CROONENBERG, D. (2016). Space by the numbers [Doctoral thesis, Unilu - University of Luxembourg]. ORBilu-University of Luxembourg. |
SOSSON, C., GUILLAUME, M., SCHULLER, A.-M., CROONENBERG, D., & SCHILTZ, C. (September 2015). Does body motion influence arithmetic problem solving [Poster presentation]. 6th International Conference on Spatial Cognition, Rome, Italy. |
CROONENBERG, D., MARTIN, R., & SCHILTZ, C. (01 March 2013). Differential network-activations in adults, typical children and children with developmental dyscalculia [Poster presentation]. 5th Expert Meeting on Mathematical Thinking and Learning, Walferdange, Luxembourg. |
CROONENBERG, D., MARTIN, R., & SCHILTZ, C. (17 February 2012). Differences between Dyscalculic children, Typical Children and Adults during a Visuo-Spatial and Addition task [Paper presentation]. Workshop “Making Sense of Numbers”, Oxford, United Kingdom. |