SALEHIAN GHAMSARI, S., VAN DAM, T., & HALE, J. (2023). Towards assimilating SAR data into an anisotropic model of an underground aquifer [Paper presentation]. The European Geosciences Union (EGU) General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria. |
JAMROZIK, M. L., TABIBI, S., VAN DAM, T., & THOEMEL, J. (2022). The GOLDCREST mission and the on-board computing requirements necessary to generate the delay-Doppler maps required to determine soil moisture content. In Proceedings of the 73rd International Astronautical Congress. Paris, France: International Astronautical Federation. |
THOEMEL, J., QUEROL, J., BOKAL, Z., MERLANO DUNCAN, J. C., GHOLAMIAN, M., KODHELI, O., KUMAR, S., MARTINEZ LUNA, C., MATURO, N., RANA, L., CHATZINOTAS, S., OLIVARES MENDEZ, M. A., VAN DAM, T., ABDALLA, A., DOCHE, J., ATRACHE, H., PALISETTY, R., Chacon, S., & OTTERSTEN, B. (2021). Solar-Aerodynamic Formation Flight for 5G Experiments. Proceedings of the 12th European CubeSatSymposium. |
QUEROL, J., ABDALLA, A., BOKAL, Z., MERLANO DUNCAN, J. C., GHOLAMIAN, M., KODHELI, O., KRIVOCHIZA, J., KUMAR, S., MARTINEZ LUNA, C., MATURO, N., RANA, L., THOEMEL, J., CHATZINOTAS, S., OLIVARES MENDEZ, M. A., VAN DAM, T., & OTTERSTEN, B. (19 April 2021). 5G-SpaceLab [Poster presentation]. 2021 Space Resources Week, Luxembourg. |
THOEMEL, J., & VAN DAM, T. (2020). Autonomous Formation Flight using Solar Radiation Pressure. CEAS Space Journal. doi:10.1007/s12567-020-00344-2 Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
TABIBI, S., Geremia-Nievinski, F., FRANCIS, O., & VAN DAM, T. (2020). Tidal analysis of GNSS reflectometry applied for coastal sea level sensing in Antarctica and Greenland. Remote Sensing of Environment, 248, 111959. doi:10.1016/j.rse.2020.111959 Peer reviewed |
VAN DAM, T., & FRANCIS, O. (10 December 2019). Absolute Gravity and Uplift in the Yellowstone Caldera [Paper presentation]. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting 2019, San Francisco, United States. |
VAN DAM, T., TABIBI, S., Geremia-Nievinski, F., & FRANCIS, O. (December 2018). Recent Advances on GNSS Multipath Reflectometry (GNSS-MR) for Sea and Lake Level Studies [Paper presentation]. American Geophysical Union - Fall Meeting. |
TABIBI, S., Geremia-Nievinski, F., & VAN DAM, T. (2017). Statistical Comparison and Combination of GPS, GLONASS, and Multi-GNSS Multipath Reflectometry Applied to Snow Depth Retrieval. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, (99). doi:10.1109/TGRS.2017.2679899 Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
VAN DAM, T., FRANCIS, O., Wahr, J., Khan, S. A., Bevis, M., & Broeke, M. R. V. D. (01 February 2017). Using GPS and absolute gravity observations to separate the effects of present-day and Pleistocene ice-mass changes in South East Greenland. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 459, 127 - 135. doi:10.1016/j.epsl.2016.11.014 Peer reviewed |
Liu, L., Khan, S. A., VAN DAM, T., Ma, J. H. Y., & Bevis, M. (2017). Annual variations in GPS-measured vertical displacements near Upernavik Isstrøm (Greenland) and contributions from surface mass loading. Journal of Geophysical Research. Solid Earth. doi:10.1002/2016JB013494 Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
MEYRATH, T., Rebischung, P., & VAN DAM, T. (2017). GRACE era variability in the Earth’s oblateness: A comparison of estimates from six different sources. Geophysical Journal International, 208 (2), 1126-1138. doi:10.1093/gji/ggw441 Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
MEYRATH, T., VAN DAM, T., Collilieux, X., & Rebischung, P. (2017). Seasonal low-degree changes in terrestrial water mass load from global GNSS measurements. Journal of Geodesy, 91 (11), 1329-1350. doi:10.1007/s00190-017-1028-8 Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
Knudsen, S., Bamber, I., Bevis, M., VAN DAM, T., Bamber, J., Wahr, J., Willis, M., Kjaer, K., Wouters, B., Helm, V., Csatho, B., Fleming, K., Bjork, A., Aschwanden, A., & Knudsen, P. (21 September 2016). Geodetic measurements reveal similarities between post–Last Glacial Maximum and present-day mass loss from the Greenland ice sheet. Science Advances, 2 (9). doi:10.1126/sciadv.1600931 Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
Bergeot, N., Chevalier, J.-M., Bruyninx, C., Denis, G., Camelbeeck, T., VAN DAM, T., & FRANCIS, O. (29 April 2016). Study of space weather impact on Antarctica ionosphere from GNNS data [Poster presentation]. BNCGG - BNCAR symposium: Unlocking a continent: scientific research at the Belgian Princess Elisabeth Station, Antarctica 2008-2016, Bruxelles, Belgium. |
MEYRATH, T., & VAN DAM, T. (2016). A comparison of interannual hydrological polar motion excitation from GRACE and geodetic observations. Journal of Geodynamics, 99, 1-9. doi:10.1016/j.jog.2016.03.011 Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
BOURANTAS, G., Lavier, L., VAN DAM, T., & BORDAS, S. (2016). Hybrid mesh/particle meshless method for modeling geological flows with discontinuous transport properties. ORBilu-University of Luxembourg. |
LI, Z., & VAN DAM, T. (2015). The Phase 2 North America Land Data Assimilation System (NLDAS-2) Products for Modeling Water Storage Displacements for Plate Boundary Observatory GPS Stations. In International Association of Geodesy Symposia (pp. 1--9). Berlin, Heidelberg, Unknown/unspecified: Springer Berlin Heidelberg. doi:10.1007/1345_2015_176 Peer reviewed |
BOURANTAS, G., Lavier, L., Claus, S., VAN DAM, T., & BORDAS, S. (12 April 2015). Hybrid mesh/particle meshless method for geological flows with discontinuous transport properties [Paper presentation]. European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2015, Vienna, Austria. |
VAN DAM, T., WEIGELT, M., & Jäggi, A. (2015). A warmer world. Pan European Networks, (14), 58-59. Peer reviewed |
LI, Z., VAN DAM, T., Collilieux, X., Altamimi, Z., Rebischung, P., & Nahmani, S. (2015). Quality Evaluation of the Weekly Vertical Loading Effects Induced from Continental Water Storage Models. In P. Willis (Ed.), Proceedings of the 2013 IAG Scientific Assembly, Potsdam, Germany, 1-6 September, 2013 (pp. 45-54). doi:10.1007/1345_2015_174 Peer reviewed |
TABIBI, S., Nievinski, F. G., VAN DAM, T., & Monico, J. F. G. (2015). Assessment of modernized GPS L5 SNR for ground-based multipath reflectometry applications. Advances in Space Research, 55 (4), 1104 - 1116. doi:10.1016/j.asr.2014.11.019 Peer reviewed |
WEIGELT, M., Jäggi, A., Flechtner, F., Güntner, A., Mayer-Gürr, T., Martinis, S., Bruinsma, S., Flury, J., Bourgogne, S., VAN DAM, T., Dach, R., & Gruber, C. (14 October 2014). The new Horizon2020 “European Gravity Service for Improved Emergency Management” project A new service for gravity field products and to support emergency response to hydrological extreme events [Poster presentation]. REFAG 2014, Luxembourg, Luxembourg. |
WEIGELT, M., VAN DAM, T., Baur, O., Tourian, M. J., Steffen, H., Sośnica, K., Jäggi, A., Zehentner, N., Mayer-Gürr, T., & Sneeuw, N. (30 September 2014). How well can the combination of hlSST and SLR replace GRACE? A discussion from the point of view of applications [Paper presentation]. GRACE Science Team Meeting, Potsdam, Germany. |
WEI, N., VAN DAM, T., WEIGELT, M., & MEYRATH, T. (30 September 2014). Seasonal Variations of Low-degree Spherical Harmonics Derived from GPS Data and Loading Models [Paper presentation]. GRACE Science Team Meeting, Potsdam, Germany. |
WEIGELT, M., Iran Pour, S., Murböck, M., Tonetti, S., Visser, P. N. A. M., Daras, I., Cesare, S., de Teixeirada Encarnação, J., Siemes, C., van den IJseel, J., Cornara, S., Gruber, T., VAN DAM, T., Pail, R., Sneeuw, N., & Haagmans, R. (30 September 2014). A methodology to choose the orbit for a double-pair-scenario future gravity satellite mission: Experiences from the SC4MGV project [Paper presentation]. GRACE Science Team Meeting, Potsdam, Germany. |
Iran Pour, S., Reubelt, T., WEIGELT, M., Murböck, M., Daras, I., Tonetti, S., Cornara, S., Gruber, T., VAN DAM, T., Pail, R., & Sneeuw, N. (June 2014). Genetic-algorithm based search strategy for optimal scenarios of future dual-pair gravity satellite missions [Poster presentation]. The 3rd International Gravity Field Service (IGFS) General Assembly, Shanghai, China. |
WEIGELT, M., VAN DAM, T., Baur, O., Steffen, H., Jäggi, A., Prange, L., Bock, H., Meyer, U., Mayer-Gürr, T., Zehentner, N., Tourian, M. J., & Sneeuw, N. (April 2014). Pushing the limits of gravity field recovery from high-low satellite-to-satellite tracking –a combination of 10 years of data of the satellite pseudo-constellation CHAMP, GRACE and GOCE [Paper presentation]. EGU General Assembly 2014, Vienna, Austria. |
Jäggi, A., Meyer, U., WEIGELT, M., VAN DAM, T., Mayer-Gürr, T., Flury, J., Flechtner, F., Dahle, C., Lemoine, J.-M., & Bruinsma, S. (April 2014). Towards combined global monthly gravity field solutions [Paper presentation]. EGU General Assembly 2014, Vienna, Austria. |
Reubelt, T., Sneeuw, N., Iran Pour, S., Pail, R., Gruber, T., Murböck, M., Visser, P. N. A. M., de Texeira de Encarnação, J., VAN DAM, T., WEIGELT, M., Cesare, S., & Cornara, S. (April 2014). The ESA project SC4MGV “Assessment of Satellite Constellations for Monitoring the Variations in Earth’s Gravity Field” – overview, objectives and first results [Poster presentation]. EGU General Assembly 2014, Vienna, Austria. |
FRANCIS, O., & VAN DAM, T. (2014). Tidal gravity measurements in Southeast Asia revisited. In H. Sun (Ed.), Progress on Geodesy and Geodynamics (pp. 338-342). China: Hubei Science and Technology Press. |
WEIGELT, M., VAN DAM, T., Tourian, M. J., Steffen, H., Baur, O., Jäggi, A., Prange, L., Meyer, U., Bock, H., Mayer-Gürr, T., Zehentner, N., & Sneeuw, N. (December 2013). On the capability to derive mass estimates from high-low satellite-to-satellite tracking data [Poster presentation]. AGU Fall meeting 2013, San Francisco, United States. |
Chen, Q., VAN DAM, T., Sneeuw, N., Collilieux, X., WEIGELT, M., & Rebischung, P. (December 2013). Singular spectrum analysis for modeling seasonal signals from GPS time series. Journal of Geodynamics, 72, 25-35. doi:10.1016/j.jog.2013.05.005 Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
WEIGELT, M., VAN DAM, T., & FRANCIS, O. (October 2013). The Decade of the Geopotential - techniques to observe the gravity field from space [Paper presentation]. Journées Luxembourgeoises de Géodynamique, Luxembourg, Luxembourg. |
Jäggi, A., Meyer, U., Beutler, G., WEIGELT, M., VAN DAM, T., Mayer-Gürr, T., Flury, J., Flechtner, F., & Dahle, C. (October 2013). Towards combined global monthly gravity field solutions [Paper presentation]. GRACE Science Team Meeting, Austin, TX, United States. |
MEYRATH, T., VAN DAM, T., WEIGELT, M., & Cheng, M. (October 2013). An assessment of degree-2 Stokes coefficients from Earth rotation data. Geophysical Journal International, 195 ((1)), 249-259. doi:10.1093/gji/ggt263 Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
Antoni, M., WEIGELT, M., Keller, W., & VAN DAM, T. (September 2013). Boundary elements for modelling gravitational signals observed by inter-satellite ranging [Poster presentation]. IAG Scientific Assembly, Potsdam, Germany. |
Reubelt, T., Baur, O., WEIGELT, M., Mayer-Gürr, T., Sneeuw, N., VAN DAM, T., & Tourian, M. J. (September 2013). On the capability of non-dedicated GPS-tracked satellite constellations for estimating mass variations: case study SWARM [Paper presentation]. IAG Scientific Assembly, Potsdam, Germany. |
WEIGELT, M., Bandikova, T., VAN DAM, T., Flury, J., & Sneeuw, N. (September 2013). A variant of the differential gravimetry approach for low-low satellite-to-satellite tracking based on angular velocities [Paper presentation]. IAG Scientific Assembly, Potsdam, Germany. |
WEIGELT, M., VAN DAM, T., Jäggi, A., Prange, L., Tourian, M. J., Keller, W., & Sneeuw, N. (July 2013). Time-variable gravity signal in Greenland revealed by high-low satellite-to-satellite tracking. Journal of Geophysical Research. Solid Earth, 118, 3848-3859. doi:10.1002/jgrb.50283 Peer reviewed |
WEIGELT, M., VAN DAM, T., & Bandikova, T. (June 2013). A new variant of the differential gravimetry approach [Paper presentation]. VIII Hotine-Marussi Symposium on Mathematical Geodesy, Rome, Italy. |
Bandikova, T., WEIGELT, M., VAN DAM, T., & Flury, J. (June 2013). Derivation of angular velocities of the GRACE satellite formation from the star camera data [Paper presentation]. VIII Hotine-Marussi Symposium on Mathematical Geodesy, Rome, Italy. |
WEIGELT, M., VAN DAM, T., & WANG, L. (June 2013). On the numerical stability in the derivation of Slepian base functions [Paper presentation]. VIII Hotine-Marussi Symposium on Mathematical Geodesy, Rome, Italy. |
Ray, R., Luthcke, S., & VAN DAM, T. (May 2013). Monthly Crustal Loading Corrections for Satellite Altimetry. Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology, 30 (5), 999-1005. doi:10.1175/JTECH-D-12-00152.1 Peer reviewed |
VAN DAM, T., WEIGELT, M., Tourian, M. J., Sneeuw, N., Jäggi, A., & Prange, L. (April 2013). Hydrological mass changes inferred from high-low satellite-to-satellite tracking data [Paper presentation]. European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2013, Vienna, Austria. |
WEIGELT, M., VAN DAM, T., Jäggi, A., Prange, L., Sneeuw, N., Keller, W., & Tourian, M. J. (April 2013). Long-term mass changes over Greenland derived from high-low satellite-to-satellite tracking [Poster presentation]. EGU General Assembly 2013, Vienna, Austria. |
WANG, L., VAN DAM, T., WEIGELT, M., Chen, Q., Tourian, M. J., & Sneeuw, N. (April 2013). An inversion approach for determining water storage changes from 3-D GPS coordinates time series in Europe [Paper presentation]. IAG Scientific Assembly, Potsdam, Germany. |
Wahr, J., Khan, S., VAN DAM, T., Liu, L., van Angelen, J., van den Broeke, M., & Meertens, C. (2013). The use of GPS horizontals for loading studies, with applications to northern California and southeast Greenland. Journal of Geophysical Research. Solid Earth, 118. doi:10.1002/jgrb.50104 Peer reviewed |
Nielsen, K., Khan, S. A., Spada, G., Wahr, J., Bevis, M., Liu, L., & VAN DAM, T. (2013). Vertical and horizontal surface displacements near Jakobshavn Isbræ driven by melt-induced and dynamic ice loss. Journal of Geophysical Research. Solid Earth, 118 (4), 1837--1844. doi:10.1002/jgrb.50145 Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
Panet, I., Flury, J., Biancale, R., Gruber, T., Johannessen, J., Broeke, M. R., VAN DAM, T., Gegout, P., Hughes, C. W., Ramillien, G., Sasgen, I., Seoane, L., & Thomas, M. (2013). Earth System Mass Transport Mission (e.motion): A Concept for Future Earth Gravity Field Measurements from Space. Surveys in Geophysics, 34 (2), 141-163. doi:10.1007/s10712-012-9209-8 |
Jiang, W., LI, Z., VAN DAM, T., & Ding, W. (2013). Comparative analysis of different environmental loading methods and their impacts on the GPS height time series. Journal of Geodesy, 87 (7), 687-703. doi:10.1007/s00190-013-0642-3 Peer reviewed |
Jin, S., VAN DAM, T., & Wdowinski, S. (2013). Observing and understanding the Earth system variations from space geodesy. Journal of Geodynamics, 72, 1-10. doi:10.1016/j.jog.2013.08.001 Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
VAN DAM, T., WEIGELT, M., FRANCIS, O., & WANG, L. (2013). Comparison of recent ocean tide models with gravimetric and GPS observations [Paper presentation]. Scientific Assembly of the International Association of Geodesy, Potsdam, Germany. |
Ray, R., Luthcke, S. B., & VAN DAM, T. (2013). Monthly crustal loading corrections for satellite altimetery. Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology. doi:10.1175/JTECH-D-12-00152.1 Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
Ferenc, M., Nicolas, J., VAN DAM, T., Polidori, L., Rigo, A., & Vernant, P. (2013). An estimate of the influence of loading effects on tectonic velocities in the Pyrenees. Studia Geophysica and Geodaetica, 1-20. doi:10.1007/s11200-012-0458-2 Peer reviewed |
WEIGELT, M., VAN DAM, T., Jäggi, A., Prange, L., Sneeuw, N., & Keller, W. (September 2012). Large scale time variability from high-low SST - filling the gap between GRACE and GFO [Paper presentation]. GRACE Science Team Meeting 2012, Potsdam, Germany. |
Li, B., Rodell, M., Zaitchik, B. F., Reichle, R. H., Koster, R. D., & VAN DAM, T. (2012). Assimilation of GRACE terrestrial water storage into a land surface model: Evaluation and potential value for drought monitoring in western and central Europe. Journal of Hydrology, 446-447, 103-115. doi:10.1016/j.jhydrol.2012.04.035 Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
Wu, X., Ray, J., & VAN DAM, T. (2012). Geocenter motion and its geodetic and geophysical implications. Journal of Geodynamics, 58, 44-61. doi:10.1016/j.jog.2012.01.007 Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
VAN DAM, T., Collilieux, X., Wuite, J., Altamimi, Z., & Ray, J. (2012). Nontidal ocean loading: amplitudes and potential effects in GPS height time series. Journal of Geodesy, 86 (11), 1043-1057. doi:10.1007/s00190-012-0564-5 Peer reviewed |
Collilieux, X., VAN DAM, T., Ray, J., Coulot, D., Métivier, L., & Altamimi, Z. (2012). Strategies to mitigate aliasing of loading signals while estimating GPS frame parameters. Journal of Geodesy, 86 (1), 1-14. doi:10.1007/s00190-011-0487-6 Peer reviewed |
Bevis, M., Wahr, J., Khan, S. A., Madsen, F. B., Brown, A., Willis, M., Kendrick, E., Knudsen, P., Box, J. E., VAN DAM, T., Caccamise II, D. J., Johns, B., Nylen, T., Abbott, R., White, S., Miner, J., Forsberg, R., Zhou, H., Wang, J., ... FRANCIS, O. (2012). Bedrock displacements in Greenland manifest ice mass variations, climate cycles and climate change. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 109 (30), 11944-11948. doi:10.1073/pnas.1204664109 Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
Collilieux, X., Métivier, L., Altamimi, Z., VAN DAM, T., & Ray, J. (2011). Quality assessment of GPS reprocessed terrestrial reference frame. GPS Solutions, 15 (3), 219--231. doi:10.1007/s10291-010-0184-6 Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
Tesmer, V., Steigenberger, P., VAN DAM, T., & Mayer-Gürr, T. (2011). Vertical deformations from homogeneously processed GRACE and global GPS long-term series. Journal of Geodesy, 1-20. doi:10.1007/s00190-010-0437-8 Peer reviewed |
Gruber, T., Bamber, J. L., Bierkens, M. F. P., Dobslaw, H., Murböck, M., Thomas, M., van Beek, L. P. H., VAN DAM, T., Vermeersen, L. L. A., & Visser, P. N. A. M. (2011). Simulation of the time-variable gravity field by means of coupled geophysical models. Earth System Science Data, 3 (1), 19-35. doi:10.5194/essd-3-19-2011 Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
VAN DAM, T., & Altamimi, Z. (2011). Correction to "Topographically induced height errors in predicted atmospheric loading effects". Journal of Geophysical Research. Solid Earth. doi:10.1029/2011JB008815 Peer reviewed |
Fu, Y., Freymueller, J., & VAN DAM, T. (2011). The effect of using inconsistent ocean tidal loading models on GPS coordinate solutions. Journal of Geodesy, 1-3. doi:10.1007/s00190-011-0528-1 Peer reviewed |
FRANCIS, O., & VAN DAM, T. (2010). Absolute Gravity Measurements in Yellowstone in September 2009. doi:10.5281/zenodo.8091082 |
King, M., Altamimi, Z., Boehm, J., Bos, M., Dach, R., Elosegui, P., Fund, F., Hernandez-Pajares, M., Lavalee, D., Mendes Cerveira, P. J., Pena, N., Riva, R., Steigenberger, P., VAN DAM, T., Vituari, L., Williams, S., & Willis, P. (2010). Improved Constraints on Models of Glacial Isostatic Adjustment: A Review of the Contribution of Ground-based Geodetic Observations. Surveys in Geophysics, 31 (5), 465-507. doi:10.1007/s10712-010-9100-4 Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
Visser, P. N. A. M., Sneeuw, N., Reubelt, T., Losch, M., & VAN DAM, T. (2010). Spaceborne Gravimetric Satellite Constellations and Ocean Tides: aliasing effects. Geophysical Journal International, (181), 789-805. doi:10.1111/j.1365-246X.2010.04557.x Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
VAN DAM, T., Altamimi, Z., Collileux, X., & Ray, J. (2010). Topographically corrected atmospheric loading effects. Journal of Geophysical Research, (115), 5-6. doi:10.1029/2009JB006810 Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
Collilieux, X., Altamimi, Z., Coulot, D., VAN DAM, T., & Ray, J. (2010). Impact of loading effects on determination of the International Terrestrial Reference Frame. Advances in Space Research, 45 (1), 144-154. doi:10.1016/j.asr.2009.08.024 Peer reviewed |
Khan, S. A., Liu, L., Wahr, J., Howat, I., Joughin, I., VAN DAM, T., & Fleming, K. (2010). GPS Measurements of Crustal Uplift near Jakobshavn Isbrae due to Glacial Ice Mass Loss. Journal of Geophysical Research, 115, 13-16. doi:10.1029/2010JB007490 Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
Lavalee, D., Moore, P., Clarke, P. J., Petrie, E., VAN DAM, T., & King, M. (2010). An Evaluation of New Estimates from GPS, GRACE and Load Models compared to SLR. Geophysical Research Letters, (37), 5-6. doi:10.1029/2010GL045229 Peer reviewed |
FRANCIS, O., VAN DAM, T., Germak, A., Amalvict, M., Bayer, R., Bilker-Koivula, M., Calvo, M., D'Agostino, G.-C., Dell'Acqua, T., Engfeldt, A., Faccia, R., Falk, R., Gitlein, O., Fernandez, M., Gjevestad, J., Hinderer, J., Jones, D., Kostelecky, J., Le Moigne, N., ... Xing, L. (2010). Results of the European Comparison of Absolute Gravimeters in Walferdange (Luxembourg) of November 2007. In Gravity, Geoid and Earth Observation (pp. 31-35). Springer. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-10634-7-5 Peer reviewed |
Collilieux, X., Altamimi, Z., Ray, J., VAN DAM, T., & Wu, X. (2009). Effect of the satellite laser ranging network distribution on geocenter motion estimation. Journal of Geophysical Research, 114. doi:10.1029/2008JB005727 Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
Khan, S. A., Wahr, J., Leuliette, E., VAN DAM, T., Larson, K. M., & FRANCIS, O. (2008). Geodetic measurements of postglacial adjustments in Greenland. Journal of Geophysical Research. doi:10.1029/2007JB004956 Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
Ray, R., Altamimi, Z., Collilieux, X., & VAN DAM, T. (2008). Anomalous harmonics in the spectra of GPS position estimates. GPS Solutions, 12 (1), 55-64. doi:10.1007/s10291-007-0067-7 Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
Zerbini, S. A. E., Richter, B. B., Rocca, F. C., VAN DAM, T., & Matonti, F. A. E. (2007). A Combination of Space and Terrestrial Geodetic Techniques to Monitor Land Subsidence: Case Study, the Southeastern Po Plain, Italy. Journal of Geophysical Research. Solid Earth, 112 (5). doi:10.1029/2006JB004338 Peer reviewed |
Clarke, P. J., Lavallée, D. A., Blewitt, G., & VAN DAM, T. (2007). Basis functions for the consistent and accurate representation of surface mass loading. Geophysical Journal International, 171 (1), 1-10. doi:10.1111/j.1365-246X.2007.03493.x Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
Khan, S. A., Wahr, J., Stearns, L. A., Hamilton, G. S., VAN DAM, T., Larson, K. M., & FRANCIS, O. (2007). Elastic uplift in southeast Greenland due to rapid ice mass lost. Geophysical Research Letters, 34 (L21701), 1-6. doi:10.1029/2007GL031468 Peer reviewed |
FRANCIS, O., & VAN DAM, T. (2006). Analysis of results of the International Comparison of Absolute Gravimeters in Walferdange (Luxembourg) of November 2003. In O. FRANCIS & T. VAN DAM (Eds.), International Comparison of Absolute Gravimeters in Walferdange (Luxembourg) of November 2003 (pp. 1-23). Walferdange, Luxembourg: Centre Européen de Géodynamique et de Séismologie. |
FRANCIS, O., & VAN DAM, T. (Eds.). (2006). International Comparison of Absolute Gravimeters in Walferdange (Luxembourg) of November 2003. Luxembourg: Centre Européen de Géodynamique et de Séismologie. |
Lavallée, D. A., VAN DAM, T., Blewitt, G., & Clarke, P. J. (2006). Geocenter motions from GPS: A unified observation model. Journal of Geophysical Research, 111 (B05), 1-66. doi:10.1029/2005JB003784 Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
Nicolas, J., Nocquet, J.-M., Van Camp, M., VAN DAM, T., Boy, J.-P., Hinderer, J., Gegout, P., Calais, E., & Amalvict, M. (2006). Seasonal effect on vertical positioning by Satellite Laser Ranging and GPS on Absolute Gravity at the OCA geodetic station, Grasse, France. Geophysical Journal International, 167 (3), 1127-1137. doi:10.1111/j.1365-246X.2006.03205.x Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
VAN DAM, T., Wahr, J., & Lavallée, D. (2006). A comparison of annual vertical crustal displacements from GPS and GRACE. Journal of Geophysical Research, 111, 1-10. doi:10.1029/2006JB004335 Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
Van Camp, M., Vanclooster, M., Crommen, O., Petermans, T., Verbeeck, K., Meurers, B., VAN DAM, T., & Dassargues, A. (2006). Hydrogeological investigations at the Membach station, Belgium and application to correct long periodic gravity variations. Journal of Geophysical Research, 111, 1-5. doi:10.1029/2006JB004405 Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
Tregoning, T., & VAN DAM, T. (2005). Atmospheric loading corrections applied to GPS data at the observation level. Geophysical Research Letters, 32 (L22310), 1-4. doi:10.1029/2005GL024104 Peer reviewed |
Tregoning, P., & VAN DAM, T. (2005). Effects of atmospheric pressure loading and seven-parameter transformations on estimates of geocenter motion and station heights from space geodetic observations. Journal of Geophysical Research, 110, 1-5. doi:10.1029/2004JB003334 Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
Clarke, P. J., Lavallée, D. A., Blewitt, G., Wahr, J. M., & VAN DAM, T. (2005). Effect of gravitational consistency and mass conservation on seasonal surface mass loading models. Geophysical Research Letters, 32 (L08306), 1-5. doi:10.1029/2005GL022441 Peer reviewed |
Plag, H.-P., Chao, B. F., Gross, R. S., & VAN DAM, T. (2005). Forcing of Polar Motion in the Chandler Frequency Band: A Contribution to Understanding Interannual Climate Variations. Cahiers du Centre Européen de Géodynamique et de Séismologie, 24. |
FRANCIS, O., VAN DAM, T., Amalvict, M., de Andrade Sousa, M., Bilker, M., Billson, R., D’Agostino, G., Desogus, S., Falk, R., & Germak, A. (2005). Results of the international comparison of absolute gravimeters in Walferdange (Luxembourg) of November 2003. In C. Jekeli, L. Bastos, ... J. Fernandes (Eds.), Gravity, Geoid and Space Missions - GGSM 2004 (pp. 27--275). Springer Berlin Heidelberg. doi:10.1007/3-540-26932-0_47 Peer reviewed |
FRANCIS, O., & VAN DAM, T. (April 2004). Superconducting gravimeters in seismology. Newsletter of the European-Mediterranean Seismological Centre, 21, 13-15. |
VAN DAM, T., & FRANCIS, O. (Eds.). (2004). Proceedings of the Workshop: The Sate of GPS Vertical Positioning Precision: Separation of Earth Processes by Space Geodesy. Walferdange, Luxembourg: Centre Européen de Géodynamique et de Séismologie. |
FRANCIS, O., Van Camp, M., VAN DAM, T., Warnant, R., & Hendrickx, M. (2004). Indication of the uplift of the Ardenne in long-term gravity variations in Membach (Belgium). Geophysical Journal International, 158 (1), 346-352. doi:10.1111/j.1365-246X.2004.02310.x Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
Zerbini, S., Matonti, F., Raicich, R., Richter, B., & VAN DAM, T. (2004). Observing and assessing non-tidal ocean loading using ocean, continuous GPS and gravity data in the Adriatic area. Geophysical Research Letters, 31 (L23609), 1-5. doi:10.1029/2004GL021185 Peer reviewed |
VAN DAM, T., Plag, H. P., FRANCIS, O., & Gegout, P. (2003). GGFC Special Bureau for Loading: Current status and plans. In B. Richter, W. Schwegmann, ... W. R. Dick (Eds.), Proceedings of the IERS Workshop on Combination Research and Global Geophysical Fluids (pp. 180-198). Frankfurt am Main, Germany: Verlag des Bundesamts für Kartographie und Geodäsie. |
Sato, T., Tamura, Y., Matsumoto, K., Asari, K., Plag, H.-P., VAN DAM, T., & FRANCIS, O. (2003). Comparison between modeled and Observed Gravity Tidal Parameters at Ny-Alesund, Svalbard. In O. FRANCIS & T. VAN DAM (Eds.), Proceedings of the Workshop: IMG-2002 Instrumentation and Metrology in Gravimetry. |
FRANCIS, O., & VAN DAM, T. (Eds.). (2003). Proceedings of the Workshop: IMGC-2002 Instrumentation and Metrology in Gravimetry. Luxembourg: Centre Européen de Géodynamique et de Séismologie. |
Schuh, H., Eastermann, G., Cretaux, J.-F., Bergé-Nguyen, M., & VAN DAM, T. (2003). Investigation of hydrological and atmospheric loading by space geodetic techniques. International Association of Geodesy Symposia, 126, 123-132. Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
Scherneck, H.-G., Johansson, J. M., Koivula, H., VAN DAM, T., & Davis, J. L. (2003). Vertical crustal motion observed in the BIFROST project. Journal of Geodynamics, 35 (4-5), 425-441. doi:10.1016/S0264-3707(03)00005-X Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
FRANCIS, O., & VAN DAM, T. (2003). Processing of the Absolute data of the ICAG01. In O. FRANCIS & T. VAN DAM (Eds.), Proceedings of the Workshop: IMG-2002 Instrumentation and Metrology in Gravimetry (pp. 45-48). doi:10.5281/zenodo.7890604 |
FRANCIS, O., & VAN DAM, T. (2002). Evaluation of the precision of using absolute gravimeters to calibrate superconducting gravimeters. Metrologia, 39 (5), 485-488. doi:10.1088/0026-1394/39/5/9 Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
VAN DAM, T., Plag, H.-P., Blewitt, G., Boy, J.-P., FRANCIS, O., Gegout, P., Kierulf, H. P., Sato, T., Scherneck, H.-G., & Wahr, J. (2002). The New IERS Special Bureau for Loading (SBL). In International VLBI Service for Geodesy and Astrometry: General Meeting Proceedings (pp. 287-291). |
Camelbeeck, T., Van Camp, M., Jongmans, D., FRANCIS, O., & VAN DAM, T. (2002). Comment on "Nature of the recent vertical ground movements inferred from high-precision leveling data in an intraplate setting: NE Ardenne, Belgium" by A. Demoulin and A. Collignon. Journal of Geophysical Research, 107 (B11), 2281-2281. doi:10.1029/2001JB000397 Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
Vitushkin, L., Becker, M., Jiang, Z., FRANCIS, O., VAN DAM, T., Faller, J., Chartier, J.-M., Amalvict, M., Bonvalot, S., Debeglia, N., Desogus, S., Diament, M., Dupont, F., Falk, R., Gabalda, G., Gagnon, C. G. L., Gattacceca, T., Germak, A., Hinderer, J., ... Williams, S. (2002). Results of the Sixth International Comparison of Absolute Gravimeters, ICAG-2001. Metrologia, 39 (5), 407-427. doi:10.1088/0026-1394/39/5/2 Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
VAN DAM, T., Wahr, J. M., Milly, P. C. D., & FRANCIS, O. (2001). Gravity Changes due to Continental Water Storage. Journal of the Geodetic Society of Japan, 47 (1), 249-254. Peer reviewed |
Melchior, P., VAN DAM, T., FRANCIS, O., & d'Oreye, N. (2001). About Time Variations of Gravity. In Computational Seismology and Geodynamics (pp. 198-207). United States: American Geophysical Union. doi:10.1029/CS007p0198 Peer reviewed |
VAN DAM, T., Wahr, J., Milly, P. C. D., Shmakin, A. B., Blewitt, G., Lavallee, D., & Larson, K. (2001). Crustal displacements due to continental water loading. Geophysical Research Letters, 28 (4), 651-654. doi:10.1029/2000GL012120 Peer reviewed |
Wahr, J., VAN DAM, T., Larson, K., & FRANCIS, O. (2001). GPS measurements of vertical crustal motion in Greenland. Journal of Geophysical Research, 106 (D24), 33755-33759. doi:10.1029/2001JD900154 Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
Robertsson, L., FRANCIS, O., VAN DAM, T., Faller, J., Ruess, D., Delinte, J.-M., Vitushkin, L., Liard, J., Gagnon, C. G. L., Guang, G. Y., Lun, H. D., Yuan, F. Y., Yi, X. J., Jeffries, G., Hopewell, H., Edge, R., Robinson, I., Kibble, B., Makinen, J., ... Marson, I. (2001). Results from the Fifth Internationl Comparison of Absolute Gravimeters, ICAG97. Metrologia, 38, 71-78. doi:10.1088/0026-1394/38/1/6 Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
Wahr, J., VAN DAM, T., Larson, K., & FRANCIS, O. (2001). Geodetic measurements in Greenland and their implications. Journal of Geophysical Research, 106 (B8), 16567-16581. doi:10.1029/2001JB000211 Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
VAN DAM, T., Larson, K., Wahr, J., Gross, S., & FRANCIS, O. (2001). Global Positioning System and Gravity Used to Study Greenland Ice. Earth in Space, 13 (5), 1-16. |
D'OREYE, N., VAN DAM, T., & FRANCIS, O. (2000). An International Reference Station for Inter-comparison of Absolute Gravimeters (ISIAG) in Walferdange, Luxembourg: The GRAVILUX Project. Bulletin d'Information du Bureau Gravimétrique International, (86), 27-36. |
Larson, K. M., & VAN DAM, T. (2000). Measuring postglacial rebound with GPS and absolute gravity. Geophysical Research Letters, 27 (23), 3925-3928. doi:10.1029/2000GL011946 Peer reviewed |
VAN DAM, T., Larson, K., Wahr, J., Gross, S., & FRANCIS, O. (2000). Using GPS and Gravity to Infer Ice Mass Changes in Greenland. EOS, 81 (37), 421-427. doi:10.1029/00EO00311 Peer reviewed |
Schenewerk, M., VAN DAM, T., & Nerem, S. R. (1999). Seasonal Motion in the Annapolis, Maryland GPS Monument. GPS Solutions, 2 (3), 41-49. doi:10.1007/PL00012756 Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
Crossley, D., Hinderer, J., Casula, G., FRANCIS, O., Hsu, H.-T., Imanishi, Y., Jentzsch, G., Kaarianen, J., Merriam, J., Meurers, B., Neumeyer, J., Richter, B., Shibuya, K., Sato, T., & VAN DAM, T. (1999). Network of Superconducting Gravimeters Benefits a Number of Disciplines. EOS, 80 (11), 121-126. doi:10.1029/99EO00079 Peer reviewed |
VAN DAM, T., & FRANCIS, O. (1998). Two years of continuous measurements of tidal and nontidal variations of gravity in Boulder, Colorado. Geophysical Research Letters, 25 (3), 393-396. doi:10.1029/97GL03780 Peer reviewed |
Nerem, R. S., Schenewerk, M., & VAN DAM, T. (1998). Sea-level rise studied in Chesapeake Bay as wetlands loss continues. Earth in Space, 10 (12), 156-157. doi:10.1029/98EO00110 |
Nerem, R. S., VAN DAM, T., & Schenewerk, M. (1998). Chesapeake Bay subsidence monitored as wetlands loss continues. EOS, 79, 8-11. doi:10.1029/98eo00110 Peer reviewed |
VAN DAM, T., & Wahr, J. (1998). Modeling environmental loading effects, Invited, Proceedings EGGS, Ed. H.-P. Plag and S. Zerbini. Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, 23, 1077-1087. Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
Schenewerk, M., VAN DAM, T., Sasagawa, G., Philipsen, S., & Larson, K. (1998). A detailed analysis of tropospheric effects on geodetic observations at TMGO. Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, 23 (1), 103-106. doi:10.1016/S0079-1946(97)00250-4 Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
VAN DAM, T., Wahr, J., Chao, Y., & Leuliette, E. (1997). Predictions of crustal deformation and of geoid and sea level variability caused by oceanic at atmospheric loading. Geophysical Journal International, 129 (3), 507-517. doi:10.1111/j.1365-246x.1997.tb04490.x Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
Sasagawa, G., Klopping, F., & VAN DAM, T. (1995). Analysis of data from the 1994 international comparison of absolute gravimeters with a single computational protocol. Metrologia, 32, 185-192. doi:10.1088/0026-1394/32/3/006 Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
VAN DAM, T., & Herring, T. A. (1994). Detection of atmospheric pressure loading using Very Long Baseline Interferometry measurements. Journal of Geophysical Research, 99 (B3), 4505-4518. doi:10.1029/93JB02758 Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
VAN DAM, T., Blewitt, G., & Heflin, M. (1994). Detection of atmospheric pressure loading using the Global Positioning System. Journal of Geophysical Research, 99 (B12), 23939-23950. doi:10.1029/94jb02122 Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
VAN DAM, T., & Wahr, J. (1993). Atmospheric load response of the oceans determined using Geosat data. Geophysical Journal International, 113 (1), 1-16. doi:10.1111/j.1365-246X.1993.tb02524.x Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
VAN DAM, T., & Wahr, J. (1987). Displacements of the Earth's surface due to atmospheric loading: Effects on Gravity and Baseline Measurements. Journal of Geophysical Research, 92, 1281-1286. doi:10.1029/JB092iB02p01281 Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
Chen, Q., WEIGELT, M., Sneeuw, N., & VAN DAM, T. (n.d.). On time-variable seasonal signals: comparison of SSA and Kalman filtering based approaches [Paper presentation]. VIII Hotine-Marussi Symposium on Mathematical Geodesy, Rome, Italy. |