BAUMANN, M., & Urbé, R. (2022). Luxembourg: consultations with a view to developing a National Health Plan and strengthening the resilience of the healthcare system. (42, European Social Policy Network). Brussels, Belgium: ESPN. |
ODERO, A., Baumann-Croisier, P., CHAUVEL, L., & BAUMANN, M. (2022). Projet Approche Patient Partenaire de Soins (APPS) - Projekts Ansatz der Patienten-Partner-Betreuung [Paper presentation]. GT Santé, Metz, France. |
PACCOUD, I., BAUMANN, M., LE BIHAN, E., Pétré, B., Breinbauer, M., Böhme, P., CHAUVEL, L., & LEIST, A. (2021). Socioeconomic and behavioural factors associated with access to and use of Personal Health Records. BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making, 21, 18. doi:10.1186/s12911-020-01383-9 Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
Delphin Pena, M. Z., BAUMANN, M., & Gomez Barvo, R. (2021). Coronavirus Disease and General Practitioners in Luxembourg: a pandemic experience. Recommandations for the FutureRE. In WOrld family doctors CAring for people (pp. 265). Wonca. Peer reviewed |
NONNENMACHER, L., BAUMANN, M., LE BIHAN, E., Askenazy, P., & CHAUVEL, L. (2021). Cross-border mobility in European countries: associations between cross-border worker status and health outcomes. BMC Public Health, 21, 588. doi:10.1186/s12889-021-10564-8 Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
BAUMANN, M., Baumann-Croisier, P., Bouchet, M., & Urbé, R. (2021). Social protection and inclusion policy responses to the COVID-19 crisis. Luxembourg. (42, European Social Policy Network). Brussels, Belgium: ESPN. |
ODERO, A., PONGY, M., CHAUVEL, L., Voz, B., Spitz, E., Pétré, B., & BAUMANN, M. (2020). Core Values that Influence the Patient—Healthcare Professional Power Dynamic: Steering Interaction towards Partnership. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 7 (8458). doi:10.3390/ijerph17228458 Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
PACCOUD, I., BAUMANN, M., LE BIHAN, E., Pétré, B., Breinbauer, M., Böhme, P., CHAUVEL, L., & LEIST, A. (2020). The patients’ perspective on access to and use of Personal Health Records [Paper presentation]. SAPHIRe Online Workshop "Access to health data - the role of regional actors, gatekeepers, providers and individuals", virtual, Belgium. |
ODERO, A., CHAUVEL, L., HARTUNG, A., LE BIHAN, E., & BAUMANN, M. (2020). Life Satisfaction and mobility: Their associations with career attitudes, and health-related factors among postgraduates having studied in universities intra EU and outside EU. BMC Public Health, 20 (3). doi:10.1186/s12889-019-7913-8 Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
Scholtes, B., Breinbauer, M., Voyen, M., Ziegler, O., Böhme, P., BAUMANN, M., LE BIHAN, E., & Pétré, B. (2020). Hospital practices for the implementation of patient partnership in a multi-national European region. European Journal of Public Health, 1-7. doi:10.1093/eurpub/ckaa153 Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
Regnier, F., LE BIHAN, E., Tichit, C., & BAUMANN, M. (2020). Adolescent Body Dissatisfaction in ContrastingSocioeconomic Milieus, Coming from a French andLuxembourgish Context. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17 (61). doi:10.3390/IJERPH17010061 Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
Consortium Interreg APPS, BAUMANN, M., CHAUVEL, L., ODERO, A., PACCOUD, I., LE BIHAN, E., & BAUMANN-CROISIER, P. (2020). Orienter les soins vers le patient partenaire. Un livre blanc pour la Grande Région. Liège, Belgium: INTERREG APPS. |
Petré, B., BAUMANN, M., & ODERO, A. (2020). Mieux situer la place de l’Approche Patient Partenaire de Soins en Grande Région. In L. Muller, V. Laguette, ... L. Dany (Eds.), Pratiques et interventions en psychologie de la santé (Editions des archives contemporaines). France: Elsevier. doi:10.17184/eac.9782813003744 Peer reviewed |
BAUMANN, M. (2019). Auf AugenHöhe : Grossregion-Projekt "Patient-als-Partner Ansatz" in der Gesundheitsversorgung. Luxemburger Wort. |
Battista, J., Stein, R., & BAUMANN, M. (2019). Optimisation de la prise en charge médicale des patients sortant de prison au Luxembourg [Poster presentation]. 13e Congrès de Médecine Générale, Palais des Congrès de Paris, France. |
Batista, J., Stein, R., & BAUMANN, M. (2019). Optimising patients’ medical care after prison in Luxembourg. In General Practice : The human side of medicine (pp. 77). Bratislava, Slovakia: WONCA. Peer reviewed |
ODERO, A., & BAUMANN, M. (2019). Generation of Patients-as-Partner Items Through a Qualitative Data Analysis : Initial Item Reduction. In Conference Handbook EHPS : Individuals and Professionals Cooperation to health (pp. 319). Dubrovnik, Croatia: EHPS. Peer reviewed |
ODERO, A., & BAUMANN, M. (2019). Resources and Competences required at the Institutional Level for a Patient – Healthcare Professional Partnership. In Conference Handbook EHPS : Individuals and Professionals Cooperation to health (, pp. 864). Dubrovnik, Croatia: EHPS. Peer reviewed |
Ortiz Halabi, BAUMANN, M., & ODERO, A. (2019). “Patient participation” and related concepts: a scoping literature review on their dimensional composition. Archives of Public Health, 77 (suppl 1), 7. doi:10.1186/s13690-019-0333-5 Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
BAUMANN, M., Baumann-Croisier, & Urbé, R. (2019). Mapping long-term care quality assurance practices in the EU - Luxembourg -. (European Social Policy Network - Directorate-General for Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion. DG EMPL task assignment). Brussels, Belgium: ESPN. |
Bucki, B., Spitz, E., & BAUMANN, M. (2019). Emotional and social repercussions of stroke on patient-family caregiver dyads: Analysis of diverging attitudes and profiles of the differing dyads. PLoS ONE, 14 (4), 0215425. doi:10.1371/JOURNAL.PONE.0215425 Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
Ortiz Halabi, I., Scholtes, B., Voz, B., Gillain, N., Durieux, N., ODERO, A., BAUMANN, M., Ziegler, O., Gagnyare, R., Guillaume, M., Bragard, I., & Pêtré, B. (2019). “Patient participation” and related concepts: A scoping review on their dimensional. Patient Education and Counseling, 39, 91. doi:10.1016/j.pec.2019.08.001 Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
Bustan, S., Anton, F., ODERO, A., & BAUMANN, M. (2019). The Generation of suffering related items: A process integrating consensus experts and Sorensen’s similarity analysis. In 33 nd Annual Conference on the European Health Psychology Society. Methodology.Publisher: EHPS (pp. 610). Dubrovnik, Croatia: EHPS. Peer reviewed |
BAUMANN, M. (2018). Les malades chroniques veulent avoir des rapports nouveaux « plus jeunes » avec les professionnels de santé… Blog INSIDE. |
BAUMANN, M. (2018). Der Patient-als-Partner-Ansatz in der Gesundheitsversorgung (APPS -Approche Patient Partenaire de Soins): ein interregionales Forschungsprogramm, um zu verstehen, wie man von der Theorie zur Praxis übergehen kann. TWITTER - FACEBOOK - INSIDE Blog. |
BAUMANN, M. (2018). Approche Patient Partenaire de Soins (APPS) : un programme de recherche interrégional pour comprendre comment passer de la théorique à la pratique. Communiqué de presse Luxemburg Wort - Blog INSIDE - TWITTER- FACEBOOK. |
BAUMANN, M., Bucki, B., Tchicaya, A., & LE BIHAN, E. (2018). Reversing social gradient: Impact of patients’ communication with their practitioners on adherence to preventive behaviours. In "Health Psychology across the Lifespan: Uniting Research, Practice and Policy”. Galway, Ireland: EHPS. Peer reviewed |
ODERO, A., & BAUMANN, M. (2018). New cultural competences needed for healthcare teams as a priority in treatment of chronic diseases. In "Health Psychology across the Lifespan: Uniting Research, Practice and Policy” (pp. 591). Galway, Unknown/unspecified: EHPS. Peer reviewed |
ODERO, A., Bucki, B., & BAUMANN, M. (2018). Le changement de rôle des patients atteints de maladie chronique dans l'organisation des soins. In Pratiques et interventions en santé (pp. 52). Metz, France: AFPSA. Peer reviewed |
Origer, A., & BAUMANN, M. (2017). Sudoses et inégalités sociales. Blog INSIDE. |
BUCKI, B., LE BIHAN, E., & BAUMANN, M. (2017). Quality of doctor-patient communication in cardiovascular diseases and secondary preventive adherence. The role of gender. In Innovative ideas in Health Psychology (European Health Psychology Society). Padova, Italy: University of Padova. Peer reviewed |
BAUMANN, M., Tchicaya, A., Lorentz, N., & LE BIHAN, E. (2017). Life Satisfaction and longitudinal changes in physical activity, diabetes and obesity among patients with cardiovascular diseases. BMC Public Health, (17), 925. doi:10.1186/s12889-017-4925-0 Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
KARAVDIC, S., & BAUMANN, M. (2017). Life satisfaction of non-mobile postgraduates intra EU and outside EU Universities, and its associations with mental health and career attitudes. In Innovative ideas in Health Psychology (European Health Psychology Society). Padova, Italy: University of Padova. Peer reviewed |
BAUMANN, M. (2016). La qualité de la communication des malades cardiaques avec leurs médecins améliore leur adhésion aux changements alimentaires [Paper presentation]. Journée Mondiale du Coeur, Centre Hospitalier du Luxembourg, Luxembourg. |
BAUMANN, M., & Tchicaya, A. (2016). Doctor-patient communication about nutrition on related secondary preventive behaviours, especially for hypertension. Hypertension, 234. Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
Bucki, B., & BAUMANN, M. (2016). Inception of an Instrument on Health Capability of Family Caregivers. In C. Pracana (Ed.), Psychology Applications & Developments II (pp. 25-35). Lisboa, Portugal: inScience Press. Peer reviewed |
BAUMANN, M., Tchicaya, A., Lorentz, N., & LE BIHAN, E. (2016). Impact of Patients’ Communication with the Medical Practitioners, on Their Adherence Declared to Preventive Behaviours, Five Years after a Coronary Angiography, in Luxembourg. PLoS ONE, 11 (6), 0157321. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0157321 Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
Bucki, B., & BAUMANN, M. (2016). Analysing Life Satisfaction of immigrants benefitting from 'The Welcome and Integration Contract in Luxembourg'. In European Health Psychology Society & Division of health Psychology Annual Conference 2016 (pp. 403). Aberdeen, United Kingdom: EHPS & BHP. Peer reviewed |
ODERO, A., KARATHANASI, C., & BAUMANN, M. (2016). The welcome and integration contract of Luxembourg: satisfaction with the quality of services according to non-EU immigrants. In C. Pracana & M. Wang (Eds.), International psychological Applications Conference and Trends (World Institute for Advanced Research Science, pp. 26-30). Lisbon, Portugal: WIARS. Peer reviewed |
KARATHANASI, C., ODERO, A., Karavdic, S., & BAUMANN, M. (2016). What enhances the Life Satisfaction of postgraduates who studied in Luxembourg, in the EU or out-EU universities? In G. T. Papanikos (Ed.), Education (The Athens Institute for Education and Research, pp. 88-89). Athens, Greece: Atiner. Peer reviewed |
KARATHANASI, C., ODERO, A., & BAUMANN, M. (2016). Factors that contribute to work satisfaction of master students and graduates. In C. Pracana & M. Wang (Eds.), International psychological Applications Conference and Trends (World Institute for Advanced Research Science, pp. 65-69). Lisbon, Portugal: WIARS. Peer reviewed |
KARAVDIC, S., ODERO, A., KARATHANASI, C., & BAUMANN, M. (2016). Disparities in Career Attitudes among Postgraduate Students. In C. Pascana (Ed.), Psychology Applications & Developments II (pp. 145-153). Lisboa, Portugal: inScience Press. Peer reviewed |
Tchicaya, A., & BAUMANN, M. (2016). Le statut matrimonial et la qualité des liens sociaux des personnes souffrant de maladies cardiovasculaires influent-ils sur les inégalités liées aux changements des comportements à risque? In Sociétés en mouvement - Sociologie en changement (Université du Québec à Montréal, pp. 56). Montréal, Canada: UQAM. Peer reviewed |
BUCKI, B., LE BIHAN, E., & BAUMANN, M. (2016). Health capability of family caregivers: how different factors interrelate and their respective contributions using a Bayesian approach. BMC Public Health, 16, 364. doi:10.1186/s12889-016-3027-8 Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
Origer, A., & BAUMANN, M. (2016). Surdoses et inégalités sociales. Mieux comprendre les décès liés à l’usage de drogues pour mieux agir. (Académia). Louvain la Neuve, Belgium: L'harmattan. |
BAUMANN, M. (November 2015). Qualité de la Communication Praticien-Patient et Adhésion aux Comportements Préventifs à l'égard des Facteurs de Risque Cardiovacualires [Paper presentation]. National Institute of Cardiac Surgery and Interventional Cardiology in Luxembourg, Centre Hospitalier du Luxembourg, Luxembourg. |
BAUMANN, M., & Bucki, B. (2015). Diagnostic des Besoins et des Demandes Spécifiques des Bénéficiaires de Pays Tiers du Contrat d’Accueil et d’Intégration. (Fonds Européen d'Intégration & Office Luxembourgeois d'Accueil et d'Intégration). Luxembourg, Luxembourg: FEI-OLAI. |
BUCKI, B., KARATHANASI, C., ODERO, A., & BAUMANN, M. (2015). Diagnostic des besoins et qualité de vie des bénéficiaires des pays tiers du Contrat d’Accueil et d’Intégration [Paper presentation]. Présentation des résultats du diagnostic des besoins spécifiques des ressortissants de pays tiers, Ministère de la Famille, de l'Intégration et de la Grande-région - Office Luxembourgeois d'Accueil et d'Intégration, Luxembourg. |
ODERO, A., KARATHANASI, C., & BAUMANN, M. (2015). The integration process of Non-EU citizens in Luxembourg From an empirical approach towards a theoretical model. International Journal of Social Welfare, 9 (11), 3868-3875. Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
KARATHANASI, C., Senad, K., ODERO, A., & BAUMANN, M. (2015). Life Satisfaction of Non-Luxembourgish and Native Luxembourgish Postgraduate Students. International Journal of Social Welfare, 9 (11), 3852 - 3857. Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
Bucki, B., & BAUMANN, M. (2015). New domains of health capability of family caregivers: An exploratory study using the grounded theory. In C. Pascara (Ed.), Clinical Psychology (Portuguese Association of Psychoanalysis and psychoanalytic Psychotherapy, pp. 3-7). Libon, Portugal: W.I.A.R.S. Peer reviewed |
KARAVDIC, S., & BAUMANN, M. (2015). Dynamic career attitudes among master students: Social disparities in employment capabilities. In C. Pracana (Ed.), Social Psychology (Portuguese Association of Phychoanalysis and psychoanalytic Psychotherapy, pp. 140-144). Lisbon, Portugal: W.I.A.R.S. Peer reviewed |
Tchicaya, A., & BAUMANN, M. (2015). Weight loss associated with socioeconomic status in patients with angina pectoris, 5 years after an angiography. Cardiology, (132 (suppl 1)), 60. doi:10.1159/000442375 Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
KARAVDIC, S., & BAUMANN, M. (2015). Undergraduate students’ life satisfaction, between employability and career capabilities. In C. Pracana (Ed.), Social Psychology (Portuguese Association of Phychoanalysis and psychoanalytic Psychotherapy, Portugal, pp. 303-305). Lisbon, Portugal: W.I.A.R.S. Peer reviewed |
ODERO, A., KARATHANASI, C., & BAUMANN, M. (2015). Needs the Integration Contract Services of Luxembourg Should Cover, for the Successful Integration of Non-EU Citizens. In Migration and Integration (World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology). United States: WASET. Peer reviewed |
Origer, A., LE BIHAN, E., & BAUMANN, M. (2015). A social gradient in fatal opioids and cocaine related overdoses? PLoS ONE, 4 (10(5)). doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0125568 Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
BAUMANN, M. (2015). Situation nach Schlaganfall. |
BAUMANN, M., LE BIHAN, E., Lorentz, N., & Tchicaya, A. (2015). Life satisfaction, five-years after a coronary angiography, between physical exercise and socio-economic inequalities. In C. Pracana (Ed.), Health Psychology (pp. 246-248). Lisbon, Portugal: W.I.A.R.S. Peer reviewed |
BAUMANN, M., Tchicaya, A., Vanderpool, K., Lorentz, N., & LE BIHAN, E. (2015). Life satisfaction, cardiovascular risk factors, unhealthy behaviours and socioeconomic inequality, 5 years after coronary angiography. BMC Public Health, (15), 668-678. doi:10.1186/s12889-015-2047-0 Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
BAUMANN, M., & Tchicaya, A. (2015). Patients with cardiovascular risk factors were more likely to have lower life satisfaction. Circulation, 132, 1960. Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
BUCKI, B., KARAVDIC, S., KARATHANASI, C., & BAUMANN, M. (2015). Students’ Well-being: Impacts of studying out-EU and perceived autonomy on the Psychological Quality of Life. European Health Psychologist, special, 135. Peer reviewed |
Spitz, E., Bucki, & BAUMANN, M. (2015). Motivations to care and health motivations: A qualitative study exploring the experience of family caregivers. European Health Psychologist, 114. Peer reviewed |
BUCKI, B., Tchicaya, A., & BAUMANN, M. (2015). Why medication or tobacco consumption enhance the life satisfaction of cardiovascular patients? European Health Psychologist, special, 85. Peer reviewed |
Origer, A., & BAUMANN, M. (2015). Fatal Opioid and Cocaine Related Overdoses: Prevention and Harm Reduction in the Light of Socioeconomic Inequality. In Addictive Behaviours (pp. 156). Geneva, Switzerland: kenes International. Peer reviewed |
BAUMANN, M. (2015). Poor information increases depression risk after stroke. Luxemburger Wort. |
BAUMANN, M., LE BIHAN, E., Lorentz, N., & Tchicaya, A. (2015). Doctor-patient communication on nutrition and the related secondary preventive behaviours. Cardiology, 132, 112. Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
KARAVDIC, S., & BAUMANN, M. (2015). Worries and career employment attitudes: the role of social inequalities of master’s degree students. In Promotion of Mental Health (pp. 369). Geneva, Switzerland: Kenes International. Peer reviewed |
KARAVDIC, S., BUCKI, B., & BAUMANN, M. (2015). Des souffrances multiples à la souffrance paroxystique. Pensée Plurielle, 2015/1 (N°38), 9-22. doi:10.3917/pp.038.0009 Peer reviewed |
Tchicaya, A., & BAUMANN, M. (2015). Weight Loss Aassociated With Socioeconomic Status in Patients With Angina Pectoris, 5 Yeras After and Angiography. Cardiology, (132 (104)), 60. Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
Bucki, B., & BAUMANN, M. (2015). Les aidants familiaux : Investir dans des programmes de promotion de leur« capabilité de santé ». (Academia). Louvain la Neuve, Belgium: L'Harmattan. |
KARATHANASI, C., KARAVDIC, S., & BAUMANN, M. (2015). Life Satisfaction between Non-Luxembourgish and Native Luxembourgish Postgraduate Students. In Sociology Migration and Integration (pp. 77). United States: ICSMI. Peer reviewed |
BAUMANN, M. (September 2014). Ecological Inequalities and Social Inequalities in health [Paper presentation]. First International gongress - Global Environmental Contamination: Chalennges for the Well-being of the Human Brain, Luxembourg, Luxembourg. |
BAUMANN, M. (August 2014). Besoins des professionnels sociaux et de santé de proximité face aux problèmes de santé mentale des communes rurales du Nord [Paper presentation]. 2ème colloque internatiuonal de santé Mentale au Luxembourg / Mental Health & Recovery, Chambre de Commerce - Luxembourg, Luxembourg. |
BAUMANN, M. (May 2014). Déconstruction du processus cumulatif et d’amplification des souffrances [Paper presentation]. 4ème Conférence Biennale Bilingue SCSS / The Fourth Biennail Bilingual CSSH, Montréal, Canada. |
KARAVDIC, S., & BAUMANN, M. (2014). What factors can enhance Dynamic Career Attitudes of University students? In InPACT International Psychological Applications Conference and Trends (World Institute for Advanced Research and Science, pp. 209-211). Lisbon, Portugal: W.I.A.R.S. Peer reviewed |
BAUMANN, M., KARAVDIC, S., & LIMBACH-REICH, A. (2014). First-year at university: the effect of academic employability skills and physical quality of life on students’ well-being. Work, 49, 505-515. doi:10.3233/WOR-131729 Peer reviewed |
Chau, K., KARAVDIC, S., & BAUMANN, M. (2014). Individual Differences in Learning Difficulty. In International Psychological Applications Conference and Trends (World Institute for Advanced Research Science, pp. 302 - 305). Lisbon, Portugal: W.I.A.R.S. Peer reviewed |
ORIGER, A., LE BIHAN, E., & BAUMANN, M. (2014). Social and economic inequalities in fatal opioid and cocaine related overdoses in Luxembourg: A case–control study. International Journal of Drug Policy, 25, 911-915. doi:10.1016/j.drugpo.2014.05.015 Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
BAUMANN, M., LE BIHAN, E., Chau, K., & Chau, N. (2014). Associations between quality of life and socioeconomic factors, functional impairments and dissatisfaction with received information and home-care services among survivors living at home two years after stroke onset. BMC Neurology, 14, 92-106. doi:10.1186/1471-2377-14-92 Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
KARAVDIC, S., KARATHANASI, C., LE BIHAN, E., & BAUMANN, M. (2014). Associations between Psycho-Educational Determinants and Dynamic Career Attitudes among undergradutes students. In C. Pracana (Ed.), Psychology Applications & Developments - Advances in Psychology and Psychological Trends Series (pp. 239-247). Lisboa, Portugal: InScience Press. Peer reviewed |
BUCKI, B., & BAUMANN, M. (2014). Family caregivers’ health capability: Contribution of, and relations between its dimensions. European Health Psychologist. Peer reviewed |
ORIGER, A., BUCKI, B., & BAUMANN, M. (2014). Socioeconomic inequalities in fatal opiate and cocaine related overdoses: Transgenerational baggage versus individual attainments. European Health Psychologist, 89-90. Peer reviewed |
Chau, K., KARAVDIC, S., & BAUMANN, M. (2014). Individual Differences in Learning Difficulty. In InPACT 2014: International Psychological Applications Conference and Trends (pp. 302). Porto, Portugal: W.I.A.R.S. Peer reviewed |
BAUMANN, M. (2014). Quality of life and positive person-centred rehabilitation. In Positive Psychology and Well-being. Suzhou, China: Engineering Information Institute. Peer reviewed |
BAUMANN, M., & KARAVDIC, S. (2014). Déconstruction du processus cumulatif et d’amplification des souffrances :les effets d’une dérive… In Les Déterminants de la santé (pp. 20). Montréal, Canada: SCSS/SCCH. Peer reviewed |
BAUMANN, M. (2014). Les problèmes que rencontrent les professionnels pour prendre en charge les souffrances et les recommandations qu’ils préconisent pour répondre à leurs besoins [Paper presentation]. Promotion de la Santé Mentale : projet LuxMentalHealth, Hosingen, Luxembourg. |
Leandro, M.-E., & BAUMANN, M. (2014). Migrações Humanas: Teorias e Práticas. In M. C. Silva & J. M. Sobral (Eds.), Etnicidade, nacionalismo e racismo: Migrações, minorias étnicas e contextos escolares (chapitre 6, pp. 179-214). Porto, Portugal: Edições Afrontamento. Peer reviewed |
Leandro, M.-E., & BAUMANN, M. (2014). Interconfluências: familia, género e saude nas malhas das mudanças. In M.-E. Leandro, F. Nogueira, ... J. C. Machado (Eds.), Sauda e Seus Dilemas. Teorias e Praticas Familiares de Saude (pp. 21-52). Famalicão, Portugal: EDIÇÕES HÚMUS, LDA. Peer reviewed |
ORIGER, A., Lopes da Costa, S., & BAUMANN, M. (2014). Opiate- and Cocaine-Related Fatal Overdoses in Luxembourg from 1985 to 2011: A study on Gender differences. European Addiction Research, 20, 87-93. doi:10.1159/000355170 Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
Chau, K., & BAUMANN, M. (2014). Santé, comportements de santé et violence parmi les immigrants. Rôle des facteurs socioéconomiques chez les adolescents. In Les Déterminants de la santé (pp. 34). Montréal, Canada: SCSS/SCCH. Peer reviewed |
KARAVDIC, S., & BAUMANN, M. (2014). Positive Career Attitudes Effect on Happiness and Life Satisfaction by Master Students and Graduates. Open Journal of Social Sciences, 2, 15-23. doi:10.4236/jss.2014.28003 Peer reviewed |
Ionescu, I., BUCKI, B., & BAUMANN, M. (2014). Physical and mental health, substance abuse and preventive behaviour: disparities between Central/Eastern versus Western European first-year university students in social sciences. Analele Stiintifice ale Universitatii "Alexandru Ioan Cuza". Sectiunea Sociologie si Asistenta Sociala = Scientific Annals of the “Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University. Sociology and Social Work Section, 7 (1), 96-115. Peer reviewed |
BAUMANN, M., & Chau, K. (2014). Association between health-related quality of life and being an immigrant among adolescents, and the role of socioeconomic and health-related difficulties. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 10 (1). doi:10.3390/ijerph110201694 Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
KARAVDIC, S., & BAUMANN, M. (2013). Dynamic Career Attitudes : theoretical model and evaluation protocol [Paper presentation]. Meeting with the Academic Vice Rector of the University of Luxembourg and his team. |
Chau, N., Mayet, A., & BAUMANN, M. (2013). Self-reporting and measurement of body mass index in adolescents: refusals and validity, and the possible role of socioeconomic and health-related factors. BMC Public Health, 13 (1), 815-829. doi:10.1186/1471-2458-13-815 Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
BAUMANN, M., KARAVDIC, S., & AMARA, M.-E. (2013). Self-perceived academic employability skills and physical quality of life on first-year university students’ well-being. In L. Pracana & L. Silva (Eds.), INPACT - International Psychological Applications Conference and Trends (World Institute for Advanced Research and Sciences, pp. 39). Lisbon, Portugal: W.I.A.R.S. Peer reviewed |
BAUMANN, M., & Chau, N. (2013). Two years post-stroke: the effects of dissatisfaction with services and quality of information on patients’ quality of life in Luxembourg. In Best Investissements for Health (Health Care Systems, pp. 57). IUHPE. Peer reviewed |
Chau, N., & BAUMANN, M. (2013). Impacts of socioeconomic, family, school, behavioural and mental difficulties on involvement in violence in boys and girls. In C. Pracana & L. Silva (Eds.), International Psychological Applications and Trends (World Institute for Advanced Research and Science, pp. 240-244). Lisbon, Portugal: WIARS. Peer reviewed |
Chau, K., & BAUMANN, M. (2013). Associations of unhealthy Behaviors and Depressive Symptoms with School Difficulties and Role of Socioeconomics Factors in Early Adolescence. In C. Pracana & L. Silva (Eds.), International Psychological Applications Conference and Trends (World Institute for Advanced Research and Science, pp. 134-138). Lisboa, Portugal: WIARS. Peer reviewed |
Chau, K., & BAUMANN, M. (2013). Impacts of socioeconomic, Family, School, Behavioral and Mental Difficulties on Suicide attempts in Youth. In The bio-psycho-social model: the futur of psychiatry (pp. 169). Lisbon, Portugal: W.A.S.P. Peer reviewed |
Blackburn, D., & BAUMANN, M. (2013). Canadiens en Europe. Elaboration d'un programme psychosocial d'appui à l'adaptation. (Académia). Louvain la Neuve, Belgium: L'harmattan. |
BAUMANN, M., & KARAVDIC, S. (2013). Self-perceived academic employability skills and physical quality of life on first-year university students’ wellbeing. In L. Pracana & L. Silva (Eds.), International Psychological Applications Conference and Trends (World Institut for Advanced Research and Science, pp. 272-276). Lisbon, Portugal: W.I.A.R.S. Peer reviewed |
ORIGER, A., & BAUMANN, M. (2013). Suicide attempts prior to fatal drug overdose in Luxembourg from 1994 to 2011. In D. Moussaoui & M. L. Figueira (Eds.), The bio-psycho-social model: The future of psychiatry (World Association for Social Psychiatry, pp. 171). Lisbon, Portugal: WASP. Peer reviewed |
BAUMANN, M., & BUCKI, B. (2013). Lifestyle as a Health Risk for Family Caregivers with Least Life Satisfaction, in Home-Based Post-Stroke Caring. Healthcare Policy, 9, 98-111. doi:10.12927/hcpol.2013.23594 Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
ORIGER, A., & BAUMANN, M. (2013). Opiate and cocaine related Fatal Overdoses in Luxembourg from 1985 to 2011: a time-stratified. In Health Issues and Populations in Health Promotion (pp. 127). IUHPE. Peer reviewed |
Chau, K., & BAUMANN, M. (2013). Socioeconomic inequities patterns of multi-morbidity in early adolescence. International Journal for Equity in Health, 12, 65-76. doi:10.1186/1475-9276-12-65 Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
Chau, K., & BAUMANN, M. (2013). Comorbity between mental and physical illnesses and their risk factors in early adolescence. In The bio-psycho-social model: the future of psychiatry (Co-morbid mental and physical illnesses, pp. 122). Lisbon, Portugal: W.A.S.P. Peer reviewed |
Battacherjee, A., Kunar, B., & BAUMANN, M. (2013). The Role of occupational activities and Work environment in occupational injury and interplay of personal factors in various age groups among Indian and French coalminers. International Journal of Occupational Medicine and Environmental Health, 26 (6), 910-929. doi:10.2478/s13382-013-0165-4 Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
BAUMANN, M., & KARAVDIC, S. (2013). Psychological quality of life and employability skills among newly registered first-year students. Health, 5 (3), 617-626. doi:10.4236/health.2013.53A082 Peer reviewed |
AMARA, M.-E., KARAVDIC, S., & BAUMANN, M. (2013). Students' Dropout regarding Academic Employability Skills and Satisfaction Against. In C. Pracana & L. Silva (Eds.), International psychological Applications and Trends (World institute for Advanced Research and science, pp. 147-151). Lisbon, Portugal: WIARS. Peer reviewed |
BAUMANN, M., LURBE-PUERTO, K., Leandro, M. E., & Chau, N. (2012). Life satisfaction of two-year post-stroke survivors: effects of socioeconomic factors, motor impairment, Newcastle Stroke-specific Quality of Life leasure and World health Organization quality of Life-bref of informal caregivers in Luxembourg and a rural area in Portugal. Cerebrovascular Diseases, 33, 219-230. doi:10.1159/000333408 Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
Chau, K., & BAUMANN, M. (2012). Gender disparities of depressive mood and roles of family factors, school difficulty, violence, and unhealthy behaviours among adolescents. In Social Justice and Democratization (pp. 303). Buenos Aires, Argentina: ISA. Peer reviewed |
Chau, K., & BAUMANN, M. (2012). Failure of school project: the role of social, material, behavioural, physical and mental resources among multi-cultural students. In Psychosociological Work in Transcultural Contexts (pp. 65). New-Delhi, India: Int. Inst. Sociology. Peer reviewed |
BAUMANN, M., Couffignal, S., LE BIHAN, E., & Chau, N. (2012). Life satisfaction two-years after stroke onset: the effects of gender, occupational status, memory function and quality of life among stroke patients (Newsqol) and their family caregivers (Whoqol-bref) in Luxembourg. BMC Neurology, 12, 105-117. doi:10.1186/1471-2377-12-105 Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
Chau, K., & BAUMANN, M. (2012). School difficulties and role of social, material, behavioural, physical and mental resources among multi-cultural students. BMC Public Health, 12, 453-464. doi:10.1186/1471-2458-12-453 Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
LURBE-PUERTO, K., & BAUMANN, M. (2012). Experiences of caregiving, satisfaction of life and social repercussions among family caregivers, two years post-stroke. Social Work in Health Care, 51, 725-742. doi:10.1080/00981389.2012.692351 Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
ORIGER, A., & BAUMANN, M. (2012). Prevalence of Problem Drug Use and Injecting Drug Use in Luxembourg: A Longitudinal and Methodological Perspective. European Addiction Research, 18, 288-296. doi:10.1159/000337211 Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
BAUMANN, M. (2012). Vivre à domicile, deux ans après un AVC : Etude auprès des patients et des aidants du Luxembourg [Paper presentation]. Plate-forme des médecins de rééducation. |
AMARA, M.-E., & BAUMANN, M. (2012). Reviews about university from freshmen in social sciences: what to remember for European policies! In Higher Education in the 21st Century: Conceptualization and Performance (pp. 49). New-Delhi, India: IIS. Peer reviewed |
Chau, N., & BAUMANN, M. (2012). Do relative socioeconomic deprivations impact on subjective health-related quality of life and behaviors among adolescents? In 40th World Congress of Sociology (pp. 55). New-Delhi, India: IIS. Peer reviewed |
BAUMANN, M., & Couffignal, S. (2012). What is the value of keeping patients at home if informal caregivers become exhausted to the detriment of their own life satisfaction? In Social Justice and Democratization (pp. 138). Buenos Aires, Argentina: ISA. Peer reviewed |
BAUMANN, M., & Chau, K. (2012). Suicide behaviors and role of family characteristics, school difficulties, unhealthy behaviors, and mental health among multi-cultural students. In Psychosociological Work in Transcultural Contexts (pp. 64- 69). New-Delhi, India: IIS. Peer reviewed |
BUCKI, B., & BAUMANN, M. (2012). Pour aller au-delà des incertitudes épistémologiques : une validation de cohérence entre des données existantes et le construit théorique du concept de « health capability » adapté aux aidants familiaux. In XIXè Congrès International de Sociologie (pp. 370). Rabat, Morocco: AISLF. Peer reviewed |
AMARA, M.-E., & BAUMANN, M. (2012). L’Europe Universitaire. L’identité d’étudiante face à l’employabilité. Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium: Academia L’Harmattan. |
BAUMANN, M., & BUCKI, B. (2012). Harmonie et divergences des couples sur les repercussions familiales et sociales apres la survenue d’un accident vasculaire cerebral. Analele Stiintifice ale Universitatii "Alexandru Ioan Cuza". Sectiunea Sociologie si Asistenta Sociala, 5 (1), 155-173. Peer reviewed |
BUCKI, B., & BAUMANN, M. (2012). Patient-caregiver differences and dyad concordance towards psychosocial impacts of stroke. Psychology and Health, 27 (suppl 1), 14. Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
BUCKI, B., & BAUMANN, M. (2012). Which Caregiving esteem for which Gender ? Psychology and Health, 27 (suppl 1), 170-171. Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
BUCKI, B., & BAUMANN, M. (2012). Prendre soin des personnes après AVC : réactions émotionnelles des aidants informels hommes et femmes. Santé Publique: Revue Multidisciplinaire pour la Recherche et l'Action, 24 (2), 143-156. doi:10.3917/spub.122.0143 Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
BUCKI, B., LURBE-PUERTO, K., & BAUMANN, M. (2011). Day-to-day home caring for a stroke survivor, two-year post-stroke perceived psychosocial impacts for woman caregivers in Luxembourg. In Women’s Mental Health (pp. 34). Madrid, Spain: IAWMH. Peer reviewed |
BAUMANN, M., LURBE-PUERTO, K., & Leandro, M. (2011). Differences between Luxembourg and Portugal in the Life Satisfaction of Stroke Survivors, two years post-event: The influence of an unequal quality of life. In Health inequalities across Europe (pp. 32). geneva, Switzerland: ESA. Peer reviewed |
LURBE-PUERTO, K., & BAUMANN, M. (2011). The place oof health and the micro-prowers of health professionals in rtenetion centers for unauthorised migrants multi-situated ethnographic research (France-Spain). In Social Relations in Turbulent Times (European Sociological Association (ESA) & University of Geneva & Swiss Sociological Association, pp. 368). Geneva, Switzerland: ESA. Peer reviewed |
AMARA, M.-E., & BAUMANN, M. (2011). Evaluation-conseil, demarche comprehensive, indicateurs de perception. In Evaluation et enseignement supérieur (pp. 27). Paris, France: ADMEE-Europe. Peer reviewed |
Bhattacherjee, A., Kunar, B., & BAUMANN, M. (2011). Associations between occupational factors and occupational injury and the interplay of personal factors in Indian and French coal miners. In International Conference of Safety in Mines Research Institutes (pp. 481-493). New Delhi, India: ICSMRI. Peer reviewed |
BAUMANN, M., & LURBE-PUERTO, K. (2011). Increased residual disability among post-stroke survivors, and differences in the repercussions between informal caregivers. Topics in Stroke Rehabilitation, 18 (2), 162-171. doi:10.1310/tsr1802-162 Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
Aiach, P., & BAUMANN, M. (2011). An assessment of the geographical approach to health inequality. Critical Public Health, 21 (1), 63-69. doi:10.1080/09581590903511077 Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
BUCKI, B., Spitz, E., & BAUMANN, M. (2011). L’estime ressentie en accomplissant le rôle d’aidant naturel et ses déterminants psychosociaux. In La pratique: un lieu de théorie (pp. 54). Metz, France: S.F.P. Peer reviewed |
LURBE-PUERTO, K., & BAUMANN, M. (2011). On the collaborative work between psychiatry and social work in developing transcultural capability in mental health care. In Effets psychosociaux de la mondialisation sur la santé mentale. Peer reviewed |
BAUMANN, M., LURBE, K., & Leandro, M.-E. (2011). Survivors, two years post-event, the influence of an unequality of life. In Social Relations in Turbulent Times (Swiss Sociological Association, pp. 357). Geneva, Switzerland: ESA. Peer reviewed |
BAUMANN, M., Ionescu, I., & Chau, N. (2011). Psychological quality of life and its association with Academic Employability Skills among newly-registered students from three European faculties. BMC Psychiatry, 63-72. doi:10.1186/1471-244X-11-63 Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
BUCKI, B., LURBE-PUERTO, K., & BAUMANN, M. (2011). Accompagner, à leur domicile, des personnes victimes d’un accident vasculaire cérébral : des perceptions différentes entre femmes et hommes. In Genre et parcours de vie Enfance, adolescence, vieillesse (pp. 11). Nancy, France: Université de Lorraine. Peer reviewed |
Leandro, M. E., & BAUMANN, M. (2011). Construçao de rupturas sociais: pobreza e exclusao social na perspectiva das sociologias. In M. Leandro (Other coll.), Da integracao social. Laços Familiares e Sociais (pp. 227-248). Visieu, Portugal: Psicosoma, coll. Familia. Peer reviewed |
AMARA, M.-E., & BAUMANN, M. (2011). SQALES, Student’s QuAlity of Life and Employability Skills : l’évaluation-conseil au service de l’Université. In Evaluation et enseignement supérieur (Évaluation-conseil, démarche compréhensive, indicateurs de perception, pp. 27). ADMEE Europe. Peer reviewed |
BUCKI, B., Spitz, E., & BAUMANN, M. (2011). Determinants of caregiving-related esteem among informal caregivers in Luxembourg, two years after their care-recipients’ stroke. Psychology and Health, 26 (suppl 2), 86. Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
Chau, K., Kabuth, B., & BAUMANN, M. (2011). Quality of life social disparities and roles of family and unhealthy behaviours among adolescents. Psychology and Health, 26 (suppl 2), 147. doi:10.1080/08870446.2011.617185 Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
BAUMANN, M., LURBE-PUERTO, K., BUCKI, B., & Leandro, M.-E. (2011). Two years post-stroke, predictors of survivors’ life satisfaction: common associations between Luxembourg and Portugal. Psychology and Health, 26 (suppl 2), 90. Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
LURBE-PUERTO, K., & BAUMANN, M. (2011). The configurations of a therapeutic failure with children of marginalised Roma families: for transcultural approach. Psychology and Health, 26 (suppl 2), 165. Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
Legleye, S., & BAUMANN, M. (2011). Gender and age disparities in the associations of occupational factors with alcohol abuse and smoking in the French working population. Revue d'Épidémiologie et de Santé Publique, 59, 223-232. doi:10.1016/j.respe.2011.02.103 Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
PELT, V., & BAUMANN, M. (2010). SQALES "Student's QuAlity of Life and Employability Skills" à l'Université du Luxembourg: Evaluation et suivi de l'encadrement facultaire et de la réussite des bacheliers. In Europe « Evaluation & Curriculum » (pp. 8). ADMEE. Peer reviewed |
PELT, V., & BAUMANN, M. (2010). How universities can assess employability skills? In T. E. A. Bargel (Ed.), Empirical Evidence in International Comparison (IIIst International Workshop at the University of Konstanz, AG Hochschulforschung and FREREF Réseau Uni 21, pp. 66-82). Konstanz, Germany: University of Konstanz. Peer reviewed |
Aïach, P., & BAUMANN, M. (2010). Prévention et réduction des inégalités sociales de santé : une conciliation difficile. Global Health Promotion, 17 (1), 95-98. doi:10.1177/1757975909356639 Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
AMARA, M.-E., PELT, V., & BAUMANN, M. (2010). Evaluer la construction identitaire des étudiants pour mieux piloter les curricula, un défi pour les universités européennes. In Europe « Evaluation & Curriculum » (pp. 30). ADMEE. Peer reviewed |
LURBE-PUERTO, K., BAUMANN, M., & LE BIHAN, E. (2010). Two years post-stroke, Luxembourgish informal caregivers’ life satisfaction and their couple and family repercussions. In Sociology of Health (pp. 57). Ottawa, Canada: C.S.H.S. Peer reviewed |
BAUMANN, M., LURBE-PUERTO, K., & LE BIHAN, E. (2010). Harmony within stroke patient-caregiver pairs concerning psychological and social repercussions, two years post-stroke in Luxembourg and Portugal. In International Sociology Association (pp. 220-221). Sweden: ISA. Peer reviewed |
LURBE-PUERTO, K., & BAUMANN, M. (2010). Why does multi-situated ethnography develop new competences for sociological research on the poorest and most excluded populations' health as well as for evidence-based health promotion interventions? In European Society for Health and Medical Sociology (pp. 10). Ghent, Belgium: ESHMS. Peer reviewed |
AMARA, M.-E., & BAUMANN, M. (2010). L'évaluation curriculaire dans les universités européennes. SQALES (Student's QuAlity of Life and Employability Skills), un dispositif innovant. In Les théories et conceptions curriculaires au coeur des débats éducationnels: un regard comparatif (pp. 9-10). Monterrey, Mexico: AMSE. Peer reviewed |
BAUMANN, M., LURBE-PUERTO, K., & LE BIHAN, E. (2010). What Social Inequalities of Quality of Life (NEWSQOL domains) amongst patients does appear, two years after a stroke? In European Society for Health and Medical Sociology (pp. 23). Ghent, Belgium: ESHMS. Peer reviewed |
LURBE-PUERTO, K., & BAUMANN, M. (2010). Health, care and risks management in the institutions for the confinement of unauthorised foreigners in France and Spain. In Canadian Society for the Sociology of Health (pp. 10). Canada: CSSH. Peer reviewed |
Chau, N., & BAUMANN, M. (2010). Association between depressive mood and cardiovascular disease: social disparities and role of education, lifestyle, and disabilities. In Health behaviours (Depression and Cardiovascular Diseases, pp. 64). AWSP. Peer reviewed |
Chau, N., & BAUMANN, M. (2010). Associations of obesity, alcohol abuse and smoking with cardiovascular disease: behaviours and risks vary with age among working people. In International Sociology Association (pp. 466). Göteburg, Sweden: I.S.A. Peer reviewed |
AMARA, M.-E., & BAUMANN, M. (2010). Santé et employabilité des étudiants. Analele Stiintifice ale Universitatii "Alexandru Ioan Cuza". Sectiunea Sociologie si Asistenta Sociala, (3), 139-153. Peer reviewed |
AMARA, M.-E., & BAUMANN, M. (2010). «Student's QuAlity of Life and Employability Skills»: SQALES un dispositif et un instrument au service des universités. Revista de Cercetare şi Intervenţie Socială, 28, 97-114. Peer reviewed |
BAUMANN, M., & PELT, V. (2010). Which Psychological Quality of Life must have the Newly-Registered Students from three European Universities to acquire Employability Skills? Psychology and Health, suppl, 155. Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
Chau, N., Otero-Sierra, C., Ravaud, J. F., Spitz, E., & BAUMANN, M. (2010). Social support and subsequent premature mortality, gender disparities and role of potential confounders. Psychology and Health, suppl, 177. Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
PELT, V., & BAUMANN, M. (2009). How universities can assess employability skills? [Paper presentation]. IIIrd International Workshop : The Bachelor – Changes in Performance and Quality of Studying?, University of Konstanz, Germany. |
BAUMANN, M., & AMARA, M.-E. (2009). Accompagner les détenus vers l'employabilité. Echidistanțe, 5-6 (53-54), 147-164. Peer reviewed |
BAUMANN, M., Kovincic, P., & LE BIHAN, E. (2009). Tandems patient-aidant face au retentissement familial et social deux ans après la survenue d’un AVC au Grand-duché de Luxembourg. Sociologie de la Santé, 22-23. Peer reviewed |
BAUMANN, M., & Aïach, P. (2009). Decoding geographical health inequalities: a critical approach. In O. S. International Institute (Ed.), 39th World Congress of the International Institute of Sociology (Sociology of Health between Universes: The Social and Life Sciences, Research and Application, pp. 24- 29). of Sociology, Unknown/unspecified: International Institute. Peer reviewed |
Anquetil, M., & BAUMANN, M. (2009). Potential socio-economic and lifestyle factors associated with sexual dissatisfaction among men and women. In O. S. International Institute (Ed.), 39th World Congress of the International Institute of Sociology (The Anthropology of Everyday Life, pp. 92-97). International Institute of Sociology. Peer reviewed |
Legleye, S., Peretti-Watel, P., & BAUMANN, M. (2009). Type of Employment and Occupational Demands: Association with Alcohol, Tobacco and Cannabis Use Among Working Men and Women. In O. S. International Institute (Ed.), 39th World Congress of the International Institute of Sociology (Social exclusion and Inclusive Understanding, pp. 69-73). International Institute of Sociology. Peer reviewed |
Legleye, S., Peretti-Watel, P., & BAUMANN, M. (2009). Associations between demanding occupational conditions and tobacco, alcohol and cannabis use among French working men and women. In O. S. International Institute (Ed.), 39th World Congress of the International Institute of Sociology (Social exclusion and Inclusive Understanding, pp. 69). International Institute of Sociology. Peer reviewed |
HAAS, C., Studler, L., Schmitz, J.-F., & BAUMANN, M. (2009). My Guide to Liberty. EQUAL-PRIMA: policies and strategies for PRIson Management. Luxembourg, Unknown/unspecified: Ed. Fonds Social Européen & Université du Luxembourg, INSIDE. |
BAUMANN, M., & Aïach, P. (2009). Promotion de la santé et réduction des inégalités sociales de santé en Europe: une problématique complexe. In H. WILLEMS (Ed.), Handbuch der sozialen und erzieherischen Arbeit in Luxemburg / Manuel de l'intervention sociale et éducative au Grand-Duché de Luxembourg (pp. 1195-1206). Luxembourg, Luxembourg: Editions Saint Paul. Peer reviewed |
BAUMANN, M., & Aiach, P. (2009). L’aidant principal face à l’AVC d’un proche. Revue de Médecine, 5 (4), 184-188. Peer reviewed |
PELT, V., Guillaume, J. F., & BAUMANN, M. (2009). WHOQoL Psychological and employability skills among students at the universities of Luxembourg and Liege (Belgium). Psychology and Health, 26, 308-309. Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
BAUMANN, M., Spitz, E., Ravaud, J., Guillemin, F., & Chau, N. (2009). Social disparities and correlates of domestic accidents. Psychology and Health, 95. Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
Chau, N., & BAUMANN, M. (2009). Factors associated with trafic accident. Psychology and Health, 127-128. Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
Peretti-Watel, P., Legleye, S., & BAUMANN, M. (2009). Fatigue, insomnia and mental disorders: gender disparities and roles of individual characteristics and lifestyle factors among economically active people. Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology, 703-709. doi:10.1007/s00127-008-0487-x Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
BAUMANN, M. (2008). Drugs and poverty: socioeconomic conditions and vulnerability [Paper presentation]. Technical seminar United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, Vienna, Austria. |
BAUMANN, M., MEYERS, R., LE BIHAN, E., & HOUSSEMAND, C. (2008). Mental health (GHQ12; CES-D) and attitudes towards the value of work among inmates of a semi-open prison and the long-term unemployed in Luxembourg. BMC Public Health, 8 (214). doi:10.1186/1471-2458-8-214 Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
BAUMANN, M., Baumann, C., LE BIHAN, E., & Chau, N. (2008). How patients perceive the therapeutic communications skills of their general practitioners, and how that perception affects adherence: use of the TCom-skill GP scale in a specific geographical area. BMC Health Services Research, 8, 244-256. doi:10.1186/1472-6963-8-244 Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
AMARA, M.-E., Chau, N., & BAUMANN, M. (2008). Les « comportements normatifs » des seniors dans le recours aux psychotropes. Interrogations ?, 6, 8-23. Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
HAAS, C., Studer, L., & BAUMANN, M. (2008). L’éducation pour la santé : une activité intégrée aux programmes du projet Equal-Reset. In E. D. L. E. P. L. S. Institut National de la Promotion (Ed.), Les journées de la prévention (pp. 77). Paris, France: INPES. Peer reviewed |
Chau, N., & BAUMANN, M. (2008). Correlates and inequalities of psychotropic drug use among young adults. International Journal for Equity in Health, 7, 3-14. doi:10.1186/1475-9276-7-3 Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
BAUMANN, M. (2008). Valeur attribuée au travail et santé mentale des détenis et des chômeurs de longue durée [Paper presentation]. 2ème Colloque luxembourgeois sur l’Economie de la Connaissance dans une perspective européenne « En route vers Lisbonne », Kirchberg, Luxembourg. |
BAUMANN, M., & HAAS, C. (2008). Inégalités de santé mentale: à propos des détenus du projet Equal-Reset Luxembourg sur l'employabilité. Sociologie Santé, 28, 101-120. Peer reviewed |
Spitz, E., & BAUMANN, M. (2008). Social inequalities and correlates of alcohol abuse among young adults. Psychology and Health, 23 (suppl. 1), 242. Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
BAUMANN, M., Euller-Ziegler, L., & Guillemin, F. (2007). Evaluation of the expectations osteoarthritis patients have concerning healthcare, and their implications for practitioners. Clinical and Experimental Rheumatology, 25, 404-409. Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
Spitz, E., Chau, N., Predine, R., & BAUMANN, M. (2007). Do male and female adolescents differ in the effect of individual and family characteristics on their use of psychotropic drugs? Abstract book of 10th European Congress of Psychology, 185-186. Peer reviewed |
BAUMANN, M., Spitz, E., & Chau, N. (2007). Associations between multiple deprivation and tobacco, alcohol, and psychotropic drug use. Proceedings of 10th European Congress
of Psychology, 56-57. Peer reviewed |
BAUMANN, M., & Spitz, E. (2007). Advising adolescents on the use of psychotropic medication: attitudes among medical and psychology students. Substance Abuse Treatment, Prevention, and Policy, 2 (21), 21-31. doi:10.1186/1747-597X-2-21 Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
LE BIHAN, E., Baumann, C., Alla, F., & BAUMANN, M. (2007). Utilisation d'un modèle de réponse à l'item pour la validation d'une échelle des attitudes professionnelles des médecins généralistes. Journal of Educational Measurement and Applied Cognitive Sciences, 185-193. Peer reviewed |
Ionescu, Spitz, E., & BAUMANN, M. (2007). Etude comparative sur la santé des étudiants. Caiete Sociologice, 5, 9-34. Peer reviewed |
BAUMANN, M., & AMARA, M.-E. (2007). Evaluation de la satisfaction. Prendre en compte les valeurs socioculturelles des usagers. Gestions Hospitalieres, 465, 292-297. Peer reviewed |
BAUMANN, M., AMARA, M.-E., & HAAS, C. (2007). Repenser la santé mentale: à propos du projet EQUAL-RESET sur l'employabilité des détenus. In S. Comité (Ed.), Politiques publiques et pratiques professionnelles face aux inégalités sociales de santé (pp. 20-21). Toulouse, France: AISLF. Peer reviewed |
BAUMANN, M., Spitz, E., Guillemin, F., Ravaud, J. F., Choquet, M., Falissard, B., & Chau, N. (2007). Associations of social and material deprivation with tobacco, alcohol, and psychotropic drug use, and gender differentials: a population-based study. International Journal of Health Geographics, 2, 50-60. doi:10.1186/1476-072X-6-50 Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
BAUMANN, M. (2007). L'aphasie, principal facteur aggravant du vécu d'un AVC par l’entourage [Paper presentation]. Conférence invitée, Université du Minho, Braga, Portugal. |
BAUMANN, M. (2007). Projet FNR: Vivre au Grand-duché du Luxembourg après un AVC: retentissement familial et qualité de vie [Paper presentation]. Conférence invitée, Université du Minho, Braga, Portugal. |
BAUMANN, M., LE BIHAN, E., AMARA, M.-E., & BUCKI, B. (2007). Health status among French, Polish and Romanian students. Health Psychology and Society. Congressboock, 45-46. Peer reviewed |
Spitz, E., Constantini, M., & BAUMANN, M. (2007). Détresse psychologique et stratégies de coping des étudiants en première année universitaire. Revue Francophone du Stress et du Trauma, 7 (3), 215-225. Peer reviewed |
BAUMANN, M., Spitz, E., Predine, R., Choquet, M., & Chau, N. (2007). Do male and female adolescents differ in the effect of individual and family characteristics on their use of psychotropic drugs? European Journal of Pediatrics, 166 (1), 29-35. doi:10.1007/s00431-006-0203-3 Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
HAAS, C., Schmitz, J.-F., Mersch, M., & BAUMANN, M. (2007). Favoriser l'employabilité des détenus: à propos du projet PRIMA. In D. T. Université (Ed.), Colloque international "ruptures dans la société de l'information et l'économie du savoir" (pp. 33-34). El-Manar, Tunisia: Université de Tunis. Peer reviewed |
Aïach, P., & BAUMANN, M. (2007). L'aphasie, principal facteur aggravant du vécu d'un AVC par les proches. Revue de Médecine, 3 (3), 130-135. Peer reviewed |
Spitz, E., & BAUMANN, M. (2007). Associations of deprivation with musculoskeletal, cardiovascular, respiratory diseases and disabilities. Psychology and Health, 78-79. Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
Rat, A. C., Pouchot, J., Guillemin, F., & BAUMANN, M. (2007). Content of quality-of-life instruments is affected by item-generation methods. International Journal for Quality in Health Care, 19 (6), 390-398. doi:10.1093/intqhc/mzm040 Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
BAUMANN, M., AMARA, M.-E., & LE BIHAN, E. (2006). Un baromètre de la qualité de vie des étudiant-e-s au sein des universités européennes : une nécessité éthique. Analyse des Systèmes de Santé, 76-77. Peer reviewed |
BAUMANN, M., & LE BIHAN, E. (2006). Two professional attitudes measurement scales evaluated by patients for general practitioners and dispensing chemists. Society for Health and Medical Sociology, 117. Peer reviewed |
Aïach, P., & BAUMANN, M. (2006). Social inequalities of health and handicap. The example of the cerebral vascular attack. In C. Scientific (Ed.), European Society for Health and Medical Sociology (pp. 34). Peer reviewed |
Aïach, P., & BAUMANN, M. (2006). Décrypter les inégalités géographiques de santé : proposition d'une approche critique. Sociologie Santé, 41 (1), 207-222. Peer reviewed |
AMARA, M.-E., & BAUMANN, M. (2006). Compétences relatives à l'employabilité et qualité de vie des étudiants. In C. Scientific (Ed.), European Summer University for Research and Innovations (pp. 216). Lyon, France: FREREF. Peer reviewed |
Rat, A. C., Pouchot, J., Coste, J., Baumann, C., Spitz, E., Retel-Rude, N., & BAUMANN, M. (2006). Développement et validation d'un questionnaire de qualité de vie spécifique de l'arthrose de hanche et de genou: l'AMIQUAL (Arthrose des Membres Inférieurs et QUALité de vie). Revue du Rhumatisme, 73 (12), 1364-1372. doi:10.1016/j.rhum.2006.01.023 Peer reviewed |
BAUMANN, M. (March 2005). La consultation et la participation dans l’action humanitaire:questions techniques, questions éthiques [Paper presentation]. Pédiatie et Action Humanitaire, Siem Reap, Cambodia. |
BAUMANN, M. (2005). Recours aux psychotropes chez les seniors : " c'est une béquille pour faire face …". In C. Scientific (Ed.), Diffraction normative, comportements cachés et identités transverses (pp. 13-22). AISLF. Peer reviewed |
BAUMANN, M., & Vié Le Sage, F. (2005). Ethique et humanitaire. Mise en œuvre des pratiques de consultation et de participation. Pédiatre (Le), (211), 2-5. Peer reviewed |
BAUMANN, M., Tapsoba, H., & HAAS, C. (2005). Developing empowerment of prisoners for supporting their employability : evaluating the implementation of EQUAL-RESET. In C. Scientific (Ed.), Research and Innovations in Lifelong Learning (pp. 24). Peer reviewed |
BAUMANN, M. (2005). Lutter contre les facteurs de morbidité liés à la pauvreté. Recommandations de l'OMS. Pédiatre (Le), (211), 9-10. Peer reviewed |
BAUMANN, M., Baumann, C., Aubry, C., & Alla, F. (2005). Echelle des attitudes professionnelles des médecins généralistes et des pharmaciens d'officine favorisant l'observance thérapeutique. Revue Médicale de l'Assurance Maladie, 36 (1), 23-33. Peer reviewed |
Rat, A., Coste, J., Pouchot, J., & BAUMANN, M. (2005). OAKHQOL: a new instrument to measure quality of live in knee and hip Osteoarthritis. Journal of Clinical Epidemiology, 58, 47-55. doi:10.1016/j.jclinepi.2004.04.011 Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
BAUMANN, M., & Bonnetain, F. (2004). Quality of life and attitudes towards psychotropics and dependency: consumers versus non-consumers aged 50 and over. Journal of Clinical Pharmacy and Therapeutics, 29, 405-415. doi:10.1111/j.1365-2710.2004.00577.x Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
BAUMANN, M., & Manache, L. (2004). Interactions des rôles médecins et pharmaciens dans la mise en place et le suivi des traitements. In XVII° Congrès International AISLF (pp. 205). Toulouse, France: AISLF. Peer reviewed |
BAUMANN, M., & Rat, A. (2004). Comparison of methods for generating quality of live items: individual interviews versus focus groups. In European Society of Health and Medical Sociology (pp. 235- 239). Bologna, Italy: ESHMS. Peer reviewed |
Demange, L., Guillemin, F., & BAUMANN, M. (2004). Are there more than cross-selectional relationships of social support and social network with functional limitations and psychological distress in early rheumatoid arthritis ? The URIDISS longitudinal study. Arthritis Care and Research, 51 (5), 782-791. doi:10.1002/art.20694 Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
BAUMANN, M., Thiery, D., & Cao. (2004). Evaluation professionelle compréhensive du programme obésité en Polynésie fFançaise. Cahiers de Sociologie et de Démographie Médicales, 44 (2), 187-202. Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
BAUMANN, M., Baumann, C., & Alla, F. (2004). Non observance des psychotropes: implication thérapeutique mutuelle du patient et du médecin généraliste. Presse Médicale, 33 (7), 445-448. doi:10.1016/s0755-4982(04)98627-7 Peer reviewed |
BAUMANN, M., & Cao, M. M. (2004). Evaluation professionnelle compréhensive du programme obésité en Polynésie Française. Cahiers de Sociologie et de Démographie Médicales, 44 (2), 187-202. Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
Alla, F., & BAUMANN, M. (2003). Trajectoires sur 5 ans et dépendance aux psychotropes de consommateurs de la cinquantaine. Thérapie, 58 (2), 145-151. Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
BAUMANN, M. (2002). Les attitudes d’autonomie dans l'observance thérapeutique d’une cohorte de consommateurs continus de psychotropes. Encéphale (L'), 28 (1), 389-398. Peer reviewed |
BAUMANN, M., Alla, F., & Empereur, F. (2001). Psychotropes et dépendance: profils de consommateurs et trajectoires de leur consommation. (Observatoire Français des Drogues et Toxicomanies). Paris, France: OFDT. |