., ENGEL DE ABREU, P., Neumann, S., WEALER, C., BRAZAS, K. A., & Hauffels, I. (2020). Subjective well-being and stay-at-home experiences of children aged 6-16 during the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic in Luxembourg: A report of the project COVID-Kids.

KIRSCH, C., ENGEL DE ABREU, P., Neumann, S., Brazas, K., & WEALER, C. (17 December 2020). School experiences of children and adolescents in Luxembourg, Germany and Switzerland during the first wave of the lockdown [Paper presentation]. WHO and UNESCO, COVID-19 and MNCAH Research Network Working Group on COVID-19 and Educational Institutions.

KIRSCH, C., ENGEL DE ABREU, P., & Neumann, S. (13 December 2020). Understanding the influence of COVID-19 on children’s and adolescents’ school experience and subjective well-being [Paper presentation]. WHO meeting.

KIRSCH, C., ENGEL DE ABREU, P., & Neumann, S. (27 November 2020). Well-being an Experiences vu Kanner während dem Lockdown [Paper presentation]. Well-being vu Kanner, Forum Geesseknäppchen, Luxembourg.

KIRSCH, C. (14 November 2020). Multilingual education in early years in Luxembourg: mind ideologies! [Paper presentation]. TEDELL, Lisbon, Portugal.

KIRSCH, C. (13 November 2020). Professional development to promote innovative language teaching: examples from multilingual Luxembourg [Paper presentation]. TedELL; Teachers and teacher educators: Education and professional development for early language learning, Lisbon, Portugal.

KIRSCH, C., ENGEL DE ABREU, P., & Neumann, S. (21 October 2020). COVID-KIDS. Predictors of subjective well-being. Children’s and adolescents’ homeschooling experience [Paper presentation]. Expert meeting with UNICEF and health professionals. University of Luxembourg, 21.10.2020, Esch-Alzette, Luxembourg.

KIRSCH, C., Neumann, S., ALEKSIC, G., KEMP, V., & COLUCCI, L. (09 October 2020). Collaboration with parents and multiliteracy in early childhood education [Paper presentation]. Claudine KIRSCH, University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg.

KIRSCH, C. (06 October 2020). Multilingual literacy practices in crèches in Luxembourg: preliminary findings from questionnaires [Paper presentation]. EERA Presentation. Developing Multilingual Literacies – Exploring the role of communities for literacy development in multilingual families.

DEGANO, S., & KIRSCH, C. (11 September 2020). Moving beyond language(s): a case study on a newcomer’s translanguaging practices. European Journal of Applied Linguistics, 8 (2), 181-201. doi:10.1515/eujal-2020-0005
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KIRSCH, C., ENGEL DE ABREU, P., & NEUMANN, S. (2020). The Luxembourg COVID-Kids questionnaire. ORBilu-University of Luxembourg.

KIRSCH, C., & Seele, C. (2020). Flexible language use in multilingual early childhood education in Luxembourg: Reflecting on its nature and functions. In A. Panagiotopoulou, L. Rosen, ... J. Strzykala, Inclusion, Education, and Translanguaging: How to Promote Social Justice in (Teacher) Education?Springer International.
Peer reviewed

Schwartz, M., KIRSCH, C., & Mortini, S. (06 August 2020). Young children’s language-based agency in multilingual contexts in Luxembourg and Israel. Applied Linguistics Review, 13 (5), 819-841. doi:10.1515/applirev-2019-0050
Peer reviewed

KIRSCH, C., & Seele, C. (2020). Early Language Education in Luxembourg. In M. Schwartz, Handbook of early language education (pp. 789–812). Springer International. doi:10.1007/978-3-030-47073-9_28-1
Peer reviewed

Coghill, D., KIRSCH, C., ENGEL DE ABREU, P., & Neumann, S. (07 July 2020). Cross national variation in the impact of COVID-19 on children and education [Paper presentation]. WHO COVID-19 and Educational Institutions Research Working Group.

KIRSCH, C. (30 April 2020). Opening minds to translanguaging pedagogies. System, 92. doi:10.1016/j.system.2020.102271
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KIRSCH, C. (08 April 2020). Heranführung an die mehrsprachige Pädagogik durch Filmaufnahmen in der Lehrerausbildung in Luxemburg. Zeitschrift für Interkulturellen Fremdsprachenunterricht, 25 (1), 22.
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KIRSCH, C. (2020). Translanguaging practices in early childhood education in Luxembourg. In C. KIRSCH & J. Duarte, Multilingual approaches for teaching and learning. From acknowledging to capitalizing on multilingualism in European mainstream education (pp. 15-33). Milton Park, Unknown/unspecified: Routledge. doi:10.1080/19313152.2020.1730023
Peer reviewed

Duarte, J., & KIRSCH, C. (2020). Introduction: multilingual approaches to teaching and learning. In C. KIRSCH & J. Duarte, Multilingual approaches for teaching and learning. From acknowledging to capitalising on multilingualism in European mainstream education (pp. 1-12). Milton Park, United Kingdom: Routledge.
Peer reviewed

KIRSCH, C. (2020). Conclusion and future research. In C. KIRSCH, Multilingual approaches for teaching and learning. From acknowledging to capitalising on multilingualism in European mainstream education (pp. 204-207). Routledge.

KIRSCH, C., Duarte, J., & Palviainen, Å. (2020). Effective professional development and sustainability of multilingual approaches. In C. KIRSCH & J. Duarte, Multilingual approaches for teaching and learning. From acknowledging to capitalising on multilingualism in European mainstream education (pp. 186-203). Milton Park, United Kingdom: Routledge.
Peer reviewed

KIRSCH, C., & Duarte, J. (Eds.). (2020). Multilingual approaches for teaching and learning. From acknowledging to capitalising on multilingualism in European mainstream education. Milton Park, United Kingdom: Routledge. doi:10.4324/9780429059674

Costley, C., & KIRSCH, C. (2020). Young children capitalising on their entire language repertoire for language learning at school. RiPL Summary of Kirsch, C. (2018) in Language, Culture and Curriculum. ORBilu-University of Luxembourg.

KIRSCH, C., ALEKSIC, G., MORTINI, S., & ANDERSEN, K. N. (March 2020). Developing multilingual practices in early childhood education through a professional development in Luxembourg. International Multilingual Research Journal, 4, 319-337. doi:10.1080/19313152.2020.1730023
Peer reviewed

KIRSCH, C. (18 December 2019). From home to early childhood education: beliefs, language ideologies and OPOL [Paper presentation]. Family Multilingualism Seminar, University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg.

ALEKSIC, C., ALEKSIC, G., MORTINI, S., ANDERSEN, K. N., & Di Letizia, L. (27 November 2019). Developing Multilingual Pedagogies in Early Childhood: a review of the project MuLiPEC [Paper presentation]. Gabrijela Aleksic, University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg.

KIRSCH, C. (2019). Sprachliche Voraussetzungen. In E. Kiel, B. Herzig, U. Maier, ... U. Sandfuchs, Handbuch Unterrichten in allgemeinbildenden Schulen (pp. 334-341). Bad Heilbrunn, Germany: Julius Klinkhardt.
Peer reviewed

KIRSCH, C. (04 September 2019). Changes of Early Years Practitioners’ Perspectives on Multilingual Education through Professional Development in Luxembourg [Paper presentation]. ECER, University of Hamburg, Germany.

KIRSCH, C. (2019). LAP in School Profile 6: Multilingualism in Luxembourg Classrooms. In Chumak-Horbatsch, Using linguistically appropriate practice. A guide for Teaching in Multilingual Classrooms (pp. 80-82). Bristol, United Kingdom: Multilingual Matters.
Peer reviewed

Panagiotopoulou, J., Rosen, L., KIRSCH, C., & Chatzidaki, A. (2019). Introduction. In J. Panagiotopoulou, L. Rosen, C. KIRSCH, ... A. Chatzidaki, 'New' Migration of Families from Greece to Europe and Canada A 'New' Challenge for Education? (pp. 2-7). Wiesbaden, Unknown/unspecified: Springer International VS. doi:10.1007/978-3-658-25521-3
Peer reviewed

Panagiotopoulou, A., Rosen, L., KIRSCH, C., & Chatzidaki, A. (Eds.). (2019). New Migration of Families from Greece to Europe and Canada – Experiences and Interpretations of Family Members within the Context of Different Migration Societies and Educational Systems. (Reihe Inklusion Bildung Migration). Wiesbaden, Germany: Springer.

KIRSCH, C. (2019). Teachers’, parents’ and children’s perspectives of teaching and learning Greek in a complementary school in Luxembourg. In J. Panagiotopoulou, L. Rosen, C. KIRSCH, ... A. Chatzidaki, 'New' Migration of Families from Greece to Europe and Canada (Inklusion und Bildung in Migrationsgesellschaften, pp. 199-220). Wiesbaden GmbH, Germany: Springer International.
Peer reviewed

KIRSCH, C., DEGANO, S., & MORTINI, S. (01 July 2019). Translanguaging as a pedagogy, a practice or a strategy? Examples from a preschool and a primary school class in Luxembourg [Paper presentation]. The various guises of translanguaging, Ghent, Belgium.

KIRSCH, C., DEGANO, S., & MORTINI, S. (01 July 2019). • Translanguaging as a strategy and pedagogy in a primary and preschool in Luxembourg [Paper presentation]. The various guises of translanguaging, Ghent, Belgium.

KIRSCH, C. (2019). Personal-Fragebogen zum Sprachenprofil der Einrichtung. (Univesity of Luxemburg).

KIRSCH, C. (2019). Zusammenarbeit mit den Eltern: Beispiele aus Luxemburg. In SNJ, Die Bildungspartnerschaft mit den Familien in der frühen mehrsprachigen Bildung. Le partenariat avec les familles dans l’éducation plurilingue de la petite enfance (pp. 28-40). Luxembourg, United Kingdom: SNJ.
Peer reviewed

KIRSCH, C. (16 May 2019). Preschool teachers’ language-supporting strategies in multilingual education in Luxembourg [Paper presentation]. Multilingual Childhoods: Education, policy and practice, Hamar, Norway.

KIRSCH, C., Aleksic, G., ANDERSEN, K. N., & MORTINI, S. (15 May 2019). The Effect of Professional Development on Multilingual Education in Early Childhood in Luxembourg [Paper presentation]. Multilingual Childhoods: Education, policy and practice, Hamar, Norway.

KIRSCH, C. (09 April 2019). The Influence of Professional Development on Early Years Teachers’ and Educators’ Attitudes and Practices in Luxembourg [Paper presentation]. AERA, Toronto, Canada.

KIRSCH, C. (15 January 2019). Developing multilingual pedagogies in early childhood. Ergebnisse des Projekts MuLiPEC: Perspektiven der Fachkräfte und pädagogische Praxis [Paper presentation]. Interkulturelle Bildung.Ringvorlesung, Hamburg, Germany.

KIRSCH, C., & MORTINI, S. (2018). Dialog - traduction française du magazine DIALOG. Dialog.
Peer reviewed

KIRSCH, C. (2018). Zusammenarbeit mit den Eltern: Beispiele aus Luxemburg. In Service National de la Jeunesse, Die Bildungspartnerschaft mit den Familien in der frühen mehrsprachigen Bildung. Sammlung der Beiträge der Konferenz vom 26. Juni 2018 in Luxemburg (pp. 28-40). Luxembourg, Luxembourg: Universität Luxembourg.

KIRSCH, C., ALEKSIC, G., & ANDERSEN, K. N. (08 November 2018). The influence of a professional development on teachers’ and carers’ multilingual practices in early childhood education in Luxembourg [Paper presentation]. Inaugural LuxERA Conference «Luxembourg: A Unique Educational Context? Perspectives on Education (Research)», Belval, Luxembourg.

KIRSCH, C., & ALEKSIC, G. (07 November 2018). The effect of Professional Development on Multilingual Education in Early Childhood in Luxembourg. Review of European Studies, 10 (4), 148-163. doi:10.5539/res.v10n4p148
Peer reviewed

KIRSCH, C. (25 October 2018). Dynamic interplay of language policy, beliefs and pedagogy in a nursery class in Luxembourg. Language and Education, 32 (5), 444-461. doi:10.1080/09500782.2018.1487452
Peer reviewed

KIRSCH, C. (2018). Developing speaking and pronunciation skills through storytelling on the app iTEO. In P. Hood, Teaching Languages Creatively (first, pp. 47-58). London, United Kingdom: Routledge.
Peer reviewed

KIRSCH, C. (2018). Mehrsprachige Bildung in der frühen Kindheit - Rahmenbedingungen und professionelle Praktiken. In University of Luxembourg & SCRIPT, Bildungsbericht.Bildungsverläufe und Bildungserfolge (pp. 135-138). Luxembourg, Luxembourg: University of Luxembourg.

KIRSCH, C., & Seele, C. (27 September 2018). Reflecting on Translanguaging Practices in Formal and Non-Formal Early Education Settings in Luxembourg: How, When and Why Do We Translanguage? [Paper presentation]. International Workshop Inclusion, Education, and Translanguaging: How to Promote Social Justice in (Teacher) Education?, Cologne, Germany.

KIRSCH, C., MORTINI, S., ANDERSEN, K. N., & ALEKSIC, G. (2018). Dialog. Une publication du projet « Developing multilingual pedagogies in early childhood ». (Unilu - University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg). Luxembourg, Luxembourg: Mindforest.

KIRSCH, C., & MORTINI, S. (06 September 2018). Practitioners’ and a Child’s Perspectives on Translanguaging in an Early Years Setting in Luxembourg Claudine Kirsch [Paper presentation]. Ecer 2018: Inclusion and Exclusion, Ressources for Educational Research?, Bolzano, Italy.

KIRSCH, C., & DEGANO, S. (06 September 2018). (In)flexible Language Use in a Year 4 Class in Luxembourg: Which Languages in Which Subjects? [Paper presentation]. Ecer 2018: Inclusion and Exclusion, Ressources for Educational Research, Bolzano, Italy.

KIRSCH, C. (30 August 2018). Becoming agents of change: how early-years practitioners in Luxembourg transformed a monolingual environment into a multilingual one [Paper presentation]. ECERA Annual conference ‘Early Childhood Education, Families and Communities, Budapest, Hungary.

KIRSCH, C. (26 June 2018). Zusammenarbeit mit den Eltern und Valorisieren der Familiensprachen mit der App iTEO [Paper presentation]. Conférence sur l'éducation plurilingue de la petite enfance, Forum Geesseknäppchen, Luxembourg, Luxembourg.

ALEKSIC, G., & KIRSCH, C. (22 June 2018). Emergent Multilinguals Learning Languages with the iPad app iTEO [Paper presentation]. COST Action IS1410 Digilitey Project Meeting - Riga, Riga, Latvia.

KIRSCH, C. (02 June 2018). Developing multilingual pedagogies in the early years in Luxembourg [Paper presentation]. Crossroads of Languages and Cultures, Rethymnon, Greece.

KIRSCH, C. (02 June 2018). Teachers’ perspectives of teaching Greek in a multilingual Greek school in Luxembourg [Paper presentation]. Crossroads of Languages and Cultures, Rethymnon, Greece.

KIRSCH, C. (28 April 2018). "Education plurilingue" in Luxemburg: Perspektiven der Fachkräfte und pädagogische Praxis in Vorschulen und einer crèche [Paper presentation]. "Lieft Aer Sproochen!" Mehrsprachige LehrerInnen und ErzieherInnen als wichtige Akteure für gelingende mehrsprachige Bildung, Esch-Belval, Luxembourg.

NEUMANN, S., & KIRSCH, C. (26 April 2018). Mehrsprachige Bildung in Luxemburg: Möglichkeiten und Herausforderungen [Paper presentation]. Mehrsprachige Bildung in formalen und non-formalen Bildungsinstitutionen, Esch-Belval, Luxembourg.

KIRSCH, C., ALEKSIC, G., MORTINI, S., DEGANO, S., & ANDERSEN, K. N. (10 April 2018). Perspectives on Translanguaging as a Pedagogy in Luxembourg [Paper presentation]. Meeting, New York, United States - New York.

KIRSCH, C., & Gogonas, N. (12 January 2018). Transnational experiences, language competences and worldviews: contrasting language policies in two recently migrated Greek families in Luxembourg. Multilingua, 37 (2), 153-175. doi:10.1515/multi-2017-0017
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KIRSCH, C., Mortini, S., ANDERSEN, K. N., & ALEKSIC, G. (2018). Newsletter des Forschungsprojekts MuliPEC. (Unilu - University of Luxembourg [Humanities, Education and Social Sciences], Esch-sur-Alzette, Luxembourg).

MORTINI, S., & KIRSCH, C. (12 December 2017). Developing language skills in the Early Years in multilingual Luxembourg: an ethnographic study [Paper presentation]. LICE, Cambridge, United Kingdom.

KIRSCH, C. (2017). iTEO: examining the use of the App iTEO for teaching and learning languages in primary schools: 7 educational videos. (Unilu - University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg). Esch, Luxembourg: University of Luxembourg.

KIRSCH, C. (2017). MuLiPEC: Developing multilingual pedagogies in Early Childhood: 8 educational movies. Esch, Luxembourg: University of Luxembourg.

KIRSCH, C. (21 November 2017). Demystifying multilingualism at work, at home and at school [Paper presentation]. Training, Luxembourg, Luxembourg.

KIRSCH, C. (November 2017). Opbauen op méisproocheg Ressourcen beim Sproocheléieren. Learn, November (06).

KIRSCH, C. (24 October 2017). Sprachenlernen mit der App iTEO [Paper presentation]. 2. Workshop zur Lehr-Lernforschung, Esch Belval, Luxembourg.

KIRSCH, C. (23 September 2017). Inhalte und Ergebnisse einer Fortbildung zur Mehrsprachigkeitspädagogik in der frühen Kindheit [Paper presentation]. Mehrsprachigkeit in Kita und Schule, Hegne, 23.September 2017, Germany.

KIRSCH, C., & Cicero Catanese, G. (September 2017). Sprachbiographien und ihre Bedeutung in multilingualen Kontexten. Eine Fallstudie aus Luxemburg. Zeitschrift für Grundschulforschung, Bildung im Elementar- und Primarbereich, 10 (2), 35-48.
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KIRSCH, C. (25 August 2017). Teachers’, parents’ and students’ perspectives’ on teaching and learning Greek in a community school in Luxembourg [Paper presentation]. ECER, Copenhagen, Norway.

KIRSCH, C., & MORTINI, S. (24 August 2017). Developing language skills in 3-year-olds in multilingual Luxembourg: a case study [Paper presentation]. ECER, Copenhagen, Norway.

KIRSCH, C. (23 August 2017). Perspectives on translanguaging and its practices in early years in Luxembourg [Paper presentation]. ECER, Copenhagen, Norway.

KIRSCH, C. (24 July 2017). Dynamic interplay of language policy, beliefs and pedagogy in a nursery class in Luxembourg [Paper presentation]. AILA world congress, Rio, Brazil.

KIRSCH, C. (18 June 2017). Translanguaging practices on iTEO in Preschools. Translation and Translanguaging in Multilingual Contexts, 3 (2), 145-166. doi:10.1075/ttmc.3.2
Peer reviewed

KIRSCH, C. (14 June 2017). Perspectives on multilingualism and language learning and literacy practices of early years practitioners in Luxembourg [Paper presentation]. ISB11 International Symposium of Bilingualism, Limerick, Ireland.

KIRSCH, C. (05 May 2017). Capitalising on children’s linguistic repertoire in diverse contexts: practices and challenges’ [Paper presentation]. uxembourgish Studies Colloquium Crossing Languages, Crossing Cultures, Sheffield, United Kingdom.

KIRSCH, C. (24 March 2017). Young children capitalising on their entire language repertoire for language learning at school. Language, Culture and Curriculum, 31 (1), 39-55. doi:10.1080/07908318.2017.1304954
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KIRSCH, C., & BES IZUEL, M. A. (2017). Emergent multilinguals learning languages with the iPad app iTEO: a study in primary schools in Luxembourg. Language Learning Journal. doi:10.1080/09571736.2016.1258721
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KIRSCH, C. (07 December 2016). Aufbauen auf den mehrsprachigen Ressourcen der Kinder [Paper presentation]. Symposium “Schule für alle", München, Germany.

KIRSCH, C., & BES IZUEL, M. A. (November 2016). Language ideologies of preschool teachers and translanguaging practices in classrooms [Paper presentation]. IALIC, Barcelona, Spain.

KIRSCH, C., ANDERSEN, K. N., MORTINI, S., & DiLetizia, L. (13 October 2016). Einblicke in die Sprachideologien und Praktiken von Fachkräften in formalen und non-formalen Einrichtungen in Luxemburg [Paper presentation]. Mehrsprachigkeit in der frühen Kindheit: Ideologien und Praxis, Esch-Alzette, Luxembourg.

KIRSCH, C., & MORTINI, S. (08 September 2016). Translanguaging. Eine innovative Lehr-und Lernstrategie. Forum für Politik, Gesellschaft und Kultur in Luxemburg, 365, 23-25.

KIRSCH, C., & BES IZUEL, M. A. (10 June 2016). iTEO as a translanguaging and learning space [Paper presentation]. International Conference on Bilingualism in Education, Bangor, United Kingdom.

KIRSCH, C. (June 2016). Developing language skills through collaborative storytelling on iTEO. Literacy Information and Computer Education Journal, 2 (June), 10. doi:10.20533/licej.2040.2589.2016.0298
Peer reviewed

GOGONAS, N., & KIRSCH, C. (2016). ‘In this country my children are learning two of the most important languages in Europe’: ideologies of language as a commodity among Greek migrant families in Luxembourg. International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism. doi:10.1080/13670050.2016.1181602
Peer reviewed

KIRSCH, C., & BES IZUEL, M. A. (15 April 2016). iTEO – digital storytelling in a multilingual context: presentation, use, discussion [Paper presentation]. Multiplier Event : Shaping new border spaces through languages?, Belval, Luxembourg.

KIRSCH, C. (12 March 2016). Sprachenlernen mit der App iTEO [Paper presentation]. Launch of Edusphere, Belval, Luxembourg.

García, O., Panagiotopoulou, A., & KIRSCH, C. (18 February 2016). Translanguaging as a motor for the development of oral skills in early childhood [Paper presentation]. Développement des compétences orales des enfants multilingues, Esch Belval, Luxembourg.

KIRSCH, C. (18 February 2016). iTEO als Tool zur Sprachentwicklung mehrsprachiger Kinder [Paper presentation]. Développement des compétences orales des enfants multilingues, Esch Belval, Luxembourg.

KIRSCH, C., & Gretsch, G. (December 2015). L’apprentissage langagier avec l’App iTEO. Synergies Pays Germanophones, 8, 12.
Peer reviewed

KIRSCH, C. (26 November 2015). iTEO [Paper presentation]. EAPRIL, Belval, Luxembourg.

KIRSCH, C. (09 November 2015). Developing multilingualism of 6-8 year-olds through collaborative storytelling on iTEO [Paper presentation]. LICE, Windsor, United Kingdom.

Lamy, C., Bodson, M., Houtmann, E., KIRSCH, C., & GRETSCH, G. (2015). Der Bachelor in Erziehungswissenschaften an der Universität Luxemburg als akademische und praktische Ausbildung zum Lehrer. In R. Bolle (Ed.), Schulpraktische Studien 2015 zwischen Standards, Alltag und Zukunftsvisionen (10, pp. 99-113). Leipzig, Germany: Leipziger Universität.
Peer reviewed

KIRSCH, C. (2015). Multilingual oracies. Ein Bericht einer Weiterbildung zur Förderung der Mündlichkeit anhand von Versen und Bilderbüchern. Dudelange, Luxembourg: Ministère de l'Education nationale, de l'Enfance et de la Jeunesse.

KIRSCH, C., & Gretsch, G. (2015). Echo iTEO. Co-languaging, collaborating, co-constructing. (2). Luxembourg, Unknown/unspecified: Mndforest.

KIRSCH, C., & Di Letizia, L. (09 September 2015). Language learning through storying on iTEO [Paper presentation]. EECERA, Barcelona, Spain.

KIRSCH, C., & ANDERSEN, K. N. (09 September 2015). Educators’ and teachers’ understanding of developing multilingual oracies [Paper presentation]. EECERA, Barcelona, Spain.

KIRSCH, C. (29 May 2015). Developing multilingualism in nursery schools in Luxembourg [Paper presentation]. Rethinking Language, Diversity and Education, Rhodos, Greece.

KIRSCH, C. (16 May 2015). Developing languages through the iPad App iTEO [Paper presentation]. Lehr- Lernforschung als Motor für pädagogische Innovation - in Schulen, mit Schulen, für Schulen, Walferdange, Luxembourg.

KIRSCH, C. (16 May 2015). Lehr-und Lernforschung: Perspektiven von AES und dem BScE [Paper presentation]. Workshops with teachers: Lehr-Lernforschung als Motor für pädagogische Innovation – in Schulen, mit Schulen, für Schulen, Walferdange, Luxembourg.

KIRSCH, C. (20 April 2015). Translanguaging of children and teachers during storytelling activities with iTEO in nursery and primary schools in Luxembourg [Paper presentation]. Claudine KIRSCH, Falun, Sweden.

ANDERSEN, K. N., & KIRSCH, C. (20 April 2015). Multilingual oracies in formal and informal settings in Luxembourg [Paper presentation]. Translanguaging: Practices, Skills and Pedagogy, Falun, Sweden.

KIRSCH, C., SEELE, C., & ENGEL DE ABREU, P. (06 March 2015). Language promotion and language practices in early educational settings in Luxembourg: Research projects in the fields of non-formal and formal education [Paper presentation]. Mehrsprachigkeit und frühe Kindheit: Herausforderungen für das Bildungssystem. Multilinguisme et petite enfance: Défis pour le système éducatif, Walferdange, Luxembourg.

KIRSCH, C. (21 January 2015). Sprachenlernen durch Geschichtenerzählen mit iTEO [Paper presentation]. 8. Französischlehrertag. "Wege zur Frankreichkompetenz", Saarbrücken, Germany.

KIRSCH, C. (11 November 2014). Sprachenlernen durch Storying mit iTEO [Paper presentation]. Unterkulturelle Bildung. Diversity Education Research, Hamburg, Germany.

KIRSCH, C., & GRETSCH, G. (2014). Echo iTEO. Sprachräume. Luxembourg, Luxembourg: University.

KIRSCH, C. (2014). Storytelling at home and at the nursery school: A study of bilingual children’s literacy practices. In N. MORYS, C. KIRSCH, I. GEORGES, ... G. GRETSCH (Eds.), Lernen und Lehren in multilingualen Kontexten: Zum Umgang mit sprachlich-kultureller Vielfalt im Klassenraum (pp. 219-246). Frankfurt, Germany: Peter Lang.
Peer reviewed

MORYS, N., KIRSCH, C., & GRETSCH, G. (2014). Einleitung. In N. MORYS, C. KIRSCH, I. GEORGES, ... G. GRETSCH (Eds.), Lernen und Lehren in multilingualen Kontexten: Zum Umgang mit sprachlich-kultureller Vielfalt im Klassenraum (pp. 7-16). Frankfurt/Main, Germany: Peter Lang.
Peer reviewed

MORYS, N., KIRSCH, C., DE SAINT-GEORGES, I., & GRETSCH, G. (Eds.). (2014). Lernen und Lehren in multilingualen Kontexten. Zum Umgang mit sprachlich-kultureller Vielfalt im Klassenraum. Frankfurt/Main, Germany: Peter Lang.

KIRSCH, C., & HILGERS, J. M. (22 January 2014). Ansätze zur Integration von Naturwissenschaften in den Sprachunterrichtund von Sprachunterricht in den Naturwissenschaften [Paper presentation]. Französischlehrertag, Saarbrücken, Germany.

KIRSCH, C., & GRETSCH, G. (10 January 2014). Forschungsbasierte Lehre im BScE [Paper presentation]. Lunchtime seminar, Luxembourg, Luxembourg.

KIRSCH, C. (08 July 2013). iTEO, a learning and teaching tool that valorises and promotes language diverity [Paper presentation]. Multilingual policies and practices in private and public domains, Walferdange, Luxembourg.

KIRSCH, C. (28 June 2013). Entwicklung der Argumentationsfähigkeit von Geschwistern bei sukzessiver Zweisprachigkeit. Eine Fallstudie [Paper presentation]. Mehrsprachigkeit als Chance.Fünfte internationale Tagung zu Herausforderungen und Potenziale von Mehrsprachigkeit in Schule, Hochschule und weitere Bildungsinstitutionen am 28. - 29.06.13, Heidelberg, Germany.

KIRSCH, C., & GRETSCH, G. (28 June 2013). iTEO – ein Tool zur Valorisierung der Mehrsprachigkeit [Paper presentation]. Mehrsprachigkeit als Chance.Fünfte internationale Tagung zu Herausforderungen und Potenziale von Mehrsprachigkeit in Schule, Hochschule und weitere Bildungsinstitutionen am 28. - 29.06.13, Heidelberg, Germany.

KIRSCH, C. (02 May 2013). Kinder lernen Sprachen durch das Erzählen von Geschichten [Paper presentation]. Mehrsprachigkeit und Multiliteralität, Cologne, Germany.

KIRSCH, C. (07 March 2013). Development of persuasive speech in emergent bilingual siblings [Paper presentation]. Conference on Urban Multilingualism and Education, Ghent, Belgium.

KIRSCH, C., & GRETSCH, G. (07 March 2013). Learning languages through collaborative storytelling with iTEO [Paper presentation]. Conference on Urban Multilingualism and Education, Ghent, Belgium.

KIRSCH, C. (23 January 2013). Sprachenlernen durch Geschichtenerzählen in der Schreibwerkstatt und mit iTEO [Paper presentation]. Französischlehrertag, Saarbrücken, Germany.

KIRSCH, C. (11 January 2013). Entwicklung der Zweitsprache und der Argumentationsfähigkeit [Paper presentation]. Invited talk, Cologne, Germany.

KIRSCH, C., & JOVANOVIC, V. (2013). La formation initiale des enseignants au Grand-Duché de Luxembourg. Puzzle. Actes de l'Université d'été du CIFEN. La formation initiale des enseignants en question. Une comparaison internationale, 1 (32), 7-12.

KIRSCH, C. (02 November 2012). Using storytelling to teach vocabulary in language lessons – does it work? (print). Language Learning Journal, 44 (1), 33-51. doi:10.1080/09571736.2012.733404
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KIRSCH, C. (10 September 2012). Developing language through the App iTEO [Paper presentation]. Researching language in education in diverse, twenty-first century classrooms, Edinburgh, United Kingdom.

KIRSCH, C. (2012). Luxemburgisch lernen durch Geschichtenerzählen. Ein Fallbeispiel einer luxemburgischen Vorschule. Forum für Politik, Gesellschaft und Kultur in Luxemburg, 324 (December), 46-48.

KIRSCH, C. (2012). Developing children’s language learner strategies at primary school. Education 3-13. Special Issue: What can primary languages offer the curriculum?, 40 (4), 379-399. doi:10.1080/03004279.2012.691372
Peer reviewed

KIRSCH, C. (2012). Ideologies, struggles and contradictions: an account of mothers raising their children bilingually in Luxembourgish and English in Britain. International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism, 15 (1), 95-112. doi:10.1080/13670050.2011.607229
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KIRSCH, C. (2011). Struggling to raise children bilingually in Luxembourgish and English: an exploration of the language ideologies and parental practices of Luxembourgish mothers. In B. AREND & J.-J. WEBER (Eds.), Penser l'education de demain (PHI, pp. 278-305). Luxembourg, Luxembourg: Scientic Editions.
Peer reviewed

KIRSCH, C. (2008). Developing intercultural competence. Link, 38, 15-18.

KIRSCH, C. (2008). Different countries, different pedagogies: Student teacher exchanges for primary language learning. In C. Kenner & T. M. Hickey (Eds.), Multilingual Europe: Diversity and Learning (pp. 145-150). Stoke-on-Trent, Unknown/unspecified: Trentham Books.
Peer reviewed

KIRSCH, C. (2008). National Strategies on Language in the European Context Kirsch, Claudine. In C. Kenner & T. M. Hickey (Eds.), Multilingual Europe: Diversity and Learning (pp. 162-168). Stoke-on-Trent, Unknown/unspecified: Trentham Books.
Peer reviewed

KIRSCH, C. (2008). Teaching Foreign Languages in the Primary School: Principles and Practice. London, Unknown/unspecified: Continuum.

KIRSCH, C. (2006). Young children learning new languages out of school. International Journal of Multilingualism, 3 (4), 258-279. doi:10.2167/ijm035.0
Peer reviewed

KIRSCH, C. (2006). English Primary Children Learning Foreign Languages at Home and at School: a sociocultural approach to the development of language learning strategies Kirsch, Claudine. London, Unknown/unspecified: Unpublished Thesis. Goldsmiths College.

KIRSCH, C. (2001). Children’s Strategies When Learning Additional Languages. A Comparative Study of Bilingual and Monolingual Children. Goldsmiths Journal of Education, 3 (2), 2-19.
Peer reviewed

KIRSCH, C., ENGEL DE ABREU, P., Neumann, S., Heber, P., & Hauffels, I. (2021). Trois films du projet COVID-Kids : 1. Écoutez les enfants et les adolescents ; 2. La peur de tomber malade ;3. Expériences avec le travail scolaire à la maison. (University of Luxembourg; UNICEF Luxembourg).

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