
RICA Shilton

Main Referenced Co-authors
VAN BAARS, Stefan  (5)
Baeßler, Matthias (1)
Cuéllar, Pablo (1)
De Nijs, G.A. (1)
De Nijs, G.J.J. (1)
Main Referenced Keywords
bearing capacity (3); Influence zone (2); Piles (2); Averaging zone (1); Bearing Capacity (1);
Main Referenced Unit & Research Centers
Institut de Recherche en Génie Civil et Mécanique (1)
Main Referenced Disciplines
Civil engineering (8)

Publications (total 8)

The most downloaded
RICA, S., VAN BAARS, S., & Jung, S. (2017). Pile load test at the west coast of Mexico. In Proceedings of Pile 2017 (pp. 7.1 - B7.8). Bandung, Unknown/unspecified: Universitas Katolik Parahyangan.

The most cited

3 citations (Scopus®)

VAN BAARS, S., RICA, S., De Nijs, G. A., De Nijs, G. J. J., & Riemens, H. J. (2018). Dutch field tests validating the bearing capacity of Fundex piles. In Proceedings of CPT’18 – International Symposium on Cone Penetration Testing (pp. 101-107). Leiden, Netherlands: CRC Press.

RICA, S. (2019). IMPROVED DESIGN METHODS FOR THE BEARING CAPACITY OF FOUNDATION PILES [Doctoral thesis, Unilu - University of Luxembourg]. ORBilu-University of Luxembourg.

Kullolli, B., Baeßler, M., Cuéllar, P., RICA, S., & Rackwitz, F. (2019). An enhanced interface model for friction fatigue problems of axially loaded piles. In Proceedings of the ASME 2019 38th, International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering, Glasgow 9-14 June 2019.
Peer reviewed

RICA, S., & VAN BAARS, S. (2018). The influence of a thin weak soil layer on the pile bearing capacity. In International Conference on Deep Foundations and Ground Improvement, Urbanization and Infrastructure Development: Future Challenges (pp. 308-317). Rome, Italy: DFI.
Peer reviewed

VAN BAARS, S., RICA, S., De Nijs, G. A., De Nijs, G. J. J., & Riemens, H. J. (2018). Dutch field tests validating the bearing capacity of Fundex piles. In Proceedings of CPT’18 – International Symposium on Cone Penetration Testing (pp. 101-107). Leiden, Netherlands: CRC Press.
Peer reviewed

RICA, S., & VAN BAARS, S. (March 2018). De gevolgen van de restkracht bij een paalfundering. Geotechniek, Maart, 20-26.
Peer reviewed

RICA, S., & VAN BAARS, S. (2017). Historical overview of CPT-based design methods. In Proceedings of the International Conference of Civil Engineering, ICCE 2017, Tirana 12-14 October 2017 (pp. 452-463). VASSI.
Peer reviewed

RICA, S., VAN BAARS, S., & Jung, S. (2017). Pile load test at the west coast of Mexico. In Proceedings of Pile 2017 (pp. 7.1 - B7.8). Bandung, Unknown/unspecified: Universitas Katolik Parahyangan.
Peer reviewed

RICA, S. (2015). Développement d'un macroélément pour des calculs sismiques pour des fondations profondes [Bachelor/master dissertation, ECN - Ecole centrale de Nantes]. ORBilu-University of Luxembourg.

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