Gender Differences in Young Adults’ Mathematical Performance: Examining the Contribution of Working Memory, Math Anxiety and Gender-related Stereotypes
Vos, Helene; MARINOVA, Mila; Léonet al.
2023 • In Learning and Individual Differences, 102 (102255)
gender differences; mathematical performance; working memory; math anxiety; gender-related stereotypes
Abstract :
[en] Gender differences have been widely reported for mathematical performance tests such as basic arithmetic tests and more complex tests such as the cognitive reflection test. The current study examined which factors could explain these gender differences. Young adults (N = 189; 18-35 years) performed an arithmetic test and cognitive reflection test. Subsequently, it was examined to which extent gender differences on these tests could be explained by verbal and visuo-spatial working memory, explicit and implicit gender-related stereotypes and math anxiety. Results showed that women scored significantly lower than men on the arithmetic and cognitive reflection tests. A mediation analysis demonstrated that the relation between gender and arithmetic performance was partially mediated by math anxiety and explicit gender-related stereotypes. Furthermore, results showed that math anxiety fully mediated the relation between gender and cognitive reflection. These results demonstrate that math anxiety plays a key role in the relation between gender and mathematical performance.
Disciplines :
Education & instruction
Author, co-author :
Vos, Helene; Leiden University > Educational Sciences, Institute of Education and Child Studies
MARINOVA, Mila ; University of Luxembourg > Faculty of Humanities, Education and Social Sciences (FHSE) > Department of Behavioural and Cognitive Sciences (DBCS)
Léon; Universidad de La Laguna > Department of Developmental and Educational Psychology, Faculty of Psychology and Speech Therapy
Sasanguie, Delphine; KU Leuven > Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences @ Kulak
Reynvoet; KU Leuven > Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences @ Kulak
External co-authors :
Language :
Title :
Gender Differences in Young Adults’ Mathematical Performance: Examining the Contribution of Working Memory, Math Anxiety and Gender-related Stereotypes
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