
REDDEKER Sebastian

Main Referenced Co-authors
AMANN, Wilhelm  (1)
BOURG, Viviane  (1)
DELL, Paul  (1)
DI FELICE, Paul  (1)
Lentz, Fabienne (1)
Main Referenced Keywords
deconstruction (1); images (1); representation identity (1);
Main Referenced Disciplines
Art & art history (1)
Literature (1)

Publications (total 2)

DELL, P., AMANN, W., BOURG, V., Lentz, F., DI FELICE, P., & REDDEKER, S. (2011). 6. Images and Identities. In IPSE (Ed.), Doing Identity in Luxembourg / Subjective Appropriations - Institutional Attributions- Soco-Cultural Milieus (1. ed, pp. 165-231). Bielefeld, Germany: transcript.
Peer reviewed

REDDEKER, S. (2010). Werbediskurs in Luxemburg. Identitätsstiftendes und Vermittelndes Potential von Werbung im Multikulturellen Raum [Doctoral thesis, Unilu - University of Luxembourg]. ORBilu-University of Luxembourg.

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