
BUSANA Gilbert

University of Luxembourg > Faculty of Humanities, Education and Social Sciences (FHSE) > Department of Education and Social Work (DESW) > Teaching and Learning

Main Referenced Co-authors
REUTER, Robert  (31)
MARTIN, Romain  (23)
Latour, Thibaud (7)
MEYERS, Christian  (7)
Reeff, Alain (7)
Main Referenced Keywords
Educational Technology (8); teacher education (4); university admissions (4); Assessment (3); BScE (3);
Main Referenced Unit & Research Centers
Faculty of Language and Literature, Humanities, Arts and Education (FLSHASE) > Luxembourg Centre for Educational Testing (LUCET) (1)
Main Referenced Disciplines
Education & instruction (48)
Social & behavioral sciences, psychology: Multidisciplinary, general & others (12)
Theoretical & cognitive psychology (3)
Engineering, computing & technology: Multidisciplinary, general & others (2)
Arts & humanities: Multidisciplinary, general & others (1)

Publications (total 63)

The most downloaded
BUSANA, G. (2001). Facteurs associés à l’intégration stratégique des TIC par le personnel enseignant [Bachelor/master dissertation, Université de Sherbrooke]. ORBilu-University of Luxembourg.

The most cited

3 citations (Scopus®)

PIT-TEN CATE, I., RIVAS, S., & BUSANA, G. (11 May 2021). Increasing the diversity of the teacher workforce: Socio-political challenges to reducing inequalities in access to teacher education programs. Frontiers in Education, 6. doi:10.3389/feduc.2021.685113

IVANISHCHENKO, K., BUSANA, G., & REUTER, R. A. P. (27 March 2024). Understanding factors affecting fundamental school teachers' use of technology in Luxembourg through a survey study. Heliyon, 10 (7), 28704. doi:10.1016/j.heliyon.2024.e28704
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KREIS, Y., RIVAS, S., & BUSANA, G. (23 February 2024). Unlocking Excellence: The Transformative Power of the Flipped Classroom in Initial Teacher Training [Paper presentation]. Advancing Competence in Teaching for student success: Teaching Day, Esch-sur-Alzette, Luxembourg.

REUTER, R. A. P., KREIS, Y., & BUSANA, G. (23 February 2024). Unleashing Pedagogical Innovation: Design Projects in Initial Teacher Training [Paper presentation]. Advancing Competence in Teaching for student success: Teaching Day, Esch-sur-Alzette, Luxembourg.

AREND, B.* , TORABIAN, J.* , GREVISSE, C.* , SUNNEN, P.* , & BUSANA, G.*. (2023). Digital Technologies and Online Learning in Higher Education (Luxembourg). In Bloomsbury Education and Childhood Studies. London, United Kingdom: Blloomsbury Publishing. doi:10.5040/9781350887176.025
Peer reviewed
* These authors have contributed equally to this work.

PIT-TEN CATE, I., RIVAS, S., & BUSANA, G. (01 March 2023). Diversifikation im Klassenzimmer – ein Einwegspiegel? [Paper presentation]. Zehnte Tagung der Gesellschaft für Empirische Bildungsforschung, Essen, Germany.

REUTER, R., Reeff, A., & BUSANA, G. (2023). Internships in Times of Crisis: Collaborative Production of Instructional Videos at a Distance. In M. Willemse (Ed.), EAPRIL 2022 CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS (Issue 8, pp. 133-142). EAPRIL.

IVANISHCHENKO, K., BUSANA, G., & REUTER, R. (2023). Value of Technology in Education: Exploring Factors Associated with Value Beliefs of Fundamental School Teachers in Luxembourg through a Survey Study. Proceedings of EdMedia + Innovate Learning.
Peer reviewed

REUTER, R., Reeff, A., & BUSANA, G. (24 November 2022). Internships in Times of Crisis: Collaborative production of instructional videos at a distance [Paper presentation]. 16th Annual Conference of the European Association for Practitioner Research on Improving Learning, Nijmegen, Netherlands.

BUSANA, G., PONCELET, D., Reeff, A., & RIVAS, S. (2021). Factsheet No 7 Luxemburgs Studiengang zur Ausbildung von Grundschullehrerinnen und -lehrern: Zulassungen zum BScE über ein Jahrzehnt. In Luxembourg Centre for Educational Testing (LUCET) & Service de Coordination de la Recherche et de l‘Innovation pédagogiques et technologiques (SCRIPT) (Eds.), Nationaler Bildungsbericht Luxemburg 2021 (pp. 190-191). Esch-sur-Alzette, Luxembourg: University of Luxembourg. doi:10.48746/bb2021lu-de-37a
Peer reviewed

BUSANA, G., PONCELET, D., Reeff, A., & RIVAS, S. (2021). Luxembourg’s Fundamental School Teacher Training Programme: A Decade of Admissions at the BScE (Integral Version). In Luxembourg Centre for Educational Testing (LUCET) & Service de Coordination de la Recherche et de l’Innovation pédagogiques et technologiques (SCRIPT) (Eds.), Luxembourg National Education Report 2021 (pp. 1-12). Esch-sur-Alzette, Luxembourg: University of Luxembourg. doi:10.48746/BB2021LU-EN-37B
Peer reviewed

BUSANA, G., PONCELET, D., Reeff, A., & RIVAS, S. (2021). Factsheet No 7 Le programme de formation des enseignant(e)s du fondamental au Luxembourg. une décennie d’admissions au BScE. In Luxembourg Centre for Educational Testing (LUCET) & Service de Coordination de la Recherche et de l’Innovation pédagogiques et technologiques (SCRIPT) (Eds.), Rapport national sur l’éducation au Luxembourg 2021 (pp. 190-191). Esch-sur-Alzette, Luxembourg: University of Luxembourg. doi:10.48746/bb2021lu-fr-37
Peer reviewed

REUTER, R., & BUSANA, G. (07 December 2021). Create Digital Games for Education: a tool to create digital learning games in your classroom [Paper presentation]. Video Games as a Field for Multidisciplinary Research, Belval, Luxembourg.

RIVAS, S., PONCELET, D., Reeff, A., & BUSANA, G. (02 September 2021). Luxembourg Perspectives on Pre-Service Teacher Motivation: What Factors Influence the Choice of Becoming a Teacher, Perseverance and Success? [Paper presentation]. 15th Conference of the European Sociological Association, Barcelona, Spain.

PIT-TEN CATE, I., RIVAS, S., & BUSANA, G. (11 May 2021). Increasing the diversity of the teacher workforce: Socio-political challenges to reducing inequalities in access to teacher education programs. Frontiers in Education, 6. doi:10.3389/feduc.2021.685113
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REUTER, R., Reeff, A., & BUSANA, G. (13 November 2020). Formation à la pratique d’enseignement en temps de crise sanitaire: Conception, production et diffusion de vidéos pédagogiques à distance [Paper presentation]. 4e colloque international, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium.

KREIS, Y., Haas, B., REUTER, R., MEYERS, C., & BUSANA, G. (2020). Reflections on our teaching activities in the initial teacher training during the COVID-19 crisis: From “onsite classes” to “schooling at home”. In G. MEIN & J. PAUSE (Eds.), Self and Society in the Corona Crisis: Perspectives from the Humanities and Social Sciences. Esch-sur-Alzette, Luxembourg: Melusina Press. doi:10.26298/c4j7-5x48

Parmentier, Y., REUTER, R., Higuet, S., Kataja, L., KREIS, Y., Duflot-Kremer, M., Laduron, C., MEYERS, C., BUSANA, G., Weinberger, A., & Denis, B. (23 June 2020). PIAF: Developing Computational and Algorithmic Thinking in Fundamental Education. Proceedings of EdMedia + Innovate Learning, 2020 (1), 315-322.
Peer reviewed

BUSANA, G., Denis, B., Duflot-Kremer, M., Higuet, S., Kataja, L., KREIS, Y., Laduron, C., MEYERS, C., Parmentier, Y., REUTER, R., & Weinberger, A. (06 February 2020). PIAF : développer la Pensée Informatique et Algorithmique dans l'enseignement Fondamental [Poster presentation]. Didapro 8 – DidaSTIC: L’informatique, objets d’enseignements – enjeux épistémologiques, didactique et de formation, Lille, France.

REUTER, R., & BUSANA, G. (27 November 2019). Dreaming of Constructivist Technology Integration Strategies in Future Teacher Students [Paper presentation]. EAPRIL 2019 Conference: Meaningful Learning in Different Settings, Tartu, Estonia.

BUSANA, G., & REUTER, R. (22 November 2019). Au-delà du cours magistral: Vers des apprentissages autonomes et collaboratifs basés sur de « grandes questions » [Paper presentation]. 3ème colloque de l’AUPTIC, Fribourg, Switzerland.

BUSANA, G., & REUTER, R. (23 November 2018). Préparer les futurs enseignants à l’utilisation stratégique des TICE: Une approche par projet [Paper presentation]. Colloque 2018, Bienne, Switzerland.

REUTER, R., & BUSANA, G. (13 November 2018). Moving beyond the Lecture: Towards Collaborative Inquiry-Based Learning with Big Questions [Paper presentation]. EAPRIL 2018 Conference: Education & Learning sans frontières, Portoroz, Slovenia.

REUTER, R., MEYERS, C., & BUSANA, G. (10 January 2018). Evaluation à l’ère du numérique: continuité ou rupture? [Paper presentation]. ADMEE2019, Esch-sur-Alzette, Luxembourg.

PERE, M., LALLEMAND, C., BUSANA, G., SCHILTZ, C., FISCHBACH, A., & KOENIG, V. (2018). Enjeux soulevés par la technologie dans l’évaluation de compétences [Paper presentation]. 30e colloque de l’ADMEE-Europe, Esch-sur-Alzette, Luxembourg.

REUTER, R., & BUSANA, G. (01 December 2017). Preparing Future Teachers for Strategic Uses of Educational Technology: A Project-Based Approach [Paper presentation]. EAPRIL 2017 Conference: Inspired by the visions of future education and learning, Hämeenlinna, Finland.

PONCELET, D., Kloos, P., & BUSANA, G. (2017). La formation initiale des enseignants de l’enseignement fondamental au Grand-Duché de Luxembourg : un bachelor de quatre années au sein de l’Université du Luxembourg. Administration et Education, 154 (2), 157-163.
Peer reviewed

REUTER, R., BUSANA, G., & Linckels, S. (23 November 2016). Exploring the uses of ICT in education: A national survey study [Paper presentation]. 11th Annual Conference of the European Association for Practitioner Research on Improving Learning, Porto, Portugal.

REUTER, R., & BUSANA, G. (06 September 2016). The use of iPads in Kindergarten: An exploratory survey study [Paper presentation]. ALT Annual Conference: Connect, Collaborate, Create, Warwick, United Kingdom.

SCHREIBER, C., SIRY, C., REUTER, R., BRENDEL, M., & BUSANA, G. (03 September 2015). Problematizing science as a primary school discipline: Learning from contingencies and diversities [Poster presentation]. ESERA2015: 11th biannual Conference of the European Science Education Research Association, Helsinki, Finland.

REUTER, R., & BUSANA, G. (2015). Project Based Learning - A Teaser [Paper presentation]. eTwinning Contact Seminar: Tackling lack of pupil motivation, risk of school dropout and low basic skill achievement through European projects, Luxembourg, Luxembourg.

REUTER, R., & BUSANA, G. (2014). “Alter Wein in neuen Schläuchen?” Zum strategischen Einsatz von mobilen Technologien im Unterricht [Paper presentation]. 2. P@d-Day: Mobile Unterrichtstechnologie – praktisch, Saarbrücken, Germany.

REUTER, R., & BUSANA, G. (2014). Vers une intégration stratégique des technologies digitales à l’école [Paper presentation]. Weekend Pédagogique, Weiskirschen, Germany.

KELLER, U., FRANÇOIS, E., FISCHBACH, A., BUSANA, G., KOENIG, V., DOUBLET, S., KOCH, W., & MARTIN, R. (January 2014). Die Online-Testplattform OASYS [Paper presentation]. Scientific exchange, Kiel, Germany.

REUTER, R., & BUSANA, G. (27 September 2013). Enhancing University Students’ Learning, Engagement and Satisfaction in a Blended Learning Environment: An Action Research Study [Paper presentation]. Empirische Bildungsforschung und evidenzbasierte Reformen im Bildungswesen, Dortmund, Germany.

DOUBLET, S., KOENIG, V., BUSANA, G., & BATTISTI, S. (2012). Human scoring in CBA [Paper presentation]. TAO Days Conference 2012, Berlin, Germany.

MARTIN, R., BUSANA, G., & Latour, T. (2009). Vers une architecture de testing assisté par ordinateur pour l'évaluation des acquis scolaires dans les systèmes éducatifs orientés sur les résultats. In J.-G. Blais (Ed.), Évaluation des apprentissages et technologies de l’information et de la communication: Enjeux, applications et modèles de mesure (pp. 13-34). Québec, Canada: Les Presses de l'Université Laval.

Höppner, K. D. C., BUSANA, G., MAX, C., & REUTER, R. (2009). Integrating ICT in Pre-service Teacher Training. Proceedings of World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia and Telecommunications 2009, 1958-1963.
Peer reviewed

KELLER, U., MARTIN, R., REICHERT, M., BRUNNER, M., & BUSANA, G. (2008). A Nation-Wide Computer-based School Monitoring Program. International Journal of Psychology, 43, 104.
Peer reviewed

BOLL, T., FABER, T., BUSANA, G., MARTIN, R., & Latour, T. (2008). Student's Competence in Systemic Thinking Related to Climate Change: Computer-Assisted Approach Based on Concept Maps. International Journal of Psychology, 43, 248.
Peer reviewed

Plichart, P., BUSANA, G., MARTIN, R., & Latour, T. (2008). Computer Based School System Monitoring with Feedback to Teachers. Proceedings of World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia and Telecommunications 2008, 2008 (1), 5065-5070.
Peer reviewed

MARTIN, R., KELLER, U., REICHERT, M., SCHANDELER, I., BUSANA, G., Latour, T., & KOENIG, V. (2008). A web-based system for the evaluation of information processing strategies in the domain of scientific literacy. XXIX International Congress of Psychology.
Peer reviewed

BUSANA, G., KOENIG, V., MARTIN, R., Latour, T., Plichart, P., & Jadoul, R. (2008). A web-based quality control system for assessment processes. International Journal of Psychology, 43, 266.
Peer reviewed

BUSANA, G., MARTIN, R., & LANGERS, C. (2008). A web-based system for mathematical problem understanding and solving. International Journal of Psychology, 43, 729.
Peer reviewed

Plichart, P., BUSANA, G., MARTIN, R., & Latour, T. (2008). Computer-Based School System Monitoring with Feedback to Teachers. Proceedings of World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia and Telecommunications.

Latour, T., MARTIN, R., Plichart, P., Jadoul, R., BUSANA, G., & Swietlik-Simon, J. (2008). TAO: Paving the Way New Assessment Instruments using an open and versatile Computer-Based Platform. International Journal of Psychology, 43, 729.
Peer reviewed

MEYERS, C., BUSANA, G., LANGERS, C., PONCELET, D., MARTIN, R., DIERENDONCK, C., MEYERS, C., & Noesen, M. (2008). L'école luxembourgeoise aux luxembourgeois ? In La place de l'école dans la société luxembourgeoise de demain. Brussels, Belgium: De Boeck.

BUSANA, G., & MARTIN, R. (2008). Les TIC comme support au développement de stratégies de résolution de problèmes en mathématiques. Les Cahiers de la Section des sciences de l'éducation. Pratiques et théorie, 27-28, 95-102.

BUSANA, G., REUTER, R., & SCHANDELER, I. (2008). ICT enriched learning environments at the University of Luxembourg [Paper presentation]. 2nd E-Learning Conference of the Charter SarLorLux.

KREIS, Y., BUSANA, G., & MEYERS, C. (2008). Negative Zahlen in der Grundschule. In É. Vásárhelyi (Ed.), Beiträge zum Mathematikunterricht 2008 (pp. 537-540). Münster, Germany: WTM-Verlag. doi:10.17877/DE290R-11535

MARTIN, R., Latour, T., BURTON, R., BUSANA, G., & Vandenabeele, L. (2006). TAO: Several use cases of a collaborative, internet-based computer-assisted testing platform. In Proceedings of world conference on educational multimedia, hypermedia and telecommunications 2006 (pp. 2216-2221). VA: AACE.

REUTER, R., BUSANA, G., & MARTIN, R. (2005). Analyse des besoins 2 pour le projet 'e-Learning pour les langues' de Quattropole (French manuscript). Université du Luxembourg.

REUTER, R., BUSANA, G., & MARTIN, R. (2005). Analyse des besoins pour le projet 'e-Learning pour les langues' de Quattropole (French manuscript). Université du Luxembourg.

REUTER, R., BUSANA, G., & MARTIN, R. (01 March 2005). Analyse des besoins pour le projet "e-learning pour les langues" de Quattropole [Paper presentation]. Quattropole Meeting, Luxembourg, Luxembourg.

MARTIN, R., Latour, T., BURTON, R., BUSANA, G., & Vandenabeele, L. (2005). Covering Different Levels of Evaluation Needs by an Internet-Based Computer-Assisted Testing Framework for Collaborative Distributed Test Development and Delivery. Proceedings of World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia and Telecommunications.

BUSANA, G., & MARTIN, R. (2005). CAMPUS: a generic framework for Computer Assisted Mathematical Problem Understanding and Solving. Proceedings of the world conference on educational media, hypermedia and telecommunications 2005, 3032-3034.

MARTIN, R., Latour, T., BURTON, R., BUSANA, G., & Vandenabeele, L. (2005). Une plateforme collaborative et ouverte de testing assisté par ordinateur permettant l'élaboration et la passation d'instruments d'évlauation par voie d'Internet 18e Colloque international de l'ADMEE-Europe:"Comment évaluer?Outils,dispositifs et acteurs". Actes du 18e colloque de l’ADMEE-Europe Reims 2005: Comment évaluer? Outils, dispositifs, acteurs.
Peer reviewed

MARTIN, R., Latour, T., BURTON, R., BUSANA, G., & Vandenabeele, L. (2005). TAO: eine kollaborative Platform für Internet-basiertes Testen Tagung der Sektion Empirische Bildungsforschung der DGfE.

REUTER, R., BUSANA, G., & MARTIN, R. (2005). Apprentissage des langues via Internet [Paper presentation]. Université Européenne d'été de la recherche et des innnovations pour apprendre tout au long de la vie, Archamps, France.

BURTON, R., BUSANA, G., HOUSSEMAND, C., Latour, T., MARTIN, R., Merche, J.-F., REICHERT, M., REUTER, R., SCHANDELER, I., Tholl, M., & Vandenabeele, L. (2005). Computer Assisted Scientific Competencies Assessment and Dynamic Evaluation CASCADE. Walferdange, Luxembourg: Université du Luxembourg.

BURTON, R., BUSANA, G., HOUSSEMAND, C., Jadoul, R., Latour, T., MARTIN, R., Plichart, P., REUTER, R., & Vandenabeele, L. (2005). Outils d’évaluation délivrés par Internet. Walferdange, Luxembourg: Université du Luxembourg.

BUSANA, G., & MEYERS, C. (2001). L'Université du Luxembourg: nécessité ou utopie? Luxemburger Wort.

BUSANA, G. (2001). Facteurs associés à l’intégration stratégique des TIC par le personnel enseignant [Bachelor/master dissertation, Université de Sherbrooke]. ORBilu-University of Luxembourg.

BUSANA, G. (1999). Das Erstellen eines Programmes zum Lösen von mathematischen Sachaufgaben mit Hilfe der Pfeilsprache auf dem Computer (MSPC) [Bachelor/master dissertation, Institut Supérieur d’Etudes et de Recherches Pédagogiques]. ORBilu-University of Luxembourg.

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