

Main Referenced Co-authors
Curiel Fernández, María del Prado (9)
SIRY, Christina  (6)
GORGES, Anna  (5)
WILMES, Sara  (5)
Curiel Fernández (1)
Main Referenced Keywords
COMMUNITIES OF PRACTICE (1); LUXEMBOURG (1); Multilingual (1); MULTILINGUALISM (1); multimodal (1);
Main Referenced Disciplines
Languages & linguistics (43)
Education & instruction (3)
Arts & humanities: Multidisciplinary, general & others (1)

Publications (total 47)

The most downloaded
GOMEZ-FERNANDEZ, R. (2015). El trilingüismo idealizado y el uso de lenguas no oficiales en la escuela luxemburguesa. Lengua y Migración.

The most cited

10 citations (OpenAlex)

WILMES, S., GOMEZ-FERNANDEZ, R., GORGES, A., & SIRY, C. (2018). Underscoring the value of video analysis in multilingual and multicultural classroom contexts. Video Journal of Education and Pedagogy, 3 (4). doi:10.1186/s40990-018-0016-0

WILMES, S., GOMEZ-FERNANDEZ, R., GORGES, A., & SIRY, C. (2018). Underscoring the value of video analysis in multilingual and multicultural classroom contexts. Video Journal of Education and Pedagogy, 3 (4). doi:10.1186/s40990-018-0016-0
Peer reviewed

WILMES, S., SIRY, C., GOMEZ-FERNANDEZ, R., & GORGES, A. (2018). Reconstructing science education within the language I science relationship. In K. Tobin & L. Bryan (Ed.), 13 Questions: Reframing Education's Conversation: Science. Peter Lang.
Peer reviewed

Rodríguez, A., GOMEZ-FERNANDEZ, R., & SIRY, C. (August 2017). Comparative Analysis of Factors Affecting Portuguese-Speaking/Lusoburguês vs. US Latin@'s Language Learners in Science [Paper presentation]. European Science Education Research Association (ESERA) 2017, Dublin, Ireland.

WILMES, S., GOMEZ-FERNANDEZ, R., GORGES, A., & SIRY, C. (June 2017). Problematizing video analysis rooted in the verbal:Examples from culturally and linguistically diverse science classrooms in Luxembourg [Paper presentation]. 2nd Association of Video Pedagogies Conference (AVPC), Aalborg, Denmark.

GOMEZ-FERNANDEZ, R. (March 2017). "I am a worm!": Safe Spaces, Science Notebooks in a 5-year-old Multilingual Science Classroom [Paper presentation]. USER-S Seminar CUNY, New York, United States.

WILMES, S., SIRY, C., GOMEZ-FERNANDEZ, R., & GORGES, A. (2017). Reconstructing Science Education within the Language Science Relationship. In symposium coordinated by Bryan & K. Tobin, 13 Questions: Reframing Education`s Conversation: Science [Paper presentation]. National Association for Research in Science Teaching, Austin, United States.

WILMES, S., SIRY, C., GOMEZ-FERNANDEZ, R., & GORGES, A. (2017). Problematizing video analysis rooted in the verbal: Examples from culturally and linguistically diverse science classrooms in Luxembourg [Paper presentation]. Proceedings of the 2nd Association for Visual Pedagogy Conference.

GOMEZ-FERNANDEZ, R. (15 June 2016). Wondering about (trans)languaging, home and school languages in the science classroom: Meaning-making or compartmentalization? [Paper presentation]. The Past, Present and Future of Science Education and Science Education Research: A Multi-perspectival Research Seminar.

GOMEZ-FERNANDEZ, R. (2016). “Ils ne cherchent pas à apprendre le français”: NAMS and multilingual primary schools in France and Luxembourg. Carnets d'Atelier de Sociolinguistique, (11).
Peer reviewed

GOMEZ-FERNANDEZ, R. (2015). El trilingüismo idealizado y el uso de lenguas no oficiales en la escuela luxemburguesa. Lengua y Migración.
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GOMEZ-FERNANDEZ, R. (25 November 2015). Inclusive and exclusive procedures regarding multilingualism in the classrooms: the case study of a 7-year-old Brazilian newcomer in Luxembourg [Paper presentation]. Mobility as a struggle: Luso-African perspectives, Luxembourg.

GOMEZ-FERNANDEZ, R. (26 August 2015). Multilingüismo en las aulas: procedimientos de inclusión y de exclusión [Paper presentation]. Roberto GOMEZ FERNANDEZ, Baeza, Spain.

GOMEZ-FERNANDEZ, R. (2015). Estrategias comunes para el análisis de datos cualitativos [Paper presentation]. II Simpósio Internacional EDiSo: Discursos y Sociedades en Movimiento.

GOMEZ-FERNANDEZ, R. (2015). Developing Languages through the app iTEO [Paper presentation]. Ethnography, Language and Communication.

GOMEZ-FERNANDEZ, R. (2015). Developing Languages in a Multilingual Context [Paper presentation]. II Simpósio Internacional EDiSo: Discursos y Sociedades en Movimiento, Coimbra, Portugal.

GOMEZ-FERNANDEZ, R. (2015). En una clase de la escuela pública luxemburguesa: El uso de lenguas no oficiales. In En una clase de la escuela pública luxemburguesa: El uso de lenguas no oficiales (pp. 226-258). Madrid, Spain: La Catarata.
Peer reviewed

GOMEZ-FERNANDEZ, R. (December 2014). A case study of a Brazilian newcomer in a Luxembourgish school: understanding the role of Legitimate Peripheral Participation in identity development. Sociolinguistic Studies, 8 (2), 293-313. doi:10.1558/sols.v8i2.293
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GOMEZ-FERNANDEZ, R. (2014). “Ils ne cherchent à apprendre le français”: NAMS and multilingual primary schools in France and Luxembourg [Paper presentation]. New Speakers in a Multilingual Europe: Opportunities and Challenges.

GOMEZ-FERNANDEZ, R. (2014). Challenges and future perspectives for newcomers in heterogeneous and multilingual primary schools: Case studies from France and Luxembourg [Paper presentation]. Sociolinguistics Symposium 20.

GOMEZ-FERNANDEZ, R. (2014). An 'Emergent Bilingual' Newcomer in a French School: an Integration centered on the Newcomer? [Paper presentation]. Urban Multilingualism and Education (UME).

GOMEZ-FERNANDEZ, R. (2013). Becoming a Pluriingual Child. Bubok.

GOMEZ-FERNANDEZ, R. (2013). El idealizado trilingüismo y el uso de lenguas no oficiales en el aula multilingüe de la escuela luxemburguesa [Paper presentation]. Políticas lingüísticas en democracias multilingües: ¿es evitable el conflicto?.

GOMEZ-FERNANDEZ, R. (2012). The First Months of a Newcomer Becoming bi-plurilingual in a Trilingual School [Paper presentation]. Societas Linguistica Europaea 45th Annual Meeting.

GOMEZ-FERNANDEZ, R. (2012). La enseñanza de ELE en una escuela primaria multilingüe luxemburguesa: Un ejemplo práctico [Paper presentation]. Roberto GOMEZ FERNANDEZ, Brussels, Belgium.

GOMEZ-FERNANDEZ, R. (2011). La méthodologie de la recherche ethnographique appliqué à l'éducation [Paper presentation]. Workshop for MA students « Master Multilinguisme, interculturalité et relations internationales ».

GOMEZ-FERNANDEZ, R. (2011). Being a Newcomer in a Multilingual School: A Case Study [Paper presentation]. Presentation at the Université de Strasbourg.

GOMEZ-FERNANDEZ, R. (2011). Doing your Research Project: A “Hands-on” Tutorial on Qualitative Approaches [Paper presentation]. Workshop for BA students.

GOMEZ-FERNANDEZ, R. (2011). Being a Newcomer in a Multilingual School: A Case Study [Doctoral thesis, Unilu - University of Luxembourg]. ORBilu-University of Luxembourg.

GOMEZ-FERNANDEZ, R.* , & Curiel Fernández, M. D. P.*. (2010). Aplicación y repercusiones de políticas lingüísticas en contextos multilingües y multiculturales: Adolescentes luso-hablantes en Luxemburgo. Interlingüística, (21), 127-136.
Peer reviewed
* These authors have contributed equally to this work.

GOMEZ-FERNANDEZ, R.* , & Curiel Fernández*. (2010). La organización de las interacciones multilingües en un taller multimedia: Los papeles de experto-novato y las herramientas materiales-ideales. Interlingüística, (20), 1-10.
Peer reviewed
* These authors have contributed equally to this work.

GOMEZ-FERNANDEZ, R., & Curiel Fernández, M. D. P. (2010). Aplicación y repercusiones de políticas lingüísticas en contextos multilingües y multiculturales: Adolescentes luso-hablantes en Luxemburgo [Paper presentation]. XXV International Meeting of the Association of Young Linguists.

GOMEZ-FERNANDEZ, R., & Curiel Fernández, M. D. P. (2010). Prácticas Lingüísticas en el Aula Multilingüe: El Ejemplo de un Taller de Videojuegos [Paper presentation]. XXIV International Meeting of the Young Linguists Association.

GOMEZ-FERNANDEZ, R., & Curiel Fernández, M. D. P. (2010). Panorama de la situación lingüística en el Gran Ducado de Luxemburgo.

GOMEZ-FERNANDEZ, R., & Curiel Fernández, M. D. P. (2009). La organización de las interacciones multilingües en un taller multimedia: Los papeles de experto-novato y las herramientas materiales-ideales [Paper presentation]. XXIV International Meeting of the Association of Young Linguists.

GOMEZ-FERNANDEZ, R., & Curiel Fernández, M. D. P. (2009). Prácticas lingüísticas en el aula multilingüe: El ejemplo de un taller de videojuegos [Paper presentation]. XXIV International Meeting of the Association of Young Linguists.

GOMEZ-FERNANDEZ, R. (2009). A Newcomer in a Multilingual and Diverse Primary School: A Close Look at Classroom Interactions [Paper presentation]. Imaginer l’école du XXIème siècle: Repenser la recherche en éducation.

GOMEZ-FERNANDEZ, R., & Curiel Fernández, M. D. P. (2008). El uso del lenguaje e interacción multilingüe entre adolescentes de origen inmigrante en Luxemburgo [Paper presentation]. The Enkidu Summer Conference 2008: Storytelling, Memories and Identity Constructions, focus on Border cultures, Multi-Culturalism, Diasporas and Cosmopolitanism.

GOMEZ-FERNANDEZ, R., & Curiel Fernández, M. D. P. (2008). La participación interactiva en díadas: Un caso de niños multilingües [Paper presentation]. The Enkidu Summer Conference 2008: Storytelling, Memories and Identity Constructions, focus on Border cultures, Multi-Culturalism, Diasporas and Cosmopolitanism.

GOMEZ-FERNANDEZ, R., & Curiel Fernández, M. D. P. (2008). Language use and multilingual interaction among young people with different migration backgrounds in Luxembourg [Poster presentation]. ISCAR Conference on Ecologies of Diversities: Contexts, Complexities, and Collaborations.

GOMEZ-FERNANDEZ, R. (2008). Collaborative literacy and task construction at primary level in a multilingual classroom [Paper presentation]. AILA 2008: Multilingualism, challenges and opportunities.

GOMEZ-FERNANDEZ, R. (2008). The Development of Participation in Dyadic Interaction: A Case of Multi-lingual/cultural Children [Paper presentation]. The ISCAR Conference on Ecologies of Diversities: Contexts, Complexities, and Collaborations.

GOMEZ-FERNANDEZ, R. (2007). Task Construction & Interaction among Multilingual Children [Poster presentation]. oung Researchers Conference 2007 'First Language Acquisition', Basel, Switzerland.

GOMEZ-FERNANDEZ, R. (2005). Motivation and Exchange of emails between students [Paper presentation]. Third Internacional Conference on Multimedia and Information & Communication Technologies in Education.

GOMEZ-FERNANDEZ, R. (2005). Motivation and Exchange of emails between students. In 3rd International Conference on Multimedia and Information & Communication Technologies in Education (pp. 464-468).
Peer reviewed

GOMEZ-FERNANDEZ, R. (2004). Emiliando: A project to generate 'initial motivation' in learners of intermediate Spanish through an exchange via e-mail; proofs of the increase of motivation [Paper presentation]. 57th Annual Kentucky Foreign Language Conference.

GOMEZ-FERNANDEZ, R. (2004). Emiliando: A project to generate motivation in learners of intermediate Spanish [Paper presentation]. 7th Annual Ohio State Graduate Student Symposium on Hispanic and Luso-Brazilian Literature, Linguistics, and Cultures.

GOMEZ-FERNANDEZ, R. (2003). El honor en las comedias de Lope de Vega [Paper presentation]. 12th Annual NYU-Columbia Graduate Student Conference: Ante la ley.

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