
BRUST Matthias

University of Luxembourg > Faculty of Science, Technology and Medicine > Department of Computer Science > Team Pascal BOUVRY

Main Referenced Co-authors
BOUVRY, Pascal  (43)
DANOY, Grégoire  (40)
ROTHKUGEL, Steffen  (22)
STOLFI ROSSO, Daniel  (10)
ANDRONACHE, Adrian  (8)
Main Referenced Keywords
Internet of Things (4); Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (4); Gap Analysis (2); Local community detection (2); Mobility model (2);
Main Referenced Unit & Research Centers
Interdisciplinary Centre for Security, Reliability and Trust (SnT) > PCOG (1)
Luxembourg Centre for Contemporary and Digital History (C2DH) > Digital History & Historiography (DHI) (1)
Luxembourg Centre for Contemporary and Digital History (C2DH) > Doctoral Training Unit (DTU) (1)
ULHPC - University of Luxembourg: High Performance Computing (1)
Main Referenced Disciplines
Computer science (65)
Engineering, computing & technology: Multidisciplinary, general & others (4)

Publications (total 69)

The most downloaded
DANOY, G., BRUST, M. R., & BOUVRY, P. (2015). Connectivity Stability in Autonomous Multi-level UAV Swarms for Wide Area Monitoring. In Proceedings of the Fifth ACM International Symposium on Development and Analysis of Intelligent Vehicular Networks and Applications. ACM.

The most cited

64 citations (Scopus®)

BRUST, M. R., DANOY, G., BOUVRY, P., GASHI, D., Pathak, H., & Goncalves, M. P. (2017). Defending Against Intrusion of Malicious UAVs with Networked UAV Defense Swarms. In 42nd IEEE Conference on Local Computer Networks. IEEE Computer Society. doi:10.1109/LCN.Workshops.2017.71

STOLFI ROSSO, D., BRUST, M., DANOY, G., & BOUVRY, P. (2022). SuSy-EnGaD: Surveillance System Enhanced by Games of Drones. Drones, 6 (13). doi:10.3390/drones6010013
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Dilmaghani, S., BRUST, M., Ribeiro, C. H., KIEFFER, E., DANOY, G., & BOUVRY, P. (January 2022). From communities to protein complexes: A local community detection algorithm on PPI networks. PLoS ONE, 17 (1), 1-17. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0260484
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STOLFI ROSSO, D., BRUST, M., DANOY, G., & BOUVRY, P. (2021). Improving Pheromone Communication for UAV Swarm Mobility Management. In ICCCI 2021: Computational Collective Intelligence (pp. 228-240). doi:10.1007/978-3-030-88081-1_17
Peer reviewed

BRUST, M. R., DANOY, G., STOLFI ROSSO, D., & BOUVRY, P. (24 February 2021). Swarm-based counter UAV defense system. Discover Internet of Things, 1 (1). doi:10.1007/s43926-021-00002-x
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FISCARELLI, A. M., BRUST, M. R., Bouffanais, R., DANOY, G., Piyatumrong, A., & BOUVRY, P. (2021). Interplay between success and patterns of human collaboration: case study of a Thai Research Institute. Scientific Reports. doi:10.1038/s41598-020-79447-z
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SAMIR LABIB, N., DANOY, G., BRUST, M. R., & BOUVRY, P. (07 January 2021). A Distributed Pareto-based Path Planning Algorithm for Autonomous Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (Extended Abstract) [Paper presentation]. 29th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence IJCAI 2020 Multi-Agent Path Finding Workshop (MAPF), Yokohoma, Japan.

STOLFI ROSSO, D., BRUST, M. R., DANOY, G., & BOUVRY, P. (2021). UAV-UGV-UMV Multi-Swarms for Cooperative Surveillance. Frontiers in Robotics and AI, 8, 5. doi:10.3389/frobt.2021.616950
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Stolfi, D. H., BRUST, M. R., DANOY, G., & BOUVRY, P. (2021). Improving Pheromone Communication for UAV Swarm Mobility Management. In 13th International Conference on Computational Collective Intelligence (ICCCI 2021) (pp. 228--240). Springer. doi:10.1007/978-3-030-88081-1\_17
Peer reviewed

STOLFI ROSSO, D., BRUST, M. R., DANOY, G., & BOUVRY, P. (2021). A competitive Predator–Prey approach to enhance surveillance by UAV swarms. Applied Soft Computing, 111, 107701. doi:10.1016/j.asoc.2021.107701
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Stolfi, D. H., BRUST, M. R., DANOY, G., & BOUVRY, P. (2021). Optimising pheromone communication in a UAV swarm. In GECCO '21: Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference, Companion Volume, Lille, France, July 10-14, 2021 (pp. 323--324). ACM. doi:10.1145/3449726.3459526
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STOLFI ROSSO, D., BRUST, M. R., DANOY, G., & BOUVRY, P. (2021). CONSOLE: intruder detection using a UAV swarm and security rings. Swarm Intelligence, 15 (3), 205--235. doi:10.1007/s11721-021-00193-7
Peer reviewed

ESMAEILZADEH DILMAGHANI, S., BRUST, M. R., DANOY, G., & BOUVRY, P. (2021). Community Detection in Complex Networks: A Survey on Local Approaches [Paper presentation]. 13th Asian Conference on Intelligent Information and Database Systems (ACIIDS).

ESMAEILZADEH DILMAGHANI, S., PIYATUMRONG, A., DANOY, G., BOUVRY, P., & BRUST, M. R. (2020). Innovation Networks from Inter-organizational Research Collaborations. Heuristics for Optimization and Learning, 361-375.
Peer reviewed

ESMAEILZADEH DILMAGHANI, S., BRUST, M. R., DANOY, G., & BOUVRY, P. (2020). Local Community Detection Algorithm with Self-defining Source Nodes. In Complex Networks & Their Applications IX (pp. 200-210). Springer, Cham.
Peer reviewed

ESMAEILZADEH DILMAGHANI, S., BRUST, M. R., DANOY, G., Cassagnes, N., Pecero, J., & BOUVRY, P. (2020). Privacy and Security of Big Data in AI Systems:A Research and Standards Perspective. In 2019 IEEE International Conference on Big Data (Big Data), 9-12 December 2019. IEEE.
Peer reviewed

STOLFI ROSSO, D., BRUST, M. R., DANOY, G., & BOUVRY, P. (2020). Competitive Evolution of a UAV Swarm for Improving Intruder Detection Rates. In 2020 IEEE International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium Workshops, IPDPSW 2020, New Orleans, LA, USA, May 18-22, 2020 (pp. 528--535). IEEE. doi:10.1109/IPDPSW50202.2020.00094
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STOLFI ROSSO, D., BRUST, M. R., DANOY, G., & BOUVRY, P. (2020). A Cooperative Coevolutionary Approach to Maximise Surveillance Coverage of UAV Swarms. In IEEE 17th Annual Consumer Communications & Networking Conference CCNC 2020, Las Vegas, NV, USA, January 10-13, 2020 (pp. 1--6). IEEE. doi:10.1109/CCNC46108.2020.9045643
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CHANGAIVAL, B., DANOY, G., Kliazovich, Guinand, F., BRUST, M. R., Musial, J., Lavangnananda, K., & BOUVRY, P. (2020). NGAP: a novel hybrid metaheuristic algorithm for round-trip carsharing fleet planning. In GECCO '20: Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference, Companion Volume, Cancún, Mexico, July 8-12, 2020 (pp. 259--260). ACM. doi:10.1145/3377929.3389941
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STOLFI ROSSO, D., BRUST, M. R., DANOY, G., & BOUVRY, P. (2020). Emerging Inter-Swarm Collaboration for Surveillance Using Pheromones and Evolutionary Techniques. Sensors, 20 (9), 2566. doi:10.3390/s20092566
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KIEFFER, E., DANOY, G., BRUST, M. R., BOUVRY, P., & Nagih, A. (2020). Tackling Large-Scale and Combinatorial Bi-Level Problems With a Genetic Programming Hyper-Heuristic. IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation, 24 (1), 44--56. doi:10.1109/TEVC.2019.2906581
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Rosalie, M., KIEFFER, E., BRUST, M. R., DANOY, G., & BOUVRY, P. (2020). Bayesian optimisation to select Rössler system parameters used in Chaotic Ant Colony Optimisation for Coverage. Journal of Computational Science, 41, 101047. doi:10.1016/j.jocs.2019.101047
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BRUST, M. R., BOUVRY, P., DANOY, G., & Talbi, E.-G. (2020). Design Challenges of Trustworthy Artificial Intelligence Learning Systems. In Intelligent Information and Database Systems - 12th Asian Conference ACIIDS 2020, Phuket, Thailand, March 23-26, 2020, Companion Proceedings (pp. 574--584). Springer. doi:10.1007/978-981-15-3380-8_50
Peer reviewed

STOLFI ROSSO, D., BRUST, M. R., DANOY, G., & BOUVRY, P. (2020). Optimizing the Performance of an Unpredictable UAV Swarm for Intruder Detection. In Optimization and Learning - Third International Conference, OLA 2020, Cádiz, Spain, February 17-19, 2020, Proceedings (pp. 37--48). Springer. doi:10.1007/978-3-030-41913-4_4
Peer reviewed

SAMIR LABIB, N., DANOY, G., MUSIAL, J., BRUST, M. R., & BOUVRY, P. (03 November 2019). Internet of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles—A Multilayer Low-Altitude Airspace Model for Distributed UAV Traffic Management. Sensors, 19 (21), 22. doi:10.3390/s19214779
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SAMIR LABIB, N., DANOY, G., Musial, J., BRUST, M. R., & BOUVRY, P. (2019). A Multilayer Low-Altitude Airspace Model for UAV Traffic Management. In N. SAMIR LABIB, G. DANOY, J. Musial, M. R. BRUST, ... P. BOUVRY, 9th ACM Symposium on Design and Analysis of Intelligent Vehicular Networks and Applications (DIVANet '19) (pp. 57-63). ACM. doi:10.1145/3345838.3355998
Peer reviewed

SAMIR LABIB, N., BRUST, M. R., DANOY, G., & BOUVRY, P. (2019). Technical report on data protection and privacy in smart ICT: Internet of Things: Gap analysis between scientific research and technical standardisation: Gap analysis Internet of Things. doi:10.13140/RG.2.2.25802.49600/1

SAMIR LABIB, N., BRUST, M. R., DANOY, G., & BOUVRY, P. (2019). Trustworthiness in IoT - A Standards Gap Analysis on Security, Data Protection and Privacy. In N. SAMIR LABIB, M. R. BRUST, G. DANOY, ... P. BOUVRY, Trustworthiness in IoT - A Standards Gap Analysis on Security, Data Protection and Privacy (pp. 1-7). IEEE. doi:10.1109/CSCN.2019.8931393
Peer reviewed

ESMAEILZADEH DILMAGHANI, S., BRUST, M. R., Piyatumrong, A., DANOY, G., & BOUVRY, P. (26 June 2019). Link Definition ameliorating Community Detection in Collaboration Networks. Frontiers in Big Data, 2, 22. doi:10.3389/fdata.2019.00022
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DUFLO, G., KIEFFER, E., BRUST, M. R., DANOY, G., & BOUVRY, P. (2019). A GP Hyper-Heuristic Approach for Generating TSP Heuristics. In 33rd IEEE International Parallel & Distributed Processing Symposium (IPDPS 2019).
Peer reviewed

ESMAEILZADEH DILMAGHANI, S., Piyatumrong, A., BOUVRY, P., & BRUST, M. R. (25 February 2019). Transforming Collaboration Data into Network Layers for Enhanced Analytics [Paper presentation]. International Conference on Optimization and Learning.

FISCARELLI, A. M., BRUST, M. R., DANOY, G., & BOUVRY, P. (2019). A Memory-Based Label Propagation Algorithm for Community Detection. In Complex Networks and Their Applications VII. Springer International Publishing. doi:10.1007/978-3-030-05411-3_14
Peer reviewed

CHANGAIVAL, B., DANOY, G., Kliazovich, D., Guinand, F., BRUST, M. R., MUSIAL, J., Lavangnananda, K., & BOUVRY, P. (2019). Toward Real-world Vehicle Placement Optimization in Round-trip Carsharing. In Proceedings of the Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (pp. 1138--1146). New York, NY, USA, Unknown/unspecified: ACM. doi:10.1145/3321707.3321825
Peer reviewed

FISCARELLI, A. M., BRUST, M. R., DANOY, G., & BOUVRY, P. (2018). A Memory-Based Label Propagation Algorithm for Community Detection. In L. M. Aiello, C. Cherifi, H. Cherifi, R. Lambiotte, L. Pietro, ... L. M. Rocha, Complex Networks and Their Applications VII (7, pp. 171-182). Cham, Switzerland: Springer.
Peer reviewed

SAMIR LABIB, N., LIU, C., ESMAEILZADEH DILMAGHANI, S., BRUST, M. R., DANOY, G., & BOUVRY, P. (2018). White Paper: Data Protection and Privacy in Smart ICT - Scientific Research and Technical Standardization. (1.0). Luxembourg: ILNAS. doi:10.13140/RG.2.2.32160.23045

SAMIR LABIB, N., BRUST, M., DANOY, G., & BOUVRY, P. (May 2018). On Standardised UAV Localisation and Tracking Systems in Smart Cities [Poster presentation]. 17th Annual STS Conference Graz 2018 Critical Issues in Science, Technology and Society Studies.

LIU, C., VARRETTE, S., BRUST, M. R., DANOY, G., & BOUVRY, P. (May 2018). A Standardized Broker Model in Smart Cities [Poster presentation]. 17th Annual STS Conference Graz 2018 Critical Issues in Science, Technology and Society Studies, Graz, Austria.

Mesit, J., BRUST, M. R., & BOUVRY, P. (2018). Lightweight Key Agreement for Wireless Sensor Networks. In 2018 IEEE International Conference on Software Quality, Reliability and Security Companion (QRS-C). doi:10.1109/QRS-C.2018.00080
Peer reviewed

Chen, J., Hossain, M. S., BRUST, M. R., & Johnson, N. (2018). A Game Theoretic Analysis of the Twitter Follow-Unfollow Mechanism. In International Conference on Decision and Game Theory for Security. doi:10.1007/978-3-030-01554-1_15
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Rezazad, M., BRUST, M. R., Akbari, M., BOUVRY, P., & Cheung, N.-M. (2018). Detecting Target-Area Link-Flooding DDoS Attacks using Traffic Analysis and Supervised Learning. In Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing. doi:10.1007/978-3-030-03405-4_12
Peer reviewed

ROSALIE, M., BRUST, M. R., DANOY, G., Chaumette, S., & BOUVRY, P. (2017). Coverage optimization with connectivity preservation for UAV swarms applying chaotic dynamics. In IEEE International Conference on Autonomic Computing (ICAC), Columbus 17-21 July 2017 (pp. 113-118). doi:10.1109/ICAC.2017.26
Peer reviewed

BRUST, M. R., DANOY, G., BOUVRY, P., GASHI, D., Pathak, H., & Goncalves, M. P. (2017). Defending Against Intrusion of Malicious UAVs with Networked UAV Defense Swarms. In 42nd IEEE Conference on Local Computer Networks. IEEE Computer Society. doi:10.1109/LCN.Workshops.2017.71
Peer reviewed

BRUST, M. R., ZURAD, M., HENTGES, L. P., Gomes, L., DANOY, G., & BOUVRY, P. (2017). Target Tracking Optimization of UAV Swarms Based on Dual-Pheromone Clustering. In CYBCONF 2017-12-13 09:39:53 +0000 2017-12-13 09:39:53 +0000. IEEE.
Peer reviewed

BRUST, M. R., Akbas, M. I., & Turgut, D. (2016). VBCA: A Virtual Forces Clustering Algorithm for Autonomous Aerial Drone Systems. In 2016 Annual IEEE Systems Conference (SysCon). doi:10.1109/SYSCON.2016.7490517
Peer reviewed

Wu, F.-J., BRUST, M. R., Chen, Y.-A., & Luo, T. (2016). The Privacy Exposure Problem in Mobile Location-Based Services. In 2016 IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM). doi:10.1109/GLOCOM.2016.7842319
Peer reviewed

DANOY, G., BRUST, M. R., & BOUVRY, P. (2015). Connectivity Stability in Autonomous Multi-level UAV Swarms for Wide Area Monitoring. In Proceedings of the Fifth ACM International Symposium on Development and Analysis of Intelligent Vehicular Networks and Applications. ACM.
Peer reviewed

BRUST, M. R. (2007). Topology control and small-worlds in hybrid wireless networks [Doctoral thesis, Unilu - University of Luxembourg]. ORBilu-University of Luxembourg.

ANDRONACHE, A., BRUST, M. R., & ROTHKUGEL, S. (2007). HyCast-Podcast Discovery in Mobile Networks. In Proceedings of the 3rd ACM Workshop on Wireless Multimedia Networking and Performance Modeling (WMuNeP '07). doi:10.1145/1298216.1298224
Peer reviewed

BRUST, M. R., & ROTHKUGEL, S. (2007). Localized Support for Injection Point Election in Hybrid Networks. In Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Networking (ICN 2007). IEEE Computer Society Press. doi:10.1109/ICN.2007.55
Peer reviewed

BRUST, M. R., ANDRONACHE, A., ROTHKUGEL, S., & Ribeiro, C. H. C. (2007). Stability Criteria for Clusterhead Selection in Mobile Ad-hoc Networks. Proceedings of International Conference on Wireless and Information Technology (CEWIT 2007).
Peer reviewed

BRUST, M. R., & ROTHKUGEL, S. (2007). On Anomalies in Annotation Systems. In Proceedings of the Third International Workshop on E-learning and Mobile Learning on Telecommunications (ELETE 2007). IEEE Computer Society Press. doi:10.1109/AICT.2007.33
Peer reviewed

BRUST, M. R., ROTHKUGEL, S., & ANDRONACHE, A. (2007). Node Stability in Dynamic Communication Networks. In Proceedings of the First Asia International Conference on Modelling & Simulation (AMS 2007). IEEE Computer Society Press. doi:10.1109/AMS.2007.73
Peer reviewed

BRUST, M. R., ANDRONACHE, A., & ROTHKUGEL, S. (2007). HyLearn: Cooperative M-Learning in Hybrid Networks. ERCIM News, 71.
Peer reviewed

DANOY, G., BOUVRY, P., BRUST, M. R., & Alba, E. (2007). Optimal Design of Ad Hoc Injection Networks by Using Genetic Algorithms. In 9th annual conference on Genetic and evolutionary computation (GECCO '07). ACM Press. doi:10.1145/1276958.1277391
Peer reviewed

BRUST, M. R., & ROTHKUGEL, S. (2007). A taxonomic Approach to Topology Control in Ad-hoc and Wireless Networks. In Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Networking, ICN 2007. IEEE Computer Society Press. doi:10.1109/ICN.2007.11
Peer reviewed

BRUST, M. R., Andronache, A., ROTHKUGEL, S., & Benenson, Z. (2007). Topology-based Clusterhead Candidate Selection in Wireless Ad-hoc and Sensor Networks. Abstract book of 2nd IEEE/ACM International Workshop on Software for Sensor Networks (SensorWare 2007). doi:10.1109/COMSWA.2007.382475
Peer reviewed

BRUST, M. R., ANDRONACHE, A., & ROTHKUGEL, S. (2007). WACA: A Hierarchical Weighted Clustering Algorithm optimized for Mobile Hybrid Networks. In Proceedings The Third International Conference on Wireless and Mobile Communications. IEEE Computer Society Press. doi:10.1109/ICWMC.2007.93
Peer reviewed

Wehling, U., Hoff, C., ROTHKUGEL, S., & BRUST, M. R. (2007). Exploiting Context Information for Computer-based Annotation Systems. In Proceedings of the International Technology, Education and Development Conference (INTED 2007).
Peer reviewed

ANDRONACHE, A., BRUST, M. R., & ROTHKUGEL, S. (2006). Multimedia content distribution in hybrid wireless networks using weighted clustering. In Proceedings of the 2nd ACM international workshop on Wireless multimedia networking and performance modeling (pp. 1-10). ACM Press. doi:10.1145/1163698.1163700
Peer reviewed

Andronache, A., ROTHKUGEL, S., & BRUST, M. R. (2006). Multi-Application Optimization of Heuristic Clustering Weight Functions. Meta: Journal des Traducteurs.
Peer reviewed

ANDRONACHE, A., BRUST, M. R., & ROTHKUGEL, S. (2006). HyMN: An Interest-based Multimedia Providing System for Hybrid Wireless Networks. Proceedings of Broadband and Wireless Computing, Communications, and Applications (BWCCA-2006), 67-74.
Peer reviewed

ROTHKUGEL, S., BRUST, M. R., & ANDRONACHE, A. (2006). HyMN: A Self-Organizing System for Interest-based Data Distribution in Mobile Hybrid Wireless Networks. ERCIM News, Nr. 67.
Peer reviewed

BRUST, M. R., ROTHKUGEL, S., & Ribeiro, C. H. C. (2006). Inquiring the Potential of Evoking Small-World Properties for Self- Organizing Communication Networks. In Proceedings of International Conference on Systems and International Conference on Mobile Communications and Learning Technologies (ICNICONSMCL'06) (pp. 73). IEEE Computer Society. doi:10.1109/ICNICONSMCL.2006.124
Peer reviewed

Lobo, J. E. M., Becerra, J. L. R., BRUST, M. R., ROTHKUGEL, S., & Adriano, C. M. (2005). Developing a Collaborative and Autonomous Training and Learning Environment for Hybrid Wireless Networks. Proceedings of Global Congress on Engineering and Technology Education (GCETE 2005).
Peer reviewed

ROTHKUGEL, S., & BRUST, M. R. (2005). Tool-Support for Analyzing Small-World Properties in Hybrid Wireless Networks. Proceedings of International Conference on Cutting Edge Wireless and It Technologies.
Peer reviewed

BRUST, M. R., Görgen, D., HUTTER, C., & ROTHKUGEL, S. (2004). ADS as Information Management Service in an M-Learning Environment. In Proceedings of 8th International Conference on Knowledge-Based Intelligent Information & Engineering Systems (KES2004) (pp. 906). Springer.
Peer reviewed

HUTTER, C., BRUST, M. R., & ROTHKUGEL, S. (2004). ADS: Directory Services for Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks Based on an Information Market Model. In Proceedings of 1st International Workshop on Ubiquitous Computing (IWUC-2004) held in conjunction with the 6th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS 2004).
Peer reviewed

BRUST, M. R., & ROTHKUGEL, S. (2004). Cooperative and Mobile Learning in Ad-Hoc Networks. In Proceedings of World Conference on Engineering and Technology Education (WCETE 2004).
Peer reviewed

BRUST, M. R., & ROTHKUGEL, S. (2004). Analyzing Design Process and Experiments on the AnITA Generic Tutoring System. In Proceedings of International Conference on Education and Information Systems, Orlando (EISTA 04).
Peer reviewed

BRUST, M. R., & ROTHKUGEL, S. (2004). A Communication Model for Adaptive Service Provisioning in Hybrid Wireless Networks. In Proceedings of 3rd WSEAS International Conference on Information Security, Hardware/Software Co-design and Computer Networks (ISCOCO 2004).
Peer reviewed

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