

Main Referenced Co-authors
DE BRES, Julia  (9)
GILLES, Peter  (4)
de Bres, Julia (1)
WILLE, Christian  (1)
Main Referenced Keywords
Luxembourg (2); border area (1); cross-border worker (1); Cross-border workers (1); frontaliers (1);
Main Referenced Disciplines
Languages & linguistics (11)
Arts & humanities: Multidisciplinary, general & others (2)
Anthropology (1)
Human geography & demography (1)
Regional & inter-regional studies (1)

Publications (total 12)

The most downloaded
WILLE, C., DE BRES, J., & FRANZISKUS, A. (2012). Interkulturelle Arbeitswelten in Luxemburg. Mehrsprachigkeit und kulturelle Vielfalt am Arbeitsplatz von Grenzgängern. Interculture Journal, 11 (17), 73-91.

The most cited

21 citations (OpenAlex)

DE BRES, J., & FRANZISKUS, A. (2014). Multilingual practices of university students and changing forms of multilingualism in Luxembourg. International Journal of Multilingualism, 11 (1), 62-75. doi:10.1080/14790718.2013.831098

FRANZISKUS, A., & DE BRES, J. (2015). Language profiles and practices of cross-border workers in Luxembourg. ORBilu-University of Luxembourg.

DE BRES, J., & FRANZISKUS, A. (2014). Multilingual practices of university students and changing forms of multilingualism in Luxembourg. International Journal of Multilingualism, 11 (1), 62-75. doi:10.1080/14790718.2013.831098
Peer reviewed

FRANZISKUS, A. (2013). Getting by in a multilingual workplace: The language practices, ideologies and norms of cross-border workers in Luxembourg [Doctoral thesis, Unilu - University of Luxembourg]. ORBilu-University of Luxembourg.

FRANZISKUS, A., DE BRES, J., & GILLES, P. (2013). ‘I learnt English – the wrong thing, eh’ – power, interests and language practices among cross-border workers in Luxembourg. In H. KOFF, C. SCHULZ, ... P. GILLES (Eds.), Theorising Power through Analyses of Border Relationships. Switzerland: Peter Lang.

FRANZISKUS, A., DE BRES, J., & GILLES, P. (2013). ‘I learnt English – the wrong thing, eh’ – power, interests and language practices among cross-border workers in Luxembourg. In H. KOFF, C. SCHULZ, ... P. GILLES (Eds.), Theorising Power through Analyses of Border Relationships. Switzerland: Peter Lang.

FRANZISKUS, A., de Bres, J., & GILLES, P. (2013). ‘I learnt English – the wrong thing, eh’. Power, Interests and Language Practices among Cross-border Workers in Luxembourg. In P. GILLES, H. KOFF, C. MAGANDA, ... C. SCHULZ (Eds.), Theorizing Borders Through Analyses of Power Relationships (pp. 249-270). Peter Lang.
Peer reviewed

DE BRES, J., & FRANZISKUS, A. (2012). Grensarbeiders, meertaligheid en het gebruik van Luxemburgs op het werk in Luxembourg. In De Internationalisering van de Vlaamse Rand Rond Brussel [Internationalisation of the Periphery of Brussels] (pp. 234-257). Brussels, Unknown/unspecified: ASP (Academic & Scientific Publishers).

FRANZISKUS, A., & DE BRES, J. (2012). Les pratiques linguistiques des frontaliers au Luxembourg: focalisation sur leur utilisation du luxembourgeois. In R. Belkacem & I. Pigeron-Piroth (Eds.), Le travail frontalier au sein de la Grande Région Saar-Lor-Lux: pratiques, enjeux et perspectives (pp. 129-149). Lorraine, Unknown/unspecified: Presses Universitaires de Lorraine.

FRANZISKUS, A., & DE BRES, J. (2012). Les pratiques linguistiques des frontaliers au Luxembourg: focalisation sur leur utilisation du luxembourgeois. In R. Belkacem & I. PIGERON (Eds.), Le travail frontalier : pratiques, enjeux et perspectives. Nancy, Unknown/unspecified: Presses Universitaires de Nancy.

FRANZISKUS, A., & GILLES, P. (2012). ‘Et le präis direct etikett?’ Non-overlapping repertoires in workplace communication in Luxembourg. Sociolinguistica, 26, 58 - 71.
Peer reviewed

WILLE, C., DE BRES, J., & FRANZISKUS, A. (2012). Interkulturelle Arbeitswelten in Luxemburg. Mehrsprachigkeit und kulturelle Vielfalt am Arbeitsplatz von Grenzgängern. Interculture Journal, 11 (17), 73-91.
Peer reviewed

DE BRES, J., & FRANZISKUS, A. (2011). Les frontaliers du Luxembourg. Représentations négatives et stratégies de réponse. In A. Koukoutsaki-Monnier (Ed.), Proceedings of conference ‘Représentations du transfrontalier’, 16-17 septembre 2010, Mulhouse, France (pp. 201-212). Mulhouse, France: Université de Haute Alsace.

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