

University of Luxembourg > Faculty of Humanities, Education and Social Sciences (FHSE) > Department of Social Sciences (DSOC) > Socio-Economic Inequality

Main Referenced Co-authors
HARTUNG, Anne  (31)
LEIST, Anja  (25)
BAR-HAIM, Eyal  (19)
BAUMANN, Mich�le  (7)
LE BIHAN, Etienne  (7)
Main Referenced Keywords
inequality (8); Inequality (7); health inequalities (6); education (5); inequalities (4);
Main Referenced Unit & Research Centers
Integrative Research Unit: Social and Individual Development (INSIDE) > PEARL Institute for Research on Socio-Economic Inequality (IRSEI) (33)
irsei (3)
Irsei UL (1)
LISER - Luxembourg Institute of Socio-Economic Research (1)
Métaprogramme DID’IT “Déterminants et Impact de la Diète, Interactions et Transitions” (1)
Main Referenced Disciplines
Sociology & social sciences (92)
Public health, health care sciences & services (6)
Human geography & demography (5)
Social & behavioral sciences, psychology: Multidisciplinary, general & others (5)
Social economics (2)

Publications (total 99)

The most downloaded
CHAUVEL, L. (2013). Specificity and Consistency of Cohort Effects: The APCD Model Applied to Generational Inequalities, France-United States, 1985-2010. Revue Française de Sociologie, 54 (4), 663-703. doi:10.3917/rfs.544.0665

The most cited

73 citations (Scopus®)

CHAUVEL, L., & SCHRÖDER, M. (June 2014). Generational Inequalities and Welfare Regimes. Social Forces, 92 (4), 1259-1283. doi:10.1093/sf/sot156

FEHLEN, F., GILLES, P., CHAUVEL, L., PIGERON-PIROTH, I., FERRO, Y., & LE BIHAN, E. (2023). Une diversité linguistique en forte hausse. ORBilu-University of Luxembourg.

DOCQUIER, F., SZYMANSKA, A., CHAUVEL, L., LE BIHAN, E., PIGERON-PIROTH, I., & SCHIEL, K. (2023). L'arrière-plan migratoire de la population du Grand-Duché de Luxembourg : structure et implications démographiques. ORBilu-University of Luxembourg.

CERON, F., & CHAUVEL, L. (22 April 2022). The positional value of education in the Americas: dynamics of inequality in labour market returns for highly unequal countries, 2000-2019 [Paper presentation]. RC28 Spring Meeting: Social Stratification and Social Policy for a Post-Covid19 World, London, United Kingdom.

ODERO, A., Baumann-Croisier, P., CHAUVEL, L., & BAUMANN, M. (2022). Projet Approche Patient Partenaire de Soins (APPS) - Projekts Ansatz der Patienten-Partner-Betreuung [Paper presentation]. GT Santé, Metz, France.

CERON, F., & CHAUVEL, L. (17 November 2021). The positional value of education in the Americas: dynamics of inequality in labour market returns for highly unequal countries, 2000-2019 [Paper presentation]. VIII COES INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE: “SOCIAL COHESION IN TURBULENT TIMES”, Santiago, Chile.

LEIST, A., Bar-Haim, & CHAUVEL, L. (June 2021). Inequality of educational opportunity differentially impacts women’s and men’s later-life cognitive performance [Paper presentation]. RC28 Spring Meeting 2021.

CHAUVEL, L., CERON, F., MURPHY, E., & SETTELS, J. (2021). The very long arm of wealth: Effects of intergenerational wealth resources on health in the U.S. over the last three decades. ORBilu-University of Luxembourg.

CHAUVEL, L., Bar Haim, E., Hartung, A., & MURPHY, E. (11 January 2021). Rewealthization in twenty-first century Western countries: the defining trend of the socioeconomic squeeze of the middle class. Journal of Chinese Sociology, 8. doi:10.1186/s40711-020-00135-6
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CHAUVEL, L. (2021). Processus de civilisation, inégalités extrêmes et violence de masse. In W. Scheidel, UNE HISTOIRE DES INÉGALITÉS : DE L’ÂGE DE PIERRE AU XXIe SIÈCLE. Arles, France: Actes Sud.

LEIST, A., SETTELS, J., & CHAUVEL, L. (2021). Risk of obesity in the United States, 1976-2018: Cohort effects and increasing educational inequalities [Paper presentation]. Annual Meeting of the Population Association of America.

LEIST, A., Bar-Haim, E., & CHAUVEL, L. (2021). Inequality of educational opportunity at time of schooling predicts cognitive functioning in later adulthood. SSM - Population Health, 15, 100837. doi:10.1016/j.ssmph.2021.100837
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PACCOUD, I., BAUMANN, M., LE BIHAN, E., Pétré, B., Breinbauer, M., Böhme, P., CHAUVEL, L., & LEIST, A. (2021). Socioeconomic and behavioural factors associated with access to and use of Personal Health Records. BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making, 21, 18. doi:10.1186/s12911-020-01383-9
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CHAUVEL, L., LEIST, A., & Smith, H. L. (2021). Detecting the ‘Black Hole’ of age-period excess mortality in 25 countries: Age-period-cohort residual analysis. In A. Bell, Age, Period, and Cohort Effects (pp. 70-83). Routledge. doi:10.4324/9780429056819
Peer reviewed

NONNENMACHER, L., BAUMANN, M., LE BIHAN, E., Askenazy, P., & CHAUVEL, L. (2021). Cross-border mobility in European countries: associations between cross-border worker status and health outcomes. BMC Public Health, 21, 588. doi:10.1186/s12889-021-10564-8
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CHAUVEL, L. (2020). The Western Middle Classes under Stress: Welfare State Retrenchments, Globalization, and Declining Returns to Education. Mir Rossii, 29 (4), 85-111. doi:10.17323/1811-038X-2020-29-4-85-111
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ODERO, A., PONGY, M., CHAUVEL, L., Voz, B., Spitz, E., Pétré, B., & BAUMANN, M. (2020). Core Values that Influence the Patient—Healthcare Professional Power Dynamic: Steering Interaction towards Partnership. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 7 (8458). doi:10.3390/ijerph17228458
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PACCOUD, I., BAUMANN, M., LE BIHAN, E., Pétré, B., Breinbauer, M., Böhme, P., CHAUVEL, L., & LEIST, A. (2020). The patients’ perspective on access to and use of Personal Health Records [Paper presentation]. SAPHIRe Online Workshop "Access to health data - the role of regional actors, gatekeepers, providers and individuals", virtual, Belgium.

ODERO, A., CHAUVEL, L., HARTUNG, A., LE BIHAN, E., & BAUMANN, M. (2020). Life Satisfaction and mobility: Their associations with career attitudes, and health-related factors among postgraduates having studied in universities intra EU and outside EU. BMC Public Health, 20 (3). doi:10.1186/s12889-019-7913-8
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Consortium Interreg APPS, BAUMANN, M., CHAUVEL, L., ODERO, A., PACCOUD, I., LE BIHAN, E., & BAUMANN-CROISIER, P. (2020). Orienter les soins vers le patient partenaire. Un livre blanc pour la Grande Région. Liège, Belgium: INTERREG APPS.

CHAUVEL, L., BAR-HAIM, E., & LEIST, A. (12 September 2019). Income Inequality and the Strength of the Origins-Health Gradient in 20 European Countries [Paper presentation]. European Consortium of Sociological Research Annual Conference, Lausanne, Switzerland.

CHAUVEL, L., & HARTUNG, A. (March 2019). Intergenerational mobility in Europe: Home ownership as a facet of social reproduction? [Paper presentation]. 6th European User Conference for EU-Microdata , Mannheim, Germany.

BAR-HAIM, E., CHAUVEL, L., & HARTUNG, A. (2019). More Necessary and Less Sufficient: An Age-Period-Cohort Approach to Overeducation in Comparative Perspective. Higher Education. doi:10.1007/s10734-018-0353-z
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CHAUVEL, L., & HARTUNG, A. (2019). Economic inequality and intergenerational socioeconomic persistence: A European test of the Great Gatsby Curve hypothesis. In Long-term consequences of the Great Recession for stratification, mobility and inequality. Abstracts booklet.
Peer reviewed

BAR-HAIM, E., CHAUVEL, L., & HARTUNG, A. (2019). A cohort perspective on intergenerational mobility and inequality. In Long-term consequences of the Great Recession for stratification, mobility and inequality. Abstracts booklet.
Peer reviewed

CHAUVEL, L., HARTUNG, A., & Palmisano, F. (2019). DYNAMICS OF INDIVIDUAL INCOME RANK VOLATILITY: EVIDENCE FROM WEST GERMANY AND THE US. B.E. Journal of Economic Analysis and Policy. doi:10.1515/bejeap-2018-0153
Peer reviewed

LEIST, A., BAR-HAIM, E., & CHAUVEL, L. (2019). The Long-lasting Impact of Inequality of Educational Opportunities on Later-life Cognitive Functioning [Paper presentation]. European Consortium of Sociological Research Annual Conference, Lausanne, Switzerland.

CHAUVEL, L., HARTUNG, A., Bar-Haim, E., & VAN KERM, P. (2019). Income and Wealth Above the Median: New Measurements and Results for Europe and the United States. In K. Decancq & P. VAN KERM (Eds.), What Drives Inequality (pp. 89-104). Emerald Publishing Ltd. doi:10.1108/S1049-258520190000027007
Peer reviewed

CHAUVEL, L. (2018). Les “petites classes moyennes” se vivent comme les suivants sur la liste des victimes. Le Monde.

CHAUVEL, L., & LEIST, A. (2018). Overweight and obesity of mid-aged cohorts: Increasing burden, increasing educational inequalities. Innovation in Aging, 422.
Peer reviewed

CHAUVEL, L., BAR-HAIM, E., HARTUNG, A., & LEIST, A. (13 July 2018). Global inequalities 1980-2050: a microdata oriented simulation – Worldsim [Paper presentation]. 4th Annual International Conference on Computational Social Science (IC2S2) 2018, Evanston, IL, United States.

BAR-HAIM, E., HARTUNG, A., & CHAUVEL, L. (July 2018). New methods for income and wealth distribution analysis and LIS/LWS implementation [Paper presentation]. LIS Introductory Summer Workshop, July 1-6, 2018, Luxembourg.

HARTUNG, A., BAR-HAIM, E., & CHAUVEL, L. (July 2018). Inequality and generations - Age-Period-Cohort Modelling [Paper presentation]. LIS Introductory Summer Workshop, Luxembourg.

CHAUVEL, L., LEIST, A., & Smith, H. (09 June 2018). Detecting Public Health crises: APC-Detrended methodology and residuals in a 25-country, 35-year mortality matrix [Paper presentation]. European Population Conference, Brussels, Belgium.

BAR-HAIM, E., CHAUVEL, L., Gornick, J., & HARTUNG, A. (2018). The persistence of the gender earnings gap: cohort trends and the role of education in twelve countries. Luxembourg Income Study (LIS).

CHAUVEL, L., BAR-HAIM, E., VAN KERM, P., & HARTUNG, A. (June 2018). Logitrank Based Measures of Joint Income and Wealth Distributions: Inequality in the U.S. and Europe [Poster presentation]. 6th Luxembourg Workshop on Household Finance and Consumption, Luxembourg.

LEIST, A., BAR-HAIM, E., & CHAUVEL, L. (03 May 2018). Associations of inequality of educational opportunities and later-life cognitive trajectories [Poster presentation]. 24NKG Nordic Congress of Gerontology, Oslo, Norway.

Olivera, J., Andreoli, F., LEIST, A., & CHAUVEL, L. (May 2018). Inequality in old age cognition across the world. Economics and Human Biology, 29, 179-188. doi:10.1016/j.ehb.2018.03.002
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CHAUVEL, L., BAR-HAIM, E., HARTUNG, A., & VAN KERM, P. (2018). Increasing Inequality in Joint Income and Wealth Distributions in the United States, 1995 to 2013. In Conference Online Programme & Papers (pp. 24).
Peer reviewed

BAR-HAIM, E., CHAUVEL, L., & HARTUNG, A. (2018). More Necessary and Less Sufficient: An Age-Period-Cohort Approach to Overeducation in Comparative Perspective. ORBilu-University of Luxembourg.

Régnier, F., & CHAUVEL, L. (2018). Digital Inequalities in the Use of Self-Tracking Diet and Fitness Apps: Interview Study on the Influence of Social, Economic, and Cultural Factors. JMIR Mhealth and UHealth, 6 (4), 1-13. doi:10.2196/mhealth.9189
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HARTUNG, A., CHAUVEL, L., & BAR-HAIM, E. (2018). „Bréngt et eppes ze studéieren?“ Zur Entwicklung der Erträge von Bildungsinvestitionen in Luxemburg. In Nationaler Bildungsbericht Luxembourg 2018 (pp. 105-113). LUCET/MENJE.
Peer reviewed

HARTUNG, A., CHAUVEL, L., & BAR-HAIM, E. (2018). „Bréngt et eppes ze studéieren?“ Sur l’évolution du retour sur investissement dans l’éducation au Luxembourg. SCRIPT/University of Luxembourg (LUCET).

BAR-HAIM, E., CHAUVEL, L., HARTUNG, A., & Gornick, J. (2018). The Persistence of the Gender Earnings Gap: Cohort Trends and the Role of Education in Twelve Countries. ORBilu-University of Luxembourg.

Ponomarenko, V., LEIST, A., & CHAUVEL, L. (September 2017). Increases in well-being in the transition to retirement for unemployed. Catching up with formerly employed persons. Ageing & Society, online. doi:10.1017/S0144686X17000976
Peer reviewed

CHAUVEL, L., HARTUNG, A., & Palmisano, F. (2017). Dynamics of Income Rank Volatility: Evidence from Germany and the US. ORBilu-University of Luxembourg.

CHAUVEL, L., LEIST, A., & Smith, H. (2017). Detecting the "Big Red Spot" of age-period excess mortality in 25 countries: Age-period-cohort residual analysis. PAA Server.
Peer reviewed

CHAUVEL, L., & SCHRÖDER, M. (February 2017). A Prey-Predator Model of Trade Union Density and Inequality in 12 Advanced Capitalisms over Long Periods. Kyklos: Internationale Zeitschrift für Sozialwissenschaften, 70 (1), 3-26. doi:10.1111/kykl.12128
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CHAUVEL, L., HARTUNG, A., & BAR-HAIM, E. (2017). Closing or Persisting Gender Gap? A Cohort Analysis of Education and Wages in the United States and Europe. In Population Association of America - PAA Annual Meeting 2017. Population Association of America.
Peer reviewed

CHAUVEL, L., HARTUNG, A., & BAR-HAIM, E. (2017). APCGO: Stata module to calculate age-period-cohort effects for the gap between two groups (based on a Blinder-Oaxaca decomposition), including trends for each parameter.

BAR-HAIM, E., CHAUVEL, L., & HARTUNG, A. (2017). More Necessary and Less Sufficient: An Age-Period-Cohort Approach to Overeducation in Comparative Perspective [Paper presentation]. LIS/LWS Users Conference 2017.

CHAUVEL, L., HARTUNG, A., BAR-HAIM, E., & DEMAZY, S. (2017). Sociétés francophones dans le monde de 2050 : Une génération de développement humain soutenable. Luxembourg, Luxembourg: Chambre des députés du Grand-Duché du Luxembourg pour l’Assemblée Parlementaire de la Francophonie.

HARTUNG, A., & CHAUVEL, L. (January 2017). Diplomiert und arbeitslos: Zur Arbeitslosigkeit unter Hochschulabsolventen in Luxemburg. Forum für Politik, Gesellschaft und Kultur in Luxemburg, 369, p. 7-10.

CHAUVEL, L. (2016). Le malaise des classes moyennes représente une menace pour la démocratie. Le Monde.

CHAUVEL, L. (2016). La Spirale du déclassement. Essai sur la société des illusions. Paris, France: Seuil.

CHAUVEL, L., LEIST, A., & PONOMARENKO, V. (2016). Testing persistence of cohort effects in the epidemiology of suicide: an age-period-cohort hysteresis model. PLoS ONE. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0158538
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CHAUVEL, L., & HARTUNG, A. (2016). Between welfare state retrenchments, globalization, and declining returns to credentials: The European middle class under stress. In 2016 Conference Online Program.
Peer reviewed

CHAUVEL, L., & LEIST, A. (April 2016). Socioeconomic Hierarchy and Health Gradient: The Role of Income Inequality and Social Origins in Europe [Paper presentation]. 23rd International Conference of Europeanists: Resilient Europe?, Philadelphia, United States - Pennsylvania.

CHAUVEL, L. (March 2016). The Intensity and Shape of Inequality: The ABG Method of Distributional Analysis. Review of Income and Wealth, 62 (1), 52–68. doi:10.1111/roiw.12161
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CHAUVEL, L., & HARTUNG, A. (2016). Malaise in the Western Middle Classes. ORBilu-University of Luxembourg.

CHAUVEL, L., HARTUNG, A., & Palmisano, F. (2016). Dynamics of income rank volatility: Evidence from Germany and the US. In SOEP2016 Book of Abstracts.
Peer reviewed

CHAUVEL, L., HARTUNG, A., & Bar-Haim, E. (2016). Closing or Persisting Gender Gap? A Cohort Analysis of Education and Wages in the US and Europe [Paper presentation]. ECSR Conference 2016, University of Oxford, United Kingdom.

CHAUVEL, L., & HARTUNG, A. (2016). Malaise in the Western Middle Classes. In UNESCO (Ed.), World Social Science Report 2016. Challenging Inequalities: Pathways to a Just World. Paris, Unknown/unspecified: UNESCO.
Peer reviewed

CHAUVEL, L. (2016). Jeunes générations, inégalités et problèmes sociaux : chômeurs, décrocheurs, Neets, au Luxembourg et chez nos voisins. In N. Georges, D. Schronen, ... R. Urbé (Eds.), Sozialalmanach Inegalitéiten 2016 (pp. 287-304). Luxembourg, Luxembourg: Caritas.
Peer reviewed

CHAUVEL, L., LEIST, A., & Smith, H. (2016). Cohort factors impinging on suicide rates in the United States, 1990-2010. PAA server.
Peer reviewed

LEIST, A., & CHAUVEL, L. (2016). Is income equality also better for your cognitive health? A multilevel analysis on trajectories of cognitive function at older ages. PAA Server.
Peer reviewed

Olivera, J., LEIST, A., & CHAUVEL, L. (2016). Inequality in old age cognition across the world. PAA Server. doi:10.1016/j.ehb.2018.03.002
Peer reviewed

CHAUVEL, L., HARTUNG, A., & PALMISANO, F. (15 July 2015). Dynamics of income volatility: Evidence from Germany and the US [Paper presentation]. Sixth ECINEQ Conference.

CHAUVEL, L., & LEIST, A. (2015). Social epidemiology. In J. D. Wright (Ed.), International Encyclopedia of the Social and Behavioral Sciences (2nd ed, pp. 275–281). Elsevier. doi:10.1016/B978-0-08-097086-8.14039-5
Peer reviewed

CHAUVEL, L., & SMITS, F. (2015). The endless baby-boomer generation: Cohort differences in participation in political discussions in nine European countries in the period 1976-2008. European Societies, 17 (2), 242-278. doi:10.1080/14616696.2015.1006133
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CHAUVEL, L., & Schroeder, M. (2015). The Impact of Cohort Membership on Disposable Incomes in West Germany, France, and the United States. European Sociological Review. doi:10.1093/esr/jcu091
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PONOMARENKO, V., LEIST, A., & CHAUVEL, L. (2015). Increases in well-being after transition to retirement for unemployed. Catching up with formerly employed persons. ORBilu-University of Luxembourg.

CHAUVEL, L., & LEIST, A. (2015). Income inequality and health: Age-related health gains for those better-off, in more equal societies. Gerontologist, 55 (Suppl 2), 459-460.
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CHAUVEL, L., & LEIST, A. (2015). Socioeconomic hierarchy and health gradient in Europe: The role of income inequality and of social origins. International Journal for Equity in Health, 14 (132), 1-12. doi:10.1186/s12939-015-0263-y
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CHAUVEL, L., & HARTUNG, A. (2015). More inequality, less mobility? Economic inequality, intergenerational elasticity and social viscosity in Europe [Paper presentation]. ECSR Conference 2015: Cumulative Inequalities in the Life Course, Tallin, Estonia.

CHAUVEL, L., & LEIST, A. (2015). Variations of the stratification of health in more and less equal societies: The role of social origins [Paper presentation]. RC28 Spring Meeting, Tilburg, Netherlands.

CHAUVEL, L. (2014). Le destin des générations. Structure sociale et cohortes en France du XXe siècle aux années 2010. (2e édition (19 août 2014)). Paris, France: Presses Universitaires de France.

CHAUVEL, L., & SCHRÖDER, M. (June 2014). Generational Inequalities and Welfare Regimes. Social Forces, 92 (4), 1259-1283. doi:10.1093/sf/sot156
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CHAUVEL, L. (2014). Moyennisation ou polarisation ? La dynamique des classes moyennes en France dans un monde globalisé. Cahiers Français, (378), 21-27.

CHAUVEL, L., & HARTUNG, A. (2014). Static and Dynamic Inequalities in Europe: Intergenerational Mobility and Income Inequalities [Paper presentation]. XVIII ISA World Congress of Sociology “Facing an Unequal World: Challenges for Global Sociology”.

CHAUVEL, L., & SCHRÖDER, M. (2014). Die Grenzen des Ausbildungsexports. Arbeitsmarktchancen Jugendlicher in Südeuropa sind besonders konjunkturabhängig. Berufsbildung in Wissenschaft und Praxis, 43 (6), 4-5.

CHAUVEL, L., & SCHRÖDER, M. (2014). Online annex: problems with APC-IE and HAPC. European Sociological Review.
Peer reviewed

CHAUVEL, L. (2013). Classes moyennes : des espèces menacées? Luxemburger Wort, p. 12.

CHAUVEL, L. (2013). Spécificité et permanence des effets de cohorte. Le modèle APCD appliqué aux inégalités de générations, France/États-Unis, 1985-2010. Revue Française de Sociologie, 54 (4), 665-705. doi:10.3917/rfs.544.0665
Peer reviewed

CHAUVEL, L. (2013). Specificity and Consistency of Cohort Effects: The APCD Model Applied to Generational Inequalities, France-United States, 1985-2010. Revue Française de Sociologie, 54 (4), 663-703. doi:10.3917/rfs.544.0665
Peer reviewed

CHAUVEL, L. (2013). La dynamique de la stratification sociale. In R. Castel & L. CHAUVEL (Eds.), Les mutations de la société française : les grandes questions économiques et sociales (pp. 33-55). Paris, France: La découverte.
Peer reviewed

Castel, R., CHAUVEL, L., & et, A. (Eds.). (2013). Les mutations de la société française : les grandes questions économiques et sociales. Paris, France: La découverte.

CHAUVEL, L. (2013). Welfare Regimes, Cohorts and the Middle Classes. In J. C. Gornick & M. Jäntti (Eds.), Income Inequality : Economic Disparities and the Middle Class in Affluent Countries (pp. 115-141). Stanford, United States - California: Stanford University Press.
Peer reviewed

CHAUVEL, L. (2013). Stratification Sociale : grandes tendances. In E. Lau (Ed.), Etat de la France 2013-2014 (pp. 79-88). Paris, France: La Decouverte.

CHAUVEL, L. (26 April 2012). Les raisons de la peur: Les classes moyennes sont-elles protégées de la crise ? Revue de l'OFCE: Observations et Diagnostics Economiques, 18, 16.

CHAUVEL, L. (2011). Social generations and the transformation of consumption. In W. Ning, D. Davis, ... N. Herpin (Eds.), An Exploration into the Sociology of Consumption. Pekin, Unknown/unspecified: People Publishing House.

CHAUVEL, L. (2010). Comment définir les victimes du changement social cohortal ? Regards Croisés sur l'Économie, 7, 28-49.

CHAUVEL, L. (2010). French Sociology in the Spiral of Holism and Individualism. In S. Patel (Ed.), The ISA Hanndbook of Diverse Sociological Traditions (pp. 69-80). SAGE Publication.
Peer reviewed

CHAUVEL, L. (2010). Comparing welfare regime changes: Living standards and the unequal life chances different birth cohorts. In J. C. Tremmel (Ed.), A young generation under pressure ? The financial situation and the "rush hour"of the cohort 1970-1985 in a generational comparison (Springer verslag, pp. 23-36). Berlin-Heidelberg.

CHAUVEL, L. (2010). Overeducation and Social Generations in France: Welfare Regimes and Inter-cohort Inequalities in Returns to Education. In P. Attewel & K. S. Newman (Eds.), Growing Gaps: Educational Inequality Around the World (pp. 210-238). Oxford, United Kingdom: Oxford University Press.

CHAUVEL, L. (2010). Les classes moyennes dans la Ve République: de l'expansion économique auy incertitudes sociales. In J. Garrigues, S. Guillaume, ... J.-F. Sirinelli (Eds.), Comprendre la Ve République (pp. 29-45). Paris, France: Presses de Sciences Po.

CHAUVEL, L. (2010). Le destin des générations, structure sociale et cohortes en France du XXe siècle aux années 2010. (1ère édition "Quadrige":2010). Paris, France: PUF.

CHAUVEL, L. (2010). The Long-Term Destabilization of Youth, Scarring Effects and the Future of the Welfare Regime in Post-Trente Glorieuse France. French Politics, Culture and Society, 23, 74-96.
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CHAUVEL, L. (2009). The Transformation of the European class system and the middle classes adrift. In L. Chuning (Ed.), Formation of Middle Class in Comparative Perspective: Process, Influenceand Socioeconomic Consequences (pp. 371-396). Beijing, China: Social Sciences Academic Press.

CHAUVEL, L. (2009). La Globalcity et ses critiques.Tensions dans l'espace urbain et divisions des classes moyennes. In J. Damon (Ed.), Vire en ville (pp. 181-196). Paris, France: PUF.

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