

Main Referenced Co-authors
GREIFF, Samuel  (7)
HERBORN, Katharina  (7)
MUSTAFIC, Maida  (6)
Main Referenced Disciplines
Theoretical & cognitive psychology (5)
Education & instruction (2)

Publications (total 7)

HERBORN, K., SCHWEITZER, N., MUSTAFIC, M., & GREIFF, S. (September 2017). Humans vs. Computer-Simulated Agents as Collaboration Partners in Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning Environments [Paper presentation]. EARLI 2017.

MUSTAFIC, M., HERBORN, K., SCHWEITZER, N., & GREIFF, S. (August 2017). The assessment of collaborative problem solving skills – associations with the Big Five [Paper presentation]. Assessment of non-cognitive skills, Tampere, Finland.

SCHWEITZER, N., HERBORN, K., MUSTAFIC, M., & GREIFF, S. (August 2017). Collaborative problem solving behavior. A deep dive into log files [Paper presentation]. 17th Conference of the EARLI, Tampere, Finland.

SCHWEITZER, N., HERBORN, K., MUSTAFIC, M., & GREIFF, S. (01 March 2017). Validating PISA 2015 Collaborative Problem Solving: Report [Paper presentation]. COSA - LUCET Colloquium, Luxembourg.

GREIFF, S., HERBORN, K., SCHWEITZER, N., & MUSTAFIC, M. (2016). Results and implications of the PISA 2015 collaborative problem solving validation study [Paper presentation]. PISA Governing Board Meeting, Brasilia, Brazil.

GREIFF, S., HERBORN, K., SCHWEITZER, N., & MUSTAFIC, M. (14 June 2016). Validating PISA 2015 collaborative problem solving [Paper presentation]. Invited speech at the PISA Governing Board Meeting, Paris, France.

GREIFF, S., HERBORN, K., & SCHWEITZER, N. (June 2016). Collaborative problem solving assessment [Paper presentation]. Invited Speech at Leibniz Institute for International Educational Research, Frankfurt, Germany.

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