

Main Referenced Co-authors
PETERS, Bernhard  (13)
Vogel, Frank (8)
BESSERON, Xavier  (7)
ESTUPINAN DONOSO, Alvaro Antonio  (6)
HOFFMANN, Florian  (6)
Main Referenced Keywords
Discrete Element Method (3); biological flows (2); Biologische Strömungen (2); DEM - FEM Coupling (2); DNS (2);
Main Referenced Unit & Research Centers
ULHPC - University of Luxembourg: High Performance Computing (15) (2)
LuXDEM - University of Luxembourg: Luxembourg XDEM Research Centre (1)
University of Luxembourg: High Performance Computing - ULHPC, FSTC (1)
University of Rostock (1)
Main Referenced Disciplines
Mechanical engineering (11)
Chemical engineering (4)
Engineering, computing & technology: Multidisciplinary, general & others (4)
Aerospace & aeronautics engineering (2)
Materials science & engineering (2)

Publications (total 25)

The most downloaded
MICHAEL, M., PETERS, B., & Vogel, F. (2013). An Efficient 3D FEM - DEM Coupling for Granular Matter Applications. Coupled MBS-FE Applications: A New Trend in Simulation.

The most cited

187 citations (Scopus®)

Hanke, W., Witte, M., Miersch, L., Brede, M., Oeffner, J., MICHAEL, M., Hanke, F., Leder, A., & Dehnhardt, G. (April 2010). Harbor seal vibrissa morphology suppresses vortex-induced vibrations. Journal of Experimental Biology, 213 (15), 2665–2672. doi:10.1242/jeb.043216

MICHAEL, M. (2014). A Discrete Approach to Describe the Kinematics between Snow and a Tire Tread [Doctoral thesis, Unilu - University of Luxembourg]. ORBilu-University of Luxembourg.

MICHAEL, M., & Peters, B. (21 May 2014). A Discrete Approach to Describe the Interaction between a Tire Tread and a Snow-Covered Road [Paper presentation]. Seminar of the Institute of Materials Simulation, Fürth, Germany.

MICHAEL, M., Vogel, F., & PETERS, B. (2014). XDEM - FEM Coupling Simulations of the Interactions between a Tire Tread and Granular Terrain. ORBilu-University of Luxembourg.

PETERS, B., BESSERON, X., ESTUPINAN DONOSO, A. A., Hoffmann, F., MICHAEL, M., MAHMOUDI, A. H., & Vogel, F. (2014). Beschreibung des Transportes von Schwimmkörpern bei Flutwasser über eine Euler-Lagrange Kopplung. In Dresdner Wasserbauliche Mitteilungen.

PETERS, B., BESSERON, X., ESTUPINAN DONOSO, A. A., HOFFMANN, F., MICHAEL, M., & MAHMOUDI, A. H. (2014). The extended discrete element method (XDEM) applied to drying of a packed bed. Industrial Combustion, 14, 1-16.
Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi

MICHAEL, M., Vogel, F., & Peters, B. (26 November 2013). AN EFFICIENT 3D DEM–FEM COUPLING FOR GRANULAR MATTER APPLICATIONS [Paper presentation]. NAFEMS European Conference on Coupled MBS-FE Applications.

MICHAEL, M., PETERS, B., & Vogel, F. (2013). An Efficient 3D FEM - DEM Coupling for Granular Matter Applications. Coupled MBS-FE Applications: A New Trend in Simulation.

MICHAEL, M., Peters, B., & Vogel, F. (22 October 2013). Simulation of the Tractive Performance of Tire Treads on Granular Terrain by Means of Finite and Discrete Element Coupling [Paper presentation]. 14. Internationale VDI-Tagung "Reifen-Fahrwerk-Fahrbahn" 2013.

MICHAEL, M., PETERS, B., & Vogel, F. (2013). Simulation des Traktionsverhaltens von Reifen auf granularem Untergrund durch eine Kopplung zwischen der Finiten (FEM) und der Diskreten Element Methode (DEM). In VDI-Berichte "Reifen-Fahrwerk-Fahrbahn". Düsseldorf, Germany: VDI Verlag GmbH.
Peer reviewed

MICHAEL, M., & PETERS, B. (2013). 3D DEM – FEM Coupling to Analyse the Tractive Performance of Different Tire Treads in Soil. In S. Idelsohn, M. Papadrakakis, ... B. Schrefler (Eds.), Computational Methods for Coupled Problems in Science and Engineering V. Barcelona, Spain: CIMNE.
Peer reviewed

MICHAEL, M., Peters, B., & Nicot, F. (23 April 2013). Discrete Modeling of Inter-Granular Bonds between Snow Grains [Paper presentation]. PARTEC 2013.

PETERS, B., BESSERON, X., ESTUPINAN DONOSO, A. A., HOFFMANN, F., MICHAEL, M., & MAHMOUDI, A. (2013). The Extended Discrete Element Method (XDEM) for Multi-Physics Applications. In Finnish-Swedish Flame Days 2013.
Peer reviewed

MICHAEL, M., Nicot, F., & PETERS, B. (2013). Discrete Element Modeling of Inter-Granular Bonds between Snow Grains. In PARTEC - International Congress on Particle Technology.
Peer reviewed

PETERS, B., BESSERON, X., ESTUPINAN DONOSO, A. A., HOFFMANN, F., MICHAEL, M., MAHMOUDI, A. H., Dziugys, A., & Vogel, F. (2013). Die Extended Discrete Element Method (XDEM) für multiphysikalische Anwendungen [Paper presentation]. 31. CADFEM User Meeting.

PETERS, B., BESSERON, X., ESTUPINAN DONOSO, A. A., HOFFMANN, F., MICHAEL, M., & MAHMOUDI, A. H. (2013). Application of the Extended Discrete Element Method (XDEM) in Computer-Aided Process Engineering [Paper presentation]. CAPE Forum 2013 Computer Aided Process Engineering.

PETERS, B., BESSERON, X., ESTUPINAN DONOSO, A. A., HOFFMANN, F., MICHAEL, M., & MAHMOUDI, A. H. (2013). Enhanced Thermal Process Engineering by the Extended Discrete Element Method (XDEM). Universal Journal of Engineering Science, 1, 139-145.
Peer reviewed

BESSERON, X., HOFFMANN, F., MICHAEL, M., & PETERS, B. (2013). Unified Design for Parallel Execution of Coupled Simulations using the Discrete Particle Method. In Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Parallel, Distributed, Grid and Cloud Computing for Engineering. Stirlingshire, United Kingdom: Civil-Comp Press. doi:10.4203/ccp.101.49
Peer reviewed

MICHAEL, M., Peters, B., & Vogel, F. (04 September 2012). Resolution of Different Length Scales by an Efficient Combination of the Finite and the Discrete Element Method [Paper presentation]. Eleventh International Conference on Computational Structures Technology.

MICHAEL, M., PETERS, B., & Vogel, F. (2012). Resolution of Different Length Scales by an Efficient Combination of the Finite Element Method and the Discrete Element Method. In B. H. V. Topping (Ed.), Proceedings of the Eleventh International Conference on Computational Structures Technology (pp. 249). Stirlingshire, United Kingdom: Civil-Comp Press. doi:10.4203/ccp.99.249
Peer reviewed

Hanke, W., Witte, M., Miersch, L., Brede, M., Oeffner, J., MICHAEL, M., Hanke, F., Leder, A., & Dehnhardt, G. (April 2010). Harbor seal vibrissa morphology suppresses vortex-induced vibrations. Journal of Experimental Biology, 213 (15), 2665–2672. doi:10.1242/jeb.043216
Peer reviewed

MICHAEL, M. (30 September 2009). Ermittlung der Nachlaufstrukturen und Oberflächenkräfte bei der Umströmung eines undulierten stumpfen Körpers mittels direkter numerischer Simulation am Beispiel der Seehundvibrisse [Paper presentation]. Mater Thesis Defense.

MICHAEL, M. (2009). Ermittlung der Nachlaufstrukturen und Oberflächenkräfte bei der Umströmung eines undulierten stumpfen Körpers mittels direkter numerischer Simulation am Beispiel der Seehundvibrisse [Bachelor/master dissertation, University of Rostock]. ORBilu-University of Luxembourg.

Witte, M., MICHAEL, M., Brede, M., & Leder, A. (2009). Untersuchungen der instationären Strömungstopologie im Nachlauf einer Seehundvibrisse. In A. Delgado, A. Rauh, H. Lienhart, B. Ruck, A. Leder, ... D. Dopheide (Eds.), Proceedings der 17.GALA-Fachtagung “Lasermethoden in der Strömungsmesstechnik“. Erlangen, Germany: Deutschen Gesellschaft für Laser-Anemometrie GALA e.V.
Peer reviewed

Witte, M., MICHAEL, M., Brede, M., & Leder, A. (2008). Numerische Untersuchungen der instationären Strömungstopologie im Nachlauf einer Seehundvibrisse. In B. Ruck, A. Leder, ... D. Dopheide (Eds.), Proceedings der 16.GALA-Fachtagung “Lasermethoden in der Strömungsmesstechnik“ (16). Karlsruhe, Germany: Deutschen Gesellschaft für Laser-Anemometrie GALA e.V.
Peer reviewed

Richter, F., MICHAEL, M., Leder, A., & Majohr, D. (2007). Wechselwirkungen runder Düsenfreistrahlen mit ebenen Wänden bei verschiedenen Auftreffwinkeln. In A. Leder, B. Brede, F. Hüttmann, B. Ruck, ... D. Dopheide (Eds.), Proceedings der 15.GALA-Fachtagung “Lasermethoden in der Strömungsmesstechnik“ (15). Rostock, Germany: Deutschen Gesellschaft für Laser-Anemometrie GALA e.V.
Peer reviewed

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