
KEMP Valérie

Main Referenced Co-authors
KIRSCH, Claudine  (16)
Bebić-Crestany, Džoen (5)
ALEKSIC, Gabrijela  (3)
BEBIĆ-CRESTANY, Džoen Dominique  (3)
COLUCCI, Laura  (3)
Main Referenced Keywords
early childhood education (6); parents (6); Dialogic reading (5); professionals (5); Luxembourg (4);
Main Referenced Unit & Research Centers
Research Institute on Multilingualism (1)
SNJ (1)
Main Referenced Disciplines
Education & instruction (24)
Social & behavioral sciences, psychology: Multidisciplinary, general & others (4)
Arts & humanities: Multidisciplinary, general & others (1)
Physical, chemical, mathematical & earth Sciences: Multidisciplinary, general & others (1)

Publications (total 30)

The most downloaded
KIRSCH, C., KEMP, V., & Bebić-Crestany, D. (2023). Leitfaden zum Dialogischen Lesen für Eltern und Praktiker:innen. (Unilu - University of Luxembourg [FHSE], Esch-sur-Alzette, Luxembourg).

The most cited

1 citations (Scopus®)

KIRSCH, C., & KEMP, V. (2024). Making Sense of Writing: Infants’ Experiences in a Multilingual Day Care Centers in Luxembourg. In Isaak Papadopoulos & Tanya Hathaway, Multilingual Early Childhood Education: Modern Approaches and Research. Nova Publisher. doi:10.52305/XYLP7011

KEMP, V. (2024). Children's early literacy meaning-making in multilingual early childhood education [Doctoral thesis, Unilu - University of Luxembourg]. ORBilu-University of Luxembourg.

KIRSCH, C., Mortini, S., & KEMP, V. (2024). Translanguaging in frühkindlichen Bildungseinrichtungen in Luxemburg – mehrsprachiges Handeln von Kindern und Pädagoginnen. In J. Meier, D. İnci, ... V. Blaschitz, Handbuch Mehrsprachigkeit. Verlag Julius Klinkhardt.
Peer reviewed

DE MOLL, F., KEMP, V., SIMOES LOURÊIRO, K., Hadjar, A., & KIRSCH, C. (2024). Luxembourg – Frühpädagogisches Personal. In P. Oberhuemer & I. Schreyer, Personalprofile in 33 Systemen der frühkindlichen Bildung und Kindertagesbetreuung. Munich, Germany: Federal Ministry of Family Affaires, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth - State Institute of Early Childhood Research.
Editorial reviewed

DE MOLL, F., KEMP, V., SIMOES LOURÊIRO, K., Hadjar, A., & KIRSCH, C. (2024). Luxembourg. ECEC Workforce profile. In P. Oberhuemer & I. Schreyer, Workforce profiles in 33 early childhood education and care systems. München, Germany: Ministry of Family, Seniors, Women and Youth; State Institute for Early Childhood Research and Media Literacy (IFP).
Editorial reviewed

KIRSCH, C., & KEMP, V. (2024). Making Sense of Writing: Infants’ Experiences in a Multilingual Day Care Centers in Luxembourg. In Isaak Papadopoulos & Tanya Hathaway, Multilingual Early Childhood Education: Modern Approaches and Research. Nova Publisher. doi:10.52305/XYLP7011
Peer reviewed

KEMP, V. (09 November 2023). Children's early literacy meaning-making: A qualitative study in crèches in Luxembourg [Paper presentation]. Conference of the Luxembourg Educational Research Association, Esch-sur-Alzette, Luxembourg.
Peer reviewed

KIRSCH, C., & KEMP, V. (23 September 2023). Rollen von pädagogischen Fachkräften und Erziehungspersonen in gemeinsamen Literacy Aktivitäten in Kitas in Luxemburg [Paper presentation]. 3. Innsbrucker Fachtagung zur Elementarpädagogik.

KIRSCH, C., & KEMP, V. (01 September 2023). Children’s agentic behaviour in literacy practices in crèches in Luxembourg [Paper presentation]. EECERA, Estoril, Portugal.

KIRSCH, C., KEMP, V., & Bebić-Crestany, D. (23 August 2023). Multilingual Literacy Practices in Theory and Practice in Day care Centres in Luxembourg [Paper presentation]. ECER, Glasgow (Scotland), United Kingdom.

KEMP, V. (23 August 2023). Mapping meaning-making: A qualitative study of children's early literacy engagement in three crèches in Luxembourg [Paper presentation]. The European Conference on Educational Research, Glasgow, United Kingdom.
Peer reviewed

MORTINI, S., & KEMP, V. (2023). Mehrsprachige Praktiken der Kinder in der Crèche [Paper presentation]. Foire de l'éducation plurilingue, Luxembourg, Luxembourg.

KIRSCH, C., KEMP, V., & Bebić-Crestany, D. (2023). Guia de leitura dialógica para pais e profissionais. (Unilu - University of Luxembourg [FHSE], Esch-sur-Alzette, Luxembourg).

KIRSCH, C., KEMP, V., & Bebić-Crestany, D. (2023). Leitfaden zum Dialogischen Lesen für Eltern und Praktiker:innen. (Unilu - University of Luxembourg [FHSE], Esch-sur-Alzette, Luxembourg).

KIRSCH, C., KEMP, V., & Bebić-Crestany, D. (2023). Dialogescht Liesen: Guide fir Elteren, Erzéier an Erzéierinnen. (Unilu - University of Luxembourg [FHSE], Esch-sur-Alzette, Luxembourg).

KIRSCH, C., KEMP, V., & Bebić-Crestany, D. (2023). Guide on dialogic reading for parents and professionals. (Unilu - University of Luxembourg [FHSE], Esch-sur-Alzette, Luxembourg).

KIRSCH, C., KEMP, V., & BEBIĆ-CRESTANY, D. D. (2023). Guide pour la lecture dialogique pour parents et professionnels. (Unilu - University of Luxembourg [FHSE], Esch-sur-Alzette, Luxembourg).

KEMP, V. (2023). Mehrsprachige Kindheit in Luxemburg [Paper presentation]. Veranstaltung der Vereinigung zur Förderung der Zweisprachigkeit - Association pour la Promotion du Bilinguisme e.V, Sarreguemines, France.

KEMP, V. (10 November 2022). A conceptualisation of young children's engagement with books - preliminary findings of a qualitative study in three crèches in Luxembourg [Paper presentation]. Conference of the Luxembourg Educational Research Association, Esch-sur-Alzette, Luxembourg.
Peer reviewed

KEMP, V. (21 October 2022). Literale Handlungen von 2-4 jährigen Kindern in Kitas im mehrsprachigen Kontext [Paper presentation]. Digitale Vorlesungsreihe des Studiengangs "Kindheitspädagogik und Gesundheit", Wolfsburg, Germany.

KEMP, V. (12 July 2022). Children's early literacy meaning-making [Paper presentation]. SIG5 Learning and Development in Early Childhood Conference 2022, Utrecht, Netherlands.
Peer reviewed

MORTINI, S., & KEMP, V. (07 July 2022). Mehrsprachiges Handeln in frühkindlicher Bildung in Luxemburg [Paper presentation]. Ringvorlesung Sprachenpolitik und Mehrsprachigkeit in Deutschland - Interdisziplinäre Forschung und Fragestellung, Essen, Germany.

KEMP, V. (23 June 2022). "My name is L-I-A" - A case study of a young child's meaning-making in multiliteracy events [Paper presentation]. International Conference - Future Challenges in Early Language Learning and Multilingual Education, Granada, Spain.
Peer reviewed

KEMP, V. (13 May 2022). Young children's multiliteracy meaning-making - A case study in non-formal ECE in Luxembourg [Poster presentation]. The Second HaBilNet Colloquium, Frankfurt, Germany.

KIRSCH, C., ALEKSIC, G., BEBIĆ, D. D., KEMP, V., & COLUCCI, L. (04 September 2021). Perspectives on multilingualism and multilingual literacies from early childhood educators in Luxembourg [Paper presentation]. Crossroads of Languagea and Cultures 6.

KIRSCH, C., ALEKSIC, G., BEBIĆ, D. D., KEMP, V., & VERBA, I. (21 April 2021). Multilingual practices and literacies in Luxembourg: perspectives from teachers, parents and children [Paper presentation]. EERA Presentation. Developing Multilingual Literacies – Exploring the role of communities for literacy development in multilingual families, Esch-Alzette, Luxembourg.

KEMP, V., COLUCCI, L., & KIRSCH, C. (2021). Head, shoulders, Knie et pés - singing one's way into multilingual practices [Paper presentation]. ECER Conference "Education and Society: expectations, prescriptions, reconciliations", Geneva, Switzerland.
Peer reviewed

KIRSCH, C., Neumann, S., ALEKSIC, G., KEMP, V., & COLUCCI, L. (09 October 2020). Collaboration with parents and multiliteracy in early childhood education [Paper presentation]. Claudine KIRSCH, University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg.

SIMOES LOUREIRO, K., Bley, F., & KEMP, V. (05 October 2020). Multilingualism and literacy practices in early childhood education in Luxembourg: perspectives from three PhD studies [Paper presentation]. Multilingual Literacies - Online Conference, Sheffield, United Kingdom.

REUTER, R., Haberkorn, M., & KEMP, V. (2019). Tell Your Town – Sprache lernen, Integration fördern, Städte erkunden und entdecken. In M. Busch, J. Frisch, ... A. Wegner, Europa leben lernen. Apprendre à vivre l’Europe. Tagungsband zur 1. „Edu.GR“-Tagung an der Universität Trier. Trier, Germany: Universität Trier. doi:10.25353/ubtr-xxxx-42f2-d31e

REUTER, R., Haberkorn, M., & KEMP, V. (20 September 2018). Tell Your Town – Sprache lernen, Integration fördern, Städte erkunden und entdecken [Paper presentation]. Edu.GR - Europa leben lernen, Trier, Germany.

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