Doctoral thesis (Dissertations and theses)
Self-Organizing Cellulose Nanorods: From the fundamental physical chemistry of self-assembly to the preparation of functional films


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Keywords :
cellulose nanocrystals; colloids; fractionation
Abstract :
[en] Cellulose nanocrystals (CNCs), nanorods isolated by acid hydrolysis from cellulose sources, be- long to a selective type of functional biomaterials. The intriguing ability of these nanoparticles to self-organize and develop a chiral nematic liquid crystal phase when suspended in aqueous suspensions, is increasing interest regardless of the diverse range of research fields. Unfortu- nately (or fortunately, for this thesis), pristine CNCs are always disperse, with great variations in rod length within a single sample. Of particular interest is the fractionation of CNC rods by separation of the coexisting phases: isotropic phase from the liquid crystalline (LC) part. Since the aspect ratio is considered to be the critical parameter that dictates the particle fraction at which cholesteric-isotropic phase separation starts, it is expected that the high aspect ratio rods will separate from low aspect ratio rods, and this is indeed what I found in this thesis. By a systematic repetition of separation of phases, I could reach a quality of separation of long from short rods that is remarkable. The fractionation procedure was then improved by varying the equilibrium phase volume fraction at which the phases were separated, reducing with this new procedure the multiple separations from five cycles to only one. The onset of liquid crystallinity was drastically reduced in the long rod fraction and the decrease in the threshold for complete liquid crystallinity was even stronger. The mass fraction threshold at which gelation of the CNC suspension is triggered is not at all affected by the fractionation. Since gelation is a percolation phenomenon, the expectation was that also the onset of gelation would move to lower mass fractions, but this remained at about the same value. Together with the shift to lower mass fractions of the cholesteric liquid crystal phase formation we have thus opened access to a whole new range of the equilibrium phase diagram, where the full sample is cholesteric yet not gelled. I demonstrate that the critical parameter for inducing gelation is in fact not the fraction of CNC, but the concentration of counterions in the solution. This suggests that the gelation is more complex than direct percolation between individual CNC rods, and instead is related to loss of colloidal stability due to reduced electrostatic screening. I also show that the behavior of key parameters, such as the period of the helical modulation, so-called pitch, that is characteristic of the cholesteric phase, is very different in the range of phase coexistence compared to the range of complete liquid crystallinity. In addition, I found that the dependence of the pitch on CNC mass fraction has less to do with the size of the nanorods but rather than with the variation of effective volume fraction as a result of more rods in the suspension or higher counterion concentration. I corroborate this hypothesis by adding different amounts of salt to CNC suspensions of varying mass fraction such that the ion concentration is held constant, thereby tuning the pitch to the same value throughout the suspensions. In films prepared by drying CNC suspensions, the pitch can go down to a few hundred nanome- ters, resulting in circularly polarized colorful Bragg re ection of visible light. By working with the long-rod fraction we can absolutely obtain a highly-ordered monodomain structure that results in uniform color of films, with only one circular polarization re ected, as should be the case. While the study is carried out on CNCs, the implications go far beyond this particular nanoma- terial, revealing new challenges and opportunities in general liquid crystal and colloid physics, as well as in strategic research where fractionation and the drying of initially disperse populations of nanorods is desirable.
Disciplines :
Author, co-author :
HONORATO RIOS, Camila ;  University of Luxembourg > Faculty of Science, Technology and Communication (FSTC) > Physics and Materials Science Research Unit
Language :
Title :
Self-Organizing Cellulose Nanorods: From the fundamental physical chemistry of self-assembly to the preparation of functional films
Defense date :
03 May 2019
Institution :
Unilu - University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg, Luxembourg
Degree :
Docteur en Chimie
Promotor :
Focus Area :
Physics and Materials Science
Available on ORBilu :
since 16 September 2019


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