[en] The Greenland GPS Network (GNET) uses the Global Positioning
System (GPS) to measure the displacement of bedrock exposed
near the margins of the Greenland ice sheet. The entire network
is uplifting in response to past and present-day changes in ice mass.
Crustal displacement is largely accounted for by an annual oscillation
superimposed on a sustained trend. The oscillation is driven by
earth’s elastic response to seasonal variations in ice mass and air
mass (i.e., atmospheric pressure). Observed vertical velocities are
higher and often much higher than predicted rates of postglacial
rebound (PGR), implying that uplift is usually dominated by the
solid earth’s instantaneous elastic response to contemporary losses
in ice mass rather than PGR. Superimposed on longer-term trends,
an anomalous ‘pulse’ of uplift accumulated at many GNET stations
during an approximate six-month period in 2010. This anomalous
uplift is spatially correlated with the 2010 melting day anomaly.
Disciplines :
Physics Earth sciences & physical geography
Identifiers :
Author, co-author :
Bevis, Michael; School of Earth Sciences, Ohio State University, Columbus
Wahr, John; Department of Physics, University of Colorado, Boulder
Khan, Shfaqat A.; DTU Space, National Space Institute, Lyngby, Denmark
Madsen, Finn Bo; DTU Space, National Space Institute, Lyngby, Denmark
Brown, Abel; Department of Geography , Ohio State University, Columbus
Willis, Michael
Kendrick, Eric; UNAVCO Inc., Boulder, CO
Knudsen, Per; DTU Space, National Space Institute, Lyngby, Denmark
Box, Jason E.; Department of Geography , Ohio State University, Columbus
VAN DAM, Tonie ; University of Luxembourg > Faculty of Science, Technology and Communication (FSTC) > Engineering Research Unit
Caccamise II, Dana J.; School of Earth Sciences, Ohio State University, Columbus
Johns, Bjorn; UNAVCO Inc., Boulder, CO
Nylen, Thomas; UNAVCO Inc., Boulder, CO
Abbott, Robin; Polar Field Services, Boulder, CO
White, Seth; UNAVCO Inc., Boulder, CO
Miner, Jeremy; UNAVCO Inc., Boulder, CO
Forsberg, Rene; DTU Space, National Space Institute, Lyngby, Denmark
Zhou, Hao; Department of Geography , Ohio State University, Columbus
Wang, Jian; Department of Geography , Ohio State University, Columbus
Wilson, Terry; Department of Geography , Ohio State University, Columbus
Bromwich, David; Department of Geography , Ohio State University, Columbus
FRANCIS, Olivier ; University of Luxembourg > Faculty of Science, Technology and Communication (FSTC) > Engineering Research Unit