[en] In 1939, Boonstra was the first to base the tip bearing capacity of foundation piles on the CPT
cone resistance. Since then, many engineers and scientists have proposed improved design methods for the bearing capacity of foundation piles, such as the Dutch Koppejan method. This method holds a mistake in the qc-averaging method. Its tip resistance is based on the cone resistance of an assumed zone between 8D above the tip and 4D below the tip, while several researchers show that this should be in a zone between 2D above the tip and 8D below the tip. In the Netherlands, Belgium and France a field test has been performed indicating that the currently used design method in the Netherlands (the Koppejan Method) was about 30% too high for the tip resistance. This, and also the current qc-averaging method, conflict with the findings of Boonstra, Plantema, Huizinga and White & Bolton. Besides, in the field test, the residual stresses in the piles after installation were completely ignored, in fact, not even measured. Nevertheless, the Dutch Norm Commission Geo-Engineering decided to reduce the bearing capacity of foundation piles in the Netherlands, unless other field tests prove otherwise. Since this reduction is very drastic and since no serious problems due to the use of the unreduced bearing capacity were recorded, the geotechnical contracting company Funderingstechnieken Verstraeten BV has performed field tests on six Fundex piles, and asked the engineering company BMNED to assist with these tests and the design. The aim was to prove that, at least for Fundex piles, a reduction of 30% is too much. The Fundex Pile Tests in Terneuzen show that, especially for the grouted Fundex piles, the pile type factor should not be reduced in combination with the current qc-averaging method.
Disciplines :
Civil engineering
Author, co-author :
VAN BAARS, Stefan ; University of Luxembourg > Faculty of Science, Technology and Communication (FSTC) > Engineering Research Unit
RICA, Shilton ; University of Luxembourg > Faculty of Science, Technology and Communication (FSTC) > Engineering Research Unit
De Nijs, G.A.; BMNED, Terneuzen, Netherlands
De Nijs, G.J.J.; BMNED, Terneuzen, Netherlands
Riemens, H.J.; BMNED, Terneuzen, Netherlands
External co-authors :
Language :
Title :
Dutch field tests validating the bearing capacity of Fundex piles
Publication date :
June 2018
Event name :
CPT’18 – International Symposium on Cone Penetration Testing
Event organizer :
Delft University of Technology
Event place :
Delft, Netherlands
Event date :
21 and 22 June 2018
Audience :
Main work title :
Proceedings of CPT’18 – International Symposium on Cone Penetration Testing
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