

Main Referenced Co-authors
BELLING, Luc  (4)
Holmes, Janet (3)
CICOTTI, Claudio  (2)
DEMBECK, Till  (2)
Main Referenced Keywords
Luxembourg (8); multilingualism (5); language ideologies (4); language policy (3); Cross-border workers (2);
Main Referenced Disciplines
Languages & linguistics (36)
Arts & humanities: Multidisciplinary, general & others (5)
Human geography & demography (2)
Regional & inter-regional studies (2)
Anthropology (1)

Publications (total 38)

The most downloaded
DE BRES, J. (2010). Attitudes of non-Maori New Zealanders towards the use of Maori in New Zealand English. New Zealand English Journal, 24, 1-13.

The most cited

74 citations (OpenAlex)

BELLING, L., & DE BRES, J. (27 March 2014). Digital superdiversity in Luxembourg: The role of Luxembourgish in a multilingual Facebook group. Discourse, Context and Media, 4-5 (2014), 74-86. doi:10.1016/j.dcm.2014.03.002

DE BRES, J. (2017). Friend or foe? The discourse of the rise of English in Luxembourg. Forum für Politik, Gesellschaft und Kultur in Luxemburg, (December), p. 54-56.

DE BRES, J. (2017). Singing is the first thing that came into my head: Emotions and language maintenance among Filipino migrants in New Zealand. In M. Marra & P. Warren, Linguist at Work. Festschrift for Janet Holmes (pp. 140-161). Wellington, New Zealand: VUW Press.
Peer reviewed

Roger, G., & DE BRES, J. (2017). Langues de France et Charte européenne des langues régionales ou minoritaires: inventaire critique des arguments anti-ratification. Sociolinguistic Studies, 11 (1), 131-152. doi:10.1558/sols.31098
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DE BRES, J. (2016). Cross-border workers and linguistic mobility. Forum für Politik, Gesellschaft und Kultur in Luxemburg.

BELLING, L., DE BRES, J., CICOTTI, C., DEMBECK, T., DI FELICE, P., GLESENER, J., KMEC, S., MILLIM, A.-M., PETTIAU, H., PRÜM, A., SCHALL, C., & VARGA, M. (2016). Representations and Projections. In C. WILLE, R. RECKINGER, S. KMEC, ... M. HESSE (Eds.), Spaces and Identities in Border Regions. Politics – Media – Subjects (pp. 141-146). Bielefeld, Germany: transcrit.
Peer reviewed

DE BRES, J. (2016). Multilingual advertising and regionalization in Luxembourg. In C. WILLE, R. RECKINGER, S. KMEC, ... M. HESSE (Eds.), Spaces and Identities in Border Regions. Politics - Media - Subjects (pp. 146-157). Bielefeld, Germany: transkript.
Peer reviewed

DE BRES, J., & BELLING, L. (2015). Free Your Stuff Luxembourg! Language policies, practices and ideologies in a multilingual Facebook group. Language Policy, 14 (4), 357-375. doi:10.1007/s10993-014-9341-z
Peer reviewed

DE BRES, J. (2015). The hierarchy of minority languages in New Zealand. Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development. doi:10.1080/01434632.2015.1009465
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WILLE, C., DE BRES, J., & Franziskus, A. (2015). Intercultural work environments in Luxembourg. Multilingualism and cultural diversity among cross-border workers at the workplace. ORBilu-University of Luxembourg.

DE BRES, J. (2015). Multilingualism in advertising and a shifting balance of languages in Luxembourg. ORBilu-University of Luxembourg.

DE BRES, J. (2015). Introduction: Language policies on social network sites. Language Policy, 14 (4), 309-314. doi:10.1007/s10993-015-9368-9
Peer reviewed

DE BRES, J. (2015). Language policies on social network sites. Language Policy.
Peer reviewed

FRANZISKUS, A., & DE BRES, J. (2015). Language profiles and practices of cross-border workers in Luxembourg. ORBilu-University of Luxembourg.

BELLING, L., DE BRES, J., CICOTTI, C., DEMBECK, T., DI FELICE, P., GLESENER, J., KMEC, S., MILLIM, A.-M., PETTIAU, H., PRÜM, A., SCHALL, C., & VARGA, M. (2014). Repräsentationen und Projektionen. In C. WILLE, R. RECKINGER, S. KMEC, ... M. HESSE (Eds.), Räume und Identitäten in Grenzregionen. Politiken – Medien – Subjekte (pp. 137-143). Bielefeld, Germany: transcript.
Peer reviewed

DE BRES, J. (2014). Mehrsprachige Werbung und Regionalisierung in Luxemburg. In C. WILLE, R. RECKINGER, S. KMEC, ... M. HESSE (Eds.), Räume und Identitäten in Grenzregionen. Politiken – Medien – Subjekt (pp. 143-156). Bielefeld, Germany: transcript.
Peer reviewed

BELLING, L., & DE BRES, J. (27 March 2014). Digital superdiversity in Luxembourg: The role of Luxembourgish in a multilingual Facebook group. Discourse, Context and Media, 4-5 (2014), 74-86. doi:10.1016/j.dcm.2014.03.002
Peer reviewed

DE BRES, J. (2014). Competing language ideologies about societal multilingualism among cross-border workers in Luxembourg. International Journal of the Sociology of Language, 227, 119-137. doi:10.1515/ijsl-2013-0091
Peer reviewed

DE BRES, J., & FRANZISKUS, A. (2014). Multilingual practices of university students and changing forms of multilingualism in Luxembourg. International Journal of Multilingualism, 11 (1), 62-75. doi:10.1080/14790718.2013.831098
Peer reviewed

DE BRES, J. (2013). Language ideologies for constructing inclusion and exclusion: identity and interest in the metalinguistic discourse of cross-border workers in Luxembourg. In E. Barat, P. Studer, ... J. Nekvapil (Eds.), Ideological Conceptualisations of Language: Discourses of Linguistic Diversity (pp. 57-83). Frankfurt, Unknown/unspecified: Peter Lang.

FRANZISKUS, A., DE BRES, J., & GILLES, P. (2013). ‘I learnt English – the wrong thing, eh’ – power, interests and language practices among cross-border workers in Luxembourg. In H. KOFF, C. SCHULZ, ... P. GILLES (Eds.), Theorising Power through Analyses of Border Relationships. Switzerland: Peter Lang.

FRANZISKUS, A., DE BRES, J., & GILLES, P. (2013). ‘I learnt English – the wrong thing, eh’ – power, interests and language practices among cross-border workers in Luxembourg. In H. KOFF, C. SCHULZ, ... P. GILLES (Eds.), Theorising Power through Analyses of Border Relationships. Switzerland: Peter Lang.

DE BRES, J., & FRANZISKUS, A. (2012). Grensarbeiders, meertaligheid en het gebruik van Luxemburgs op het werk in Luxembourg. In De Internationalisering van de Vlaamse Rand Rond Brussel [Internationalisation of the Periphery of Brussels] (pp. 234-257). Brussels, Unknown/unspecified: ASP (Academic & Scientific Publishers).

FRANZISKUS, A., & DE BRES, J. (2012). Les pratiques linguistiques des frontaliers au Luxembourg: focalisation sur leur utilisation du luxembourgeois. In R. Belkacem & I. Pigeron-Piroth (Eds.), Le travail frontalier au sein de la Grande Région Saar-Lor-Lux: pratiques, enjeux et perspectives (pp. 129-149). Lorraine, Unknown/unspecified: Presses Universitaires de Lorraine.

FRANZISKUS, A., & DE BRES, J. (2012). Les pratiques linguistiques des frontaliers au Luxembourg: focalisation sur leur utilisation du luxembourgeois. In R. Belkacem & I. PIGERON (Eds.), Le travail frontalier : pratiques, enjeux et perspectives. Nancy, Unknown/unspecified: Presses Universitaires de Nancy.

WILLE, C., DE BRES, J., & FRANZISKUS, A. (2012). Interkulturelle Arbeitswelten in Luxemburg. Mehrsprachigkeit und kulturelle Vielfalt am Arbeitsplatz von Grenzgängern. Interculture Journal, 11 (17), 73-91.
Peer reviewed

Holmes, J., & DE BRES, J. (2011). Ethnicity and humour in the workplace. In M. Handford & J. P. Gee (Eds.), Handbook of Discourse Analysis (pp. 494-508). Routledge.

DE BRES, J., & FRANZISKUS, A. (2011). Les frontaliers du Luxembourg. Représentations négatives et stratégies de réponse. In A. Koukoutsaki-Monnier (Ed.), Proceedings of conference ‘Représentations du transfrontalier’, 16-17 septembre 2010, Mulhouse, France (pp. 201-212). Mulhouse, France: Université de Haute Alsace.

DE BRES, J. (2011). Promoting the Māori language to non-Māori: evaluating the New Zealand government’s approach. Language Policy, (10), 361-376. doi:10.1007/s10993-011-9214-7
Peer reviewed

DE BRES, J. (2011). A review of research on the attitudes of non-Maori New Zealanders towards the Maori language. New Zealand Studies in Applied Linguistics, 17 (2), 5-19.
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DE BRES, J. (2010). Promoting a minority language to majority language speakers: television advertising about the Maori language targeting non-Maori New Zealanders. Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development, 31 (6), 515-529. doi:10.1080/01434632.2010.515988
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DE BRES, J. (2010). Attitudes of non-Maori New Zealanders towards the use of Maori in New Zealand English. New Zealand English Journal, 24, 1-13.
Peer reviewed

DE BRES, J., Holmes, J., Marra, M., & Vine, B. (2010). Kia ora matua: Humour and the Maori language in the workplace. Journal of Asian Pacific Communication, 20 (1), 46-68.
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DE BRES, J. (2009). The behaviours of non-Maori New Zealanders towards the Maori language. Te Reo, 52, 17-45.
Peer reviewed

DE BRES, J., Holmes, J., Joe, A., Marra, M., Newton, J., Riddiford, N., & Vine, B. (2009). Language in the Workplace Project and Workplace Communication for Skilled Migrants course at Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand. Language Teaching, 42 (4), 519-524. doi:10.1017/S0261444809990061

DE BRES, J. (2008). Planning for tolerability in New Zealand, Wales and Catalonia. Current Issues in Language Planning, 9 (4), 464-482. doi:10.1080/14664200802354435
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DE BRES, J. (2007). Using workplaces to research attitudes and behaviours towards the Maori language in Wellington. Wellington Working Papers in Linguistics, 19, 65-82.

DE BRES, J. (2006). Maori lexical items in the mainstream television news in New Zealand. New Zealand English Journal, 20, 17-34.
Peer reviewed

DE BRES, J. (2004). Intergenerational attitudes towards Dutch language maintenance in New Zealand. Wellington Working Papers in Linguistics, 16, 1-20.

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