Commercial zones; Transition governance; ecological transitions; technological innovation; development
Disciplines :
Architecture Social & behavioral sciences, psychology: Multidisciplinary, general & others
Author, co-author :
Babi Almenar, Javier
Coignet, Philippe
Gibon, Thomas
Hitaj, Claudia
Kessler, Claudia
MARIC, Marija ; University of Luxembourg > Faculty of Humanities, Education and Social Sciences (FHSE) > Department of Geography and Spatial Planning (DGEO)
Molz, Markus
Paris, Karine
Schneider, Norry
SCHULZ, Christian ; University of Luxembourg > Faculty of Humanities, Education and Social Sciences (FHSE) > Department of Geography and Spatial Planning (DGEO)
Fox, Kathy
ZIMMER, Céline ; University of Luxembourg > Faculty of Humanities, Education and Social Sciences (FHSE) > Department of Geography and Spatial Planning (DGEO)
Publishing director :
HERTWECK, Florian ; University of Luxembourg > Faculty of Humanities, Education and Social Sciences (FHSE) > Department of Geography and Spatial Planning (DGEO)
Other collaborator :
Abdullah, Aisha
Babic, Eldin
BECKER, Tom ; University of Luxembourg > Faculty of Humanities, Education and Social Sciences (FHSE) > Department of Geography and Spatial Planning (DGEO)
BENETTO, Enrico ; University of Luxembourg > Faculty of Science, Technology and Communication (FSTC)
Biwer, Arno
Braun, Christian
CANE, Francelle ; University of Luxembourg > Faculty of Humanities, Education and Social Sciences (FHSE) > Department of Geography and Spatial Planning (DGEO)
Charitonidou, Marianna
Daher, Elie
de Gori, Lucie
EVRARD, Estelle ; University of Luxembourg > Faculty of Humanities, Education and Social Sciences (FHSE) > Department of Geography and Spatial Planning (DGEO)
HADJI-MINAGLOU, Jean-Régis ; University of Luxembourg > Faculty of Science, Technology and Medicine (FSTM) > Department of Engineering (DoE)
HANSEN, Joachim ; University of Luxembourg > Faculty of Science, Technology and Medicine (FSTM) > Department of Engineering (DoE)
Hardy, Delphine
HESSE, Markus ; University of Luxembourg > Faculty of Humanities, Education and Social Sciences (FHSE) > Department of Geography and Spatial Planning (DGEO)
König, Ariane ; University of Luxembourg > Faculty of Humanities, Education and Social Sciences (FHSE) > Department of Social Sciences (DSOC)
Kubicky, Sylvain
Leimbrock-Rosch, Laura
Leopold, Ulrich
MARVUGLIA, Antonino ; University of Luxembourg > Faculty of Science, Technology and Communication (FSTC)
Meunier, Christelle
MIESSEN, Markus ; University of Luxembourg > Faculty of Humanities, Education and Social Sciences (FHSE) > Department of Geography and Spatial Planning (DGEO)
Neupane, Seroj
ODENBREIT, Christoph ; University of Luxembourg > Faculty of Science, Technology and Medicine (FSTM) > Department of Engineering (DoE)
POPOVA, Simona Bozhidarova ; University of Luxembourg > Faculty of Humanities, Education and Social Sciences (FHSE)
RECKINGER, Rachel ; University of Luxembourg > Faculty of Humanities, Education and Social Sciences (FHSE) > Department of Humanities (DHUM)
Rugani, Benedetto
Cantu Salazar, Lisette
Stoll, Evelyne
Swinnen, Peter
Titeux, Nicolas
VITI, Francesco ; University of Luxembourg > Faculty of Science, Technology and Medicine (FSTM) > Department of Engineering (DoE)