

Main Referenced Co-authors
GREIFF, Samuel  (33)
Freund, Alexandra M. (15)
HERBORN, Katharina  (15)
NIEPEL, Christoph  (9)
Main Referenced Keywords
adult development (2); gains (2); losses (2); 2D:4D (1); aging (1);
Main Referenced Disciplines
Neurosciences & behavior (31)
Education & instruction (20)
Theoretical & cognitive psychology (12)
Social & behavioral sciences, psychology: Multidisciplinary, general & others (3)
Sociology & social sciences (1)

Publications (total 67)

The most downloaded
MUSTAFIC, M., Yu, STADLER, M., Vainikainen, M.-P., Bornstein, M., Putnick, D., & GREIFF, S. (2019). Complex problem solving. Profiles and developmental paths revealed via latent transition analysis. Developmental Psychology, 55, 2090-2101. doi:10.1037/dev0000764

The most cited

47 citations (OpenAlex)

Freund, A. M., Hennecke, M., & MUSTAFIC, M. (2012). On means and ends: Goal orientation and goal focus across adulthood. In R. M. Ryan (Ed.), The Oxford handbook of human motivation (pp. 280-302). Oxford, United Kingdom: Oxford University Press. doi:10.1093/oxfordhb/9780195399820.013.0016

Scalise, K., MUSTAFIC, M., & GREIFF, S. (In press). Dispositions for collaborative problem solving. In S. Kuger, E. Klieme, N. Jude, ... D. Kaplan (Eds.), Assessing context of learning world-wide. Dordrecht, Netherlands: Springer.
Peer reviewed

Krkovic, K., MUSTAFIC, M., Wüstenberg, S., & GREIFF, S. (In press). Assessment of problem solving. In P. Griffin, B. McGaw, ... E. Care (Eds.), Assessment and teaching of 21st century skills. Dordrecht, Unknown/unspecified: Springer.

STADLER, M., HERBORN, K., MUSTAFIC, M., & GREIFF, S. (2019). Computer-based collaborative problem solving in PISA 2015 and the role of personality. Journal of Intelligence, 7, 15. doi:10.3390/jintelligence7030015
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MUSTAFIC, M., Yu, STADLER, M., Vainikainen, M.-P., Bornstein, M., Putnick, D., & GREIFF, S. (2019). Complex problem solving. Profiles and developmental paths revealed via latent transition analysis. Developmental Psychology, 55, 2090-2101. doi:10.1037/dev0000764
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GREIFF, S., NIEPEL, C., & MUSTAFIC, M. (April 2018). An overview. Collaborative problem solving in large-scale assessments [Paper presentation]. Symposium at the Annual Meeting of the National Council on Measurement in Education.

HERBORN, K., SCHWEITZER, N., MUSTAFIC, M., & GREIFF, S. (September 2017). Humans vs. Computer-Simulated Agents as Collaboration Partners in Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning Environments [Paper presentation]. EARLI 2017.

MUSTAFIC, M., HERBORN, K., SCHWEITZER, N., & GREIFF, S. (August 2017). The assessment of collaborative problem solving skills – associations with the Big Five [Paper presentation]. Assessment of non-cognitive skills, Tampere, Finland.

SCHWEITZER, N., HERBORN, K., MUSTAFIC, M., & GREIFF, S. (August 2017). Collaborative problem solving behavior. A deep dive into log files [Paper presentation]. 17th Conference of the EARLI, Tampere, Finland.

SCHWEITZER, N., HERBORN, K., MUSTAFIC, M., & GREIFF, S. (01 March 2017). Validating PISA 2015 Collaborative Problem Solving: Report [Paper presentation]. COSA - LUCET Colloquium, Luxembourg.

HERBORN, K., MUSTAFIC, M., & GREIFF, S. (February 2017). Mapping an Experiment-Based Assessment of Collaborative Behavior onto Collaborative Problem Solving in PISA 2015 : A Cluster Analysis Approach for Collaborator Profiles. Journal of Educational Measurement, 54 (1). doi:10.1111/jedm.12135
Peer reviewed

MUSTAFIC, M., NIEPEL, C., & GREIFF, S. (February 2017). Assimilation and contrast effects in the formation of problem-solving self-concept. Learning and Individual Differences, 54, 82-91. doi:10.1016/j.lindif.2017.01.006
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HERBORN, K., MUSTAFIC, M., & GREIFF, S. (2017). Mapping an experiment-based collaborative behavior assessment onto collaborative problem solving in PISA 2015. A cluster analysis approach for collaborator profiles. Journal of Educational Measurement, 54, 103-122. doi:10.1111/jedm.12135
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Musso, M., Gonzalez, P., MUSTAFIC, M., GREIFF, S., & Cascallar, E. (2017). Understanding the underpinnings of complex problem solving in a higher-education setting [Paper presentation]. 17th Conference of the EARLI, Tampere, Finland.

GREIFF, S., HERBORN, K., SCHWEITZER, N., & MUSTAFIC, M. (2016). Results and implications of the PISA 2015 collaborative problem solving validation study [Paper presentation]. PISA Governing Board Meeting, Brasilia, Brazil.

HERBORN, K., MUSTAFIC, M., & GREIFF, S. (July 2016). Mapping collaborative problem solving assessment on PISA. Latent Class Analysis of experiment-based collaborative behaviour and implications for PISA 2015 [Paper presentation]. 10th Conference of the International Test Commission, Vancouver, Canada.

MUSTAFIC, M., NIEPEL, C., & GREIFF, S. (July 2016). Predicting the problem-solving self-concept using the GI/E model [Paper presentation]. Instituttional Colloquium, Wuppertal, Germany.

GREIFF, S., HERBORN, K., SCHWEITZER, N., & MUSTAFIC, M. (14 June 2016). Validating PISA 2015 collaborative problem solving [Paper presentation]. Invited speech at the PISA Governing Board Meeting, Paris, France.

MUSTAFIC, M., NIEPEL, C., & GREIFF, S. (March 2016). Wie entstehen domänenübergreifende Fähigkeiten und Selbstkonzepte? Prädiktoren des Problemlöseselbstkonzepts [Paper presentation]. 4th Conference of the German Association of Empirical Educational Research (GEBF), Berlin, Germany.

Neubert, J., Lans, T., MUSTAFIC, M., GREIFF, S., & Ederer, P. (2016). Complex problem solving in a changing world. Bridging domain-specific and transversal competence demands in vocational education. In M. Mulder & J. Winterton (Eds.), Competence-based vocational and professional education. The Springer series Education for the changing world of work. Heidelber, Germany: Springer.
Peer reviewed

HERBORN, K., MUSTAFIC, M., & GREIFF, S. (04 November 2015). Validating the PISA 2015 collaborative problem solving approach [Paper presentation]. COSA - LUCET Colloquium, Luxembourg.

Griffin, P., GREIFF, S., Care, E., MUSTAFIC, M., & KRKOVIC, K. (September 2015). ATC21S and OECD PISA. Comparative approaches to the assessment of collaborative problem solving in Germany and Australia [Paper presentation]. Focal Meeting of the World Education Research Association, Budapest, Hungary.

MUSTAFIC, M., NIEPEL, C., & GREIFF, S. (September 2015). Die Rolle von Geschlecht und Selbstkonzept in der komplexen Problemlösefähigkeit [Paper presentation]. 13th Conference on Differential Psychology and Assessment of the German Psychological Association, Mainz, Germany.

HERBORN, K., MUSTAFIC, M., & GREIFF, S. (September 2015). Validating the PISA 2015 collaborative problem solving approach [Poster presentation]. 1st Symposium of the University of the Greater Region, Luxembourg.

MUSTAFIC, M., Krkovic, K., Greiff, S., Kupianien, S., Vainkainen, M.-P., & Hautamäki, J. (August 2015). Student gender impacts teachers' diagnostic competence [Paper presentation]. 16th Biennal Conference of the Euoropean Association for Research on Learning and Instruction.

NIEPEL, C., MUSTAFIC, M., & GREIFF, S. (August 2015). Examining the formation of students’ intellectual self-concept and problem-solving self-concept within the revisited internal/external frame of reference model [Paper presentation]. 8th SELF Biennial International Conference, Kiel, Germany.

Krkovic, K., MUSTAFIC, M., & GREIFF, S. (July 2015). Challenges of constructing and validating innovative assessments. The example of collaborative problem solving [Paper presentation]. 13th European Conference of Psychological Assessment, Zurich, Switzerland.

HERDE, C., MUSTAFIC, M., & GREIFF, S. (06 June 2015). MicroDYN and MicroFIN [Paper presentation]. Invited Speech at the University of Leuven, Belgium.

MUSTAFIC, M., NIEPEL, C., & GREIFF, S. (April 2015). Gender differences in complex problem solving. Females outperform males in knowledge acquisition, males outperform females in knowledge application [Paper presentation]. 7th Szeged Workshop on Educational Evaluation, Szeged, Hungary.

Krkovic, K., MUSTAFIC, M., & GREIFF, S. (April 2015). The role of visual-spacial thinking in complex problem solving simulations [Paper presentation]. 7th Szeged Workshop on Educational Evaluation, Szeged, Hungary.

NIEPEL, C., MUSTAFIC, M., GREIFF, S., Petway, K. T., & Roberts, R. D. (11 March 2015). Die ‚Dunkle Seite der Kreativität’: Sagt Kreativität negative Veränderungen im ethischen Entscheiden von Schülerinnen und Schülern vorher? [Paper presentation]. 3rd Conference of the German Association of Empirical Educational Research (GEBF), Bochum, Germany.

NIEPEL, C., MUSTAFIC, M., GREIFF, S., & Roberts, R. D. (2015). The dark side of creativity revisited: Is students’ creativity associated with subsequent decreases in their ethical decision making? Thinking Skills and Creativity, 18, 43-52. doi:10.1016/j.tsc.2015.04.005
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Schneider, M., & MUSTAFIC, M. (2015). Hochschuldidaktik als quantitativ-empirische Wissenschaft. In M. Schneider & M. MUSTAFIC (Eds.), Gute Hochschullehre: Eine evidenzbasierte Orientierungshilfe. Heidelberg, Unknown/unspecified: Springer.

MUSTAFIC, M. (2015). Geben heisst leben. In J. Nikitin & M. Hennecke (Eds.), 100 psychologische Denkfallen: Warum wir hinterher meinen, es vorher besser gewusst zu haben. Weinheim, Unknown/unspecified: Beltz.

MUSTAFIC, M., & MAINERT, J. (2015). How to solve problems in an increasingly complex world: The research group computer-based assessment at the University of Luxembourg and some of its current topics.

Schwarz, S., MUSTAFIC, M., & Junker, S. (2015). Romantic partner or sibling? Attachment hierarchies of twin and non-twin siblings. Interpersona, 9 (2), 169-183. doi:10.5964/ijpr.v9i2.195
Peer reviewed

MUSTAFIC, M. (2015). Gefährlich? Kauf ich! In J. Nikitin & M. Hennecke (Eds.), 100 psychologische Denkfallen: Warum wir hinterher meinen, es vorher besser gewusst zu haben. Weinheim, Unknown/unspecified: Beltz.

MUSTAFIC, M. (2015). Grau und weise. In J. Nikitin & M. Hennecke (Eds.), 100 psychologische Denkfallen: Warum wir hinterher meinen, es vorher besser gewusst zu haben. Weinheim, Unknown/unspecified: Beltz.

MUSTAFIC, M. (2015). Bitte, bitte. In J. Nikitin & M. Hennecke (Eds.), 100 psychologische Denkfallen: Warum wir hinterher meinen, es vorher besser gewusst zu haben. Weinheim, Unknown/unspecified: Beltz.

Schneider, M., & MUSTAFIC, M. (Crit. Eds.). (2015). Good academic teaching: an evidence based course. Heidelberg, Germany: Springer.

MUSTAFIC, M. (2015). Diener zweier Herren. In J. Nikitin & M. Hennecke (Eds.), 100 psychologische Denkfallen: Warum wir hinterher meinen, es vorher besser gewusst zu haben. Weinheim, Unknown/unspecified: Beltz.

MUSTAFIC, M. (2015). Eiskalte Stimmung. In J. Nikitin & M. Hennecke (Eds.), 100 psychologische Denkfallen: Warum wir hinterher meinen, es vorher besser gewusst zu haben. Weinheim, Unknown/unspecified: Beltz.

MUSTAFIC, M. (2015). Bin ich schön? In J. Nikitin & M. Hennecke (Eds.), 100 psychologische Denkfallen: Warum wir hinterher meinen, es vorher besser gewusst zu haben. Weinheim, Unknown/unspecified: Beltz.

MUSTAFIC, M. (April 2014). Deconfounding Ownership and Liking. How Large is the Endowment Effect for Objects People Own, but Don’t Like? [Poster presentation]. 56th Conference of Experimental Psychologists (TEAP), Gießen, Germany.

MUSTAFIC, M., & Freund, A. M. (2013). Age-related differences in evaluating developmental stability. International Journal of Behavioral Development, 37 (4), 376-386. doi:10.1177/0165025413490866
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MUSTAFIC, M., & Freund, A. M. (September 2012). Changing conceptualization of stability across the lifespan [Paper presentation]. 8th International Conference on Conceptual Change, Trier, Germany.

MUSTAFIC, M., & Freund, A. M. (September 2012). Multidimensionality of developmental conceptions [Paper presentation]. 49th Congress of the German Psychological Society, Bielefeld, Germany.

MUSTAFIC, M., & Freund, A. M. (June 2012). Multidimensionality in Developmental Conceptions Across Adulthood. GeroPsych: Journal of Gerontopsychology and Geriatric Psychiatry, 25 (2), 57-72. doi:10.1024/1662-9647/a000055
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MUSTAFIC, M., & Freund, A. M. (21 February 2012). Means or outcomes? Goal orientation predicts process and outcome focus. European Journal of Developmental Psychology, 9 (4), 493-499. doi:10.1080/17405629.2012.661411
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MUSTAFIC, M., & Freund, A. M. (February 2012). Conceptions of stability and change across the lifespan: processes and implications for development [Paper presentation]. Invited Presentation, Jena, Germany.

MUSTAFIC, M. (2012). When stability turns into gain: Changes in evaluations of developmental outcomes across adulthood [Doctoral thesis, University of Zurich]. ORBilu-University of Luxembourg.

Freund, A. M., Hennecke, M., & MUSTAFIC, M. (2012). On means and ends: Goal orientation and goal focus across adulthood. In R. M. Ryan (Ed.), The Oxford handbook of human motivation (pp. 280-302). Oxford, United Kingdom: Oxford University Press. doi:10.1093/oxfordhb/9780195399820.013.0016
Peer reviewed

MUSTAFIC, M., & Freund, A. M. (December 2010). Age-related differences in subjective conceptions of gains and losses across the lifespan [Paper presentation]. Fundamentals of Human Development and Aging, Heidelberg, Germany.

MUSTAFIC, M., & Freund, A. M. (September 2010). Alters- und Bereichsunterschiede in der Erwartung und Beeinflussbarkeit von Verlusten [Poster presentation]. 47th Congress of the German Psychological Society, Bremen, Germany.

MUSTAFIC, M., & Freund, A. M. (May 2010). Improvement for the younger – Maintenance for the old: Two sides of the same coin? [Paper presentation]. LIFE Max Planck Research School Academy, Charlottesville, United States.

Schwarz, S., MUSTAFIC, M., Hassebrauck, M., & Jörg, J. (2010). Short- and Long-Term Relationship Orientation and 2D:4D Finger-Length Ratio. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 40 (3), 565-574. doi:10.1007/s10508-010-9698-9
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MUSTAFIC, M., & Freund, A. M. (October 2009). Association between goal orientation and the means as well as the outcomes of a goal [Poster presentation]. LIFE Max Planck Research School Academy, Ann Arbor, United States.

MUSTAFIC, M., & Freund, A. M. (September 2009). Zeit und Ziele: Welche Rolle spielen Zeitorientierung und Zeitperspektive für die Repräsentation von Mitteln und Ergebnissen der Zielverfolgung? [Paper presentation]. Conference for Developmental Psychology, Hildesheim, Germany.

MUSTAFIC, M., & Freund, A. M. (August 2009). Mittel oder Zweck? Präferenz für Prozess vs. Ergebnisfokus in Abhängigkeit der Orientierung auf Veränderung vs. Beibehaltung [Poster presentation]. Motivation Psychology Colloquium, Zurich, Switzerland.

MUSTAFIC, M., & Freund, A. M. (April 2009). Does goal orientation affect the salience of the means or the outcomes of a goal - Preliminary results [Poster presentation]. LIFE Max Planck Research School Academy, Zurich, Switzerland.

MUSTAFIC, M., & Freund, A. M. (October 2008). Does goal orientation affect the salience of the means or the outcomes of a goal [Poster presentation]. LIFE Max Planck Research School Academy, Berlin, Germany.

Schwarz, S., MUSTAFIC, M., & Hassabrauck, M. (July 2008). Digit ratio (2D:4D) and short-term mating orientation [Paper presentation]. 29th International Congress of Psychology, Berlin, Germany.

MUSTAFIC, M., & Freund, A. M. (July 2008). Wanting more is not always better: Associations of goal-orientation with age, outcome vs. process focus, and subjective indicators of well-being [Poster presentation]. 29th International Congress of Psychology, Berlin, Germany.

MUSTAFIC, M. (2007). Biologische und Psychologische Determinanten der Beziehungsorientierung bei Männern: Eine Mediationsanalyse [Bachelor/master dissertation, University of Wuppertal]. ORBilu-University of Luxembourg.

MUSTAFIC, M. (n.d.). Perceptions of Developmental Stability. In Encyclopedia of Human Lifespan Development. Thousand Oaks, Unknown/unspecified: SAGE.
Peer reviewed

HERBORN, K., STADLER, M., MUSTAFIC, M., & GREIFF, S. (n.d.). Collaborative Problem Solving in PISA 2015: Can ComputerAgents Replace Humans? Computers in Human Behavior.
Peer reviewed

HERBORN, K., MUSTAFIC, M., & GREIFF, S. (n.d.). Computer-Based Collaborative Problem Solving in PISA 2015 and the Role of the Big Five.

HERBORN, K., STADLER, M., MUSTAFIC, M., & GREIFF, S. (n.d.). The Assessment of Collaborative Problem Solving in PISA 2015: An Investigation of the Validity of the PISA 2015 CPS Tasks.

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