KEMP, V. (2024). Children's early literacy meaning-making in multilingual early childhood education [Doctoral thesis, Unilu - University of Luxembourg]. ORBilu-University of Luxembourg. |
KIRSCH, C., Mortini, S., & KEMP, V. (2024). Translanguaging in frühkindlichen Bildungseinrichtungen in Luxemburg – mehrsprachiges Handeln von Kindern und Pädagoginnen. In J. Meier, D. İnci, ... V. Blaschitz, Handbuch Mehrsprachigkeit. Verlag Julius Klinkhardt. Peer reviewed |
DE MOLL, F., KEMP, V., SIMOES LOURÊIRO, K., Hadjar, A., & KIRSCH, C. (2024). Luxembourg – Frühpädagogisches Personal. In P. Oberhuemer & I. Schreyer, Personalprofile in 33 Systemen der frühkindlichen Bildung und Kindertagesbetreuung. Munich, Germany: Federal Ministry of Family Affaires, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth - State Institute of Early Childhood Research. Editorial reviewed |
DE MOLL, F., KEMP, V., SIMOES LOURÊIRO, K., Hadjar, A., & KIRSCH, C. (2024). Luxembourg. ECEC Workforce profile. In P. Oberhuemer & I. Schreyer, Workforce profiles in 33 early childhood education and care systems. München, Germany: Ministry of Family, Seniors, Women and Youth; State Institute for Early Childhood Research and Media Literacy (IFP). Editorial reviewed |
KIRSCH, C., & KEMP, V. (2024). Making Sense of Writing: Infants’ Experiences in a Multilingual Day Care Centers in Luxembourg. In Isaak Papadopoulos & Tanya Hathaway, Multilingual Early Childhood Education: Modern Approaches and Research. Nova Publisher. doi:10.52305/XYLP7011 Peer reviewed Dataset: 10.52305/XYLP7011 |
KEMP, V. (09 November 2023). Children's early literacy meaning-making: A qualitative study in crèches in Luxembourg [Paper presentation]. Conference of the Luxembourg Educational Research Association, Esch-sur-Alzette, Luxembourg. Peer reviewed |
KIRSCH, C., & KEMP, V. (23 September 2023). Rollen von pädagogischen Fachkräften und Erziehungspersonen in gemeinsamen Literacy Aktivitäten in Kitas in Luxemburg [Paper presentation]. 3. Innsbrucker Fachtagung zur Elementarpädagogik. |
KIRSCH, C., & KEMP, V. (01 September 2023). Children’s agentic behaviour in literacy practices in crèches in Luxembourg [Paper presentation]. EECERA, Estoril, Portugal. |
KIRSCH, C., KEMP, V., & Bebić-Crestany, D. (23 August 2023). Multilingual Literacy Practices in Theory and Practice in Day care Centres in Luxembourg [Paper presentation]. ECER, Glasgow (Scotland), United Kingdom. |
KEMP, V. (23 August 2023). Mapping meaning-making: A qualitative study of children's early literacy engagement in three crèches in Luxembourg [Paper presentation]. The European Conference on Educational Research, Glasgow, United Kingdom. Peer reviewed |
MORTINI, S., & KEMP, V. (2023). Mehrsprachige Praktiken der Kinder in der Crèche [Paper presentation]. Foire de l'éducation plurilingue, Luxembourg, Luxembourg. |
KIRSCH, C., KEMP, V., & Bebić-Crestany, D. (2023). Guia de leitura dialógica para pais e profissionais. (Unilu - University of Luxembourg [FHSE], Esch-sur-Alzette, Luxembourg). |
KIRSCH, C., KEMP, V., & Bebić-Crestany, D. (2023). Leitfaden zum Dialogischen Lesen für Eltern und Praktiker:innen. (Unilu - University of Luxembourg [FHSE], Esch-sur-Alzette, Luxembourg). |
KIRSCH, C., KEMP, V., & Bebić-Crestany, D. (2023). Dialogescht Liesen: Guide fir Elteren, Erzéier an Erzéierinnen. (Unilu - University of Luxembourg [FHSE], Esch-sur-Alzette, Luxembourg). |
KIRSCH, C., KEMP, V., & Bebić-Crestany, D. (2023). Guide on dialogic reading for parents and professionals. (Unilu - University of Luxembourg [FHSE], Esch-sur-Alzette, Luxembourg). |
KIRSCH, C., KEMP, V., & BEBIĆ-CRESTANY, D. D. (2023). Guide pour la lecture dialogique pour parents et professionnels. (Unilu - University of Luxembourg [FHSE], Esch-sur-Alzette, Luxembourg). |
KEMP, V. (2023). Mehrsprachige Kindheit in Luxemburg [Paper presentation]. Veranstaltung der Vereinigung zur Förderung der Zweisprachigkeit - Association pour la Promotion du Bilinguisme e.V, Sarreguemines, France. |
KEMP, V. (10 November 2022). A conceptualisation of young children's engagement with books - preliminary findings of a qualitative study in three crèches in Luxembourg [Paper presentation]. Conference of the Luxembourg Educational Research Association, Esch-sur-Alzette, Luxembourg. Peer reviewed |
KEMP, V. (21 October 2022). Literale Handlungen von 2-4 jährigen Kindern in Kitas im mehrsprachigen Kontext [Paper presentation]. Digitale Vorlesungsreihe des Studiengangs "Kindheitspädagogik und Gesundheit", Wolfsburg, Germany. |
KEMP, V. (12 July 2022). Children's early literacy meaning-making [Paper presentation]. SIG5 Learning and Development in Early Childhood Conference 2022, Utrecht, Netherlands. Peer reviewed |
MORTINI, S., & KEMP, V. (07 July 2022). Mehrsprachiges Handeln in frühkindlicher Bildung in Luxemburg [Paper presentation]. Ringvorlesung Sprachenpolitik und Mehrsprachigkeit in Deutschland - Interdisziplinäre Forschung und Fragestellung, Essen, Germany. |
KEMP, V. (23 June 2022). "My name is L-I-A" - A case study of a young child's meaning-making in multiliteracy events [Paper presentation]. International Conference - Future Challenges in Early Language Learning and Multilingual Education, Granada, Spain. Peer reviewed |
KEMP, V. (13 May 2022). Young children's multiliteracy meaning-making - A case study in non-formal ECE in Luxembourg [Poster presentation]. The Second HaBilNet Colloquium, Frankfurt, Germany. |
KIRSCH, C., ALEKSIC, G., BEBIĆ, D. D., KEMP, V., & COLUCCI, L. (04 September 2021). Perspectives on multilingualism and multilingual literacies from early childhood educators in Luxembourg [Paper presentation]. Crossroads of Languagea and Cultures 6. |
KIRSCH, C., ALEKSIC, G., BEBIĆ, D. D., KEMP, V., & VERBA, I. (21 April 2021). Multilingual practices and literacies in Luxembourg: perspectives from teachers, parents and children [Paper presentation]. EERA Presentation. Developing Multilingual Literacies – Exploring the role of communities for literacy development in multilingual families, Esch-Alzette, Luxembourg. |
KEMP, V., COLUCCI, L., & KIRSCH, C. (2021). Head, shoulders, Knie et pés - singing one's way into multilingual practices [Paper presentation]. ECER Conference "Education and Society: expectations, prescriptions, reconciliations", Geneva, Switzerland. Peer reviewed |
KIRSCH, C., Neumann, S., ALEKSIC, G., KEMP, V., & COLUCCI, L. (09 October 2020). Collaboration with parents and multiliteracy in early childhood education [Paper presentation]. Claudine KIRSCH, University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg. |
SIMOES LOUREIRO, K., Bley, F., & KEMP, V. (05 October 2020). Multilingualism and literacy practices in early childhood education in Luxembourg: perspectives from three PhD studies [Paper presentation]. Multilingual Literacies - Online Conference, Sheffield, United Kingdom. |
REUTER, R., Haberkorn, M., & KEMP, V. (2019). Tell Your Town – Sprache lernen, Integration fördern, Städte erkunden und entdecken. In M. Busch, J. Frisch, ... A. Wegner, Europa leben lernen. Apprendre à vivre l’Europe. Tagungsband zur 1. „Edu.GR“-Tagung an der Universität Trier. Trier, Germany: Universität Trier. doi:10.25353/ubtr-xxxx-42f2-d31e |
REUTER, R., Haberkorn, M., & KEMP, V. (20 September 2018). Tell Your Town – Sprache lernen, Integration fördern, Städte erkunden und entdecken [Paper presentation]. Edu.GR - Europa leben lernen, Trier, Germany. |