

University of Luxembourg > Faculty of Humanities, Education and Social Sciences (FHSE) > Department of Geography and Spatial Planning (DGEO) > Geography and Spatial Planning

Main Referenced Co-authors
HESSE, Markus  (14)
CARR, Constance  (4)
EVRARD, Estelle  (4)
SCHULZ, Christian  (4)
Main Referenced Keywords
Luxemburg (4); Raumplanung (4); Siedlungsentwicklung (3); ecological transition (2); Internationalisierung (2);
Main Referenced Unit & Research Centers
Institute of Geography and Spatial Planning, University of Luxembourg (1)
Main Referenced Disciplines
Human geography & demography (36)
Architecture (3)
Social & behavioral sciences, psychology: Multidisciplinary, general & others (3)
Regional & inter-regional studies (2)
History (1)

Publications (total 40)

The most downloaded
CARR, C., BECKER, T., EVRARD, E., NIENABER, B., ROOS, U., MCDONOUGH, E., HESSE, M., & Krueger, R. (2015). Raising Sustainability. Planning Theory and Practice. doi:10.1080/14649357.2014.991544

The most cited

15 citations (WOS)

PACCOUD, A., HESSE, M., BECKER, T., & Górczyńskaa, M. (2021). Land and the housing affordability crisis: landowner and developer strategies in Luxembourg’s facilitative planning context. Housing Studies. doi:10.1080/02673037.2021.1950647

Schmitz, N., HESSE, M., & BECKER, T. (2022). Informalität im regionalen Wachstumsprozess. Einblick in eine „Black Box“ der Planungspraxis am Beispiel Luxemburgs. Raumforschung und Raumordnung. doi:10.14512/rur.175
Peer reviewed

JONES, C., & BECKER, T. (March 2022). Building staff-student partnerships to support sustainability for all by co-designing a carbon descent board game [Paper presentation]. e Sustainability Symposium 2022: Front, Centre and Now: Sustainability as a Core Purpose of Higher Education, Online, United Kingdom.

PACCOUD, A., HESSE, M., BECKER, T., & Górczyńskaa, M. (2021). Land and the housing affordability crisis: landowner and developer strategies in Luxembourg’s facilitative planning context. Housing Studies. doi:10.1080/02673037.2021.1950647
Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi

BECKER, T., CANE, F., Charitonidou, M., EVRARD, E., Faber, C., FERREIRA SILVA, M., HADJI-MINAGLOU, J.-R., HANSEN, J., HESSE, M., KATSIKIS, N., König, A., MARIC, M., MIESSEN, M., NEUPANE, S., ODENBREIT, C., POPOVA, S. B., RECKINGER, R., SCHULZ, C., SWINNEN, P., ... BABIC, E. (Other coll.). (2021). Luxembourg 2050 - Prospects for a Regenerative City Landscape : Report Phase 2. (2). Luxembourg: Luxembourg in Transition.

BECKER, T., & HESSE, M. (March 2021). A Temporary Space Where Development and Planning Emergencies Meet? Notes on an International Building Exhibition (IBA) in the Cross- Border Territories of France and Luxembourg. Planning Theory and Practice, 22 (1), 148-154. doi:10.1080/14649357.2020.1842588
Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi

BECKER, T., & HESSE, M. (01 February 2021). Raumplanung und Weiterbildung in Luxemburg. RaumPlanung, 2021 (210), 60-65.

BENETTO, E., Gibon, T., Hitaj, C., HESSE, M., Molz, M., Karine, P., SCHULZ, C., HERTWECK, F. (Ed.), Babic, E. (Other coll.), BECKER, T. (Other coll.), Biwer, A. (Other coll.), Coignet, P. (Other coll.), EVRARD, E. (Other coll.), HADJI-MINAGLOU, J.-R. (Other coll.), JUNK, J. (Other coll.), HANSEN, J. (Other coll.), Hardy, D. (Other coll.), Katsikis, N. (Other coll.), Kessler, S. (Other coll.), ... Abdullah, A. (Other coll.). (2021). Luxembourg 2050 - Prospects for a Regenerative City Landscape : Report Phase 1. (1). Luxembourg: Luxembourg in Transition.

Babi Almenar, J., Coignet, P., Gibon, T., Hitaj, C., Kessler, C., MARIC, M., Molz, M., Paris, K., Schneider, N., SCHULZ, C., Fox, K., ZIMMER, C., HERTWECK, F. (Ed.), Abdullah, A. (Other coll.), Babic, E. (Other coll.), BECKER, T. (Other coll.), BENETTO, E. (Other coll.), Biwer, A. (Other coll.), Braun, C. (Other coll.), ... Wengler, J. (Other coll.). (2021). Luxembourg 2050 - Prospects for a Regenerative City-Landscape - Report Phase 2. (2). Luxembourg: Luxembourg in Transition.

LEICK, A., HESSE, M., & BECKER, T. (17 February 2020). From the “project within the project” to the “city within the city”? Governance and Management Problems in Large Urban Development Projects Using the Example of the Science City Belval, Luxembourg. Raumforschung und Raumordnung, 78 (3), 1-17. doi:10.2478/rara-2020-0009
Peer reviewed

BECKER, T., HESSE, M., & SCHULZ, C. (2019). Qualitatives Wachstum in Stadt und Land? Elefant im Raum und zugleich leerer Signifikant. In C. Reckinger & R. Urbé (Eds.), Sozialalmanach 2019. Schwéierpunkt: Qualitativen Wuesstem (pp. 273-288). Luxembourg, Unknown/unspecified: Caritas.

BECKER, T., & CHRISTMANN, N. (September 2017). Internationalisierung des Luxemburger Wohnungsmarkts: Chance oder Hürde für Alternativen? [Paper presentation]. Deutscher Kongress für Geographie, Tübingen, Germany.

BECKER, T., & CHRISTMANN, N. (15 June 2017). Internationalisierung des Wohnens in Luxemburg – Vom empirischen Fall zum Modell [Paper presentation]. Internationalisierung des Wohnens – Marktentwicklung, Politiken, Forschungsansätze, Esch/Belval, Luxembourg.

CARR, C., & BECKER, T. (2017). A Report on the Shut Up and Write HERG Writing Retreat at Dartington Hall, Jan 2017, and an Argument for Writing Retreats at the University of Luxembourg.

BECKER, T. (October 2015). Quelles leçons à tirer du projet Esch-Belval [Paper presentation]. Bâtir des villes nouvelles, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium.

BECKER, T. (24 April 2015). Boosting and mobilizing sustainability: Why European sustainable urban development initiatives are slow to materialize [Paper presentation]. Association of American Geographers Annual Meeting, Chicago, United States.

BECKER, T. (2015). Konflikt und Konsens in der Landesplanung: Sektorpläne auf dem Prüfstand. Forum für Politik, Gesellschaft und Kultur in Luxemburg, (350), p. 29-31.

CARR, C., BECKER, T., EVRARD, E., NIENABER, B., ROOS, U., MCDONOUGH, E., HESSE, M., & Krueger, R. (2015). Raising Sustainability. Planning Theory and Practice. doi:10.1080/14649357.2014.991544
Peer reviewed

BECKER, T. (November 2014). Building a campus from scratch: the urban and regional dimension of the Cité des Sciences in Esch-Belval/Sanem, Luxembourg [Paper presentation]. International Symposium on Industrial Heritage, culture industries and innovative urban development, Nanjing, China.

BECKER, T. (May 2014). Internationalisation of the housing market in Luxembourg - spatial planning and transnational context [Paper presentation]. FIABCI 65th World Congress, Luxembourg, Luxembourg.

BECKER, T. (October 2013). Renforcer le rôle des villes au Grand-Duché de Luxembourg à travers la politique urbaine durable et intégrée [Paper presentation]. Colloque Itinéraires culturels, Luxembourg, Luxembourg.

BECKER, T. (October 2013). Cooperation and exchange for sustainable urban development [Paper presentation]. RFSC conference, Brussels, Belgium.

BECKER, T., & HESSE, M. (2013). Building a Sustainable University from Scratch: Anticipating the Urban, Regional and Planning Dimension of the ‘Cité des Sciences Belval’, in Esch-sur-Alzette and Sanem, Luxembourg. In A. König (Ed.), Regenerative Sustainable Development Of Universities And Cities The Role of Living Laboratories (pp. 352). Cheltenham, United Kingdom: Edward Elgar.

AFFOLDERBACH, J., & BECKER, T. (2013). Négocier l'espace frontalier: IMplantation du commerce de details dans la Grande Région. In N. Lebrun (Ed.), Commerce et Discontinuités (pp. 29-38). Arras, France: Artois Presses Université.

BECKER, T. (2013). Développement durable de campus universitaires. Mutations. Mémoires et Perspectives du Bassin Minier, 5, p. 11-13.

BECKER, T. (February 2012). Building a campus from scratch: the urban and regional dimension of the Cité des Siences, Esch-Belval/Sanem [Paper presentation]. Association of American Geographers Annual Meeting, New York, United States.

BECKER, T. (2012). Europäisierung der Städtepolitik? Das Beispiel 'CIPU' in Luxemburg. Europa Regional, 10 (18.2010), 38-47.
Peer reviewed

BECKER, T., & HESSE, M. (2012). Siedlungsentwicklung und Wohnungswesen. In D. Schronen & R. Urbé (Eds.), Nachhaltiges Wohnen (pp. 205-222). Luxembourg, Luxembourg: Caritas.

BECKER, T. (2012). Die Echternacher Springprozession. In S. KMEC & P. Péporté (Eds.), Lieux de mémoire au Luxembourg. Vol. 2: Jeux d'échelles. Erinnerungsorte in Luxemburg. Bd. 2: Perspektivenwechsel. Saint-Paul.

BECKER, T. (June 2011). Développement durable de campus universitaires: l'exemple de l'Université du Luxembourg [Paper presentation]. De la Cité des Sciences à la Ville du Savoir - 2e biennale Ville et Université, Esch-sur-Alzette, Luxembourg.

AFFOLDERBACH, J., & BECKER, T. (2011). Négocier l'espace frontalier - Implantation du commerce de détail dans la Grande Région. In N. Lebrun (Ed.), Commerce et discontinuités. Arras, France: Artois Presses Université.

AFFOLDERBACH, J., & BECKER, T. (2011). Einzelhandel und Siedlungsentwicklung. In T. Chilla & C. SCHULZ (Eds.), Raumplanung in Luxemburg - Aménagement du Territoire au Luxembourg (pp. 206-217). Luxembourg, Luxembourg: Binsfeld.

BECKER, T., & HESSE, M. (2011). Siedlungsentwicklung und Wohnungswesen. In T. Chilla & C. SCHULZ (Eds.), Raumplanung in Luxemburg - Aménagement du Territoire au Luxembourg (pp. 78-95). Luxembourg, Luxembourg: Binsfeld.

BECKER, T., & CARR, C. (September 2010). Sustainable Spatial Development in Luxembourg: Conflicting trajectories of Housing and Mobility [Paper presentation]. Regional Studies Association Workshop on Urban Systems 2.0: The Spatial Organization, Structure, Performance, and Planning of Contemporary Urban Systems, Delft, Netherlands.

BECKER, T. (July 2010). Exploring a campus in terms of urban integration and regional development [Paper presentation]. Better campus, better cities: Learning for Sustainable Future, Shanghai, China.

BECKER, T., & CARR, C. (June 2010). City Tour, Urban Transformation of Luxembourg [Paper presentation]. Sustainable Spatial Development in Luxembourg: Where are we now?, Luxembourg, Luxembourg.

BECKER, T. (May 2010). Nachbaschaftssolidarität als Indikator für die Stadtentwicklung [Paper presentation]. Noper sinn, Noper gin, Noper bleiwen: La solidarité dans les communes, Differdange, Luxembourg.

HESSE, M., & BECKER, T. (2010). Internationalisierung und Steuerung metropolitaner Wohnungsmärkte. Das Beispiel Luxemburg. Informationen zur Raumentwicklung, (5/6), 403-415.

BECKER, T. (2010). Herausforderungen an die städtische und städtebauliche Integration der Cité des Sciences in Esch-Belval. Mutations. Mémoires et Perspectives du Bassin Minier, 2, p. 27-30.

BECKER, T. (2009). D'Chancegläichheet vun Fraën a Männer an der Städtepolitik [Paper presentation]. L'égalité entre les femmes et les hommes dans le développement local, Junglinster, Luxembourg.

BECKER, T. (2009). The challenges of the Cité des Sciences in Esch-Belval [Paper presentation]. Villes universitaires: un espace de développement économique et urbain, Esch-sur-Alzette, Luxembourg.

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