

University of Luxembourg > Faculty of Humanities, Education and Social Sciences > Department of Behavioural and Cognitive Sciences > Cognitive Science and Assessment

Main Referenced Co-authors
GREIFF, Samuel  (67)
Funke, Joachim (24)
NEUBERT, Jonas  (7)
Fischer, A. (5)
Main Referenced Keywords
MicroDYN (6); complex problem solving (4); Complex problem solving (3); Complex Problem Solving (2); Dynamic problem solving (2);
Main Referenced Disciplines
Theoretical & cognitive psychology (36)
Education & instruction (18)
Social & behavioral sciences, psychology: Multidisciplinary, general & others (14)

Publications (total 68)

The most downloaded
GREIFF, S., Wüstenberg, S., & Funke, J. (2012). Dynamic Problem Solving: A new measurement perspective. Applied Psychological Measurement, 36, 189-213. doi:10.1177/0146621612439620

The most cited

208 citations (OpenAlex)

Wüstenberg, S., GREIFF, S., & Funke, J. (2012). Complex Problem Solving. More than reasoning? Intelligence, 40, 1-14. doi:10.1016/j.intell.2011.11.003

Molnar, G., GREIFF, S., Wüstenberg, S., & Fischer, A. (2017). Empirical work on computer-based assessment of domain-general complex problem solving skills. In B. Csapo & J. Funke (Eds.), The nature of problem solving (pp. 125-140). Paris, Unknown/unspecified: OECD Publishing.
Peer reviewed

GREIFF, S., & Wüstenberg, S. (April 2016). Log-file analyses of students’ problem solving behavior in PISA 2012 assessment. In Q. He & M. von Davier (Eds.), Exploring timing and process data in large-scale assessments [Paper presentation]. Symposium at the Annual Meeting of the National Council on Measurement in Education in Washington D.C., USA.

KRETZSCHMAR, A., NEUBERT, J., Wüstenberg, S., & GREIFF, S. (2016). Construct validity of complex problem solving: A comprehensive view on different facets of intelligence and school grades. Intelligence, 54, 55-69. doi:10.1016/j.intell.2015.11.004
Peer reviewed

Krkovic, K., Wüstenberg, S., & GREIFF, S. (2016). Assessing Collaborative Behavior in Students - An Experiment-Based Assessment Approach. European Journal of Psychological Assessment, 32 (1), 52-60. doi:10.1027/1015-5759/a000329
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Wüstenberg, S., NEUBERT, J., HARDT, K., RUDOLPH, J., & GREIFF, S. (28 August 2015). Exploiting process data. The link of students’ behavior to performance in PISA 2012 problem solving [Paper presentation]. EARLI, Limassol, Cyprus.

Baudson, T., WOLLSCHLÄGER, R., Scherrer, V., Schmidt, I., GREIFF, S., Wüstenberg, S., & Preckel, F. (July 2015). Primary school students’ social and emotional school experiences across grade levels. Adaptation and validation of the Social and Emotional School Experiences Survey – Short Form (SESES-S) [Paper presentation]. 13th European Conference of Psychological Assessment, Zurich, Switzerland.

Wüstenberg, S., & GREIFF, S. (16 April 2015). Beyond simply correct or incorrect: The psychometric exploitation of behavioral log file data for assessment purposes [Paper presentation]. 22nd Ramiro and Zoran Bujas’ Days, Zagreb, Croatia.

KRETZSCHMAR, A., NEUBERT, J., Wüstenberg, S., & GREIFF, S. (April 2015). Complex problem solving within the nomological network of intelligence [Paper presentation]. 7th Szeged Workshop on Educational Evaluation, Szeged, Hungary.

GREIFF, S., Wüstenberg, S., Csapo, B., Demetriou, A., Hautamäki, J., Graesser, A. C., & MARTIN, R. (April 2015). Domain-general problem solving skills and its role in education in the 21st century [Paper presentation]. 7th Szeged Workshop on Educational Evaluation, Szeged, Hungary.

Wüstenberg, S., HARDT, K., & GREIFF, S. (28 March 2015). The merits of log file analyses. Exemplary findings based on the PISA 2012 problem solving data [Paper presentation]. 7th Szeged Workshop on Educational Evaluation, Szeged, Hungary.

Wüstenberg, S., & GREIFF, S. (11 March 2015). Nutzung und Nutzen von Prozessdaten in computerbasierten Testungen [Paper presentation]. Conference of the German Association of Empirical Educational Research, Bochum, Germany.

GREIFF, S., Wüstenberg, S., NEUBERT, J., & HARDT, K. (March 2015). Log file analyses in educational large-scale assessments: A new window to students’ minds? [Paper presentation]. Invited speech at the PISA Governing Board Meeting, Mexico City, Mexico.

Fischer, A., GREIFF, S., Wüstenberg, S., Fleischer, J., Buchwald, F., & Funke, J. (2015). Assessing analytic and interactive aspects of problem solving competency. Learning and Individual Differences, 39. doi:10.1016/j.lindif.2015.02.008
Peer reviewed

GREIFF, S., Wüstenberg, S., & Avvisati, F. (2015). Computer-generated log-file analyses as a window into students' minds? A showcase study based on the PISA 2012 assessment of problem solving. Computers and Education, 91, 92-105. doi:10.1016/j.compedu.2015.10.018
Peer reviewed

RUDOLPH, J., NIEPEL, C., Wüstenberg, S., & GREIFF, S. (2015). Prädiktoren komplexen Problemlösens besser verstehen: Bearbeitungszeit als partieller Mediator für den Effekt von Reasoning und Need for Cognition auf komplexes Problemlösen [Paper presentation]. 3rd Conference of the German Association of Empirical Educational Research (GEBF), Bochum, Germany.

GREIFF, S., Fischer, A., STADLER, M., & Wüstenberg, S. (2015). Assessing complex problem solving skills with Multiple Complex Systems. Thinking & Reasoning, 21, 356-382. doi:10.1080/13546783.2014.989263
Peer reviewed

GREIFF, S., Wüstenberg, S., Götz, T., Vainikainen, M.-P., Hautamäki, J., & Bornstein, M. (2015). Longitudinal evidence for a continuing cognitive cascade. Working memory and fluid intelligence enhance complex problem solving in adolescence. Frontiers in Psychology, 6, 1060. doi:10.3389/fpsyg.2015.01060
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GREIFF, S., & Wüstenberg, S. (2015). COMPRO. Komplexer Problemlösetest. Mödling, Germany: Schuhfried.

NEUBERT, J., KRETZSCHMAR, A., Wüstenberg, S., & GREIFF, S. (2015). Extending the assessment of Complex Problem Solving to finite state automata. Embracing heterogeneity. European Journal of Psychological Assessment, 31, 181-194. doi:10.1027/1015-5759/a000224
Peer reviewed

GREIFF, S., NIEPEL, C., & Wüstenberg, S. (Crit. Eds.). (2015). 21st century skills. Recent advancements and international developments. Special Issue. Thinking Skills and Creativity, 8.
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GREIFF, S., Wüstenberg, S., & HARDT, K. (2015). A first approach toward log file analyses in educational large-scale assessments: A new window to students’ minds? Internal report to the OECD. Paris, Unknown/unspecified: OECD Publishing.

GREIFF, S., NIEPEL, C., & Wüstenberg, S. (2015). Editorial. Thinking Skills and Creativity, 8, 1-3.
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GREIFF, S., Wüstenberg, S., & MARTIN, R. (September 2014). Global best practices in the teaching of complex problem [Paper presentation]. Invited speech at the OECD symposium for school superintendents on PISA 2012, Washington D.C., United States.

MARTIN, R., Wüstenberg, S., & GREIFF, S. (September 2014). Complex problem solving. A new curricular perspective for the 21st century [Paper presentation]. Invited speech at the American Achieve’s symposium for practitioners and educators on PISA 2012, Washington D.C., United States.

Wüstenberg, S., STADLER, M., Hautamäki, J., & GREIFF, S. (30 April 2014). Introduction on problem solving and empirical results on the use of strategies in complex problem solving tasks [Paper presentation]. 6th Szeged Workshop on Educational Evaluation, Szeged, Hungary.

Wüstenberg, S., STADLER, M., Hautamäki, J., & GREIFF, S. (26 April 2014). The role of strategy knowledge for the application of strategies in complex problem solving tasks. Technology, Knowledge and Learning, 19, 127-146. doi:10.1007/s10758-014-9222-8
Peer reviewed

GREIFF, S., & Wüstenberg, S. (April 2014). Assessment of Complex Problem Solving. What we know and what we don’t know [Paper presentation]. Conference of the American Educational Research Association in Philadelphia, USA.

Wüstenberg, S., GREIFF, S., Vainikainen, M.-P., & Murphy, K. (March 2014). Konstruktvalidierung von Komplexem Problemlösen mit Hilfe von und für Large-Scale Assessments [Paper presentation]. Symposium "Large-Scale Assessments" at the 2nd Conference of the German Association of Empirical Educational Research, Frankfurt, Germany.

Frischkorn, G., GREIFF, S., & Wüstenberg, S. (2014). The development of complex problem solving: a latent growth curve analysis. Journal of Educational and Psychological Consultation, 106, 1004-1020.
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Wüstenberg, S., GREIFF, S., Molnár, G., & Funke, J. (January 2014). Cross-national gender differences in complex problem solving and their determinants. Learning and Individual Differences, 29, 18-29. doi:10.1016/j.lindif.2013.10.006
Peer reviewed

GREIFF, S., Wüstenberg, S., Csapo, B., Demetriou, A., Hautamäki, J., Graesser, A. C., & MARTIN, R. (2014). Domain-general problem solving skills and education in the 21st century. Educational Research Review, 13, 74-83. doi:10.1016/j.edurev.2014.10.002
Peer reviewed

Kupiainen, S., Vainikainen, M. P., Hautamäki, J., GREIFF, S., & Wüstenberg, S. (2014). Explaining Complex Problem Solving with a set of non-curricular cognitive competence tasks and task interest in low-stakes assessment [Paper presentation]. Conference of the American Educational Research Association in Philadelphia, USA.

Toth, K., GREIFF, S., Wüstenberg, S., & Rölke, H. (2014). Discovering Students’ Complex Problem Solving Strategies in Educational Assessment. In Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Educational Data Mining. (pp. 225-228). London, United Kingdom: International Educational Data Mining Society.
Peer reviewed

GREIFF, S., & Wüstenberg, S. (2014). Assessment with microworlds: factor structure, invariance, and latent mean comparison of the MicroDYN test. European Journal of Psychological Assessment, 30, 1-11.
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NEUBERT, J., KRETZSCHMAR, A., Wüstenberg, S., & GREIFF, S. (2014). Extending the Assessment of Complex Problem Solving to Finite State Automata: Embracing Heterogeneity. European Journal of Psychological Assessment, Advance Online Publication. doi:10.1027/1015-5759/a000224
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Wüstenberg, S., Müller, J., KRETZSCHMAR, A., Funke, J., & GREIFF, S. (August 2013). Determinants of cross-national gender differences in complex problem solving competency [Paper presentation]. EARLI, Munich, Germany.

Frischkorn, GREIFF, S., & Wüstenberg, S. (15 April 2013). The development of Complex Problem Solving and its relation to reasoning, age and gender [Paper presentation]. 5th Szeged Workshop on Educational Evaluation, Hungary.

GREIFF, S., & Wüstenberg, S. (15 April 2013). Problem solving: current state of the art and what there is to come [Paper presentation]. 5th Szeged Workshop on Educational Evaluation, Hungary.

Schweizer, F., Wüstenberg, S., & GREIFF, S. (2013). Validity of the MicroDYN approach: Complex problem solving predicts school grades beyond working memory capacity. Learning and Individual Differences, 24, 42-52. doi:10.1016/j.lindif.2012.12.011
Peer reviewed

GREIFF, S., Wüstenberg, S., Holt, D., Goldhammer, F., & Funke, J. (2013). Computer-based assessment of Complex Problem Solving: concept, implementation, and application. Educational Technology Research and Development, 61, 407-421. doi:10.1007/s11423-013-9301-x
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GREIFF, S., Wüstenberg, S., Molnar, G., Fischer, A., Funke, J., & Csapo, B. (2013). Complex Problem Solving in educational settings – something beyond g: Concept, assessment, measurement invariance, and construct validity. Journal of Educational Psychology, 105, 364-379. doi:10.1037/a0031856
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GREIFF, S., Fischer, A., Wüstenberg, S., SONNLEITNER, P., Brunner, M., & MARTIN, R. (2013). A multitrait-multimethod study of assessment instruments for Complex Problem Solving. Intelligence, 41, 579-596. doi:10.1016/j.intell.2013.07.012
Peer reviewed

Wüstenberg, S., GREIFF, S., Molnar, G., Fischer, A., Funke, J., & Csapo, B. (29 August 2012). Complex Problem Solving in educational contexts. Assessment, measurement invariance, and construct validity [Paper presentation]. EARLI SIG1 conference, Brussels, Belgium.

Toth, K., Wüstenberg, S., Rölke, H., & GREIFF, S. (July 2012). Prediction of students’ performance on test taking processes in Complex Problem Solving [Paper presentation]. Symposium at the ICP, Cape Town, South Africa.

Wüstenberg, S., GREIFF, S., Fischer, A., & Funke, J. (July 2012). A modern understanding of Complex Problem Solving [Paper presentation]. Symposium at the ICP, Cape Town, South Africa.

Fleischer, J., Wüstenberg, S., & GREIFF, S. (July 2012). Dimensionality of Analytical and Complex Problem Solving competence [Paper presentation]. Symposium at the ICP, Cape Town, South Africa.

Fischer, Wüstenberg, S., & GREIFF, S. (25 April 2012). Measuring Complex Problem Solving as a five dimensional construct [Paper presentation]. 4th Szeged Workshop on Educational Evaluation, Hungary.

Wüstenberg, S., GREIFF, S., Molnar, G., Fischer, A., Funke, J., & Csapo, B. (24 April 2012). Measurement invariance of Complex Problem Solving ability measured by MicroDYN [Paper presentation]. 4th Szeged Workshop on Educational Evaluation, Hungary.

Viehrig, K., Siegmund, A., Wüstenberg, S., GREIFF, S., & Funke, J. (2012). Systemisches und räumliches Denken in der geographischen Bildung. Erste Ergebnisse zur Überprüfung eines Modells der Geographischen Systemkompetenz. In A. Hüttermann, P. Kirchner, S. Schuler, ... K. Drieling (Eds.), Räumliche Orientierung: Räumliche Orientierung, Karten und Geoinformation im Unterricht (pp. 95-102). Braunschweig, Unknown/unspecified: Westermann.

Wüstenberg, S., & GREIFF, S. (2012). Item Response Theorie – eine Einführung. In M. Wilde, S. Basten, B. Fries, C. Gröben, I. Kleindienst-Cachay, ... I. Meyer-Ahrens (Eds.), Forschen für den Unterricht. Junge Experten zeigen wie’s geht (pp. 164-180). Hohengehren, Unknown/unspecified: Schneider Verlag.

GREIFF, S., Wüstenberg, S., & Funke, J. (2012). Dynamic Problem Solving: A new measurement perspective. Applied Psychological Measurement, 36, 189-213. doi:10.1177/0146621612439620
Peer reviewed

Abele, S., GREIFF, S., Gschwendtner, T., Wüstenberg, S., Nickolaus, R., Nitzschke, A., & Funke, J. (2012). Die Bedeutung übergreifender kognitiver Determinanten für die Bewältigung beruflicher Anforderungen. Untersuchung am Beispiel dynamischen und technischen Problemlösens. Zeitschrift für Erziehungswissenschaft, 15, 363-391.
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Wüstenberg, S., GREIFF, S., & Funke, J. (2012). Complex Problem Solving. More than reasoning? Intelligence, 40, 1-14. doi:10.1016/j.intell.2011.11.003
Peer reviewed

Funke, J., GREIFF, S., & Wüstenberg, S. (September 2011). Dynamic systems and their importance in competence assessment of problem solving [Paper presentation]. EARLI, Exeter, United Kingdom.

Wüstenberg, S., GREIFF, S., & Funke, J. (September 2011). Dynamic problem solving: Just intelligence or something different? [Paper presentation]. EARLI, Exeter, United Kingdom.

Toth, K., Molnar, G., Wüstenberg, S., GREIFF, S., & Csapo, B. (September 2011). Measuring adults' dynamic problem solving competency [Paper presentation]. EARLI, Exeter, United Kingdom.

Viehrig, K., Wüstenberg, S., GREIFF, S., Funke, J., & Siegmund, A. (03 August 2011). An inventory of Geographic System Competency [Paper presentation]. National Conference of Geographic Education, Portland, United States.

Wüstenberg, S., GREIFF, S., & Funke, J. (05 July 2011). Dynamic problem solving competency: More than intelligence? [Paper presentation]. European Conference of Psychology, Istanbul, Turkey.

GREIFF, S., Wüstenberg, S., & Funke, J. (04 July 2011). Assessment of dynamic problem solving competency with computer-based problems [Paper presentation]. European Conference of Psychology, Istanbul, Turkey.

GREIFF, S., Wüstenberg, S., & Funke, J. (07 April 2011). Measuring a cross-curricular skill: competence models and construct validity of dynamic problem solving [Paper presentation]. Conference of the American Educational Research Association, New Orleans, United States.

Viehrig, K., Siegmund, A., Wüstenberg, S., GREIFF, S., & Funke, J. (06 April 2011). Systemisches und räumliches Denken in der geographischen Bildung. Erste Ergebnisse zur Überprüfung eines Modells der Geographischen Systemkompetenz [Paper presentation]. HGD-conference, Ludwigsburg, Germany.

GREIFF, S., Funke, J., Wüstenberg, S., & Fischer, A. (30 January 2011). The assessment of Collaborative Problem Solving in the context of MicroDYN and MicroFIN [Paper presentation]. Designated Expert Group on Collaborative Problem Solving, Bangkok, Thailand.

Danner, D., Hagemann, D., Holt, D. V., Hager, M., Schankin, A., Wüstenberg, S., & Funke, J. (2011). Measuring Performance in Dynamic Decision Making: reliability and validity of the Tailorshop simulation. Journal of Individual Differences, 32, 225-233. doi:10.1027/1614-0001/a000055
Peer reviewed

Wüstenberg, S., GREIFF, S., & Funke, J. (26 September 2010). Binnenstruktur und Validität: Minimal komplexe Probleme zur Diagnostik dynamischer Problemlösefähigkeit [Paper presentation]. 47th Conference of the German Association for Psychology, Bremen, Germany.

Wüstenberg, S., GREIFF, S., & Funke, J. (08 June 2010). Dynamisches Problemlösen messbar gemacht: Der MicroDYN & MicroFIN-Ansatz [Paper presentation]. Invited Speech, Frankfurt, Germany.

GREIFF, S., Wüstenberg, S., & Funke, J. (14 April 2010). Dynamic Problem Solving: A New Perspective for Large-scale Assessments [Paper presentation]. 2nd Szeged Workshop on Educational Evaluation, Hungary.

GREIFF, S., Wüstenberg, S., Exner, Hofmann, F., Zweck, B., Mehlau, A., & Funke, J. (2010). MicroFIN: The concept of finite automatons and its application within the assessment of problem solving competencies. Heidelberg, Germany: Department of Psychology.

GREIFF, S., & Wüstenberg, S. (24 August 2009). Difficult or not? Valid or not? A new way to measure complex problem solving: The MicroDYN approach [Paper presentation]. JURE, Amsterdam, Netherlands.

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