BUNOUT, E. (2017). Les regards experts sur l’Est en Allemagne et en Pologne : émergence, cristallisation et révision (1918-1972) [Doctoral thesis, UL - Université de Lorraine]. ORBilu-University of Luxembourg. https://orbilu.uni.lu/handle/10993/38227 |
DURING, M., BUNOUT, E., & GUIDO, D. (2024). Transparent generosity. Introducing the impresso interface for the exploration of semantically enriched historical newspapers. Historical Methods, 35 - 55. doi:10.1080/01615440.2024.2344004 Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
DURING, M.* , Romanello, M., Ehrmann, M., Beelen, K., GUIDO, D., Deseure, B., BUNOUT, E., Keck, J., & APOSTOLOPOULOS, P. (2023). impresso Text Reuse at Scale. An interface for the exploration of text reuse data in semantically enriched historical newspapers. Frontiers in Big Data, 6, 1249469. doi:10.3389/fdata.2023.1249469 Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
BUNOUT, E. (17 September 2021). Grasping the Anti-Modern Discourse on Europe in the Swiss Digitised Press, or can Text Mining Generate a Research Corpus from an Article Collection? Journal of Open Humanities Data, 7 (0), 21. doi:10.5334/johd.37 Peer reviewed |
DURING, M., Kalyakin, R., BUNOUT, E., & GUIDO, D. (2021). Impresso Inspect and Compare. Visual Comparison of Semantically Enriched Historical Newspaper Articles. Information, 12 (9), 348. doi:10.3390/info12090348 Peer reviewed |
BUNOUT, E. (15 April 2020). Olgierd Górka’s Polemics on the Contours of the Polish Nation (1933- 1955). Connexe : les espaces postcommunistes en question(s), 4, 25-36. doi:10.5077/journals/connexe.2018.e160 Peer reviewed |
BUNOUT, E. (27 October 2019). Elucidating the blurred lines of the national historical imagination. The narrative allure of Sienkiewicz’s With Fire and Sword in 1933–1934 Poland. Connexe, 5, 76 - 99. doi:10.5077/journals/connexe.2019.e251 Peer reviewed |
BUNOUT, E. (2012). Politikberatung in der jungen Bundesrepublik. Die Rolle der DGAP bei der Entwicklung der Neuen Ostpolitik am Beispiel der westdeutsch-polnischen Beziehungen. DGAP Analysen. |
BUNOUT, E. (2011). Minderheitenpolitik als Interaktion? Die staatlichen Institutionen der Zweiten Polnischen Republik und die "nichtpolnischen" Staatsbürger (1918-1939) - Tagungsberichte. |
BUNOUT, E., Ehrmann, M., & CLAVERT, F. (Eds.). (2022). Digitised Newspapers – A New Eldorado for Historians? Berlin, Germany: De Gruyter. |
BUNOUT, E. (2023). How to Break Away from a ‘Science of the Enemy’. In Europe and the East. Routledge. doi:10.4324/9781003120131-15 Peer reviewed |
Ehrmann, M., BUNOUT, E., & CLAVERT, F. (2022). Digitised Historical Newspapers: A Changing Research Landscape. In F. CLAVERT, E. BUNOUT (Ed.), ... M. Ehrmann (Ed.), Digitised Historical Newspapers: A Changing Research Landscape (pp. 1--22). De Gruyter Oldenbourg. doi:10.1515/9783110729214-001 |
BUNOUT, E. (2022). Embedded Revisions? Past Relations with Eastern Europe at the Polish Institute of International Affairs (PISM) (1947–1965). In K. Amacher, Official History in Eastern Europe (pp. 87-104). Germany: Fibre. Peer reviewed |
BUNOUT, E., Arnd Bauerkämper (Crit. Ed.), & Natalia Rostislavleva (Crit. Ed.). (2014). Vertrauensbildende Gespräche als Werkzeug der Sicherheit? Die DGAP als Gesprächskanal zwischen der Sowjetunion und Westdeutschland (1955–1990). In Sicherheitskulturen im VergleichКультуры безопасности: сравнительное измерениеDeutschland und Russland / UdSSR seit dem späten 19. JahrhundertГермания и Россия / СССРв конце XIX – начале XXI вв (pp. 193-218). Paderborn, Unknown/unspecified: Ferdinand Schöningh. Peer reviewed |
BUNOUT, E., & Claire, B. (2013). Grenzüberschreitende Universitäten in Europa und Werte. In Mobilité et valeurs européennes dans la Grande Région [Texte imprimé] : actes de l'Université d'automne du projet Université de la Grande Région, [novembre 2011] /Mobilität und europäische Werte in der Groβregion : Vortragsreihe der Herbstakademie des Projekts Universität der Groβregion. Presses Universitaires Nancy. |
VENKEN, M., & BUNOUT, E. (19 October 2023). Organiser: Workshop 'Digitising, Georeferencing and Modeling Administrative Historical Data' [Paper presentation]. Workshop 'Digitising, Georeferencing and Modeling Administrative Historical Data', Belval, Luxembourg. |
VENKEN, M., BRÜLL, C., & BUNOUT, E. (24 March 2022). Co-Organiser: Workshop on archives for the history of cross-border cooperation in the Greater Region [Paper presentation]. Workshop on archives for the history of cross-border cooperation in the Greater Region, Belval, Luxembourg. |
BUNOUT, E., & DURING, M. (25 October 2018). Implementing Transparency [Paper presentation]. Digital Hermeneutics in History: Theory and Practice. |
BUNOUT, E. (2018). Une recherche plus fouillée dans un corpus imparfait? L’étude de la question européenne dans la presse numérisée suisse et luxembourgeoise (1848-1945). |
Ehrmann, M., BUNOUT, E., & DURING, M. (2017). Historical Newspaper User Interfaces: A Review [Paper presentation]. International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA). |
BUNOUT, E. (2016). Visualisation of the prosopography of Polish and German experts on Eastern Europe: Are non-computed data useable for visualisation? |