ANDRONACHE, A. (2008). HyWercs: A middleware for backbone- assisted mobile ad hoc networks [Doctoral thesis, Unilu - University of Luxembourg]. ORBilu-University of Luxembourg. |
ANDRONACHE, A., RUIZ, P., & ROTHKUGEL, S. (2008). Improving Inter-cluster Broadcasting in Ad Hoc Networks by Delayed Flooding. In Modelling, Computation and Optimization in Information Systems and Management Sciences, Second International Conference (MCO 2008) (pp. 538–547). Springer. Peer reviewed |
GRATZ, P., ANDRONACHE, A., & ROTHKUGEL, S. (2008). Ad Hoc Collaborative Filtering for Mobile Networks. Sensor Networks, Ubiquitous, and Trustworthy Computing, International Conference on, 355–360. doi:10.1109/SUTC.2008.41 Peer reviewed |
GRATZ, P., & ANDRONACHE, A. (2008). Optimizing Distributed Collaborative Filtering in Mobile Networks. In Proceedings of the 2008 High Performance Computing & Simulation Conference. ECMS. |
RUIZ, P., Khadraoui, D., ANDRONACHE, A., DORRONSORO, B., BOUVRY, P., & Tardon, L. (2008). BODYF - A Parameterless Broadcasting Protocol over Dynamic Forests. special session on Parallel and Grid Computing for Optimization as part of The 2008 International Conference High Performance Computing & Simulation (HPCS'08) and in conjunction with The 22nd European Conference on Modeling and Simulation (ECMS 2008). Peer reviewed |
ANDRONACHE, A., BRUST, M. R., & ROTHKUGEL, S. (2007). HyCast-Podcast Discovery in Mobile Networks. In Proceedings of the 3rd ACM Workshop on Wireless Multimedia Networking and Performance Modeling (WMuNeP '07). doi:10.1145/1298216.1298224 Peer reviewed |
BRUST, M. R., ANDRONACHE, A., & ROTHKUGEL, S. (2007). WACA: A Hierarchical Weighted Clustering Algorithm optimized for Mobile Hybrid Networks. In Proceedings The Third International Conference on Wireless and Mobile Communications. IEEE Computer Society Press. doi:10.1109/ICWMC.2007.93 Peer reviewed |
BRUST, M. R., ROTHKUGEL, S., & ANDRONACHE, A. (2007). Node Stability in Dynamic Communication Networks. In Proceedings of the First Asia International Conference on Modelling & Simulation (AMS 2007). IEEE Computer Society Press. doi:10.1109/AMS.2007.73 Peer reviewed |
BRUST, M. R., ANDRONACHE, A., & ROTHKUGEL, S. (2007). HyLearn: Cooperative M-Learning in Hybrid Networks. ERCIM News, 71. Peer reviewed |
BRUST, M. R., ANDRONACHE, A., ROTHKUGEL, S., & Ribeiro, C. H. C. (2007). Stability Criteria for Clusterhead Selection in Mobile Ad-hoc Networks. Proceedings of International Conference on Wireless and Information Technology (CEWIT 2007). Peer reviewed |
ANDRONACHE, A., BRUST, M. R., & ROTHKUGEL, S. (2006). Multimedia content distribution in hybrid wireless networks using weighted clustering. In Proceedings of the 2nd ACM international workshop on Wireless multimedia networking and performance modeling (pp. 1-10). ACM Press. doi:10.1145/1163698.1163700 Peer reviewed |
ANDRONACHE, A., BRUST, M. R., & ROTHKUGEL, S. (2006). HyMN: An Interest-based Multimedia Providing System for Hybrid Wireless Networks. Proceedings of Broadband and Wireless Computing, Communications, and Applications (BWCCA-2006), 67-74. Peer reviewed |
ROTHKUGEL, S., BRUST, M. R., & ANDRONACHE, A. (2006). HyMN: A Self-Organizing System for Interest-based Data Distribution in Mobile Hybrid Wireless Networks. ERCIM News, Nr. 67. Peer reviewed |