
KÖNIG Ariane

University of Luxembourg > Faculty of Humanities, Education and Social Sciences (FHSE) > Department of Social Sciences (DSOC) > Education and Society

Main Referenced Co-authors
Schwecke, T. (7)
Staunton, J. (6)
BENETTO, Enrico  (5)
Dupont, Claire (5)
Ferrone, Andrew (5)
Main Referenced Keywords
sustainability (5); Food safety (4); FK506 (3); Risk management (3); complexity (2);
Main Referenced Unit & Research Centers
Education, Culture, Cognition & Society (ECCS) > Institute of Education & Society (InES) (2)
IPSE (1)
OPC (1)
RIKILT - Institute of Food Safety - Wageningen UR (1)
University of Luxembourg: LUCET (1)
Main Referenced Disciplines
Life sciences: Multidisciplinary, general & others (15)
Social & behavioral sciences, psychology: Multidisciplinary, general & others (11)
Environmental sciences & ecology (9)
Education & instruction (6)
Sociology & social sciences (6)

Publications (total 71)

The most downloaded
König, A. (2013). Regenerative Sustainable Development of Universities and Cities: The Role of Living Laboratories. (1st edition). Cheltenham, Glos, United Kingdom: Edward ELGAR: A family business in international publishing. doi:10.4337/9781781003640

The most cited

404 citations (Scopus®)

Schwecke, T., Aparicio, J. F., Molnár, I., König, A., Khaw, L. E., Haydock, S. F., Olinyk, M., Caffrey, P., Cortés, J. B., Lester, J., Böhm, G. A., Staunton, J., & Leadlay, P. F. (August 1995). The biosynthetic cluster for the polyketide immunosuppressant rapamycin. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 92 (17), 7839-7843. doi:10.1073/pnas.92.17.7839

KÖNIG, A., Dupont, C., Ferrone, A., Kosch, M., BENETTO, E., DÖRRY, S., & van Yperserle, J.-P. (2023). Chapter 2. Governance and Policy Actions for Climate Resilient Development of the Climate Policy Observatory, Luxembourg, Annual Report 2023. (2). Luxembourg, Luxembourg: PC LUX: Climate Policy Observatory.

Ferrone, A., Kosch, M., Benetto, E., DÖRRY, S., Dupont, C., KÖNIG, A., & van Yperserle, J.-P. (2023). OPC statement on the government coalition agreement 2023-2028. Luxembourg, Luxembourg: OPC LUX: Climate Policy Observatory.

Ferrone, A., Kosch, M., Benetto, E., DÖRRY, S., Dupont, C., KÖNIG, A., & van Yperserle, J.-P. (2023). OPC statement on the draft PNEC update. Luxembourg, Luxembourg: OPC LUX: Climate Policy Observatory.

Haklay, M.* , KÖNIG, A., Moustard, F., & Aspee, N. (June 2023). Citizen science and Post-Normal Science's extended peer community: Identifying overlaps by mapping typologies. Futures, 150, 103178. doi:10.1016/j.futures.2023.103178
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STANKIEWICZ, J., König, A., PICKAR, K. A., & WEISS, S. (2023). How Certain is Good Enough? Managing Data Quality and Uncertainty in Ordinal Citizen Science Data Sets for Evidence-Based Policies on Fresh Water. Citizen Science: Theory and Practice. doi:10.5334/cstp.592
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OPC LUX, Ferrone, A., Kosch, M., BENETTO, E., DÖRRY, S., Dupont, C., KÖNIG, A., & van Ypersele, J.-P. (2023). OPC LUX 2023. Climate Policy Observatory, Luxembourg, Annual Report 2023. (1).

Ferrone, A., Kosch, M., BENETTO, E., DÖRRY, S., Dupont, C., KÖNIG, A., & van Yperserle, J.-P. (2022). Climate Policy Observatory, Luxembourg, Annual Report 2022. (1). Luxembourg, Luxembourg: OPC LUX: Climate Policy Observatory.

König, A., Ravetz, J., RABER, B. M., STANKIEWICZ, J., ROJAS AEDO, R. A., HONDRILA, K., & PICKAR, K. A. (20 September 2021). Taking the Complex Dynamics of Human–Environment–Technology Systems Seriously: A Case Study in Doctoral Education at the University of Luxembourg. Frontiers in Sustainability, 2. doi:10.3389/frsus.2021.673033
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HONDRILA, K., & König, A. (September 2021). Actionable knowledge and social learning for sustainability: Roles of professional knowledge and narratives [Paper presentation]. International Transdisciplinary Conference - ITD 2021, virtual, Switzerland.

König, A., PICKAR, K. A., STANKIEWICZ, J., & HONDRILA, K. (09 June 2021). Can citizen science complement official data sources that serve as evidence-base for policies and practice to improve water quality? Statistical Journal of the IAOS, 73 (1), 189-204. doi:10.3233/SJI-200737
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BECKER, T., CANE, F., Charitonidou, M., EVRARD, E., Faber, C., FERREIRA SILVA, M., HADJI-MINAGLOU, J.-R., HANSEN, J., HESSE, M., KATSIKIS, N., König, A., MARIC, M., MIESSEN, M., NEUPANE, S., ODENBREIT, C., POPOVA, S. B., RECKINGER, R., SCHULZ, C., SWINNEN, P., ... BABIC, E. (Other coll.). (2021). Luxembourg 2050 - Prospects for a Regenerative City Landscape : Report Phase 2. (2). Luxembourg: Luxembourg in Transition.

König, A., RABER, B. M., Drenth, G., McGinley, C., & Schartz, F. (2021). SCHOOL FUTURES - Using scenario approaches to inform transformation initiatives in the Luxembourg school system. European Court of Auditors Journal, (1), 193-199.

BENETTO, E., Gibon, T., Hitaj, C., HESSE, M., Molz, M., Karine, P., SCHULZ, C., HERTWECK, F. (Ed.), Babic, E. (Other coll.), BECKER, T. (Other coll.), Biwer, A. (Other coll.), Coignet, P. (Other coll.), EVRARD, E. (Other coll.), HADJI-MINAGLOU, J.-R. (Other coll.), JUNK, J. (Other coll.), HANSEN, J. (Other coll.), Hardy, D. (Other coll.), Katsikis, N. (Other coll.), Kessler, S. (Other coll.), ... Abdullah, A. (Other coll.). (2021). Luxembourg 2050 - Prospects for a Regenerative City Landscape : Report Phase 1. (1). Luxembourg: Luxembourg in Transition.

Babi Almenar, J., Coignet, P., Gibon, T., Hitaj, C., Kessler, C., MARIC, M., Molz, M., Paris, K., Schneider, N., SCHULZ, C., Fox, K., ZIMMER, C., HERTWECK, F. (Ed.), Abdullah, A. (Other coll.), Babic, E. (Other coll.), BECKER, T. (Other coll.), BENETTO, E. (Other coll.), Biwer, A. (Other coll.), Braun, C. (Other coll.), ... Wengler, J. (Other coll.). (2021). Luxembourg 2050 - Prospects for a Regenerative City-Landscape - Report Phase 2. (2). Luxembourg: Luxembourg in Transition.

Caniglia, G., Luederitz, C., von Wirth, T., Fazey, I., Martin-López, B., HONDRILA, K., König, A., von Wehrden, H., Schäpke, N., Laubichler, M., & Lang, D. (2020). A pluralistic and integrated approach to action-oriented knowledge for sustainability. Nature Sustainability, 1-8. doi:10.1038/s41893-020-00616-z
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CARR, C., König, A., RECKINGER, R., SCHULZ, C., SIEBENTRITT, S., & TEFERLE, F. N. (2019). "Keine Schwarzseher" Forscher der Universität Luxemburg unterstützen Jugendliche von "Fridays for Future". Luxemburger Wort, p. 12.

Van Poeck, K., Wals, A. E. J., & König, A. (October 2018). Environmental and Sustainability Education (ESE) in the Benelux region. Environmental Education Research, 24 (Special Issue 9-10), 1229-1234. doi:10.1080/13504622.2018.1471668
Peer reviewed

SONNLEITNER, P., König, A., & SIKHARULIDZE, T. (April 2018). Mit Komplexität umgehen lernen: Welche Vorteile bieten computerbasierte Problemlöseszenarien in der Sensibilisierung für typische Probleme im Verstehen und Steuern komplexer Systeme? [Paper presentation]. 13th Tagung der Österreichischen Gesellschaft für Psychologie, Linz, Austria.

König, A. (2018). Outlook. In A. König, Sustainability science: Key issues (pp. 345-356). Abingdon, Unknown/unspecified: Routledge.
Peer reviewed

Drenth, G., Elahi, S., & König, A. (2018). Exploring alternative futures with scenarios. In A. König, Sustainability Science: Key issues (pp. 113-132). Abingdon, Unknown/unspecified: Routledge.
Peer reviewed

König, A. (Ed.). (2018). Sustainability science: Key issues. Abingdon, Unknown/unspecified: Routledge.

Tran, K. C., & König, A. (2018). Community-based monitoring for improved water governance: A case study in Holbox Island, Quintana Roo State, Mexico. In A. König, Sustainability Science: Key issues (pp. 250-268). Abingdon, Unknown/unspecified: Routledge.
Peer reviewed

König, A. (2018). Sustainability science as a transformative social learning process. In A. König, Sustainability science: Key issues (pp. 3-28). Abingdon, United Kingdom: Routledge.
Peer reviewed

König, A. (2018). Systems approaches for transforming social practice: Design requirements. In A. König, Sustainability Science: Key issues (pp. 55-81). Abingdon, Unknown/unspecified: Routledge.
Peer reviewed

Van Poeck, K., Wals, A. E. J., & König, A. (2018). Environmental and Sustainability Education in the Benelux Region. Environmental Education Research, 24 (9), 1229-1234. doi:10.1080/13504622.2018.1471668
Peer reviewed

Van Poeck, K., König, A., & Wals, A. E. J. (2018). Environmental and sustainability education in the Benelux countries: Research, policy and practices at the intersection of education and societal transformation. Environmental Education Research, 24 (Special Issue9-10), 1234-1250. doi:10.1080/13504622.2018.1477121
Peer reviewed

Dendoncker, N., Boeraeve, F., Crouzat, E., Dufrêne, M., König, A., & Barnaud, C. (2018). How can Integrated Valuation of Ecosystem Services help understanding and steering agroecological transitions? Ecology and Society, 23 (1), 12. doi:10.5751/ES-09843-230112
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SONNLEITNER, P., König, A., & SIKHARULIDZE, T. (2017). Learning to confront complexity: What roles can a computer-based problem-solving scenario play? Environmental Education Research, 1-19. doi:10.1080/13504622.2017.1378623
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König, A., Dyball, R., & Davila, F. (May 2016). Transforming the World by Transforming the University: Envisioning the University of 2040. Solutions, 7 (3), 12-16.
Peer reviewed

Luederitz, C., Schäpke, N., Wiek, A., Lang, D. J., Bergmann, M., Bos, J. J., Burch, S., Davies, A., Evans, J., König, A., Farrelly, M. A., Forrest, N., Frantzeskaki, N., Gibson, R. B., Kay, B., Loorbach, D., McCormick, K., Parodi, O., Rauschmayer, F., ... Westley, F. R. (2016). Learning through evaluation e A tentative evaluative scheme for sustainability transition experiments. Journal of Cleaner Production, xxx, 1-16. doi:10.1016/j.jclepro.2016.09.005
Peer reviewed

König, A. (09 October 2015). Changing requisites to higher education in the face of 21st century sustainability challenges. Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability, 16, 105-111.
Peer reviewed

König, A., & Budwig, N. (October 2015). Changing requisites to higher education in the face of 21st century sustainability challenges. Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability, 16. doi:10.1016/S1877-3435(15)00133-5
Peer reviewed

König, A. (06 August 2015). Towards systemic change: On the co-creation and evaluation of a study programme in transformative sustainability science with stakeholders in Luxembourg. Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability, 16, 89-98. doi:10.1016/j.cosust.2015.08.006
Peer reviewed

SPRUMONT, F.* , VITI, F.* , CARUSO, G.* , & König, A. (December 2014). Workplace Relocation and Mobility Changes in a Transnational Metropolitan Area: The Case of the University of Luxembourg. Transportation Research Procedia, 4, 286–299. doi:10.1016/j.trpro.2014.11.022
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* These authors have contributed equally to this work.

König, A. (2013). Regenerative Sustainable Development of Universities and Cities: The Role of Living Laboratories. (1st edition). Cheltenham, Glos, United Kingdom: Edward ELGAR: A family business in international publishing. doi:10.4337/9781781003640

Bruyninckx, H., Martinez-Fernandez, Sharpe, S., & König, A. (2013). Green growth in the Benelux: Indicators of local transition to a low-carbon economy in cross-border regions. Benelux Union. doi:10.1787/20794797

König, A. (2013). Introduction: Experimenting for sustainable development? Living laboratories, social learning and the role of the university. In A. König (Ed.), Regenerative Sustainable Development of Universities and Cities (pp. 1-23). Cheltenham, Glos, United Kingdom: Edward ELGAR: A family business in international publishing. doi:10.4337/9781781003640.00007
Peer reviewed

König, A. (2013). Conclusion: a cross-cultural exploration of the co-creation of knowledge in living laboratories for societal transformation across four continents. In A. König (Ed.), Regenerative Sustainable Development of Universities and Cities (pp. 254-273). Edward ELGAR: A family business in international publishing. doi:10.4337/9781781003640.00022
Peer reviewed

König, A. (2013). What might a sustainable university look like? Challenges and opportunities in the development of the University of Luxembourg and its new campus. In A. König (Ed.), Regenerative Sustainable Development of Universities and Cities (pp. 142-169). Cheltenham, Glos, United Kingdom: Edward ELGAR: A family business in international publishing. doi:10.4337/9781781003640.00015
Peer reviewed

König, A. (December 2010). Compatibility of the SAFE FOODS Risk Analysis Framework with the legal and institutional settings of the EU and the WTO. Food Control, 21 (12), 1638-1652. doi:10.1016/j.foodcont.2009.11.018
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Smith, M. R., & König, A. (December 2010). Environmental risk assessment for food-related substances. Food Control, 21 (12), 1588-1600. doi:10.1016/j.foodcont.2009.12.032
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Traill, W. B., & König, A. (2010). Economic assessment of food safety standards: Costs and benefits of alternative approaches. Food Control, 21 (12), 1611-1619. doi:10.1016/j.foodcont.2009.06.018
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König, A., Kuiper, H. A., Marvin, H. J. P., Boon, P. E., Busk, L., Cnudde, F., Cope, S., Davies, H. V., Dreyer, M., Frewer, L. J., Kaiser, M., Kleter, G. A., Knudsen, I., Pascal, G., Prandini, A., Renn, O., Smith, M. R., Traill, B. W., van der Voet, H., ... Wentholt, M. T. A. (2010). The SAFE FOODS framework for improved risk analysis of foods. Food Control, 21 (12), 1566-1587. doi:10.1016/j.foodcont.2010.02.012
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Wentholt, M. T. A., Rowe, G., König, A., Marvin, H. J. P., & Frewer, L. J. (2009). The views of key stakeholders on an evolving food risk governance framework: Results from a Delphi study. Food Policy, 34 (6), 539-548. doi:10.1016/J.FOODPOL.2009.06.002
Peer reviewed

König, A. (September 2007). Democratizing Decision-Making on Food-Safety in the E.U.: Closing gaps between principles of governance and practice. Minerva: A Review of Science, Learning and Policy, 45 (3), 275-294. doi:10.1007/s11024-007-9044-0
Peer reviewed

König, A. (March 2007). Towards safer foods and more democratic decisions: Is this a contradictory goal? Oléagineux, Corps Gras, Lipides, 14 (2), 92-99. doi:10.1684/ocl.2007.0130

König, A. (2006). Governance of Food Safety in the European Union. In R. A. Carruth, Global Governance of Food and Agriculture Industries: Transatlantic Regulatory Harmonization and Multilateral Policy Cooperation for Food Safety (pp. 133-163). Cheltenham, United Kingdom: Edward Elgar.

König, A., Cohen, J. T., Bouzan, C., Connor, W. E., Kris-Etherton, P. M., Gray, G. M., Lawrence, R. S., Savitz, D. A., & Teutsch, S. (2005). Fish consumption and coronary heart disease: A review of data on the dose-response relationship. American Journal of Preventive Medicine, 29 (4), 335-346. doi:10.1016/j.amepre.2005.07.001
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Bouzan, C., Cohen, J. T., Connor, W. E., Kris-Etherton, P. M., Gray, G. M., König, A., Lawrence, R. S., Savitz, D. A., & Teutsch, S. M. (2005). A quantitative analysis of fish consumption and stroke risk. American Journal of Preventive Medicine, 29 (4), 347-352. doi:10.1016/j.amepre.2005.07.002
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König, A., Kleter, G., Hammes, W., Knudsen, I., & Kuiper, H. (2004). Genetically modified crops in the EU: Food safety assessment, regulation and public concerns. Project report for ENTRANSFOOD, the European network on safety assessment of genetically modified crops. Luxembourg, Luxembourg: European Commission.

König, A., Cockburn, A., Crevel, R., Debruyne, E., Grafstroem, R., Hammerling, U., Kimber, I., Knudsen, I., Kuiper, H. A., Peijnenburg, A. A. C. M., Penninks, A., Poulsen, M., Schauzu, M., & Wal, J. M. (04 February 2004). Assessment of the safety of foods derived from genetically modified crops. Food and Chemical Toxicology, 42, 1047-1088. doi:10.1016/j.fct.2004.02.019
Peer reviewed

König, A. (2004). Combining multiple viewpoints on genetically modified foods. European Food Information Council.

König, A. (November 2003). A framework for designing transgenic crops - science, safety, and citizen’s concerns. Nature Biotechnology, 21 (11), 1274-1279. doi:10.1038/nbt1103-1274
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König, A. (September 2003). Book review: ‘How much risk? A guide to understanding environmental health hazards' by Inge F. Goldstein and Martin Goldstein. Environment, 45, p. 42-43.

König, A. (2003). Forum Comment. Science and Technology, XX, 14-16.

König, A. (Crit. Ed.). (July 2002). Book review of ‘The Precautionary Principle: A Critical Appraisal of Environmental Risk Assessment.’ by Indur M. Goklany. Environment, 44, 42.

König, A., & Jasanoff, S. (2002). The credibility of expert advice for regulatory decision-making in the US and EU. ORBilu-University of Luxembourg.

König, A. (2002). Negotiating the precautionary principle: Regulatory and institutional roots of divergent US and EU positions. International Journal of BioTechnology, 4 (1), 61-81. doi:10.1504/IJBT.2002.000180
Peer reviewed

Jonas, D. A., Elmadfa, I., Engel, K.-H., Heller, K., Kozianowski, G., König, A., Muller, D., Narbonne, J.-F., Wackernagel, W., & Kleiner, J. (2001). Safety considerations of DNA in food. Annals of Nutrition & Metabolism, 45 (6), 1-20. doi:10.1159/000046734
Peer reviewed

König, A. (2000). Risk assessment of antibiotic resistance markers in genetically modified crops [Paper presentation]. Proceedings of the International Congress on Foresight and Precaution, Edinburgh (Scotland), United Kingdom.

König, A. (2000). Development and biosafety aspects of transgene excision methods [Paper presentation]. Proceedings of the 6th International Symposium on the Biosafety of Genetically Modified Organisms, Saskatchewan, Canada.

König, A. (January 2000). Towards a common understanding of the precautionary principle? Foreign Policy Bulletin: The Documentary Record of United States Foreign Policy, 11 (1-2), p. 127-136.

König, A. (1998). Genetically modified crops in the European Union - the regulatory framework and public acceptance [Paper presentation]. Proceedings of the International Congress of the International Association of Plant Tissue Culture and Biotechnology, Jerusalem, Israel.

König, A. (1998). Comparison of the EU and the U.S. regulatory framework for the environmental safety assessment of transgenic crops - an industry perspective [Paper presentation]. Proceedings Brighton Crop Protection Conference, Brighton, United Kingdom.

König, A., Schwecke, T., Molnár, I., Böhm, G. A., Lowden, P. A. S., Staunton, J., & Leadlay, P. F. (15 July 1997). The pipecolate-incorporating enzyme for the biosynthesis of the immunosuppressant rapamycin: Nucleotide sequence analysis, disruption and heterologous expression of rapP from Streptomyces hygroscopicus. European Journal of Biochemistry, 247 (2), 526-534. doi:10.1111/j.1432-1033.1997.00526.x
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König, A., Schwecke, T., Molnár, I., Böhm, G. A., Lowden, P. A. S., Staunton, J., & Leadlay, P. F. (18 October 1996). The nature of the starter unit for the rapamycin polyketide synthase. Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 35 (19), 2249-2251. doi:10.1002/anie.199622491

Aparicio, J. F., Molnár, I., Schwecke, T., König, A., Haydock, S. F., Khaw, L. E., Staunton, J., & Leadlay, P. F. (22 February 1996). Organisation of the biosynthetic gene cluster for rapamycin in Streptomyces hygroscopicus: analysis of the genes flanking the polyketide synthase. Gene, 169 (1), 1-7. doi:10.1016/0378-1119(95)00799-7
Peer reviewed

Aparicio, J. F., Molnar, I., Schwecke, T., König, A., Haydock, S. F., Olinyk, M., Staunton, J., & Leadlay, P. F. (22 February 1996). Organisation of the biosynthetic gene cluster for rapamycin in Streptomyces hygroscopicus: analysis of the enzymatic domains in the modular polyketide synthase. Gene, 169 (1), 9-16. doi:10.1016/0378-1119(95)00800-4
Peer reviewed

Haydock, S. F., Aparicio, J. F., König, A., Molnár, I., Schwecke, T., Marsden, A. F. A., Galloway, I. S. M., Staunton, J., & Leadlay, P. F. (30 October 1995). Divergent sequence motifs correlated with the substrate specificity of (methyl)malonyl-CoA:acyl carrier protein transacylase domains in modular polyketide synthases. FEBS Letters, 374 (2), 246-248. doi:10.1016/0014-5793(95)01119-Y

Schwecke, T., Aparicio, J. F., Molnár, I., König, A., Khaw, L. E., Haydock, S. F., Olinyk, M., Caffrey, P., Cortés, J. B., Lester, J., Böhm, G. A., Staunton, J., & Leadlay, P. F. (August 1995). The biosynthetic cluster for the polyketide immunosuppressant rapamycin. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 92 (17), 7839-7843. doi:10.1073/pnas.92.17.7839
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König, A., Schwecke, T., & Leadlay, P. F. (1994). Cloning of structural genes for type I polyketide synthases involved in macrolide polyether biosynthesis [Paper presentation]. Proceedings of the 7th International Symposium on the Genetics of Industrial Microorganisms, Montreal, Canada.

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