MAX, C. (27 August 2021). Beyond the pandemic: Shaping of futures in (even more?) diverse educational settings - Critical discussion of contributions of invited symposium SIG 21 [Paper presentation]. EARLI 2021 - ONLINE / 19th Biennial EARLI Conference, Gothenburg, Sweden. |
DORDING, C., MAX, C. J., KREIS, Y., & Latour, T. (12 November 2020). GeoGebraTAO: Geometry Learning using a Dynamic Adaptive ICT-Enhanced Environment to Promote String Differentiation of Children's Individual Pathways [Paper presentation]. LuxERA (Semi-)Virtual Conference 2020, Online, Luxembourg. |
Salimpoura, S., Bartlett, S., Fitzgerald, M. T., McKinnon, D. H., Cutts, R. K., James, R. C., Miller, S., Danaia, L., Hollow, R. P., Cabezon, S., Faye, M., Tomita, A., MAX, C., de Korte, M., Baudouin, C., Birkenbauma, D., Kallery, M., Anjos, S., Wu, Q., ... Ortiz-Gil, A. (2020). The Gateway Science: a Review of Astronomy in the OECD School Curricula, Including China and South Africa. Research in Science Education. Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
Fletcher, S., De Vries, M., & MAX, C. (November 2018). Die technische Mündigkeit von Schüler/-innen zum Ende der Sek. I im internationalen Vergleich – Entwicklung eines Testwerkinstruments und erste Ergebnisse. Journal of Technical Education, 6 (4). Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
BANIASADI, Z., PARENT, X., MAX, C., & Creamer, M. (2018). A Model for Regulating of Ethical Preferences in Machine Ethics. Proceedings of International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, 481-506. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-91238-7_39 Peer reviewed |
MAX, C. (2018). An activity theoretical research lens on inquiry-based learning. In M. J. de Vries, S. Fletcher, S. Kruse, P. Labudde, M. Lang, I. Mammes, C. MAX, D. Münk, B. Nicholl, J. Strobel, ... M. Winterbottom, Research in Technology Education: International Approaches (pp. 147-168). Münster, Germany: Waxmann. Peer reviewed |
MAX, C. (2016). Elementary science and education within the Luxembourg educational system. In M. J. De Vries, S. Fletcher, S. Kruse, P. Labudde, M. Lang, I. Mammes, C. MAX, D. Münk, B. Nicholl, J. Strobel, ... M. Winterbottom (Eds.), Technology Education Today – International Perspectives (pp. 75-106). Münster, Germany: Waxmann. Peer reviewed |
Höhn, S., Busemann, S., MAX, C., SCHOMMER, C., & ZIEGLER, G. (September 2015). Interaction Profiles for an Artificial Conversational Companion [Paper presentation]. International Symposium on Companion Technology, Ulm, Germany. |
MAX, C., SONG, J.-Y., & HACK, N. (2015). ICT use at home and at school: A study on 8- to 12-year old students in Luxembourg. In INTED2015 Proceedings (2015). International Academy of Technology, Education and Development (IATED). Peer reviewed |
MAX, C. (February 2015). Lernen in Bewegung: iPads im naturwissenschaftlichen Unterricht. Computer + Unterricht: Lernen und Lehren mit digitalen Medien, 97, 17-19. Peer reviewed |
MAX, C., SIRY, C., & KRACHEEL, M. (2015). “And? Did we do nice things?”: Children documenting their emerging inquiries in early science learning. In C. Milne & K. Tobin (Eds.), Sociocultural studies and implications for science education: the experiential and the virtual (pp. 135-153). Springer Science & Business Media B.V. Peer reviewed |
Ziegler, G., MAX, C., Durus, N., & MOREAU, R. (2014). Peer Language Learning: Perspectives from Blended, Face-to-Face and Social Media Interactions. Open Education Europa, 41. Peer reviewed |
MAX, C. (28 August 2014). Developing spaces for technology-mediated inquiry in education [Paper presentation]. Open Spaces for Interaction and Learning Diversities - EARLI SIG 21 conference, Padova, Italy. |
MAX, C., & SONG, J.-Y. (18 August 2014). Analysing tablet-enhanced inquiries in elementary science education [Paper presentation]. Using Inquiry to Engage in Learning, Malmö, Sweden. |
MAX, C., & SONG, J.-Y. (2014). Learning with tablet-cloud systems in elementary science education. In IATED (Ed.), EDULEARN14 Proceedings (pp. 11). IATED. Peer reviewed |
MAX, C., & HACK, N. (2014). Implementing a culture of creative Inquiry with ipads in elementary science education. In Pixel (Ed.), Conference proceedings. New perspectives in science education (pp. 4). Italy: Peer reviewed |
MAX, C., & HACK, N. (November 2013). The sciPADS project [Paper presentation]. Annual EAPRIL conference, BIEL, Switzerland. |
SIRY, C., & MAX, C. (10 October 2013). The collective construction of a science unit: Framing curricula as emergent from Kindergarteners’ wonderings. Science Education, 97 (6), 878-902. doi:10.1002/sce.21076 Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
MAX, C. (30 August 2013). Talking ideas into being: Reasoning about science phenomena in the elementary classroom [Paper presentation]. 15th Biennial EARLI Conference “Responsible teaching and sustainable learning “ in Munich (Ger), August 24-31, Munich, Germany. |
MAX, C., & HACK, N. (29 August 2013). Creative Inquiry with ipads in elementary science education [Paper presentation]. 15th Biennial EARLI Conference “Responsible teaching and sustainable learning “, Munich, Germany. |
ALBANESE, C., MAX, C., & ZIEGLER, G. (August 2013). Towards a Proto-Language of Emotions (?) - Response Cries as an Interactional Achievement [Paper presentation]. ISRE 2013 - International Society for Research on Emotions, Berkeley, University of California, United States. |
ALBANESE, C., MAX, C., & ZIEGLER, G. (June 2013). The Biosemiotics of Facial Kinetics [Paper presentation]. 13th Annual Gathering in Biosemiotics, Castiglioncello, Italy. |
MAX, C. (07 February 2013). Learning 2.0 in Higher Education. What pathways should academia take now? [Paper presentation]. e-learning@UniGR Conference, Walferdange, Luxembourg. |
ALBANESE, C., MAX, C., & ZIEGLER, G. (November 2012). Facial Physiology of Speech Errors [Paper presentation]. The Embodied Foundations of Human Communicative Skills, Copenhagen, Denmark. |
MAX, C., & MOREAU, R. (October 2012). Couchsurfing - an empirical investigation into the online community as a platform for information sharing and tangential learning [Paper presentation]. ENJEUX ET USAGES DES TIC Publics et pratiques médiatiques, Université de Lorraine, Metz, France. |
MAX, C., & ALBANESE, C. (2012). Privacy Awareness on Facebook - Engagement on an International Privacy Policy. In P. Morelli, N. Pignard-Cheynel, ... D. Baltazart (Eds.), Actes du colloque EUTIC 2012 Publics et pratiques médiatiques (Editions du centre de recherches sur les médiations (CREM), pp. 57-76). Metz, France: CREM. Peer reviewed |
MAX, C. (April 2012). Educating teachers as experts on learning a CHAT perspective on transforming ITE [Paper presentation]. AERA 2012 Annual meeting: Non Satis Scire - To Know is Not Enough, Vancouver, BC, Canada. |
SIRY, C., ZIEGLER, G., & MAX, C. (2012). ‘Doing science’ through discourse-in-interaction: Young children’s science investigations at the early childhood level. Science Education, 96 (2), 311-326. doi:10.1002/sce.20481 Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
MAX, C., ZIEGLER, G., & KRACHEEL, M. (2012). Tracing science in the early childhood classroom: the historicity of multi-resourced discourse practices in multilingual interaction. In N. Mansour & R. Wegerif (Eds.), Science Education for Diversity, Theory and Practice (Cultural Studies of Science Education, Vol 8, pp. 100-110). Dordrecht, Unknown/unspecified: Springer. Peer reviewed |
MAX, C. (2012). Promoting ‘learning for teaching’ across boundaries. Creating innovative spaces for competence development in initial teacher education. In B. Hinger (Ed.), Sprachen lernen: Kompetenzen entwickeln – Performanzen (über)prüfen. Tagungsband der 5. Tagung der Österreichischen Gesellschaft für Sprachendidaktik (ÖGSD) (pp. 39-55). Wien, Unknown/unspecified: Präsens Verlag. Peer reviewed |
MAX, C. (2011). The development of initial teacher education focusing on multilingualisms: the innovative approach of Luxembourg. ForumSprache, 5 (Ausgabe 05 / 2011), 59 - 78. Peer reviewed |
MAX, C. (2010). Learning-for-teaching across educational boundaries: An activity-theoretical analysis of collaborative internship projects in initial teacher education. In V. Ellis, A. Edwards, ... P. Smagorinsky (Eds.), Cultural historical perspectives on teacher education and development: learning teaching. Learning teaching (pp. 212- 240). Milton Park Abingdon Oxon, New York, Unknown/unspecified: Routledge. doi:10.4324/9780203860106 Peer reviewed |
Höppner, K. D. C., BUSANA, G., MAX, C., & REUTER, R. (2009). Integrating ICT in Pre-service Teacher Training. Proceedings of World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia and Telecommunications 2009, 1958-1963. Peer reviewed |
Hoeppner, K. D. C., MAX, C., & REUTER, R. (2009). Integrating Mahara as an e-portfolio system and social network in the BScE (slideshow) [Paper presentation]. 3rd E-Learning Conference of the Charter SarLorLux. |
PORTANTE, D., & MAX, C. (2008). Plurilingualism and Multilingual Literacy among Young Learners in Luxembourg. In C. Kenner & T. Hickey (Eds.), Multilingual Europe: Diversity and Learning (pp. 124-130). Stoke on Trent, United Kingdom: Trentham Books. Peer reviewed |
Lensink, W., MAX, C., & ZIEGLER, G. (2007). BIMUZINE – Multilingual visual communication. Bolzano, Italy: Bozen-Bolzano University Press. |
MAX, C. (2004). L’évaluation de la qualité de l’enseignement face à la dynamique et à la dialectique des pratiques pédagogiques. In L. PAQUAY (Ed.), L'évaluation des enseignants - Tensions et enjeux (pp. 275-301). Paris, Unknown/unspecified: Editions L'Harmattan. Peer reviewed |
MAX, C. (1999). Entwicklung von Kompetenz - ein neues Paradigma für das Lernen in Schule und Arbeitswelt. Ertrag und Perspektiven der französisch-sprachigen Kompetenzforschung und ihre Bedeutung als Gestaltungsprinzip von Bildung. Frankfurt am Main, Germany: Peter Lang. |
MAX, C. (1997). Verstehen heißt Verändern 'Conceptual Change' als didaktisches Prinzip des Sachunterrichts. In G. FAUST-SIEHL, R. MEIER, ... H. UNGLAUBE (Eds.), Sachunterricht in der Grundschule (pp. 62 - 89). Frankfurt am Main, Unknown/unspecified: Arbeitskreis Grundschule - Der Grundschulverband - e.V. Peer reviewed |