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Berry Curvature Spectroscopy from Bloch Oscillations
DE BEULE, Christophe; Mele, Eugene John


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arXiv version - under peer review

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Abstract :
[en] We demonstrate that the Berry curvature of an isolated Bloch miniband in two-dimensional superlattices can be probed by the dressed linear optical response when a uniform static field is applied to the system. In particular, when the static field is sufficiently strong such that full Bloch oscillations occur before the crystal momentum relaxes to equilibrium, the optical response of the dressed system becomes resonant at the Bloch frequencies. The latter are in the THz regime when the superlattice periodicity is of the order of 10 nm. Using a band-projected semiclassical theory, we define a dressed optical conductivity and find that the height of the resonances in the dressed Hall conductivity are proportional to the Fourier components of the Berry curvature. We illustrate our results with a low-energy model on an effective honeycomb lattice.
Disciplines :
Author, co-author :
DE BEULE, Christophe ;  University of Luxembourg > Faculty of Science, Technology and Medicine (FSTM) > Department of Physics and Materials Science (DPHYMS) ; University of Pennsylvania - Penn > Department of Physics and Astronomy
Mele, Eugene John;  University of Pennsylvania - Penn > Department of Physics and Astronomy
Language :
Title :
Berry Curvature Spectroscopy from Bloch Oscillations
Publication date :
Focus Area :
Physics and Materials Science
FnR Project :
FNR16515716 - Electronic States And Responses In Moiré Heterostructures, 2021 (14/03/2022-13/03/2023) - Christophe De Beule
Funders :
FNR - Fonds National de la Recherche
U.S. Department of Energy - DoE (DE-FG02-84ER45118)
Commentary :
under peer review
Available on ORBilu :
since 21 June 2023


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