Engel de Abreu, P. M., Kumsta, R., & Wealer, C. (2023).Risk and protective factors of mental health in children in residential care_A nationwide study from Luxembourg. Child Abuse & Neglect.pdf
Residential care; Early adversity and trauma; Mental health; Subjective well-being; Child participation; Luxembourg
Abstract :
[en] Background: Children who grow up in residential care are at high risk for mental health problems. Existing studies have focused on negative mental health indicators and risk factors. There has been less emphasis on identifying protective factors, particularly those associated with positive mental health outcomes. Objective: This study explores positive and negative dimensions of mental health and their links to risk and protective factors in children who have experienced early adversity and trauma and have been placed in residential care. Participants and settings: Children aged 11 to 18 (N =264) were recruited from residential care homes in Luxembourg, a small, high-income European country. Methods: The children completed self-report questionnaires on mental health, perceived stress, school pressure, and participation. Residential care workers provided information on demographic factors, developmental and care history, and pre-care experiences of early adversity and trauma. Results: Confirmatory factor analysis indicated that subjective well-being, internalising problems, and externalising problems are separate yet interconnected components of mental health. Multiple Indicators Multiple Causes models showed that individual, contextual, and psychosocial predictors contribute differentially to positive and negative mental health outcomes. Conclusions: Using a national sample of children in residential care in Luxembourg, this research indicates that subjective well-being, internalising problems, and externalising problems are distinct but related aspects of mental health. ‘Child participation’ and ‘school pressure’ displayed strong links with positive mental health outcomes and may serve as a potential path for improving public health interventions for children in care.
Disciplines :
Public health, health care sciences & services Treatment & clinical psychology
Author, co-author :
ENGEL DE ABREU, Pascale ; University of Luxembourg > Faculty of Humanities, Education and Social Sciences (FHSE) > Department of Humanities (DHUM) > Multilingualism
KUMSTA, Robert ; University of Luxembourg > Faculty of Humanities, Education and Social Sciences (FHSE) > Department of Behavioural and Cognitive Sciences (DBCS) > Health and Behaviour
WEALER, Cyril ; University of Luxembourg > Faculty of Humanities, Education and Social Sciences > Department of Humanities > Team Pascale ENGEL DE ABREU
External co-authors :
Language :
Title :
Risk and protective factors of mental health in children in residential care: A nationwide study from Luxembourg
FNR16989832 - Vulnerable Children And Wellbeing In The Times Of A Global Pandemic And Beyond: Experiences And Perspectives Of Two High-income Countries In Europe, 2022 (18/07/2022-31/10/2024) - Pascale Engel De Abreu
Name of the research project :
Funders :
Œuvre Nationale de Secours Grande-Duchesse Charlotte, Fondation Juniclair
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