

Main Referenced Co-authors
CHAUVEL, Louis  (31)
BAR-HAIM, Eyal  (17)
Palmisano, Flaviana (3)
VAN KERM, Philippe  (3)
Alieva, A (2)
Main Referenced Keywords
Age-period-cohort model (1); big data (1); Career attitudes (1); computational social science (1); Cultural capital (1);
Main Referenced Unit & Research Centers
Integrative Research Unit: Social and Individual Development (INSIDE) > PEARL Institute for Research on Socio-Economic Inequality (IRSEI) (3)
Main Referenced Disciplines
Sociology & social sciences (66)
Social economics (4)
Microeconomics (1)
Computer science (1)
Human geography & demography (1)

Publications (total 69)

The most downloaded
Alieva, A., & HARTUNG, A. (2010). Assortative Mating Within and Between Native and Immigrant Groups in Europe. In XVII ISA World Congress of Sociology "Sociology on the Move" - Book of abstracts.

The most cited

63 citations (OpenAlex)

Lancee, B., & HARTUNG, A. (2012). Turkish migrants and native Germans compared: The effect of inter-ethnic and intra-ethnic friendships on the transition from unemployment to work. International Migration, 50 (1), 39-54. doi:10.1111/j.1468-2435.2011.00736.x

ODERO, A., CHAUVEL, L., HARTUNG, A., LE BIHAN, E., & BAUMANN, M. (2020). Life Satisfaction and mobility: Their associations with career attitudes, and health-related factors among postgraduates having studied in universities intra EU and outside EU. BMC Public Health, 20 (3). doi:10.1186/s12889-019-7913-8
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Ametepe, F., Franziskus, A., HARTUNG, A., Hury, J., & Schockmel, M. (2019). RAPPORT TRAVAIL ET COHÉSION SOCIALE − L'ÉTAT SOCIAL ET LE BIEN-ÊTRE DE LA SOCIÉTÉ LUXEMBOURGEOISE. (2-2019). Luxembourg, Luxembourg: STATEC - Institut national de la statistique et des études économiques.

CHAUVEL, L., & HARTUNG, A. (March 2019). Intergenerational mobility in Europe: Home ownership as a facet of social reproduction? [Paper presentation]. 6th European User Conference for EU-Microdata , Mannheim, Germany.

BAR-HAIM, E., HARTUNG, A., & Jörg, N. (2019). Extending educational attainment variables at LIS: On the importance of analyzing returns to education based on detailed education categories and years of education. LIS newsletter, (9).

CHAUVEL, L., & HARTUNG, A. (2019). Economic inequality and intergenerational socioeconomic persistence: A European test of the Great Gatsby Curve hypothesis. In Long-term consequences of the Great Recession for stratification, mobility and inequality. Abstracts booklet.
Peer reviewed

BAR-HAIM, E., CHAUVEL, L., & HARTUNG, A. (2019). A cohort perspective on intergenerational mobility and inequality. In Long-term consequences of the Great Recession for stratification, mobility and inequality. Abstracts booklet.
Peer reviewed

BAR-HAIM, E., CHAUVEL, L., & HARTUNG, A. (2019). More Necessary and Less Sufficient: An Age-Period-Cohort Approach to Overeducation in Comparative Perspective. Higher Education. doi:10.1007/s10734-018-0353-z
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CHAUVEL, L., HARTUNG, A., & Palmisano, F. (2019). DYNAMICS OF INDIVIDUAL INCOME RANK VOLATILITY: EVIDENCE FROM WEST GERMANY AND THE US. B.E. Journal of Economic Analysis and Policy. doi:10.1515/bejeap-2018-0153
Peer reviewed

HARTUNG, A. (2019). National policy response to main gender equality issues in the EU Member States - Luxembourg. EIGE.

CHAUVEL, L., HARTUNG, A., Bar-Haim, E., & VAN KERM, P. (2019). Income and Wealth Above the Median: New Measurements and Results for Europe and the United States. In K. Decancq & P. VAN KERM (Eds.), What Drives Inequality (pp. 89-104). Emerald Publishing Ltd. doi:10.1108/S1049-258520190000027007
Peer reviewed

CHAUVEL, L., BAR-HAIM, E., HARTUNG, A., & LEIST, A. (13 July 2018). Global inequalities 1980-2050: a microdata oriented simulation – Worldsim [Paper presentation]. 4th Annual International Conference on Computational Social Science (IC2S2) 2018, Evanston, IL, United States.

BAR-HAIM, E., HARTUNG, A., & CHAUVEL, L. (July 2018). New methods for income and wealth distribution analysis and LIS/LWS implementation [Paper presentation]. LIS Introductory Summer Workshop, July 1-6, 2018, Luxembourg.

HARTUNG, A., BAR-HAIM, E., & CHAUVEL, L. (July 2018). Inequality and generations - Age-Period-Cohort Modelling [Paper presentation]. LIS Introductory Summer Workshop, Luxembourg.

CHAUVEL, L., BAR-HAIM, E., VAN KERM, P., & HARTUNG, A. (June 2018). Logitrank Based Measures of Joint Income and Wealth Distributions: Inequality in the U.S. and Europe [Poster presentation]. 6th Luxembourg Workshop on Household Finance and Consumption, Luxembourg.

BAR-HAIM, E., CHAUVEL, L., Gornick, J., & HARTUNG, A. (2018). The persistence of the gender earnings gap: cohort trends and the role of education in twelve countries. Luxembourg Income Study (LIS).

CHAUVEL, L., BAR-HAIM, E., HARTUNG, A., & VAN KERM, P. (2018). Increasing Inequality in Joint Income and Wealth Distributions in the United States, 1995 to 2013. In Conference Online Programme & Papers (pp. 24).
Peer reviewed

BAR-HAIM, E., CHAUVEL, L., & HARTUNG, A. (2018). More Necessary and Less Sufficient: An Age-Period-Cohort Approach to Overeducation in Comparative Perspective. ORBilu-University of Luxembourg.

HARTUNG, A., CHAUVEL, L., & BAR-HAIM, E. (2018). „Bréngt et eppes ze studéieren?“ Zur Entwicklung der Erträge von Bildungsinvestitionen in Luxemburg. In Nationaler Bildungsbericht Luxembourg 2018 (pp. 105-113). LUCET/MENJE.
Peer reviewed

HARTUNG, A., CHAUVEL, L., & BAR-HAIM, E. (2018). „Bréngt et eppes ze studéieren?“ Sur l’évolution du retour sur investissement dans l’éducation au Luxembourg. SCRIPT/University of Luxembourg (LUCET).

BAR-HAIM, E., CHAUVEL, L., HARTUNG, A., & Gornick, J. (2018). The Persistence of the Gender Earnings Gap: Cohort Trends and the Role of Education in Twelve Countries. ORBilu-University of Luxembourg.

HARTUNG, A. (2017). Promotion of diversity in public and corporate entities [Paper presentation]. The Key role of Diversity to strengthen the EU, Luxembourg, Luxembourg.

CHAUVEL, L., HARTUNG, A., & Palmisano, F. (2017). Dynamics of Income Rank Volatility: Evidence from Germany and the US. ORBilu-University of Luxembourg.

CHAUVEL, L., HARTUNG, A., & BAR-HAIM, E. (2017). APCGO: Stata module to calculate age-period-cohort effects for the gap between two groups (based on a Blinder-Oaxaca decomposition), including trends for each parameter.

BAR-HAIM, E., CHAUVEL, L., & HARTUNG, A. (2017). More Necessary and Less Sufficient: An Age-Period-Cohort Approach to Overeducation in Comparative Perspective [Paper presentation]. LIS/LWS Users Conference 2017.

HARTUNG, A. (2017). Discussant of the paper “Defining and Measuring the Middle Class” by S. Pressman [Paper presentation]. LIS/LWS Users Conference 2017.


HARTUNG, A., & CHAUVEL, L. (January 2017). Diplomiert und arbeitslos: Zur Arbeitslosigkeit unter Hochschulabsolventen in Luxemburg. Forum für Politik, Gesellschaft und Kultur in Luxemburg, 369, p. 7-10.

CHAUVEL, L., HARTUNG, A., & BAR-HAIM, E. (2017). Closing or Persisting Gender Gap? A Cohort Analysis of Education and Wages in the United States and Europe. In Population Association of America - PAA Annual Meeting 2017. Population Association of America.
Peer reviewed

CHAUVEL, L., HARTUNG, A., BAR-HAIM, E., & DEMAZY, S. (2017). Sociétés francophones dans le monde de 2050 : Une génération de développement humain soutenable. Luxembourg, Luxembourg: Chambre des députés du Grand-Duché du Luxembourg pour l’Assemblée Parlementaire de la Francophonie.

HARTUNG, A. (25 May 2016). Horizontal Gender Segregation in Secondary and Tertiary Education: A Cross-National Comparison [Paper presentation]. LEAD Lecture, Tübingen, Germany.

CHAUVEL, L., & HARTUNG, A. (2016). Between welfare state retrenchments, globalization, and declining returns to credentials: The European middle class under stress. In 2016 Conference Online Program.
Peer reviewed

CHAUVEL, L., HARTUNG, A., & Palmisano, F. (2016). Dynamics of income rank volatility: Evidence from Germany and the US. In SOEP2016 Book of Abstracts.
Peer reviewed

CHAUVEL, L., HARTUNG, A., & Bar-Haim, E. (2016). Closing or Persisting Gender Gap? A Cohort Analysis of Education and Wages in the US and Europe [Paper presentation]. ECSR Conference 2016, University of Oxford, United Kingdom.

Valentova, M., HARTUNG, A., & Alieva, A. (2016). Horizontal Gender Segregation in Education: A Cross-Cohort and Cross-National Comparison [Paper presentation]. ECSR Conference 2016, University of Oxford, United Kingdom.

CHAUVEL, L., & HARTUNG, A. (2016). Malaise in the Western Middle Classes. In UNESCO (Ed.), World Social Science Report 2016. Challenging Inequalities: Pathways to a Just World. Paris, Unknown/unspecified: UNESCO.
Peer reviewed

HARTUNG, A. (2016). Back to the future? The awaited tangible roadmap for reducing inequality. Book review of Anthony B Atkinson (2015) Inequality. What can be done? Harvard University Press, Cambridge. Review of Income and Wealth, 62, 792-798. doi:10.1111/roiw.12283
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CHAUVEL, L., & HARTUNG, A. (2016). Malaise in the Western Middle Classes. ORBilu-University of Luxembourg.

CHAUVEL, L., HARTUNG, A., & PALMISANO, F. (15 July 2015). Dynamics of income volatility: Evidence from Germany and the US [Paper presentation]. Sixth ECINEQ Conference.

HARTUNG, A., & Vandecasteele, L. (2015). The Occupational Attainment Gap Between Natives and the Second Generation in 19 European Countries: The Role of the Economic and Political Context [Paper presentation]. BIGSSS International Conference 2015 “From POVERTY to PARTIES and INSTITUTIONS to INEQUALITY: Linking Structural Inequalities to Social Policy-Making”, Bremen, Germany.

HARTUNG, A. (2015). A cohort study of gender segregation in secondary and tertiary education [Paper presentation]. BIGSSS International Conference 2015 “From POVERTY to PARTIES and INSTITUTIONS to INEQUALITY: Linking Structural Inequalities to Social Policy-Making”, Bremen, Germany.

HARTUNG, A. (2015). Gender differences in the choice of study fields in secondary and tertiary education: A cross-country comparison [Paper presentation]. SEMILUX, Luxembourg.

CHAUVEL, L., & HARTUNG, A. (2015). More inequality, less mobility? Economic inequality, intergenerational elasticity and social viscosity in Europe [Paper presentation]. ECSR Conference 2015: Cumulative Inequalities in the Life Course, Tallin, Estonia.

HARTUNG, A., & Vandecasteele, L. (2015). The Occupational Attainment Gap Between Natives and the Second Generation in 19 European Welfare States: The Role of the Economic and Political Context [Paper presentation]. RC28 Spring Meeting, Tilburg, Netherlands.

HARTUNG, A. (2015). Young adults at risk in Germany: The impact of vocational training on the ethnic gap at labour market entry. In I. Salagean, C. Lomos, ... A. HARTUNG (Eds.), The young and the elderly at risk Individual outcomes and contemporary policy challenges in European societies. Intersentia.
Peer reviewed

Salagean, I., Lomos, C., & HARTUNG, A. (Eds.). (2015). The Young and the Elderly at Risk: Individual outcomes and contemporary policy challenges in European societies. Intersentia.

Salagean, I., Lomos, C., & HARTUNG, A. (2015). Introduction. In I. Salagean, C. Lomos, ... A. HARTUNG (Eds.), The young and the elderly at risk Individual outcomes and contemporary policy challenges in European societies. Intersentia.
Peer reviewed

HARTUNG, A. (2015). Book Review of Unequal Attainments: Ethnic Educational Inequalities in Ten Western Countries by A. F. Heath and Y. Brinbaum (eds.). European Sociological Review. doi:10.1093/esr/jcv074
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HARTUNG, A. (2014). Durations of Unemployment and Job Destinations of Young Natives and Migrants in Luxembourg [Paper presentation]. Séminaire Economique, Luxembourg, Luxembourg.

HARTUNG, A. (2014). Event History Analysis Workshop [Paper presentation]. Event History Analysis Workshop.

CHAUVEL, L., & HARTUNG, A. (2014). Static and Dynamic Inequalities in Europe: Intergenerational Mobility and Income Inequalities [Paper presentation]. XVIII ISA World Congress of Sociology “Facing an Unequal World: Challenges for Global Sociology”.

HARTUNG, A. (2014). Dynamics of income volatility 1971-2007 in the US: Increasing income instability among the poor [Paper presentation]. SEMILUX.

HARTUNG, A., & Schmaus, G. (2014). Les femmes et les hommes au travail aujourd’hui et il y a 25 ans : Point de vue dynamique sur l’emploi au Luxembourg. In E. Marlier, J. Brosius, V. Dautel, A. Decoville, F. Durant, P. Gerber, ... A.-C. Giuo (Eds.), Cohésion sociale et territoriale – Regards croisés sur la société luxembourgeoise. Brussels, Unknown/unspecified: P.I.E. Peter Lang.
Peer reviewed

HARTUNG, A. (2013). “Family policies and the employment of mothers” (B1), session chair [Paper presentation]. IMPALLA-ESPANET conference "Building blocks for an inclusive society: empirical evidence from social policy research".

HARTUNG, A. (2013). Effects of state aggregation in duration analysis [Poster presentation]. International Year of Statistics, Luxembourg, Luxembourg.

HARTUNG, A. (2013). Luxembourg. In G. Urso & A. Schuster (Eds.), Migration, Employment and Labour Market Integration Policies in the European Union (pp. 201-208). Brussels, Unknown/unspecified: IOM.
Peer reviewed

Lancee, B., & HARTUNG, A. (2012). Turkish migrants and native Germans compared: The effect of inter-ethnic and intra-ethnic friendships on the transition from unemployment to work. International Migration, 50 (1), 39-54. doi:10.1111/j.1468-2435.2011.00736.x
Peer reviewed

HARTUNG, A., & Valentova, M. (2011). Women in construction industry and men in day-care? Gender role attitudes of Luxembourg’s contemporary youth. Vivre au Luxembourg, 79.
Peer reviewed

HARTUNG, A., Vandezande, V., Phalet, K., & Swyngedouw, M. (2011). Partnership preferences of the Belgian second generation: Who lives with whom? Advances in Life Course Research, 16, 152–163. doi:10.1016/j.alcr.2011.09.001
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HARTUNG, A. (2010). Structural Integration of Immigrants and the Second Generation in Europe: A Study of Unemployment Durations and Job Destinations in Luxembourg, Belgium and Germany [Paper presentation]. PhD Defense, Leuven, Belgium.

Alieva, A., & HARTUNG, A. (2010). Ethnic and educational homogamy in Luxembour. Vivre au Luxembourg, 71.
Peer reviewed

HARTUNG, A., & Alieva, A. (2010). Migration and the European Labour Market: The Stockholm Programme and Beyond [Paper presentation]. New Forms of Migration: Political and Scientific Challenges?.

Alieva, A., & HARTUNG, A. (2010). Assortative Mating Within and Between Native and Immigrant Groups in Europe. In XVII ISA World Congress of Sociology "Sociology on the Move" - Book of abstracts.
Peer reviewed

HARTUNG, A. (2010). Book review of "Globalisation and Migration: New Issues, New Politics" edited by Ronaldo Munck. London: Routledge, 2009. 239 pp. Global Politics, 1 (3).
Peer reviewed

HARTUNG, A., & Vandezande, V. (2009). Labour market entry of ethnic minorities in Belgium: The role of academic and domestic contexts [Paper presentation]. Matching Context and Capacity: The Economic Integration of Immigrants, EUI, Florence, Italy.

HARTUNG, A. (2009). Partnerships Preferences of the Belgian Second Generation: Who lives with whom? [Paper presentation]. "Multi-attribute analysis and projection of ethnic populations", Norway.

HARTUNG, A., & Lancee, B. (2009). Turkish migrants and native Germans compared: The effect of inter-ethnic and intra-ethnic friendships on the transition from unemployment to work [Paper presentation]. International Young Scholars German Socio-Economic Panel Symposium, Germany.

HARTUNG, A. (2009). The effect of inter-ethnic and intra-ethnic friendships on the transition from unemployment to work in Germany [Paper presentation]. Settling Into Motion Conference.

HARTUNG, A. (2009). Structural Integration of Immigrants and the Second Generation in Europe: A Study of Unemployment Durations and Job Destinations in Luxembourg, Belgium and Germany [Paper presentation]. Research day, Belgium.

HARTUNG, A., & Neels, K. (2009). Destination manual worker or clerk? Ethnic differences in the transition from school to work. Journal of Applied Social Science Studies, 2.
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