

University of Luxembourg > Faculty of Science, Technology and Medicine (FSTM) > Department of Engineering (DoE)

Main Referenced Co-authors
VAN DAM, Tonie  (37)
Van Camp, Michel (23)
ROTHLEITNER, Christian  (13)
Mäkinen, J. (11)
Germak, A. (10)
Main Referenced Keywords
GPS (9); Greenland (9); absolute gravity (6); Absolute gravity (4); Gravity (4);
Main Referenced Disciplines
Earth sciences & physical geography (189)
Physics (47)
Space science, astronomy & astrophysics (8)
Physical, chemical, mathematical & earth Sciences: Multidisciplinary, general & others (3)
Engineering, computing & technology: Multidisciplinary, general & others (2)

Publications (total 203)

The most downloaded
Merlet, S., Gillot, P., Farah, T., Bodart, Q., Le Gouet, J., Cheinet, P., Guerlin, C., Louchet-Chauvet, A., Malossi, N., Kopaev, A., FRANCIS, O., D'Agostino, G., Diament, M., Geneves, G., Clairon, A., Landragin, A., & Pereira Dos Santos, F. (2014). Détermination de l'accélération de la pesanteur pour la balance du watt du LNE. Revue Française de Métrologie, 36 (2014-4), 11-27. doi:10.1051/rfm/2014013

The most cited

1434 citations (Scopus®)

Lyard, F., Lefevre, F., Letellier, T., & FRANCIS, O. (2006). Modelling the global ocean tides: modern insights from FES2004. Ocean Dynamics, 56 (5-6), 394--415. doi:10.1007/s10236-006-0086-x

Buendía, R. N., TABIBI, S., & FRANCIS, O. (2024). Relation between GG-R Carrier Phase Signal Coherency and Sea ICE Concentration over Hudson Bay. IEEE IGARSS 2024, 92-95. doi:10.1109/IGARSS53475.2024.10640714
Peer reviewed

FRANCIS, O. (13 October 2023). Long time series of absolute gravity observations in Kulusuk, southeast Greenland. Geoscience Data Journal, 10 (n/a), 485-488. doi:10.1002/gdj3.183
Peer reviewed

FRANCIS, O. (2023). Vertical Gravity Gradient Measurements in the Yellowstone National Park in August 2014. Zenodo. doi:10.5281/zenodo.8177373

FRANCIS, O., & Van Camp, M. (2023). Superconducting Gravity Meters. In M. G. Sideris (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Geodesy (pp. 1--2). Cham, Unknown/unspecified: Springer International Publishing. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-02370-0_63-1
Peer reviewed

Braitenberg, C., Sun, H., Feng, W., Boy, J.-P., Rosat, S., Huang, C., FRANCIS, O., Hwang, C., & Hinderer, J. (2023). Precision Observations for Geodynamics, Earthquakes and Earth Tides Phenomena: Introduction. Pure and Applied Geophysics. doi:10.1007/s00024-023-03243-9
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FRANCIS, O., Guerrier, K., & SAUVEUR, R. (2023). A Precise Gravity Tide Model for Port-au-Prince in Haiti. Esch-sur-Alzette, Luxembourg: UL. doi:10.5281/zenodo.7870010

Sun, H., Braitenberg, C., Feng, W., Boy, J.-P., Rosat, S., Huang, C., FRANCIS, O., Hwang, C., & Hinderer, J. (January 2023). Editorial note for the geodesy and geodynamics journal special issue contemporary research in geodynamics and earth tides-Selection from the 19th international symposium on geodynamics and earth tides, 2021, Wuhan, China. Geodesy and Geodynamics, 14 (1), 1-3. doi:10.1016/j.geog.2022.11.002
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FRANCIS, O. (2022). Gravimetric method. In Bondo Medhus & Lone Klinkby (Eds.), Engineering Geophysics (pp. 53-57). London, United Kingdom: CRC Press. doi:10.1201/9781003184676
Peer reviewed

FRANCIS, O. (2022). Absolute Gravity Measurements at the Alpine Research Centre in Obergurgl (Austria) in September 2021. UL. doi:10.5281/zenodo.7890562

FRANCIS, O. (2022). Absolute Gravity Measurements at the Base of the Grossglockner in the Austria Alps in September 2021. UL. doi:10.5281/zenodo.7994660

Elsaka, B., FRANCIS, O., & Kusche, J. (2022). Calibration of the Latest Generation Superconducting Gravimeter iGrav-043 Using the Observatory Superconducting Gravimeter OSG-CT040 and the Comparisons of Their Characteristics at the Walferdange Underground Laboratory for Geodynamics, Luxembourg. Pure and Applied Geophysics. doi:10.1007/s00024-021-02938-1
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Ullrich, C., FRANCIS, O., TABIBI, S., & Titz, H. (2022). Geodetic climate research in the Austrian Alps [Paper presentation]. EGU General Assembly 2022, Vienna, Austria. doi:10.5194/egusphere-egu22-9943

FRANCIS, O. (2022). Correction to: Performance assessment of the relative gravimeter Scintrex CG-6. Journal of Geodesy, 96 (1), 1-1. doi:10.1007/s00190-021-01587-5
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FRANCIS, O. (2021). Absolute Gravity Measurements in the Geology Building of the University of Utah Salt Lake City. UL. doi:10.5281/zenodo.7874742

FRANCIS, O. (08 October 2021). Performance assessment of the relative gravimeter Scintrex CG-6. Journal of Geodesy, 95:116. doi:10.1007/s00190-021-01572-y
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FRANCIS, O., SAUVEUR, R., Beker, N., & Guerrier, K. (2021). The absolute Gravity Network of Haiti - Status Report 2021. University of Luxembourg. doi:10.5281/zenodo.7874706

TABIBI, S., SAUVEUR, R., Guerrier, K., Metayer, G., & FRANCIS, O. (2021). SNR-Based GNSS-R for Coastal Sea-Level Altimetry. Geosciences, 11 (9 391). doi:10.3390/geosciences11090391
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Tan, H., FRANCIS, O., Wu, G., Yang, G., Wang, J., Zhang, X., Huang, J., & Shen, C. (2021). Evaluation of global ocean tide models based on tidal gravity observations in China. Geodesy and Geodynamics, 12 (6), 451-458. doi:10.1016/j.geog.2021.08.001
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TABIBI, S., Geremia-Nievinski, F., FRANCIS, O., & van Dam, T. (2020). Output data for manuscript "Tidal analysis of GNSS reflectometry applied for coastal sea level sensing in Antarctica and Greenland". doi:10.5281/zenodo.3629461

TABIBI, S., Geremia-Nievinski, F., FRANCIS, O., & VAN DAM, T. (2020). Tidal analysis of GNSS reflectometry applied for coastal sea level sensing in Antarctica and Greenland. Remote Sensing of Environment, 248, 111959. doi:10.1016/j.rse.2020.111959
Peer reviewed

Watlet, A., Van Camp, M., FRANCIS, O., Poulain, A., Rochez, G., Hallet, V., Quinif, Y., & Kaufmann, O. (2020). Gravity monitoring of underground flash flood events to study their impact on groundwater recharge and the distribution of karst voids. Water Resources Research, 56 (n/a), 2019WR026673. doi:10.1029/2019WR026673
Peer reviewed

TABIBI, S., & FRANCIS, O. (2020). Can GNSS-R Detect Abrupt Water Level Changes? Remote Sensing, 12 (21 3614). doi:10.3390/rs12213614
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WU, S., FENG, J., LI, C., SU, D., WANG, Q., HU, R., HU, L., XU, J., JI, W., Ullrich, C., Pálinkás, Kostelecký, J., Bilker-Koivula, M., Näränen, J., Merlet, S., Moigne, N. L., Mizushima, S., FRANCIS, O., Choi, I.-M., ... Newel, D. (2020). The results of CCM.G-K2.2017 key comparison. Metrologia, 57 (1A), 07002--07002. doi:10.1088/0026-1394/57/1a/07002
Peer reviewed

Meyer, J., Douinot, A., Zehe, E., Tamez-Meléndez, C., FRANCIS, O., & PFISTER, L. (2020). Impact of Atmospheric Circulation on Flooding Occurrence and Type in Luxembourg (Central Western Europe) [Paper presentation]. EGU General Assembly. doi:10.5194/egusphere-egu2020-13953

Van Camp, M., de Viron, O., Meurers, B., & FRANCIS, O. (2020). Measuring gravity changes for decades [Paper presentation]. EGU General Assembly. doi:10.5194/egusphere-egu2020-4432

Fores, B., Watlet, A., Van Camp, M., & FRANCIS, O. (2020). Long-term monitoring with spring-based gravimeters: tilt-control benefits and application to the Rochefort Cave Laboratory (Belgium) [Paper presentation]. EGU - General Assembly. doi:10.5194/egusphere-egu2020-2184

FRANCIS, O., TABIBI, S., & KLEIN, G. (2020). Superconducting Gravimeter Data from Walferdange - Level 1. Potsdam, Germany: GFZ Data Services. doi:10.5880/IGETS.WA.L1.001

Van Camp, M., de Viron, O., Dassargues, A., Delforge, D., Delobbe, L., FRANCIS, O., Kauffmann, O., Lecoq, T., Vanclooster, M., & Watlet, A. (10 December 2019). Hydrogeological effects on terrestrial gravity measurements [Paper presentation]. AGU Fall Meeting 2019, San Francisco, United States.

VAN DAM, T., & FRANCIS, O. (10 December 2019). Absolute Gravity and Uplift in the Yellowstone Caldera [Paper presentation]. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting 2019, San Francisco, United States.

FRANCIS, O. (2019). Absolute Gravity Measurements At The Alpine Research Centre in Obergurgl (Austria) in June 2019. UL. doi:10.5281/zenodo.7995611

Chen, Q., Shen, Y., Chen, W., FRANCIS, O., Zhang, X., CHEN, Q., Li, W., & Chen, T. (June 2019). An optimized short-arc approach: methodology and application to develop refined time series of Tongji-Grace2018 GRACE monthly solutions. Journal of Geophysical Research. Solid Earth, 124 (6), 6010-6038. doi:10.1029/2018JB016596
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FRANCIS, O. (2019). Absolute gravity measurements in the mass laboratory of ILNAS in Capellen, Luxembourg. IlNAS. doi:10.5281/zenodo.8006062

FORES, B., KLEIN, G., Le Moigne, N., & FRANCIS, O. (2019). Long-term stability of tilt-controlled gPhoneX gravimeters. Journal of Geophysical Research. Solid Earth, 124 (11), 12264-12276. doi:10.1029/2019JB018276
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Tan, H., FRANCIS, O., Shen, C., & Wu, G. (2019). Evaluation of global ocean tide models based on tidal gravity observations in China [Paper presentation]. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, United States.

De Plaen, R. S. M., Cannata, A., Cannavo', F., Caudron, C., Lecocq, T., & FRANCIS, O. (2019). Temporal Changes of Seismic Velocity Caused by Volcanic Activity at Mt. Etna Revealed by the Autocorrelation of Ambient Seismic Noise. Frontiers in Earth Science, 6, 251. doi:10.3389/feart.2018.00251
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VAN DAM, T., TABIBI, S., Geremia-Nievinski, F., & FRANCIS, O. (December 2018). Recent Advances on GNSS Multipath Reflectometry (GNSS-MR) for Sea and Lake Level Studies [Paper presentation]. American Geophysical Union - Fall Meeting.

FRANCIS, O. (2018). Absolute Gravity Measurements at the Alpine Research Centre In Obergurgl (Austria) In September 2018. UL. doi:10.5281/zenodo.8064612

FRANCIS, O. (2018). Absolute Gravity Measurements At The Alpine Research Centre in Obergurgl (Austria) in June 2018. UL. doi:10.5281/zenodo.8064579

Chen, Q., FRANCIS, O., Shen, Y., & Chen, W. (April 2018). An improved accelerometer calibration model for gravity field estimates [Poster presentation]. EGU - General Assembly, Vienna, Austria.

Qiujie, C., Yunzhong, S., FRANCIS, O., Wu, C., Xingfu, Z., & Houze, H. (2018). Tongji-Grace02s and Tongji-Grace02k: high-precision static GRACE-only global Earth's gravity field models derived by refined data processing strategies. Journal of Geophysical Research. Solid Earth, 123, 6111–6137. doi:10.1029/2018JB015641
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Evrard, M., Dumont, G., Hermans, T., Chouteau, M., FRANCIS, O., Pirard, E., & Nguyen, F. (2018). Geophysical Investigation of the Pb–Zn Deposit of Lontzen–Poppelsberg, Belgium. Minerals, 8 (6 233). doi:10.3390/min8060233
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Watlet, A., Van Camp, M., FRANCIS, O., Poulain, A., Hallet, V., Rochez, G., Triantafyllou, A., Delforge, D., Quinif, Y., & Kaufmann, O. (2018). Water storage dynamics within karst vadose zone assessed by joint ground-based gravity and ERT monitoring [Paper presentation]. EGU General Assembly, Vienna, Austria.

Van Camp, M., Delobbe, L., Wilfert, S., Watlet, A., FRANCIS, O., & Delforge, D. (2018). How radar can be supported by gravimeters for estimating hail intensity [Paper presentation]. 20th EGU General Assembly - EGU2018, Vienna, Austria.

Van Camp, M., FRANCIS, O., & Lecocq, T. (2017). Recording Belgium's Gravitational History. EOS. doi:10.1029/2017EO089743
Peer reviewed

Watlet, A., Van Camp, M. J., FRANCIS, O., Poulain, A., Hallet, V., Triantafyllou, A., Delforge, D., Quinif, Y., Van Ruymbeke, M., & Kaufmann, O. (December 2017). Surface and subsurface continuous gravimetric monitoring of groundwater recharge processes through the karst vadose zone at Rochefort Cave (Belgium) [Paper presentation]. 2017 AGU Fall Meeting, New Orleans, United States.

Van Camp, M., de Viron, O., Watlet, A., Meurers, B., FRANCIS, O., & Caudron, C. (13 November 2017). The gravity of geophysics. EOS, 98. doi:10.1029/2018EO086407
Peer reviewed

VAN DAM, T., FRANCIS, O., Wahr, J., Khan, S. A., Bevis, M., & Broeke, M. R. V. D. (01 February 2017). Using GPS and absolute gravity observations to separate the effects of present-day and Pleistocene ice-mass changes in South East Greenland. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 459, 127 - 135. doi:10.1016/j.epsl.2016.11.014
Peer reviewed

FRANCIS, O. (2017). First Absolute Gravity Measurements in Haiti during November 2016. Luxembourg, Luxembourg: University of Luxembourg. doi:10.5281/zenodo.7914439

Newell, D. B., Westrum, D. V., FRANCIS, O., Kanney, J., Liard, J., Ramirez, A. E., Lucero, B., Ellis, B., Greco, F., Pistorio, A., Reudink, R., Iacovone, D., Baccaro, F., Silliker, J., Wheeler, R. D., Falk, R., & Ruelke, A. (2017). Regional comparison of absolute gravimeters SIM.M.G-K1 key comparison. Metrologia, 54 (1A), 07019. doi:10.1088/0026-1394/54/1A/07019
Peer reviewed

Van Camp, M., de Viron, O., Watlet, A., Meurers, B., FRANCIS, O., & Caudron, C. (2017). Geophysics From Terrestrial Time-Variable Gravity Measurements. Reviews of Geophysics, 55, 938-992. doi:10.1002/2017RG000566
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Delforge, D., Vanclooster, M., Van Camp, M., Poulain, A., Watlet, A., Hallet, V., Kaufmann, O., & FRANCIS, O. (2017). Retrieving hydrological connectivity from empirical causality in karst systems [Paper presentation]. 19th EGU General Assembly, Vienne, Austria.

Pálinkáš, V., FRANCIS, O., Val'ko, Kostelecký, J., Camp, M. V., Castelein, S., Bilker-Koivula, M., Näränen, J., Lothhammer, A., Falk, R., Schilling, M., Timmen, L., Iacovone, D., Baccaro, F., Germak, A., Biolcati, E., Origlia, C., Greco, F., Pistorio, A., ... Lucero, B. (2017). Regional comparison of absolute gravimeters, EURAMET.M.G-K2 key comparison. Metrologia, 54 (1A), 07012. doi:10.1088/0026-1394/54/1a/07012
Peer reviewed

DE PLAEN, R., Lecocq, T., Caudron, C., Ferrazzini, V., & FRANCIS, O. (16 December 2016). Single station Monitoring of Volcanoes Using Seismic ambient noise [Poster presentation]. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting.

Bergeot, N., Chevalier, J.-M., Bruyninx, C., Denis, G., Camelbeeck, T., VAN DAM, T., & FRANCIS, O. (29 April 2016). Study of space weather impact on Antarctica ionosphere from GNNS data [Poster presentation]. BNCGG - BNCAR symposium: Unlocking a continent: scientific research at the Belgian Princess Elisabeth Station, Antarctica 2008-2016, Bruxelles, Belgium.

Meurers, B., Van Camp, M., FRANCIS, O., & Pálinkáš, V. (2016). Temporal variation of tidal parameters in superconducting gravimeter time-series. Geophysical Journal International, 205 (1), 284-300. doi:10.1093/gji/ggw017
Peer reviewed

Watlet, A., Poulain, A., FRANCIS, O., Hallet, V., Kaufmann, O., Quinif, Y., Rochez, G., Triantafyllou, A., & Van Camp, M. (2016). Multiscale hydrogeological and hydrogeophysical approach to monitor vadose zone hydrodynamics of a karst system [Poster presentation]. European Geophysical Union General Assembly 2016, Vienna, Austria.

DE PLAEN, R., Lecocq, T., Caudron, C., Ferrazzini, V., & FRANCIS, O. (2016). Single station monitoring of volcanoes using seismic ambient noise. Geophysical Research Letters. doi:10.1002/2016GL070078
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Watlet, A., Van Camp, M. J., Poulain, A., Hallet, V., Rochez, G., Quinif, Y., Meus, P., Kaufmann, O., & FRANCIS, O. (2016). Continuous gravimetric monitoring as an integrative tool for exploring hydrological processes in the Lomme Karst System (Belgium) [Paper presentation]. American Geophysical Union, San Francisco, United States.

Watlet, A., Kaufmann, O., FRANCIS, O., & Van Camp, M. (06 September 2015). Groundwater Storage in a Karst Vadose Zone Evidenced Using Gravimetric and Surface-to-borehole ERT Monitoring Systems [Poster presentation]. Near Surface Geoscience 2015-21st European Meeting of Environmental and Engineering Geophysics, Turin, Italy.

FRANCIS, O. (2015). Relative gravity measurements in Kellyville and Kangerlussuaq in July 2013. doi:10.5281/zenodo.8060768

FRANCIS, O. (2015). Relative gravity measurements in Ilulissat in July 2013. doi:10.5281/zenodo.8060787

FRANCIS, O., & Ullrich, C. (2015). Bilateral comparison between the FG5X-216 and FG5-242. doi:10.5281/zenodo.8064620

FRANCIS, O., Barriot, J.-P., & Reymond, D. (13 February 2015). Analysis of 4-year observations of the gPhone#59 in Tahiti. Marées Terrestres Bulletin d'Informations, 149, 12012-12023.

FRANCIS, O., Baumann, H., Ullrich, C., Castelein, S., Camp, M. V., Sousa, M. A. D., Melhorato, R. L., Li, C., Xu, J., Su, D., Wu, S., Hu, H., Wu, K., Li, G., Li, Z., Hsieh, W.-C., Pálinkás, P. V., Kostelecký, J., Mäkinen, J., ... Ellis, B. (2015). CCM.G-K2 key comparison. Metrologia, 52 (1A), 07009. doi:10.1088/0026-1394/52/1A/07009
Peer reviewed

Watlet, A., Van Noten, K., Lecocq, T., Chambers, J., Meldrum, P., FRANCIS, O., Van Camp, M., & Kaufmann, O. (14 September 2014). Hydrogeophysical Tools for Investigating Groundwater Storage in the Subsurface of a Karst System [Poster presentation]. 20th European Meeting of Environmental and Engineering Geophysics, Athens, Greece. doi:10.3997/2214-4609.20142008

FRANCIS, O., ROTHLEITNER, C., & Jiang, Z. (2014). Accurate Determination of the Earth Tidal Parameters at the BIPM to Support the Watt Balance Project. In C. Rizos & P. Willis (Eds.), Earth on the Edge: Science for a Sustanaible Planet (pp. 319-324). Berlin Heildelberg, Germany: Springer-Verlag. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-37222-3_42
Peer reviewed

Reudink, R., Klees, R., FRANCIS, O., Kusche, J., Schlesinger, R., Shabanloui, A., Sneeuw, N., & Timmen, L. (2014). High tilt susceptibility of the Scintrex CG-5 relative gravimeters. Journal of Geodesy, 88 (6), 617-622. doi:10.1007/s00190-014-0705-0
Peer reviewed

ROTHLEITNER, C., Niebauer, T., & FRANCIS, O. (2014). Measurement of the speed-of-light perturbation of free-fall absolute gravimeters. Metrologia, 51 (3), 9. doi:10.1088/0026-1394/51/3/L9
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Jiang, Z., Palinkas, V., FRANCIS, O., Merlet, S., Baumann, H., Becker, M., Jousset, P., Makinen, J., Schulz, H. R., Kessler-Schulz, K. U., Svitlov, S., Coulomb, A., Tisserand, L., Hu, H., & ROTHLEITNER, C. (2014). Accurate Gravimetry at the BIPM Watt Balance Site. In C. Rizos & P. Willis (Eds.), Earth on the Edge: Science for a Sustanaible Planet (pp. 371-376). Berlin, Germany: Springer. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-37222-3_49
Peer reviewed

FRANCIS, O., & VAN DAM, T. (2014). Tidal gravity measurements in Southeast Asia revisited. In H. Sun (Ed.), Progress on Geodesy and Geodynamics (pp. 338-342). China: Hubei Science and Technology Press.

Van Camp, M., de Viron, O., Métivier, L., Meurers, B., & FRANCIS, O. (2014). Reply to Comment on: ‘The quest for a consistent signal in ground and GRACE gravity time series’. Geophysical Journal International, 199 (3), 1818-1822. doi:10.1093/gji/ggu360
Peer reviewed

Poutanen, M., Ihdes, J., Bruyninx, C., FRANCIS, O., Kallio, U., Kenyeres, A., Liebsch, G., Mäkinen, J., Shipman, S., Simek, J., Williams, S., & Wilmes, H. (2014). Future and development of the European Combined Geodetic Network ECGN. In C. Rizos & P. Willis (Eds.), Earth on the Edge: Science for a Sustanaible Planet (pp. 121-127). Berlin, Germany: Springer. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-37222-3_15
Peer reviewed

FRANCIS, O. (2014). Absolute gravity measurements at the Conrad Observatory by the University of Luxembourg. COBS Journal, 3, p. 17.

ROTHLEITNER, C., & FRANCIS, O. (2014). Measuring the Newtonian Constant of Gravitation with a differential free-fall gradiometer - a feasibility study. Review of Scientific Instruments, 85, 044501. doi:10.1063/1.4869875
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Merlet, S., Gillot, P., Farah, T., Bodart, Q., Le Gouet, J., Cheinet, P., Guerlin, C., Louchet-Chauvet, A., Malossi, N., Kopaev, A., FRANCIS, O., D'Agostino, G., Diament, M., Geneves, G., Clairon, A., Landragin, A., & Pereira Dos Santos, F. (2014). Détermination de l'accélération de la pesanteur pour la balance du watt du LNE. Revue Française de Métrologie, 36 (2014-4), 11-27. doi:10.1051/rfm/2014013

Van Camp, M., de Viron, O., Métivier, L., Meurers, B., & FRANCIS, O. (2014). The quest for a consistent signal in ground and GRACE gravity time series. Geophysical Journal International, 197, 192-201. doi:10.1093/gji/ggt524
Peer reviewed

Gillot, P., FRANCIS, O., Landragin, A., Santos, F. P. D., & Merlet, S. (2014). Stability comparison of two absolute gravimeters: optical versus atomic interferometers. Metrologia, 51 (5), 15-L17. doi:10.1088/0026-1394/51/5/L15
Peer reviewed

WEIGELT, M., VAN DAM, T., & FRANCIS, O. (October 2013). The Decade of the Geopotential - techniques to observe the gravity field from space [Paper presentation]. Journées Luxembourgeoises de Géodynamique, Luxembourg, Luxembourg.

FRANCIS, O. (2013). ECAG-2011: European Comparison of Absolute Gravimeters 2011, Walferdange, Luxembourg. Luxembourg, Luxembourg: UL.

Jiang, Z., Pálinkáš, V., FRANCIS, O., Baumann, H., Mäkinen, J., Vitushkin, L., Merlet, S., Tisserand, L., Jousset, P., ROTHLEITNER, C., Becker, M., Robertsson, L., & Arias, E. F. (2013). On the gravimetric contribution to watt balance experiments. Metrologia, 50 (5), 452. doi:10.1088/0026-1394/50/5/452
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FRANCIS, O., Baumann, H., Volarik, T., ROTHLEITNER, C., KLEIN, G., SEIL, M., Dando, N., Tracey, R., Ullrich, C., Castelein, S., Hua, H., Kang, W., Chongyang, S., Songbo, X., Hongbo, T., Zhengyuan, L., Pálinkás, V., Kostelecký, J., Mäkinen, J., ... Billson, R. (2013). The European Comparison of Absolute Gravimeters 2011 (ECAG-2011) in Walferdange, Luxembourg: results and recommendations. Metrologia, 50 (3), 257. doi:10.1088/0026-1394/50/3/257
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VAN DAM, T., WEIGELT, M., FRANCIS, O., & WANG, L. (2013). Comparison of recent ocean tide models with gravimetric and GPS observations [Paper presentation]. Scientific Assembly of the International Association of Geodesy, Potsdam, Germany.

Luttrell, K., Mencin, D., FRANCIS, O., & Hurwitz, S. (2013). Constraints on the upper crustal magma reservoir beneath Yellowstone Caldera inferred from lake-seiche induced strain observations. Geophysical Research Letters, 40 (3), 501--506. doi:10.1002/grl.50155
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FRANCIS, O. (2012). Absolute Gravity Measurements at the Conrad Observatorium in Austria in June 2012. doi:10.5281/zenodo.8064769

FRANCIS, O. (2012). Absolute Gravity Measurements ath the Geodynamics Observatory in Moxa (Germany). doi:10.5281/zenodo.8064691

Jiang, Z., Pálinkáš, V., Arias, F. E., Liard, J., Merlet, S., Wilmes, H., Vitushkin, L., Robertsson, L., Tisserand, L., Santos, F. P. D., Bodart, Q., Falk, R., Baumann, H., Mizushima, S., Mäkinen, J., Bilker-Koivula, M., Lee, C., Choi, I. M., Karaboce, B., ... Robinson, I. (2012). The 8th International Comparison of Absolute Gravimeters 2009: the first Key Comparison (CCM.G-K1) in the field of absolute gravimetry. Metrologia, 49 (6), 666. doi:10.1088/0026-1394/49/6/666
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Jiang, Z., Pálinkáš, V., FRANCIS, O., Jousset, P., Mäkinen, J., Merlet, S., BECKER, M., Coulomb, A., Kessler-Schulz, K. U., Schulz, H. R., ROTHLEITNER, C., Tisserand, L., & Lequin, D. (2012). Relative Gravity Measurement Campaign during the 8th International Comparison of Absolute Gravimeters (2009). Metrologia, 49 (1), 95. doi:10.1088/0026-1394/49/1/014
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Jiang, Z., Arias, E. F., Tisserand, L., Kessler-Schulz, K. U., Schulz, H. R., Palinkas, V., ROTHLEITNER, C., FRANCIS, O., & Becker, M. (2012). Updating the Precise Gravity Network at the BIPM. In Geodesy for Planet Earth (pp. 263-271). Springer.
Peer reviewed

FRANCIS, O., KLEIN, G., Baumann, H., Dando, N., Tracey, R., Ullrich, C., Castelein, S., Hu Hua, W. K., Chongyang, S., Songbo, X., Hongbo, T., Zhengyuan, L., Pálinkás, V., Kostelecký, J., Mäkinen, J., Näränen, J., Merlet, S., Farah, T., Guerlin, C., ... Billson, R. (2012). Final report of the regional key comparison EURAMET.M.G-K1: European Comparison of Absolute Gravimeters ECAG-2011. Metrologia, 49 (1A), 07014.
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Schmerge, D., FRANCIS, O., Henton, J., Ingles, D., Jones, D., Kennedy, J., Krauterbluth, K., Liard, J., Newell, D., Sands, R., Schiel, A., Silliker, J., & van Westrum, D. (2012). Results of the first North American comparison of absolute gravimeters, NACAG-2010. Journal of Geodesy, 86, 591-596. doi:10.1007/s00190-011-0539-y
Peer reviewed

Bevis, M., Wahr, J., Khan, S. A., Madsen, F. B., Brown, A., Willis, M., Kendrick, E., Knudsen, P., Box, J. E., VAN DAM, T., Caccamise II, D. J., Johns, B., Nylen, T., Abbott, R., White, S., Miner, J., Forsberg, R., Zhou, H., Wang, J., ... FRANCIS, O. (2012). Bedrock displacements in Greenland manifest ice mass variations, climate cycles and climate change. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 109 (30), 11944-11948. doi:10.1073/pnas.1204664109
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Songbai, X., Chongyang, S., Hongbo, T., FRANCIS, O., & Zhengyuan, L. (2012). ECAG-2011 期间 FG5/232 绝对重力仪观测及结果分析. 大地测量与地球动力学, 32 (4).

FRANCIS, O., LAMPITELLI, C., KLEIN, G., Van Camp, M., & Palinkas, V. (15 December 2011). Comparison between the Transfer Functions of three Superconducting Gravimeters. Marées Terrestres Bulletin d'Informations, 147, 11857-11868.

Jiang, Z., FRANCIS, O., Vitushkin, L., Palinkas, V., Germak, A., Becker, M., D'Agostino, G.-C., Amalvict, M., Bayer, R., Bilker-Koivula, M., Desogus, S., Faller, J., Falk, R., Hinderer, J., Gagnon, C. G. L., Jakob, T., Kalish, E., Kostelecky, J., Lee, C., ... Wilmes, H. (2011). Final report on the Seventh International Comparison of Absolute Gravimeters (ICAG 2005). Metrologia, 48, 246-260. doi:10.1088/0026-1394/48/5/003
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de Viron, O., Van Camp, M., & FRANCIS, O. (2011). Revisiting absolute gravimeter intercomparisons. Metrologia, 48, 290-298. doi:10.1088/0026-1394/48/5/008
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ROTHLEITNER, C., & FRANCIS, O. (2011). Reply to "Comment on second-order Doppler-shift corrections in free-fall absolute gravimeters". Metrologia, 48, 442-445. doi:10.1088/0026-1394/48/5/N02
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Niebauer, T. M., MacQueen, J., Aliod, D., & FRANCIS, O. (2011). Monitoring Earthquakes with gravity meters. Geodesy and Geodynamics, 2 (3), 71-75.
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Jiang, Z., Tisserand, L., Kessler-Schulz, K. U., Schulz, H., Palinkas, V., ROTHLEITNER, C., FRANCIS, O., Jousset, P., Lequin, D., Merlet, S., Mäkinen, J., Coulomb, A., & Becker, M. (2011). Preliminary results of the BIPM Relative Gravity Measurement Campaign during the 8th International Comparison of Absolute Gravimeters (2009). In V. Peshekhonov (Ed.), Proceedings of the IAG Symposium on Terrestrial Gravimetry: Static and Mobile Measurements (pp. 125-133). St. Petersburg, Russia: CSRI Elektropribor.

ROTHLEITNER, C., & FRANCIS, O. (2011). Second-order Doppler-shift corrections in free-fall absolute gravimeters. Metrologia, 48 (3), 187-195. doi:10.1088/0026-1394/48/3/013
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Niebauer, T. M., Hare, J. L., MacQueen, J., Aliod, D., & FRANCIS, O. (15 August 2010). Earthquake Monitoring with Gravity Meters: Case studies from the November 2006 and January 2007 Kuril Islands Earthquakes [Paper presentation]. SEG/EAGE 2010 Summer Research Workshop, Low Frequencies: Their value and challenges, Snowbird, United States.

FRANCIS, O., & VAN DAM, T. (2010). Absolute Gravity Measurements in Yellowstone in September 2009. doi:10.5281/zenodo.8091082

Sato, T., Miura, S., Ohta, Y., Inazu, D., Fujimoto, H., & FRANCIS, O. (2010). Simultaneous observation of gravity tide in Juneau, Southeast Alaska with gPhone#32 and L&R G578 gravimeters [Paper presentation]. General Assembly of the Japan Geoscience Union, Chiba, Japan.

Vitushkin, L., Jiang, Z., Robertsson, L., Becker, M., FRANCIS, O., Germak, A., D’Agostino, G., Palinkas, V., Amalvict, M., Bayer, R., Bilker-Koivula, M., Desogus, S., Faller, J., Falk, R., Hinderer, J., Gagnon, C., Jakob, T., Kalish, E., Kostelecky, J., ... Wilmes, H. (2010). Results of the Seventh International Comparison of Absolute Gravimeters ICAG-2005 at the Bureau International des Poids et Mesures, Sèvres. In S. P. Mertikas (Ed.), Gravity, Geoid and Earth Observation (pp. 47-53). Springer Berlin Heidelberg. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-10634-7_7
Peer reviewed

FRANCIS, O., VAN DAM, T., Germak, A., Amalvict, M., Bayer, R., Bilker-Koivula, M., Calvo, M., D'Agostino, G.-C., Dell'Acqua, T., Engfeldt, A., Faccia, R., Falk, R., Gitlein, O., Fernandez, M., Gjevestad, J., Hinderer, J., Jones, D., Kostelecky, J., Le Moigne, N., ... Xing, L. (2010). Results of the European Comparison of Absolute Gravimeters in Walferdange (Luxembourg) of November 2007. In Gravity, Geoid and Earth Observation (pp. 31-35). Springer. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-10634-7-5
Peer reviewed

ROTHLEITNER, C., & FRANCIS, O. (2010). On the influence of the rotation of a corner cube reflector in absolute gravimetry. Metrologia, 47 (5), 567. doi:10.1088/0026-1394/47/5/007
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LAMPITELLI, C., & FRANCIS, O. (2010). Hydrological effects on gravity and correlations between gravitational variations and level of the Alzette River at the station of Walferdange, Luxembourg. Journal of Geodynamics, (49), 31-38. doi:10.1016/j.jog.2009.08.003
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Baumann, H., FRANCIS, O., & Van Camp, M. (2010). Final report on absolute gravimeter intercomparison (EURAMET Project no. 1093). Metrologia, 47 (1A), 07008.
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邢乐林, 申重阳, 李辉, & FRANCIS, O. (December 2009). 欧洲绝对重力仪比对观测 (ECGS’07). 地球物理学进展 (Progress in Geophysics), 24 (6), 2054-2057. doi:10.3969
Peer reviewed

FRANCIS, O. (2009). Absolute Measurements in the Calibration Laboratory of the new Hangar of Cargolux. Zenodo. doi:10.5281/zenodo.8086544

FRANCIS, O. (2009). Le Laboratoire Souterrain de Géodynamique de Walferdange - Un joyau pour les sciences de la terre [Paper presentation]. 32ième Congrès de la Société Française d'Étude des Souterrains, Rumelange, Luxembourg.

FRANCIS, O. (2009). Summary of Chapter 3 "Spatially" - Space as a source of inspiration. In L. Codignola, K.-U. Schrogl, A. Lukaszczyk, ... N. PETER (Eds.), Humans in Outer Space - Interdisciplinary Odysseys (pp. 94). Vienna, Austria: Springer-Verlag.

Jiang, Z., Becker, M., FRANCIS, O., Germak, A., Palinkas, V., Jousset, P., Kostelecky, J., Dupont, F., Lee, C. W., Tsai, C. L., Falk, R., Wilmes, H., Kopaev, A., Ruess, D., Ullrich, M. C., Meurers, B., Mrlina, J., Deroussi, S., Métivier, L., ... Ferry, M. (2009). Relative Gravity Measurement Campaign during the 7th International Comparison of Absolute Gravimeters (2005). Metrologia, 46 (3), 214. doi:10.1088/0026-1394/46/3/008
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FRANCIS, O. (2008). Absolute gravity measurements at the Conrad Observatorium in Austria in June 2008. doi:10.5281/zenodo.8065124

Nind, C., Niebauer, T., MacQueen, J., van Westrum, D., Klopping, F., Aliod, D., Mann, E., & FRANCIS, O. (14 January 2008). New Devlopments in Gravity Applications and Instruments [Paper presentation]. 7th Biennial International Conference & Exposition on Petroleum Geophysics, Hyderabad, India.

Krivtsov, E., Yankovsky, A., Vistushkin, L., & FRANCIS, O. (2008). Investigations of characteristics of gravimetric sites intended for high-accuracy measurements. In V. Peshekhonov (Ed.), Proceedings of the International Symposium on Terrestrial Gravimetry: static and mobile measurements. Saint Petersburg, Russia: Sate Research Center of Russia Elektropribor.

Merlet, S., FRANCIS, O., Palinkas, V., Kostelecky, J., Le Moigne, N., Jacobs, T., & Genevès, G. (2008). Absolute Gravity Measurements at LNE. In V. Peshekhonov (Ed.), Proceedings of the International Symposium on Terrestrial Gravimetry: static and mobile measurements. Saint Petersburg, Russia: Sate Research Center of Russia Elektropribor.

Khan, S. A., Wahr, J., Leuliette, E., VAN DAM, T., Larson, K. M., & FRANCIS, O. (2008). Geodetic measurements of postglacial adjustments in Greenland. Journal of Geophysical Research. doi:10.1029/2007JB004956
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FRANCIS, O. (2007). Absolute and Relative gravity Measurements in Qaqortoq (Greenland) in August 2007. doi:10.5281/zenodo.8086585

Jiang, Z., Vitushkin, L., Becker, M., FRANCIS, O., Jousset, P., Ferry, M., Dupont, F., Deroussi, S., Métivier, L., & Pajot, G. (2007). Relative campaign during the International Comparison of Absolute Gravimeters ICAG-2005 and the strategy of data treatment combined with the absolute results. In A. Kilicoglu & R. Forsberg (Eds.), Gravity Field of the Earth: Proceedings of the 1st International Symposium of the International Gravity Field Service (pp. 371--6). Ankara, Turkey: Harita Genel Komutanligi.
Peer reviewed

Vitushkin, L., Jiang, Z., Becker, M., FRANCIS, O., Germak, A., & Amalvict, M. (2007). The Seventh International Comparison of Absolute Gravimeters ICAG-2005 at the BIPM. Organization and Preliminary reseults. In A. Kilicoglu & R. Forsberg (Eds.), Gravity Field of the Earth: Proceedings of the 1st International Symposium of the International Gravity Field Service (pp. 382-387). Ankara, Turkey: Harita Genel Komutanligi.
Peer reviewed

Van Camp, M., & FRANCIS, O. (2007). Is the instrumental drift of superconducting gravimeters a linear or exponential function of time? Journal of Geodesy, 81 (5), 337-344. doi:10.1007/s00190-006-0110-4
Peer reviewed

Khan, S. A., Wahr, J., Stearns, L. A., Hamilton, G. S., VAN DAM, T., Larson, K. M., & FRANCIS, O. (2007). Elastic uplift in southeast Greenland due to rapid ice mass lost. Geophysical Research Letters, 34 (L21701), 1-6. doi:10.1029/2007GL031468
Peer reviewed

D'Agostino, G., Desogus, S., Germak, A., Origlia, C., Quagliotti, D., Celli, G., & FRANCIS, O. (2006). Measurements of the acceleration due to gravity at the gravity laboratory of the National Institute of Metrological Research Turin (Italy). (33). Turin, Italy: National Institute of Metrological Research INRIM.

FRANCIS, O. (2006). Absolute Gravity Measurements in the Netherlands 2006. Zenodo. doi:10.5281/zenodo.8081165

FRANCIS, O. (2006). Absolute and Relative Gravity Measurements at the Istituto Nazionale di Ricerca Metrologica (INRIM) of Turin (Italy) in June 2006. doi:10.5281/zenodo.8081186

FRANCIS, O. (2006). Absolute and Relative Gravity Measurements in Nuuk (Greenland ) in July 2005. doi:10.5281/zenodo.8081150

FRANCIS, O., & VAN DAM, T. (2006). Analysis of results of the International Comparison of Absolute Gravimeters in Walferdange (Luxembourg) of November 2003. In O. FRANCIS & T. VAN DAM (Eds.), International Comparison of Absolute Gravimeters in Walferdange (Luxembourg) of November 2003 (pp. 1-23). Walferdange, Luxembourg: Centre Européen de Géodynamique et de Séismologie.

Schmerge, D., & FRANCIS, O. (2006). Set standard deviation, repeatability and offset of absolute gravimeter A10-008. Metrologia, 43 (5), 414. doi:10.1088/0026-1394/43/5/012
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Sato, T., Okuno, J., Hinderer, J., MacMillan, D. S., Plag, H.-P., FRANCIS, O., Falk, R., & Fukuda, Y. (2006). A geophysical interpretation of the secular displacement and gravity rates observed at Ny-Alesund, Svalbard in the Arctic - effects of the post-glacial rebound and present-day ice melting. Geophysical Journal International, 165 (3), 729-743. doi:10.1111/j.1365-246X.2006.02992.x
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Sato, T., Boy, J.-P., Tamura, Y., Matsumoto, K., Asari, K., Plag, H.-P., & FRANCIS, O. (2006). Gravity Tide and seasonal gravity variation at Ny-Alesund, Svalbard In Arctic. Journal of Geodynamics, 41 (1-3), 234-241. doi:10.1016/j.jog.2005.08.016
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Lyard, F., Lefevre, F., Letellier, T., & FRANCIS, O. (2006). Modelling the global ocean tides: modern insights from FES2004. Ocean Dynamics, 56 (5-6), 394--415. doi:10.1007/s10236-006-0086-x
Peer reviewed

FRANCIS, O., & VAN DAM, T. (Eds.). (2006). International Comparison of Absolute Gravimeters in Walferdange (Luxembourg) of November 2003. Luxembourg: Centre Européen de Géodynamique et de Séismologie.

Boedecker, G., FRANCIS, O., & Kenyeres, A. (2005). Unified European Gravity Reference Network 2002 (UEGN02)—Status 2004. In C. Jekeli, L. Bastos, ... J. Fernandes (Eds.), Gravity, Geoid and Space Missions - GGSM 2004 (pp. 286-291). Springer Berlin Heidelberg.
Peer reviewed

Ihde, J., Baker, T., Bruyninx, C., FRANCIS, O., Amalvict, M., Luthardt, J., Liebsch, G., Kenyeres, A., Mäkinen, J., Shipman, S., Simek, J., & Wilmes, H. (2005). The Implementation of the ECGN Stations--Status of the 1st Call for Participation. In J. A. Torres & H. Hornik (Eds.), EUREF Publication No. 14 (pp. 49-58).

Ihde, J., Baker, T., Bruyninx, C., FRANCIS, O., Amalvict, M., Kenyeres, A., Makinen, J., Shipman, S., Simek, J., & Wilmes, H. (2005). Development of a European Combined Geodetic Network (ECGN). Journal of Geodynamics, 40 (4-5), 450-460. doi:10.1016/j.jog.2005.06.008
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Van Camp, M., Williams, S. D. P., & FRANCIS, O. (2005). Uncertainty of absolute gravity measurements. Journal of Geophysical Research, 110 (B05406), 1-9. doi:10.1029/2004JB003497
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Dehant, V., & FRANCIS, O. (2005). Paul Melchior (1925–2004). EOS, 86 (22), 211. doi:10.1029/2005EO220006
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FRANCIS, O., VAN DAM, T., Amalvict, M., de Andrade Sousa, M., Bilker, M., Billson, R., D’Agostino, G., Desogus, S., Falk, R., & Germak, A. (2005). Results of the international comparison of absolute gravimeters in Walferdange (Luxembourg) of November 2003. In C. Jekeli, L. Bastos, ... J. Fernandes (Eds.), Gravity, Geoid and Space Missions - GGSM 2004 (pp. 27--275). Springer Berlin Heidelberg. doi:10.1007/3-540-26932-0_47
Peer reviewed

FRANCIS, O. (2004). Absolute Gravity Measurements in the Netherlands. Zenodo. doi:10.5281/zenodo.8060818

FRANCIS, O. (2004). Absolute Gravity Measurements in Lomonosov, Saint-Petersbourg, Russia. doi:10.5281/zenodo.8060902

FRANCIS, O., & VAN DAM, T. (April 2004). Superconducting gravimeters in seismology. Newsletter of the European-Mediterranean Seismological Centre, 21, 13-15.

FRANCIS, O., Van Camp, M., VAN DAM, T., Warnant, R., & Hendrickx, M. (2004). Indication of the uplift of the Ardenne in long-term gravity variations in Membach (Belgium). Geophysical Journal International, 158 (1), 346-352. doi:10.1111/j.1365-246X.2004.02310.x
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Ihde, J., Baker, T. F., Bruyninx, C., FRANCIS, O., Amalvict, M., Kenyeres, A., Mäkinen, J., Shipman, S., SIMEK, J., & WILMES, H. (2004). Concept and Status of the ECGN Project. In J. A. Torres & H. Hornik (Eds.), EUREF Publication No. 13 (pp. 57-65).

VAN DAM, T., & FRANCIS, O. (Eds.). (2004). Proceedings of the Workshop: The Sate of GPS Vertical Positioning Precision: Separation of Earth Processes by Space Geodesy. Walferdange, Luxembourg: Centre Européen de Géodynamique et de Séismologie.

VAN DAM, T., Plag, H. P., FRANCIS, O., & Gegout, P. (2003). GGFC Special Bureau for Loading: Current status and plans. In B. Richter, W. Schwegmann, ... W. R. Dick (Eds.), Proceedings of the IERS Workshop on Combination Research and Global Geophysical Fluids (pp. 180-198). Frankfurt am Main, Germany: Verlag des Bundesamts für Kartographie und Geodäsie.

Vistuhskin, L., Jiang, Z., Becker, M., & FRANCIS, O. (2003). Analysis of the Results of the Sixth International Comparison of Absolute Gravimeters ICAG-2001. In I. N. Tziavos (Ed.), Gravity and Geoid 2002 (pp. 13-18). Greece: Ziti.
Peer reviewed

Kenyeres, A., Boedecker, G., & FRANCIS, O. (2003). Unified European Gravity Reference Network 2002 (UEGN2002), a Status Report. In I. N. Tziavos (Ed.), Gravity and Geoid 2002 (pp. 26-29). Greece: ZITI.
Peer reviewed

Vitushkin, L., Jiang, Z., Becker, M., & FRANCIS, O. (2003). Sixth International Comparison of Absolute Gravimeters, ICAG-2001. In O. FRANCIS & T. VAN DAM (Eds.), Proceedings of the Workshop: IMG-2002 Instrumentation and Metrology in Gravimetry (pp. 37-43).

Sato, T., Tamura, Y., Matsumoto, K., Asari, K., Plag, H.-P., VAN DAM, T., & FRANCIS, O. (2003). Comparison between modeled and Observed Gravity Tidal Parameters at Ny-Alesund, Svalbard. In O. FRANCIS & T. VAN DAM (Eds.), Proceedings of the Workshop: IMG-2002 Instrumentation and Metrology in Gravimetry.

Melchior, P., Flick, J., & FRANCIS, O. (2003). Genèse et Futur d'un laboratoire de Gravimétrie à Walferdange (Luxembourg). In Helmut Moritz's Fetschrift zum 70. Geburtstag (pp. 155-164). Graz, Austria: Institut für Geodäsie, Technische Universität Graz.

FRANCIS, O., & VAN DAM, T. (Eds.). (2003). Proceedings of the Workshop: IMGC-2002 Instrumentation and Metrology in Gravimetry. Luxembourg: Centre Européen de Géodynamique et de Séismologie.

FRANCIS, O. (2003). Réseau de Gravimétrie Absolu Algérien. Bulletin des Sciences Géographiques, 09 (Avril), 3-9.

FRANCIS, O., & VAN DAM, T. (2003). Processing of the Absolute data of the ICAG01. In O. FRANCIS & T. VAN DAM (Eds.), Proceedings of the Workshop: IMG-2002 Instrumentation and Metrology in Gravimetry (pp. 45-48). doi:10.5281/zenodo.7890604

Van Camp, M., Camelbeeck, T., & FRANCIS, O. (2002). Experiment to evaluate crustal motions across the Ardenne and the Roer Graben (north-western Europe) using absolute gravity measurements. Metrologia, 39 (5), 503-508. doi:10.1088/0026-1394/39/5/12
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FRANCIS, O., & VAN DAM, T. (2002). Evaluation of the precision of using absolute gravimeters to calibrate superconducting gravimeters. Metrologia, 39 (5), 485-488. doi:10.1088/0026-1394/39/5/9
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Van Camp, M., FRANCIS, O., & Camelbeeck, T. (2002). Absolute gravity measurements in Belgium: a tool for geodynamic interpretation. In P. Degryse & M. Sintubin (Eds.), Contributions to the Geology of Belgium and Northwest Europe (pp. 13-15). Leuven, Belgium: Leuven University Press.

VAN DAM, T., Plag, H.-P., Blewitt, G., Boy, J.-P., FRANCIS, O., Gegout, P., Kierulf, H. P., Sato, T., Scherneck, H.-G., & Wahr, J. (2002). The New IERS Special Bureau for Loading (SBL). In International VLBI Service for Geodesy and Astrometry: General Meeting Proceedings (pp. 287-291).

Vitushkin, L., Becker, M., Jiang, Z., FRANCIS, O., VAN DAM, T., Faller, J., Chartier, J.-M., Amalvict, M., Bonvalot, S., Debeglia, N., Desogus, S., Diament, M., Dupont, F., Falk, R., Gabalda, G., Gagnon, C. G. L., Gattacceca, T., Germak, A., Hinderer, J., ... Williams, S. (2002). Results of the Sixth International Comparison of Absolute Gravimeters, ICAG-2001. Metrologia, 39 (5), 407-427. doi:10.1088/0026-1394/39/5/2
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Camelbeeck, T., Van Camp, M., Jongmans, D., FRANCIS, O., & VAN DAM, T. (2002). Comment on "Nature of the recent vertical ground movements inferred from high-precision leveling data in an intraplate setting: NE Ardenne, Belgium" by A. Demoulin and A. Collignon. Journal of Geophysical Research, 107 (B11), 2281-2281. doi:10.1029/2001JB000397
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Smylie, FRANCIS, O., & Henderson, G. (2001). Core Properties from Superconducting Gravimeter Data. In B. Romanowicz & K. Suyehiro (Eds.), Long-term Observations in the Oceans - Current Status and Perspectives for the Future (pp. 1-7).

Smylie, D. E., FRANCIS, O., & Merriam, J. B. (2001). Beyond Tides - Determination of Core Properties from Superconducting Gravimeter Observations. Journal of the Geodetic Society of Japan, 47 (1), 364-372.
Peer reviewed

VAN DAM, T., Wahr, J. M., Milly, P. C. D., & FRANCIS, O. (2001). Gravity Changes due to Continental Water Storage. Journal of the Geodetic Society of Japan, 47 (1), 249-254.
Peer reviewed

Robertsson, L., FRANCIS, O., VAN DAM, T., Faller, J., Ruess, D., Delinte, J.-M., Vitushkin, L., Liard, J., Gagnon, C. G. L., Guang, G. Y., Lun, H. D., Yuan, F. Y., Yi, X. J., Jeffries, G., Hopewell, H., Edge, R., Robinson, I., Kibble, B., Makinen, J., ... Marson, I. (2001). Results from the Fifth Internationl Comparison of Absolute Gravimeters, ICAG97. Metrologia, 38, 71-78. doi:10.1088/0026-1394/38/1/6
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Wahr, J., VAN DAM, T., Larson, K., & FRANCIS, O. (2001). Geodetic measurements in Greenland and their implications. Journal of Geophysical Research, 106 (B8), 16567-16581. doi:10.1029/2001JB000211
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VAN DAM, T., Larson, K., Wahr, J., Gross, S., & FRANCIS, O. (2001). Global Positioning System and Gravity Used to Study Greenland Ice. Earth in Space, 13 (5), 1-16.

Melchior, P., VAN DAM, T., FRANCIS, O., & d'Oreye, N. (2001). About Time Variations of Gravity. In Computational Seismology and Geodynamics (pp. 198-207). United States: American Geophysical Union. doi:10.1029/CS007p0198
Peer reviewed

Wahr, J., VAN DAM, T., Larson, K., & FRANCIS, O. (2001). GPS measurements of vertical crustal motion in Greenland. Journal of Geophysical Research, 106 (D24), 33755-33759. doi:10.1029/2001JD900154
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FRANCIS, O., & Hendrickx, M. (2001). Calibration of the LaCoste-Romberg 906 by Comparison with the Superconducting Gavimeter C021 in Membach (Belgium). Journal of the Geodetic Society of Japan, 47 (1), 16-21.
Peer reviewed

D'OREYE, N., VAN DAM, T., & FRANCIS, O. (2000). An International Reference Station for Inter-comparison of Absolute Gravimeters (ISIAG) in Walferdange, Luxembourg: The GRAVILUX Project. Bulletin d'Information du Bureau Gravimétrique International, (86), 27-36.

Becker, M., Berrino, G., Camacho, A. G., Falk, R., FRANCIS, O., Gagnon, C., Gerstenecker, C., Liard, J., Läufer, G., & Meurers, B. (2000). Results of relative gravimeter measurements at the ICAG97 intercomparison. Bulletin d'Information du Bureau Gravimétrique International, (85), 61-72.

Van Camp, M., Wenzel, H.-G., Schott, P., Vauterin, P., & FRANCIS, O. (2000). Accurate transfer function determination for superconducting gravimeters. Geophysical Research Letters, 27 (1), 37-40. doi:10.1029/1999GL010495
Peer reviewed

VAN DAM, T., Larson, K., Wahr, J., Gross, S., & FRANCIS, O. (2000). Using GPS and Gravity to Infer Ice Mass Changes in Greenland. EOS, 81 (37), 421-427. doi:10.1029/00EO00311
Peer reviewed

FRANCIS, O., Amalvict, M., & Hinderer, J. (1999). Intercomparison between the FG5 202 and FGG 206 at the site of the superconducting gravimeter C021 in Membach (Belgium). Bulletin d'Information du Bureau Gravimétrique International, (84), 36-39.

Crossley, D., Hinderer, J., Casula, G., FRANCIS, O., Hsu, H.-T., Imanishi, Y., Jentzsch, G., Kaarianen, J., Merriam, J., Meurers, B., Neumeyer, J., Richter, B., Shibuya, K., Sato, T., & VAN DAM, T. (1999). Network of Superconducting Gravimeters Benefits a Number of Disciplines. EOS, 80 (11), 121-126. doi:10.1029/99EO00079
Peer reviewed

Hinderer, J., Amalvict, M., Florsch, N., FRANCIS, O., & Mäkinen, J. (1998). On the calibration of superconducting gravimeters with the help of absolute gravity measurements. In B. Ducarme & P. Pâquet (Eds.), Proceedings of the Thirteenth International Symposium on Earth Tides (pp. 557-564).

Melchior, P., & FRANCIS, O. (1998). Proper Usage of the ICET Data Bank - Comparison with theoretical applications on Earth Models. In B. Ducarme & P. Pâquet (Eds.), Proceedings of the Thirteenth International Symposium on Earth Tides (pp. 377-396).

Amalvict, M., Hinderer, J., FRANCIS, O., & Mäkinen, J. (1998). Comparisons between Absolute (AG) and Superconducting (SG) Gravimeters. In R. Forsberg, M. Feissel, ... R. Dietrich (Eds.), Geodesy on the Move (pp. 24-29). Springer Berlin Heidelberg. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-72245-5_4

FRANCIS, O., Niebauer, T. M., Sasagawa, G., Klopping, F., & Gschwind, J. (1998). Calibration of a superconducting gravimeter by comparison with an absolute gravimeter FG5 in Boulder. Geophysical Research Letters, 25 (7), 1075-1078. doi:10.1029/98GL00712
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VAN DAM, T., & FRANCIS, O. (1998). Two years of continuous measurements of tidal and nontidal variations of gravity in Boulder, Colorado. Geophysical Research Letters, 25 (3), 393-396. doi:10.1029/97GL03780
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Ducarme, B., & FRANCIS, O. (1997). International Center for Earth Tides (ICET). In I. Mueller (Ed.), Science Services IAG/FAGS (pp. 15-20). Columbus, United States: Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering and Geodetic Science, The Ohio State University.

FRANCIS, O. (1997). Calibration of the C021 superconducting gravimeter in Membach (Belgium) using 47 days of absolute gravity measurements. In J. Segawa, H. Fujimoto, ... S. Okubo (Eds.), Gravity, Geoid and Marine Geodesy (pp. 212-218). Springer.
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FRANCIS, O., Ducarme, B., & Van Ruymbeke, M. (1997). One year of registration with the C021 cryogenic gravimeter at station Membach (Belgium). In J. Segawa, H. Fujimoto, ... S. Okubo (Eds.), Gravity, Geoid and Marine Geodesy (pp. 336-342).
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Shum, C. K., Woodworth, P. L., Andersen, O. B., Egbert, G. D., FRANCIS, O., King, C., Klosko, S. M., Le Provost, C., Li, X., Molines, J.-M., Parke, M. E., Ray, R. D., Schlax, M. G., Stammer, D., Tierney, C. C., Vincent, P., & Wunsch, C. I. (1997). Accuracy assessment of recent ocean tide models. Journal of Geophysical Research, 102 (C11), 25173-25194. doi:10.1029/97JC00445
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Melchior, P., FRANCIS, O., & Ducarme, B. (1996). Tidal Gravity Measurements in Southeast Asia. Marées Terrestres Bulletin d'Informations, (125), 9493-9507.

Melchior, P., & FRANCIS, O. (1996). Comparison of recent ocean tide models using ground-based tidal gravity measurements. Marine Geodesy, 19 (4), 291-330. doi:10.1080/01490419609388087
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FRANCIS, O., & Melchior, P. (1996). Tidal loading in south western Europe: A test area. Geophysical Research Letters, 23 (17), 2251-2254. doi:10.1029/96GL02167
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Melchior, P., Ducarme, B., & FRANCIS, O. (1996). The response of the Earth to tidal body forces described by second-and third-degree spherical harmonics as derived from a 12 year series of measurements with the superconducting gravimeter GWR/T3 in Brussels. Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors, 93 (3), 223-238. doi:10.1016/0031-9201(95)03073-5
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FRANCIS, O., Ducarme, B., De Meyer, F., & Mäkinen, J. (1995). Present State of Absolute Gravity Measurements in Brussels and Comparison with the Superconducting Gravimeter Drift. In H. T. Hsu (Ed.), Proceedings of the 12th International Symposium on Earth Tides. Beijing, China: Science Press.

Mazzega, P., FRANCIS, O., & Bergé, M. (1995). OMP1: an Inverse Model of the Global Ocean Tides. In H. T. Hsu (Ed.), Proceedings of the 12th International Symposium on Earth Tides (pp. 435-444). Beijing, China: Science Press.

FRANCIS, O. (1995). Validation of ocean tide models by comparison to gravity loading measurements. Marées Terrestres Bulletin d'Informations, 122, 9265-9271.

FRANCIS, O. (1993). 13.9 heures est une période de résonance des océans atlantique et indien - Thèse annexe [Postdoctoral thesis & other thesis, UCL - Université Catholique de Louvain]. ORBilu-University of Luxembourg.

FRANCIS, O. (1993). Modèle global des marées océaniques par inversion de mesures marégraphiques, gravimétriques et altimétriques [Doctoral thesis, UCL - Université Catholique de Louvain]. ORBilu-University of Luxembourg.

FRANCIS, O., & Berge, M. (1993). Estimate of the radial orbit error by complex demodulation. Journal of Geophysical Research. Solid Earth, 98 (B9), 16083-16094. doi:10.1029/93JB01009
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FRANCIS, O. (1992). Global Ocean Tides from Inversion of Altimeter and Tide Gauge Measurements. (16). Brussels, Belgium: Observatoire Royal de Belgique.

FRANCIS, O. (1992). Interactions between Earth and ocean tides. Marées Terrestres Bulletin d'Informations, 112, 8131-8144.

FRANCIS, O. (1991). Introduction aux Problèmes Inverses. (13). Brussels, Belgium: Observatoire Royal de Belgique.

FRANCIS, O., & Mazzega, P. (1991). What we can learn about ocean tides from tide gauge and gravity loading measurements? In J. Kakkuri (Ed.), Eleventh International Symposium on Earth Tides, Proceedings of the meeting held July 31 - August 5, 1989, in Helsinki, Finland (pp. 287-298). Stuttgart, Germany: E. Schweizerbart'sche Verlagsbuchhandlung.

Jourdin, F., FRANCIS, O., Vincent, P., & Mazzega, P. (1991). Some Results of Heterogeneous Data Inversions for Oceanic Tides. Journal of Geophysical Research, 96 (B12), 20267-20288. doi:10.1029/91JB00426
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FRANCIS, O., & Mazzega, P. (1991). M2 World Ocean Tide from Tide Gauge Measurements. Geophysical Research Letters, 18 (6), 1167-1170. doi:10.1029/91GL01339
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FRANCIS, O., & Mazzega, P. (1990). M2 World Ocean Tides from Tide Gauge and Gravity Loading Measurements. In P. Paquet, J. Flick, ... B. Ducarme (Eds.), GPS for Geodesy and (pp. 187-196). Walferdange, Luxembourg: Centre Européen de Géodynamique et de Séismologie.

FRANCIS, O., & Mazzega, P. (1990). Global Charts of Ocean Tide Loading Effects. Journal of Geophysical Research, 95 (C7), 11411-11424. doi:10.1029/JC095iC07p11411
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FRANCIS, O. (1988). On the accuracy of the Platzman's charting for loading estimations. Marées Terrestres Bulletin d'Informations, (101), 7010-7018.

FRANCIS, O., & Dehant, V. (1987). Recomputation of the Green's functions for tidal loading estimations. Marées Terrestres Bulletin d'Informations, (100), 6962-6986. doi:10.5281/zenodo.7885278

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