SKY, A., Neunteufel, M., HALE, J., & ZILIAN, A. (01 November 2023). A Reissner-Mindlin plate formulation using symmetric Hu-Zhang elements via polytopal transformations. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 416, 116291. doi:10.48550/arXiv.2305.17249 Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
MAZIER, A., El Hadramy, S., Brunet, J.-N., HALE, J., Cotin, S., & BORDAS, S. (2023). SOniCS: Develop intuition on biomechanical systems through interactive error controlled simulations. Engineering with Computers. doi:10.1007/s00366-023-01877-w Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
BULLE, R., HALE, J., Lozinski, A., BORDAS, S., & Chouly, F. (01 February 2023). Hierarchical a posteriori error estimation of Bank-Weiser type in the FEniCS Project. Computers and Mathematics with Applications, 131, 103-123. doi:10.1016/j.camwa.2022.11.009 Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
Gansen, A., Hennicker, J., Sill, C., Dheur, J., HALE, J., & BALLER, J. (2023). Melt Instability Identification Using Unsupervised Machine Learning Algorithms. Macromolecular Materials and Engineering, 2200628. doi:10.1002/mame.202200628 Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
BULLE, R., Barrera, O., BORDAS, S., Chouly, F., & HALE, J. (2023). An a posteriori error estimator for the spectral fractional power of the Laplacian. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 407, 115943. doi:10.1016/j.cma.2023.115943 Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
MAZIER, A., Bilger, A., Forte, A. E., Peterlik, I., HALE, J., & BORDAS, S. (2022). Inverse deformation analysis: an experimental and numerical assessment using the FEniCS Project. Engineering with Computers. doi:10.1007/s00366-021-01597-z Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
HALE, J., Schenone, E., BAROLI, D., BEEX, L., & BORDAS, S. (01 July 2021). A hyper-reduction method using adaptivity to cut the assembly costs of reduced order models. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 380, 113723. doi:10.1016/j.cma.2021.113723 Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
Lee, C., Natarajan, S., HALE, J., Taylor, Z. A., Lee, J.-J., & BORDAS, S. (19 April 2021). Bubble-Enriched Smoothed Finite Element Methods for Nearly-Incompressible Solids. Computer Modeling in Engineering and Sciences, 127 (2), 411-436. doi:10.32604/cmes.2021.014947 Peer reviewed |
FARINA, S., Claus, S., HALE, J., SKUPIN, A., & BORDAS, S. (22 March 2021). A cut finite element method for spatially resolved energy metabolism models in complex neuro-cell morphologies with minimal remeshing. Advanced Modeling and Simulation in Engineering Sciences, 8, 5. doi:10.1186/s40323-021-00191-8 Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
REHOR, M., GANSEN, A., Sill, C., Polińska, P., Westermann, S., Dheur, J., BALLER, J., & HALE, J. (December 2020). A comparison of constitutive models for describing the flow of uncured styrene-butadiene rubber. Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics, 286, 104398. doi:10.1016/j.jnnfm.2020.104398 Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
BULLE, R., Chouly, F., HALE, J., & Lozinski, A. (September 2020). Removing the saturation assumption in Bank-Weiser error estimator analysis in dimension three. Applied Mathematics Letters, 107, 106429. doi:10.1016/j.aml.2020.106429 Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
GANSEN, A., REHOR, M., Sill, C., Polinska, P., Westermann, S., Dheur, J., HALE, J., & BALLER, J. (19 December 2019). Investigation of the Sharkskin melt instability using optical Fourier analysis. Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 137 (24), 48806. doi:10.1002/app.48806 Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
RAPPEL, H., BEEX, L., HALE, J., Noels, L., & BORDAS, S. (2019). A Tutorial on Bayesian Inference to Identify Material Parameters in Solid Mechanics. Archives of Computational Methods in Engineering, 1-25. doi:10.1007/s11831-018-09311-x Peer reviewed |
Ortiz-Bernardin, A., Köbrich, P., HALE, J., Olate-Sanzana, E., BORDAS, S., & Natarajan, S. (01 November 2018). A volume-averaged nodal projection method for the Reissner-Mindlin plate model. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 341, 827-850. doi:10.1016/j.cma.2018.07.023 Peer reviewed |
HALE, J., Brunetti, M., BORDAS, S., & Maurini, C. (15 October 2018). Simple and extensible plate and shell finite element models through automatic code generation tools. Computers and Structures, 209, 163-181. doi:10.1016/j.compstruc.2018.08.001 Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
HAUSEUX, P., HALE, J., Cotin, S., & BORDAS, S. (2018). Quantifying the uncertainty in a hyperelastic soft tissue model with stochastic parameters. Applied Mathematical Modelling, 62, 86-102. doi:10.1016/j.apm.2018.04.021 Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
HAUSEUX, P., HALE, J., & BORDAS, S. (20 December 2017). Calculating the Malliavin derivative of some stochastic mechanics problems. PLoS ONE, 12 (12), 0189994. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0189994 Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
Atroshchenko, E., HALE, J., Videla, J. A., Potapenko, S., & BORDAS, S. (October 2017). Micro-structured materials: inhomogeneities and imperfect interfaces in plane micropolar elasticity, a boundary element approach. Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements, 83, 195-203. doi:10.1016/j.enganabound.2017.07.023 Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
HALE, J., Li, L., Richardson, C. N., & Wells, G. N. (2017). Containers for portable, productive and performant scientific computing. Computing in Science and Engineering. doi:10.1109/MCSE.2017.2421459 Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
HAUSEUX, P., HALE, J., & BORDAS, S. (01 May 2017). Accelerating Monte Carlo estimation with derivatives of high-level finite element models. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 318, 917-936. doi:10.1016/j.cma.2017.01.041 Peer reviewed |
Lee, C.-K., Mihai, L. A., HALE, J., Kerfriden, P., & BORDAS, S. (01 April 2017). Strain smoothed for compressible and nearly-incompressible finite elasticity. Computers and Structures, 182, 540-555. doi:10.1016/j.compstruc.2016.05.004 Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
Ortiz-Benardin, A., HALE, J., & Cyron, C. J. (March 2015). Meshfree volume-averaged nodal projection method for nearly-incompressible elasticity using meshfree and bubble basis functions. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 285, 427-451. doi:10.1016/j.cma.2014.11.018 Peer reviewed |
Shuohui, Y., HALE, J., Yu, T., Bui, T. Q., & BORDAS, S. (December 2014). Isogeometric locking-free plate element: a simple first order shear deformation theory for functionally graded plates. Composite Structures, 118, 121-138. doi:10.1016/j.compstruct.2014.07.028 Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
HALE, J., & Baiz, P. M. (2012). A locking-free meshfree method for the simulation of shear-deformable plates based on a mixed variational formulation. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 241-244, 311-322. doi:10.1016/j.cma.2012.06.010 Peer reviewed |
HABERA, M., & HALE, J. (06 June 2023). Assessing the performance of the FEniCS Project on Graviton3 [Paper presentation]. UL HPC School, Luxembourg, Luxembourg. |
HALE, J. (01 June 2021). The FEniCS Project (SOFA Talk) [Paper presentation]. SOFA Technical Committee Meeting. |
FARINA, S., Claus, S., HALE, J., VOORSLUIJS, V., SKUPIN, A., & BORDAS, S. (May 2021). Mechanistic modelling of astrocytic metabolism in physiological geometries reveals spatiotemporal effects potentially driving neurodegeneration [Paper presentation]. DTU DRIVEN Colloquium. |
REHOR, M., & HALE, J. (22 March 2021). Dynamic composition of solvers for coupled problems in DOLFINx [Paper presentation]. FEniCS 2021. |
HAUSEUX, P., HALE, J., & BORDAS, S. (September 2017). Uncertainty Quantification (Monte Carlo methods) - Sensitivity Analysis - Biomechanics [Paper presentation]. Legato Team seminar. |
HAUSEUX, P., HALE, J., & BORDAS, S. (February 2017). Uncertainty Quantification - Sensitivity Analysis / Biomechanics [Paper presentation]. Groupe de Travail, Besançon, France. |
SUTULA, D., AGATHOS, K., ZIAEI RAD, V., Francis, A., Natarajan, S., HALE, J., & BORDAS, S. (December 2016). Numerical methods for fracture/cutting of heterogeneous materials [Paper presentation]. Computational Sciences for Medicine Workshop 2016 Dec 12-14 Luxembourg, Luxembourg. |
HAUSEUX, P., HALE, J., & BORDAS, S. (09 May 2016). Propagating uncertainty using FE advanced Monte-Carlo methods: application to non- linear hyperelastic models [Paper presentation]. internal report. |
RAPPEL, H., BEEX, L., HALE, J., & BORDAS, S. (04 February 2016). An introduction to Bayesian inference for material parameter identification [Paper presentation]. Kick off meeting for STOMMMAC project, Mont-Saint-Guibert, Belgium. |
HALE, J., Farrell, P., & BORDAS, S. (21 October 2015). Using Bayes' theorem to infer the material parameters of human soft tissue [Paper presentation]. Bayesian Afternoon, Ghent, Belgium. |
HALE, J., Farrell, P. E., & BORDAS, S. (01 July 2015). A Bayesian inversion approach to recovering material parameters in hyperelastic solids using dolfin-adjoint [Paper presentation]. FEniCS 15, London, United Kingdom. |
SCHENONE, E., HALE, J., BEEX, L., & BORDAS, S. (16 April 2015). Reduced order methods [Paper presentation]. RUES seminar. |
BORDAS, S., Kerfriden, P., BEEX, L., HALE, J., & Atroshchenko, E. (25 November 2014). Multiscale computational mechanics: industrial applications [Paper presentation]. WORKSHOP MODELISATION & SIMULATION NUMERIQUE : Applications, Enjeux, Besoins, Interactions Laboratoires/Entreprises, Nancy, Institut Elie Cartan, France. |
BEEX, L., BORDAS, S., RAPPEL, H., & HALE, J. (14 October 2014). Discrete Multiscale Modelling and Future Research Plans concerning Metals [Paper presentation]. ArcelorMittal Steel Forming Network Seminar 'Numerical Methods', Metz, France. |
BEEX, L., BORDAS, S., RAPPEL, H., & HALE, J. (14 October 2014). Discrete Multiscale Modelling and Future Research Plans concerning Metals (presentation) [Paper presentation]. ArcelorMittal Steel Forming Network Seminar 'Numerical Methods', Metz, France. |
HALE, J. (10 July 2014). An overview of our research directions in advanced discretisation methods for PDEs [Paper presentation]. Saarland University, Saarbrucken, Germany. |
HALE, J., BORDAS, S., Kerfriden, P., Ródenas García, J. J., Ortiz Benardin, A., Cyron, C. J., & Baiz, P. M. (28 May 2014). Direct image-analysis methods for surgical simulation and mixed meshfree methods [Paper presentation]. Invited seminar at Université Pierre-et-Marie-Curie, Paris, France. |
BORDAS, S., Kerfriden, P., HALE, J., Akbari, A., Goury, O., & Lian, H. (12 May 2014). Reducing the Mesh-burden and Computational Expense in Multi-scale Free Boundary Engineering Problems [Paper presentation]. I3MS Seminar Series 20140512, Aachen, Germany. |
BORDAS, S., Kerfriden, P., HALE, J., Akbari, A., Goury, O., Lian, H., & Sutula, D. (23 April 2014). Model and mesh-burden reduction for multiscale fracture: applications to polycrystals, delamination and surgical simulation [Paper presentation]. Hannover Seminar, Hannover, Germany. |
HALE, J., BORDAS, S., & Kerfriden, P. (10 April 2014). From image to analysis: an extended finite element method to simulate the mechanical response of soft-tissue [Paper presentation]. RUES Research Seminar 2014, Luxembourg. |
HALE, J. (31 October 2013). Meshless Methods for the Reissner-Mindlin Plate Problem based on Mixed Variational Forms [Paper presentation]. Invited Seminar, Santiago, Chile. |
SKY, A., Michael, N., HALE, J., & ZILIAN, A. (2024). Eine schubversteifungsfreie Formulierung der Reissner Mindlin Platte anhand Hu-Zhang Elemente. In Baustatik – Baupraxis 15 (pp. 367-374). Hamburg, Germany: Institut für Baustatik, Technische Universität Hamburg. Editorial reviewed |
HALE, J., Farrel, P. E., & BORDAS, S. (2016). Bayesian statistical inference on the material parameters of a hyperelastic body. In Proceedings of the ACME-UK 2016 24th Conference on Computational Mechanics. |
HALE, J., BORDAS, S., Kerfriden, P., & Juan José Ródenas, G. (2014). Parallel simulations of soft-tissue using an adaptive quadtree/octree implicit boundary finite element method. In 11th. World Congress on Computational Mechanics. Peer reviewed |
HALE, J., Harris, A., Li, Q., & Houchens, B. C. (2008). The fluid mechanics of membrane filtration. ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, Proceedings, 8 PART A, 63-67. doi:10.1115/IMECE2007-43656 |
LATYSHEV, A., Bleyer, J., HALE, J., & Maurini, C. (February 2024). A framework for expressing general constitutive models in FEniCSx [Paper presentation]. CSMA 2024, Giens, France. Editorial reviewed |
MINGO NDIWAGO, D., LEY, C., & HALE, J. (15 December 2023). Using optimal transport to assess the impact of prior choice on Bayesian parameter inference in dynamical systems [Paper presentation]. 16th International Conference of the ERCIM WG on Computational and Methodological Statistics and 17th International Conference on Computational and Financial Econometrics, Berlin, Germany. |
Bulle, R., Barrera, O., BORDAS, S., Chouly, F., & HALE, J. (06 June 2023). An a posteriori error estimator for the spectral fractional power of the Laplacian [Paper presentation]. Large-Scale Scientific Computations, Sozopol, Bulgaria. |
MINGO NDIWAGO, D., Nijzink, R., LEY, C., SCHYMANSKI, S., & HALE, J. (24 April 2023). Thermodynamic integration via Replica Exchange Hamiltonian Monte Carlo for faster sampling and model comparison [Paper presentation]. EGU General Assembly, Vienna, Austria. doi:10.5194/egusphere-egu23-2910 |
MINGO NDIWAGO, D., Nijzink, R., LEY, C., SCHYMANSKI, S., & HALE, J. (25 January 2023). Using replica exchange Hamiltonian Monte Carlo and thermodynamic integration for comparison of dynamic rainfall-runoff models [Paper presentation]. Luxembourg-Waseda Conference on Modelling and Inference for Complex Data, Belval, Luxembourg. |
SALEHIAN GHAMSARI, S., VAN DAM, T., & HALE, J. (2023). Towards assimilating SAR data into an anisotropic model of an underground aquifer [Paper presentation]. The European Geosciences Union (EGU) General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria. |
MAZIER, A., El Hadramy, S., Brunet, J.-N., HALE, J., Cotin, S., & BORDAS, S. (August 2022). SOniCS: Interfacing SOFA and FEniCS for advanced constitutive models [Paper presentation]. FEniCS 2022. |
MINGO NDIWAGO, D., Nijzink, R., LEY, C., SCHYMANSKI, S., & HALE, J. (05 June 2022). Using Bayes factors to compare dynamical models of hydrological systems [Paper presentation]. 5th International Conference on Econometrics and Statistics (EcoSta 2022), Kyoto, Japan. |
MAZIER, A., Bilger, A., Forte, A., Peterlik, I., HALE, J., & BORDAS, S. (July 2020). Inverse simulation for retrieving the undeformed position for hyperelastic materials : application to breast simulations [Paper presentation]. WCCM 2020, Paris, France. |
BULLE, R., BORDAS, S., Chouly, F., Lozinski, A., & HALE, J. (July 2020). Practical aspects of the Bank-Weiser estimator implementation and Biomechanics applications [Paper presentation]. 14th WCCM and ECCOMAS Congress, Paris, France. |
HAUSEUX, P., HALE, J., BULLE, R., Chouly, F., Lozinski, A., & BORDAS, S. (23 July 2018). Uncertainty Quantification in Finite Element Models:Application to SoftTissue Biomechanics [Paper presentation]. 13th World Congress in Computational Mechanics (WCCM XIII). |
HABERA, M., ZILIAN, A., HALE, J., Richardson, C., Blechta, J., & Dave, D. (21 March 2018). XDMF and ParaView: checkpointing format [Paper presentation]. FEniCS 2018 conference, Oxford, United Kingdom. |
HALE, J., HAUSEUX, P., & BORDAS, S. (08 January 2018). Using higher-order adjoints to accelerate the solution of UQ problems with random fields [Poster presentation]. Key UQ methodologies and motivating applications, Cambridge, United Kingdom. |
BAROLI, D., BEEX, L., HALE, J., & BORDAS, S. (10 March 2017). Reduced basis Nitsche-based domain decomposition: a biomedical application [Paper presentation]. Applications of Model Order Reduction Methods in Industrial Research and Development. |
RAPPEL, H., BEEX, L., HALE, J., & BORDAS, S. (12 December 2016). Bayesian inference for parameter identification in computational mechanics [Poster presentation]. Computational Sciences for Medicine Workshop, Luxembourg, Luxembourg. |
BAROLI, D., HAUSEUX, P., HALE, J., & BORDAS, S. (12 December 2016). Image to analysis pipeline: single and double balloons kyphoplasty [Poster presentation]. Residential Workshop on Computational Sciences for Medical Simulation. |
HALE, J., Farrell, P., & BORDAS, S. (12 December 2016). Elastography under uncertainty [Poster presentation]. Computational Sciences for Medicine Modelling and Simulation for Surgery, Luxembourg, Luxembourg. |
HAUSEUX, P., HALE, J., & BORDAS, S. (December 2016). Uncertainty quantification for soft tissue biomechanics [Poster presentation]. Computational Sciences for Medicine Workshop 2016 Dec 12-14 Luxembourg. |
RAPPEL, H., BEEX, L., HALE, J., & BORDAS, S. (07 September 2016). Bayesian inference for material parameter identification in elastoplasticity [Paper presentation]. European Mechanics of Materials Conference (EMMC15), Brussels, Belgium. |
HAUSEUX, P., HALE, J., & BORDAS, S. (September 2016). Stochastic FE analysis of brain deformation with different hyper-elastic models [Paper presentation]. Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering, Tel Aviv, Israel. |
BEEX, L., Schenone, E., & HALE, J. (27 June 2016). POD-based reduction methods, the Quasicontinuum Method and their Resemblance [Paper presentation]. Advanced Problems in Mechanics, St Petersburg, Russia. |
RAPPEL, H., BEEX, L., HALE, J., & BORDAS, S. (09 June 2016). A Bayesian approach for parameter identification in elastoplasticity [Paper presentation]. ECCOMAS Congress 2016, Crete Island, Greece. |
ZIAEI RAD, V., HALE, J., Maurini, C., & BORDAS, S. (08 June 2016). Phase field approach to fracture: Towards the simulation of cutting soft tissues [Paper presentation]. European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering. |
RAPPEL, H., BEEX, L., HALE, J., & BORDAS, S. (June 2016). A Bayesian approach for parameter identification in elastoplasticity [Paper presentation]. ECCOMAS Congress 2016, Crete Island, Greece. |
Schenone, E., HALE, J., & BEEX, L. (June 2016). POD-based Reduction Methods, the Quasicontinuum Method and their Resemblance [Paper presentation]. Advanced Problems in Mechanics, St Petersburg, Russia. |
HAUSEUX, P., HALE, J., & BORDAS, S. (June 2016). Efficient propagation of uncertainty through an inverse non-linear deformation model of soft tissue [Paper presentation]. European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering. |
Weir, P., Ellerweg, R., & HALE, J. (May 2016). Orchestrating clinical simulations with FEniCS [Paper presentation]. FEniCS Conference 2016. |
HAUSEUX, P., HALE, J., & BORDAS, S. (May 2016). Propagating uncertainty through a non-linear hyperelastic model using advanced Monte-Carlo methods [Paper presentation]. The FEniCS'16 workshop, Oslo, Norway. |
HALE, J., Farrell, P., & BORDAS, S. (2016). Using Bayesian inference to recover the material parameters of a heterogeneous hyperelastic body [Paper presentation]. 2016 European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering, Crete, Greece. |
BAROLI, D., BORDAS, S., BEEX, L., & HALE, J. (2016). Reduced order method combined with domain decomposition [Paper presentation]. Recent developments in numerical methods for model reduction. |
Schenone, E., HALE, J., BEEX, L., & BORDAS, S. (2016). Reducing non-linear PDEs using a reduced integration proper orthogonal decomposition method [Paper presentation]. FEniCS Conference 2016, Oslo, Norway. |
HALE, J., Farrel, P. E., & BORDAS, S. (July 2015). Hyperelastic Elastography in a Large-Scale Bayesian Inversion Setting [Paper presentation]. 13th US National Congress on Computational Mechanics, San Diego, United States. |
Ziael-Rad, V., HALE, J., Maurini, C., & BORDAS, S. (July 2015). Large scale phase field model of fracture and cutting in soft tissues [Paper presentation]. 2016 European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering, Crete, Greece. |
Brunetti, M., HALE, J., BORDAS, S., & Maurini, C. (01 July 2015). fenics-shells: a UFL-based library for simulating thin structures [Paper presentation]. FEniCS 15, London, United Kingdom. |
HALE, J., Li, L., & Wells, G. N. (29 June 2015). FEniCS in Linux Containers [Poster presentation]. FEniCS 15, London, United Kingdom. doi:10.6084/m9.figshare.1472955 |
BORDAS, S., Kerfriden, P., HALE, J., BEEX, L., Atroshchenko, E., & Rabczuk, T. (November 2014). Cardiff/Luxembourg Computational Mechanics Research Group [Poster presentation]. EU-US Frontiers of Engineering, Seattle, United States - Washington. |
HALE, J. (24 July 2014). Meshfree methods for shear-deformable structures based on mixed weak forms [Paper presentation]. PhD Olympiad at the 11th. World Congress on Computational Mechanics, Barcelona, Spain. |
Ortiz, A., HALE, J., & Cyron, C. J. (21 July 2014). Meshfree volume-averaged nodal projection methods for incompressible media problems [Paper presentation]. 11th. World Congress on Computational Mechanics, Barcelona, Spain. |
HALE, J., BORDAS, S., Peng, X., Atroshchenko, E., & Lian, H. (24 June 2014). Stress analysis, damage tolerance assessment and shape optimisation without meshing [Poster presentation]. 1st International Workshop on Software Solutions for ICME, Rolduc Abbey, Netherlands. |
HALE, J., Ortiz Benardin, A., & Cyron, C. J. (03 April 2014). Meshfree volume-averaged nodal pressure methods for incompressible elasticity [Paper presentation]. 22nd ACME Conference on Computational Mechanics, Exeter, United Kingdom. |
HALE, J., BORDAS, S., Kerfriden, P., & Ródenas García, J. J. (03 April 2014). An enriched quadtree/octree implicit boundary finite element method for the simulation of incompressible hyperelastic materials [Paper presentation]. 22nd ACME Conference on Computational Mechanics, Exeter, United Kingdom. |
HALE, J., & Baiz, P. M. (September 2013). A Meshless Method for the Reissner-Mindlin Plate Equations based on a Stabilized Mixed Weak Form [Paper presentation]. European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering, Vienna, Austria. |
HALE, J., & Baiz, P. M. (March 2013). Towards Effective Shell Modelling with the FEniCS Project [Paper presentation]. FEniCS Workshop 2013, Cambridge, United Kingdom. |
HALE, J., & Baiz, P. M. (June 2012). Rapid Testing of Stabilised Finite Element Formulations for the Reissner-Mindlin Plate Problem using the FEniCS Project [Paper presentation]. FEnicS@Imperial, London, United Kingdom. |
HALE, J., & Baiz, P. M. (2012). Maximum-Entropy Meshfree Method for the Reissner-Mindlin Plate Problem based on a Stabilised Mixed Weak Form [Paper presentation]. Associated of Computational Mechanics in Engineering UK Annual Conference, Manchester, United Kingdom. |
HALE, J., & Baiz, P. M. (June 2011). Simulation of Shear Deformable Plates using Meshless Maximum Entropy Basis Functions [Paper presentation]. ECCOMAS Thematic Conference on the Extended Finite Element Method (XFEM), Cardiff, United Kingdom. |
HALE, J., Li, Q., Harris, A., & Houchens, B. (May 2007). Mathematical Modelling of Flux Decline due to Concentration Polarisation and Cake Layer Formation in Crossflow Filtration Systems [Paper presentation]. North American Membrane Society Annual Conference, Orlando, United States - Florida. |
HALE, J. (Ed.). (2017). Proceedings of the FEniCS Conference 2017. Figshare. doi:10.6084/m9.figshare.5086369.v2 |
HALE, J. (2013). Meshless methods for shear-deformable beams and plates based on mixed weak forms [Postdoctoral thesis & other thesis, Imperial College London]. ORBilu-University of Luxembourg. |
HAUSEUX, P., HALE, J., & BORDAS, S. (n.d.). Solving the stochastic Burgers equation with a sensitivity derivative-driven Monte Carlo method. doi:10.6084/m9.figshare.3561306 |
BORDAS, S., HALE, J., BEEX, L., RAPPEL, H., Kerfriden, P., Goury, O., & Akbari, A. (2015). Multi-scale methods for fracture: model learning across scales, digital twinning and factors of safety
: primer on Bayesian Inference [Paper presentation]. EMPA High-performance Multiscale-Scale Day, Dübendorf, Switzerland. |