
DE MOLL Frederick

Main Referenced Co-authors
HADJAR, Andreas  (8)
Alieva, Aigul (4)
Kroezen, Taylor (4)
OTTENBACHER, Martha  (4)
PIT-TEN CATE, Ineke  (4)
Main Referenced Keywords
educational inequality (2); intersectionality (2); Luxembourg (2); school alienation (2); school tracking (2);
Main Referenced Unit & Research Centers
Education, Culture, Cognition & Society (ECCS) > Institute of Education & Society (InES) (1)
Faculty of Language and Literature, Humanities, Arts and Education (FLSHASE) > Luxembourg Centre for Educational Testing (LUCET) (1)
Institute of Education & Society (InES) (1)
Institute of Education and Society (1)
Main Referenced Disciplines
Education & instruction (9)
Sociology & social sciences (6)
Social & behavioral sciences, psychology: Multidisciplinary, general & others (1)

Publications (total 11)

The most downloaded
Morinaj, J., DE MOLL, F., Hascher, T., HADJAR, A., & Grecu, A. (2021). School Alienation Among Adolescents in Switzerland and Luxembourg: The Role of Parent and Peer Supportive Attitudes Toward School and Teacher Autonomy Support. Youth and Society, early online. doi:10.1177/0044118X211043902

The most cited

9 citations (WOS)

SIMOES LOURÊIRO, K., GRECU, A. L., DE MOLL, F., & HADJAR, A. (2019). Analyzing Drawings to Explore children’s Concepts of an Ideal School: Implications for the Improvement of children’s Well-Being at School. Child Indicators Research, early online. doi:10.1007/s12187-019-09705-8

DE MOLL, F., KEMP, V., SIMOES LOURÊIRO, K., Hadjar, A., & KIRSCH, C. (2024). Luxembourg – Frühpädagogisches Personal. In P. Oberhuemer & I. Schreyer, Personalprofile in 33 Systemen der frühkindlichen Bildung und Kindertagesbetreuung. Munich, Germany: Federal Ministry of Family Affaires, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth - State Institute of Early Childhood Research.
Editorial reviewed

DE MOLL, F., KEMP, V., SIMOES LOURÊIRO, K., Hadjar, A., & KIRSCH, C. (2024). Luxembourg. ECEC Workforce profile. In P. Oberhuemer & I. Schreyer, Workforce profiles in 33 early childhood education and care systems. München, Germany: Ministry of Family, Seniors, Women and Youth; State Institute for Early Childhood Research and Media Literacy (IFP).
Editorial reviewed

PIT-TEN CATE, I., OTTENBACHER, M., Alieva, A., Kroezen, T., DE MOLL, F., & FISCHBACH, A. (22 August 2023). The intersectionality of school and student factors in predicting academic achievement [Paper presentation]. ECER, Glasgow, United Kingdom.

PIT-TEN CATE, I., OTTENBACHER, M., Alieva, A., Kroezen, T., HADJAR, A., TORABIAN, J., & DE MOLL, F. (29 June 2023). The longitudinal impact of student characteristics, school composition and track placement on mathematics performance: Inter- and cross level intersectionality [Paper presentation]. XX ISA World Congress of Sociology, Melbourne (virtual), Australia.
Peer reviewed

PIT-TEN CATE, I., OTTENBACHER, M., Alieva, A., Kroezen, T., HADJAR, A., TORABIAN, J., DE MOLL, F., & FISCHBACH, A. (05 December 2022). School tracking in Luxembourg: the longitudinal impact of student characteristics and school composition [Paper presentation]. 7th International NEPS conference, online, Germany.

PIT-TEN CATE, I., HADJAR, A., Alieva, A., FISCHBACH, A., Kroezen, T., DE MOLL, F., OTTENBACHER, M., & TORABIAN, J. (09 November 2022). School Segregation in Primary and Secondary Education in Luxembourg: Track Placement and Academic Achievement [Paper presentation]. LuxERA Conference 2022, University of Luxembourg, Esch-sur-Alzette, Luxembourg.

HADJAR, A., & DE MOLL, F. (2022). Ungleichheiten in schulischen Gesundheitsproblemen und subjektivem Wohlbefinden bei luxemburgischen Grund- und Sekundarschüler/innen. In A. HEINEN, R. SAMUEL, H. E. WILLEMS, ... C. Vögele, Wohlbefinden und Gesundheit im Jugendalter. Theoretische Perspektiven, empirische Befunde und Praxis (pp. 215-242). Springer VS.
Peer reviewed

HADJAR, A., Aigul, A., Jobst, S., Skrobanek, J., Grecu, A., GEWINNER, I., DE MOLL, F., & Toom, A. (December 2021). PIONEERED: Elaborating the link between social and educational policies for tackling educational inequalities in Europe., early online. doi:10.18753/2297-8224-183
Peer reviewed

Morinaj, J., DE MOLL, F., Hascher, T., HADJAR, A., & Grecu, A. (2021). School Alienation Among Adolescents in Switzerland and Luxembourg: The Role of Parent and Peer Supportive Attitudes Toward School and Teacher Autonomy Support. Youth and Society, early online. doi:10.1177/0044118X211043902
Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi

HADJAR, A., Grecu, A., Scharf, J., DE MOLL, F., Morinaj, J., & Hascher, T. (December 2020). Changes in school alienation profiles among secondary school students and the role of teaching style: Results from a longitudinal study in Luxembourg and Switzerland. International Journal of Educational Research, early online. doi:10.1016/j.ijer.2020.101697
Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi

SIMOES LOURÊIRO, K., GRECU, A. L., DE MOLL, F., & HADJAR, A. (2019). Analyzing Drawings to Explore children’s Concepts of an Ideal School: Implications for the Improvement of children’s Well-Being at School. Child Indicators Research, early online. doi:10.1007/s12187-019-09705-8
Peer reviewed

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