presence; virtual reality; augmented reality; place; design; real envirironments
Abstract :
[en] This chapter describes an approach to the development of virtual representations of real places. The work was funded under the European Union’s €20m Future and Emerging Technologies theme of the 5th Framework Programme, “Presence”, 2002 - 2005. The aim of the project, called BENOGO, was to develop a novel technology based on real-time image-based rendering (IBR) for representing places in virtual environments. The specific focus of the work presented here concerned how to capture the essential features of real places, and how to represent that knowledge, so that the team developing the IBR-based virtual environments could produce an environment that was as realistic as possible. This involved the development and evaluation of a number of virtual environments and the evolution of two complementary techniques; the Place Probe and Patterns of place.
Disciplines :
Computer science
Author, co-author :
Smyth, Michael; Edinburgh Napier University
Benyon, David; Edinburgh Napier University
MCCALL, Roderick ; University of Luxembourg > Interdisciplinary Centre for Security, Reliability and Trust (SNT)
O'Neill, Shaleph; University of Dundee
Carroll, Fiona; University of South Wales
Language :
Title :
Patterns of Place: An Integrated Approach for the Design and Evaluation of Real and Virtual Environments
Publication date :
In press
Main work title :
Immersed in Media: Presence Theory, Measurement and Technology
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