VENKEN, M. (2025). Conflicting Loyalties Among Soldiers Fighting Both in the German Army and the Allied Forces. In N. JANZ & D. SCUTO (Eds.), The Impact of War Experiences in Europe. The Conscription of Non-German Men and Women into the ‘Wehrmacht’ and ‘Reichsarbeitsdienst’ (1938–1945) (pp. 329-358). Berlin, Germany: De Gruyter. doi:10.1515/9783111128467-011 Editorial reviewed |
VENKEN, M., & JACQUET, D. (2024). Remigration to Luxembourg. Examining a New Research Question by Means of Digital Hermeneutics. In S. Oberbichler, E. Pfanzelter, ... V. Larcher (Eds.), Return and Circular Migration in Contemporary European History (pp. 67-91). Berlin, Germany: De Gruyter. doi:10.1515/9783111186016-004 Peer reviewed |
VENKEN, M., & GANSCHOW, I. (07 June 2024). Presenter: Designing a best practice digital workflow in times of war. Insights into the launching of the U-CORE project [Paper presentation]. Digital Humanities Benelux, Leuven, Belgium. |
VENKEN, M. (27 May 2024). Presenter: U-CORE and Participatory Source Creation in Times of War. Insights into the launching of the U-CORE Project [Paper presentation]. EUROPAST, Vilnius, Lithuania. |
VENKEN, M. (30 April 2024). Presenter: Border Temporalities of an Old Letter [Paper presentation]. Borders in Globalization Talk Webinar Series (Online). |
VENKEN, M. (26 March 2024). Presenter: The Project 'Ukraine. Collecting. Recording' (U-CORE) [Paper presentation]. Ukrainian Studies Across the Borders (U-CORE/UNDIPUS), Belval, Luxembourg. |
VENKEN, M. (29 January 2024). Presenter: Witnessing the Now: Challenges for Emergency Archiving and Oral History following the Russian Invasion of Ukraine [Paper presentation]. Post-War Memory Seminar, Ottignies-Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium. |
VENKEN, M. (24 January 2024). Organiser: Hands-on Digital Workshop: Automatic Speech to Text Transcription [Paper presentation]. U-CORE Workshop No. 1, Warsaw, Poland. |
VENKEN, M. (23 January 2024). Chair: Timetable and Division of Tasks between the Teams [Paper presentation]. U-CORE Workshop No. 1, Warsaw, Poland. |
VENKEN, M. (17 January 2024). Presenter: Temporalities of Mixed Economies of Veteran Welfare in the Greater Region after the First World War [Paper presentation]. Research Seminar, Belval, Luxembourg. |
VENKEN, M., & MORETTI, F. (2024). Blog: Workshop on 'Children, Welfare, Borders'. ORBilu-University of Luxembourg. |
VENKEN, M. (2024). Tom Naegels, Nieuw België. Een migratiegeschiedenis 1948-1978. Bijdragen en Mededelingen Betreffende de Geschiedenis der Nederlanden, 139. doi:10.51769/bmgn-lchr.18720 Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
VENKEN, M. (2024). Panel Moderator: Horizontal Governance as a Tool of Resilience to Smoothen Asymmetries [Paper presentation]. Research Seminar, Strasbourg, France. |
VENKEN, M. (13 December 2023). Presenter: The Spatiality and Temporality of Borders [Paper presentation]. Conference: Social Politics in European Borderlands. A Comparative and Transnational Study, 1870s-1990s, Florence, Italy. |
VENKEN, M. (2023). Die Peripherie im Zentrum. Schule und Grenze im Europa der Zwischenkriegszeit. Marburg, Germany: Verlag Herder-Institut. Peer reviewed |
VIOLA, L., VENKEN, M., & Verheul, J. (07 December 2023). Special Issue: Migration Studies and the Digital: Datafication, Implications and Methodological Approaches. Frontiers in Human Dynamics, 5. Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
VIOLA, L., VENKEN, M., & Verheul, J. (07 December 2023). Editorial: Migration Studies and the Digital: Datafication, Implications and Methodological Approaches. Frontiers in Human Dynamics, 5. doi:10.3389/fhumd.2023.1337817 Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
VENKEN, M. (04 December 2023). Moderator: European Citizen Science in Luxembourg - A Scholarly Perspective [Paper presentation]. European Citizen Science in Luxembourg - A Scholarly Perspective, Belval, Luxembourg. |
VENKEN, M. (01 December 2023). Presenter: Healing the Nation. Summer Camps for Children in the Belgian-German Borderlands [Paper presentation]. Workshop: Children, Borders and Intersectional Constellations of Mixed Economies of Welfare, Luxembourg City, Luxembourg. |
VENKEN, M., & MORETTI, F. (01 December 2023). Co-Organiser: Children, Borders and Intersectional Constellations of Mixed Economies of Welfare [Paper presentation]. Workshop: Children, Borders and Intersectional Constellations of Mixed Economies of Welfare, Luxembourg City, Luxembourg. |
VENKEN, M., & BUNOUT, E. (19 October 2023). Organiser: Workshop 'Digitising, Georeferencing and Modeling Administrative Historical Data' [Paper presentation]. Workshop 'Digitising, Georeferencing and Modeling Administrative Historical Data', Belval, Luxembourg. |
VENKEN, M. (19 October 2023). Presenter: Remigration to Luxembourg. Examining a New Research Question by Means of Digital Hermeneutics [Paper presentation]. Workshop 'Digitising, Georeferencing and Modeling Administrative Historical Data', Belval, Luxembourg. |
VENKEN, M. (25 September 2023). Organiser: Workshop '24.02.2022, 5am. Testimonies from the War' [Paper presentation]. Wartest, Belval, Luxembourg. |
VENKEN, M. (25 September 2023). Presenter: 24.02.2022, 5am. Testimonies from the War. Project Overview from Luxembourg [Paper presentation]. Workshop '24.02.2022, 5am. Testimonies from the War', Belval, Luxembourg. |
VENKEN, M. (20 September 2023). Keynote: Order(s) of Difference for Borderland Children: Education and Welfare [Paper presentation]. International Conference on Order(s) of Difference in Childhood and Education, Frankfurt, Germany. |
VENKEN, M. (2023). History Education in Luxembourg’s Secondary Schools in the 1950s–1970s: Ideas and Experiments. In P. S. Colla & A. Di Michele (Eds.), History Education at the Edge of the Nation. Political Autonomy, Educational Reforms, and Memory-shaping in European Periphery (pp. 79-99). Cham, Switzerland: Palgrave Macmillan. doi:10.1007/978-3-031-27246-2 Peer reviewed |
VENKEN, M. (12 May 2023). Presenter: Le problème de la Silésie [Paper presentation]. La redistribution des cartes. Les nouvelles frontières en Europe et le droit des peuples (1917-1924). Histoire et mémoire, Liège, Belgium. |
VENKEN, M. (13 April 2023). Presenter: Teaching History in Luxembourgish Secondary Schools in the 1950s-1970s: Ideas and Experiments [Paper presentation]. European Social Science History Conference 2023, Gothenburg, Sweden. |
VENKEN, M. (13 April 2023). Panel Organiser: History Education at the Edge of the Nation [Paper presentation]. European Social Science History Conference 2023, Gothenburg, Sweden. |
VENKEN, M. (Other coll.), BRÜLL, C. (Other coll.), & Kaci, M. (Other coll.). (24 March 2023). Discussant: Frontières et sociétés frontalières au sein de l’espace franco-luxembourgeois du XVe siècle à nos jours [Paper presentation]. Frontières et sociétés frontalières au sein de l’espace franco-luxembourgeois du XVe siècle à nos jours, Luxembourg, Luxembourg. |
VENKEN, M. (Other coll.), & Belkacem, R. (Other coll.). (24 March 2023). Panel Organiser: Construire les frontières par le bas [Paper presentation]. Frontières et sociétés frontalières au sein de l’espace franco-luxembourgeois du XVe siècle à nos jours, Luxembourg, Luxembourg. |
VENKEN, M. (2023). Native Borderland Children in the Belgian-German and Polish-German Borderlands. Comparing Verification and Nationalisation Narratives After the Second World War. In A. Wylegała, S. Rutar, ... M. Łukianow (Eds.), No Neighbors' Lands in Postwar Europe. Vanishing Others (pp. 101-125). Houndsmill, Unknown/unspecified: Palgrave Macmillan. Peer reviewed |
VENKEN, M. (01 March 2023). Keynote: A Gender Perspective on the Self-Mobilisation of Migrants, Their History and Memory [Paper presentation]. Civil Engagement Transfers between Eastern Europe and the Low Countries. Agency and Action in Czech, Slovak, Hungarian and Polish émigré communities during the Cold War, Leuven, Belgium. |
VENKEN, M. (16 February 2023). Presenter: How to Develop a Veteran Policy in a Country without an Army? Borderland Veterans and the Grand-Duchy of Luxembourg after the First World War [Paper presentation]. Third World Conference of the Association for Borderlands Studies, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Israel. |
VENKEN, M. (16 February 2023). Panel Organiser: Veterans' Welfare in European Borderlands through the 20th Century [Paper presentation]. Third World Conference of the Association for Borderlands Studies, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Israel. |
VENKEN, M. (14 February 2023). Presenter: Border Temporalities in the Greater Region [Paper presentation]. Third World Conference of the Association for Borderlands Studies, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Israel. |
VENKEN, M. (13 February 2023). Chair: Social Policies and Welfare for Children and Women in European Borderlands [Paper presentation]. Third World Conference of the Association for Borderlands Studies, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Israel. |
VENKEN, M. (2023). De strijd om de onderwijstaal in de Oostkantons tijdens het interbellum. WT. Tijdschrift over de geschiedenis van de Vlaamse beweging, 1, 35-51. Peer reviewed |
VENKEN, M. (16 December 2022). Presenter: Arrival Declaration Forms. A New Gateway for Mapping Migration to Luxembourg [Paper presentation]. Borders In Flux and Border Temporalities In and Beyond Europe, Belval, Luxembourg. |
VENKEN, M. (15 December 2022). Chair: Remembering as Bordering [Paper presentation]. Borders In Flux and Border Temporalities In and Beyond Europe, Belval, Luxembourg. |
VENKEN, M. (15 December 2022). Introductory Words of Conference: Borders In Flux and Border Temporalities In and Beyond Europe [Paper presentation]. Borders In Flux and Border Temporalities In and Beyond Europe, Belval, Luxembourg. |
VENKEN, M. (15 December 2022). Co-Organiser: Borders In Flux and Border Temporalities In and Beyond Europe [Paper presentation]. Borders In Flux and Border Temporalities In and Beyond Europe, Belval, Luxembourg. |
VENKEN, M. (24 November 2022). Moderator: Legal and Data Protection – Roundtable [Paper presentation]. Witnessing the Now. Challenges for Emergency Archiving and Oral History following the Russian Invasion of Ukraine, Belval, Luxembourg. |
VENKEN, M.* , & Sauer, A.*. (2022). Arrival Declaration Forms. A New Gateway for Mapping Migration to Luxembourg. Frontiers in Human Dynamics, 1-19. doi:10.3389/fhumd.2022.931758 Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi * These authors have contributed equally to this work. |
VENKEN, M. (27 October 2022). Presenter: Friends and/or Enemies? Conflicting Loyalties among Soldiers Fighting Both in the German Army and the Allied Forces [Paper presentation]. WARLUX International Conference. The Impact of War Experiences in Europe, Belval, Luxembourg. |
VENKEN, M. (20 October 2022). Introductory Words of Conference: Voices from the War – Path to Peace: Ukrainian and international insights [Paper presentation]. Voices from the War – Path to Peace: Ukrainian and International Insights, Luxembourg, Luxembourg. |
VENKEN, M. (20 October 2022). Co-Organiser: Voices from the War – Path to Peace: Ukrainian and International Insights [Paper presentation]. Voices from the War – Path to Peace: Ukrainian and International Insights, Luxembourg, Luxembourg. |
VENKEN, M. (20 October 2022). Presenter: Testimonies from the Russian Invasion of Ukraine [Paper presentation]. Voices from the War – Path to Peace: Ukrainian and International Insights, Luxembourg, Luxembourg. |
JASCHIK, J. M., & VENKEN, M. (2022). Dialoguing Borders in the Post-soviet Space through Citizen Science – Ukrainian Borderland Perspectives. In S. Von Löwis & B. Eschment (Eds.), Post-Soviet Borders. A Kaleidoscope of Shifting Lives and Lands. New York, Unknown/unspecified: Routledge. Peer reviewed |
VENKEN, M. (14 July 2022). Moderator: Discussion with Christoph Brüll on 'Ostbelgien als popkultureller Zwischenraum?' [Paper presentation]. Popkult60: 12. Workshop der Forschungsgruppe 'Populärkultur transnational - Europa in den Langen 1960er Jahren', Luxembourg, Luxembourg. |
VENKEN, M. (13 July 2022). Presenter: Talking Borders, History and Digital Hermeneutics [Paper presentation]. Multimodal Digital Oral History: The Forward-View Seminar. |
VENKEN, M., & FICKERS, A. (13 July 2022). Einführung: Diskussion zum Spannungsfeld 'Transregionalität - Zwischenräume' [Paper presentation]. Popkult60: 12. Workshop der Forschungsgruppe 'Populärkultur transnational - Europa in den Langen 1960er Jahren', Luxembourg, Luxembourg. |
VENKEN, M. (11 July 2022). Presenter: Testimonies from the War [Paper presentation]. Workshop 'Oral History Meets European Integration Studies', Luxembourg, Luxembourg. |
VENKEN, M. (23 June 2022). Presenter: Return Migration, Welfare, and the French-Luxembourg Borderlands after the First World War [Paper presentation]. International Conference ReMIGRA: Return Migration as an Interdisciplinary Research Area, Innsbruck, Austria. |
VENKEN, M. (16 June 2022). Organiser: Workshop on the Subject of Social Space [Paper presentation]. 22. Internationale Migrationskonferenz: Multicultural Conviviality, Dudelange, Luxembourg. |
VENKEN, M., & SAUER, A. (16 June 2022). Presenter: Visualizing the habitation practices of migrants in Dudelange (1924) [Paper presentation]. 22. Internationale Migrationskonferenz: Multicultural Conviviality, Dudelange, Luxembourg. |
VENKEN, M. (11 June 2022). Organiser of Book Discussion: Peripheries at the Centre Borderland Schooling in Interwar Europe [Paper presentation]. PIASA’s 8th World Congress in Białystok, Białystok, Poland. |
VENKEN, M. (11 June 2022). Presenter of Book: Peripheries at the Centre. Borderland Schooling in Interwar Europe [Paper presentation]. PIASA’s 8th World Congress in Białystok, Białystok, Poland. |
VENKEN, M. (02 June 2022). Moderator: Digital History [Paper presentation]. DH Benelux, Belval, Luxembourg. |
VENKEN, M., & Kelbecheva, E. (Other coll.). (01 June 2022). Discussant on Film: Occupation and Liberation [Paper presentation]. OpenScreen. Doc&Talk, Bettembourg, Luxembourg. |
VENKEN, M. (30 May 2022). Presenter: A Critical Reflection on the Digital Visualisation of Migration to the Grand-Duchy of Luxembourg [Paper presentation]. IMISCOE Meth@Mig. Digitization of Migration Research Methods: Promises and Pitfalls, Warsaw, Poland. |
VENKEN, M. (28 May 2022). Moderator: Future Development of the Initiative [Paper presentation]. Witnessing the Now. Challenges for Emergency Archiving and Oral History following the Russian Invasion of Ukraine, Warsaw, Poland. |
VENKEN, M. (27 May 2022). Presenter: Comparative research on the impact of war on individuals in Luxembourg during WWII and today [Paper presentation]. Witnessing the Now. Challenges for Emergency Archiving and Oral History following the Russian Invasion of Ukraine, Warsaw, Poland. |
VENKEN, M. (27 May 2022). Discussant: Facing Violence: When and Why to Document War Experiences? [Paper presentation]. Witnessing the Now. Challenges for Emergency Archiving and Oral History following the Russian Invasion of Ukraine, Warsaw, Poland. |
VENKEN, M. (20 May 2022). Moderator: Bruggen bouwen tussen academische historici, heemkundigen en erfgoedwerkers [Paper presentation]. Dag van de Nieuwste Geschiedenis. Publieks- en lokale geschiedenis in België: stand van zaken, uitdagingen en perspectieven. |
VENKEN, M. (20 May 2022). Organiser: Bruggen bouwen tussen academische historici, heemkundigen en erfgoedwerkers [Paper presentation]. Dag van de Nieuwste Geschiedenis. Publieks- en lokale geschiedenis in België: stand van zaken, uitdagingen en perspectieven. |
VENKEN, M. (2022). Borderland Child Heterotopias. A Case Study on the Belgian-German Borderlands. In M. VENKEN, V. Kaisto, ... C. Brambilla, Children, Young People and Borders A Multidisciplinary Outlook. Routledge. doi:10.1080/08865655.2020.1824679 Peer reviewed |
VENKEN, M. (2022). Borderland Child Heterotopias. A Case Study on the Belgian-German Borderlands. In M. VENKEN, V. Kaisto, ... C. Brambilla (Eds.), Children, Young People and Borders: A Multidisciplinary Outlook. London, Unknown/unspecified: Routledge. Peer reviewed |
VENKEN, M., Kaisto, V., & Brambilla, C. (2022). Introduction - Children, Young People and Borders: A Multidisciplinary Outlook. In M. VENKEN, V. Kaisto, ... C. Brambilla (Eds.), Children, Young People and Borders: A Multidisciplinary Outlook. London, Unknown/unspecified: Routledge. Peer reviewed |
VENKEN, M., Kaisto, V., & Brambilla, C. (Eds.). (2022). Children, Young People and Borders A Multidisciplinary Outlook. London, Unknown/unspecified: Routledge. |
CAUVIN, T., Montt, M., Will, S., Vohra, S., Bur, C. (Other coll.), Gundermann, C. (Other coll.), Enrica (Other coll.), VENKEN, M. (Other coll.), Evans, T. (Other coll.), Feely (Other coll.), Atkinson-Phillips, A. (Other coll.), Wingo, R. S. (Other coll.), & Sweeny Deinhart, C. (Other coll.). (2022). Creating Public History Master Programs: International Guidelines. ORBilu-University of Luxembourg. |
VENKEN, M. (24 March 2022). Presenter: The future of the history of cross-border cooperation [Paper presentation]. Workshop: Archives for the history of cross-border cooperation in the Greater Region, Belval, Luxembourg. |
VENKEN, M., BRÜLL, C., & BUNOUT, E. (24 March 2022). Co-Organiser: Workshop on archives for the history of cross-border cooperation in the Greater Region [Paper presentation]. Workshop on archives for the history of cross-border cooperation in the Greater Region, Belval, Luxembourg. |
VENKEN, M. (16 March 2022). Presenter: The War in Ukraine and History [Paper presentation]. CCSA Conscious Talk 8, Belval, Luxembourg. |
VENKEN, M., & Frandsen, S. B. (Eds.). (2022). Debordering and Rebordering. Central and South-Eastern Europe after the First World War. Milton Park, Unknown/unspecified: Routledge. |
VENKEN, M. (2022). Introduction. The dissolution of the Austro-Hungarian Monarchy: border making and its consequences. In M. VENKEN & S. B. Frandsen (Eds.), Debordering and Rebordering. Central and South-Eastern Europe after the First World War (pp. 1-12). Milton Park, Unknown/unspecified: Routledge. Peer reviewed |
VENKEN, M. (2022). Organiser: Witnessing the Now. Challenges for Emergency Archiving and Oral History following the Russian Invasion of Ukraine [Paper presentation]. Witnessing the Now. Challenges for Emergency Archiving and Oral History following the Russian Invasion of Ukraine, Belval, Luxembourg. |
DURING, M., GANSCHOW, I., JANZ, N., JASKOV, H., PAPASTAMKOU, S., WIENEKE, L., VENKEN, M., Derian, & Nemchenko, V. (2022). Report on C²DH Activities in Support of the Ukrainian Research Community. Esch-sur-Alzette, Luxembourg: Luxembourg Centre for Contemporary and Digital History. |
VENKEN, M. (16 December 2021). Guest Lecture: Peryferia w Centrum: Szkolnictwo pogranicza w międzywojennej Europie [Paper presentation]. Research Seminar, Warsaw, Poland. |
VENKEN, M. (2021). Transforming secondary education in the Belgian–German borderlands (1918–1939). History of Education. doi:10.1080/0046760X.2021.1977856 Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
VENKEN, M. (03 December 2021). Presenter: Peripheries at the Centre. Borderland Schooling in Interwar Europe [Paper presentation]. ASEEES 53rd Annual Convention. |
VENKEN, M. (03 December 2021). Panel Organiser: Book Discussion of 'Peripheries at the Centre: Borderland Schooling in Interwar Europe' [Paper presentation]. ASEEES 53rd Annual Convention. |
VENKEN, M. (30 November 2021). Presenter: BE/LU/DE/FR Borderlands and Veterans after the First World War [Paper presentation]. EUI Sociobord Veteran Welfare Workshop, Florence, Italy. |
VENKEN, M. (29 November 2021). Presenter: Peripheries at the Centre. History of borderlands as an alternative history of Europe [Paper presentation]. SOCIOBORD Lecture Series. |
VENKEN, M. (24 November 2021). Presenter: Peripherien im Zentrum. Schulbildung im Grenzland im Europa der Zwischenkriegszeit [Paper presentation]. FLUXUS - Série de conférences portant sur les migrations et les frontières dans l'espace de la Grande Région, Luxembourg. |
VENKEN, M. (17 November 2021). Presenter: Peripheries at the Centre. Borderland Schooling in Interwar Europe [Paper presentation]. Research Unit: Modernity and Society (MoSa). |
VENKEN, M. (11 November 2021). Presenter: Childhood in Times of Political Transformation in the 20th Century [Paper presentation]. Transformative Seminar, Vienna, Austria. |
VENKEN, M. (28 October 2021). Bevrijders aan het werk: Hoe vonden de Polen in Nederland en België hun draai na de oorlog? [Paper presentation]. Polen in Beeld. |
VENKEN, M. (22 October 2021). Presenter: Jahrmärkte in Grenzräumen. Eine transnationale Geschichte des Luxemburger Vergnügungsparks [Paper presentation]. Populärkultur transnational - Europa in den langen 1960er Jahren, Saarbrücken, Germany. |
VENKEN, M. (12 October 2021). Organiser and Chair: Temporalities and migratory border-crossings in literature and other discourse (Prof. Dr. Johan Schimanski) [Paper presentation]. Border Temporalities Lecture Series Autumn 2021. |
VENKEN, M. (01 October 2021). Presenter: Migration and Border Research at C2DH [Paper presentation]. University Wide Migration and Border Researchers Assembly. |
VENKEN, M. (22 September 2021). Presenter: Towards a Digital Oral History Database in Luxembourg [Paper presentation]. The Magic of Metadata and Ticklish Taxonomies for Oral History, London, United Kingdom. |
VENKEN, M. (17 September 2021). Presenter: Województwo śląskie inaczej. Peryferie w centrum. Szkolnictwo na peryferiach w międzywojennej Europie [Paper presentation]. X Konferencja Komitetu Badań nad Migracjami. |
VENKEN, M. (03 September 2021). Keynote: Transnational Families and Childhood throughout the 20th Century [Paper presentation]. Transnational Families and Childhood in Modern History: Perspectives and Challenges. |
VENKEN, M. (September 2021). Borderland Child Heterotopias. A Case Study on the Belgian-German Borderlands. Journal of Borderlands Studies, 36 (2), 159-180. doi:10.1080/08865655.2020.1824679 Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
VENKEN, M. (August 2021). Editoriaal. Kinderen. Tijdschrift. Erfgoedpraktijk in Vlaanderen, 11 (2), 4-5. |
Kind-Kovács, F., & VENKEN, M. (Eds.). (August 2021). 1918, 1945, 1989: Childhood in Times of Political Transformation: Part II. Journal of Modern European History, 19. Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
SAUER, A., & VENKEN, M. (2021). Blog: Atouts et faiblesses de Nodegoat dans le traitement et l'analyse des trajectoires migratoires des étrangers au Luxembourg et en France. |
VENKEN, M. (09 July 2021). Panel Organiser: Meeting the Editors: De Gruyter Book Series 'Migrations in History' [Paper presentation]. 18th IMISCOE Annual Conference. |
VENKEN, M. (Other coll.). (09 July 2021). Chair: Doing Historical Research on Migration in the Digital Age: Theories, Concepts and Methods (Reporting on migration) [Paper presentation]. 18th IMISCOE Annual Conference. |
VENKEN, M. (09 July 2021). Chair: Meeting the Editors: De Gruyter Book Series 'Migrations in History' [Paper presentation]. 18th IMISCOE Annual Conference. |
SAUER, A., & VENKEN, M. (07 July 2021). Presenter: Codification and Analysis of Migration Paths Through Nodegoat on the Basis of the Declaration of Arrival Sheets of Migrants to the Iron Basin of the Grand-Duchy of Luxembourg [Paper presentation]. 18th IMISCOE Annual Conference. |
VENKEN, M. (24 June 2021). Presenter: Secondary School Principals. Transformation Practices in Polish Upper Silesia (1919–1939) [Paper presentation]. Society for the History of Childhood and Youth - 11th Biennial Conference. |
VENKEN, M. (24 June 2021). Panel Organiser: Political Rupture, Transformation and Childhood/Children in Europe (1914–50) [Paper presentation]. Society for the History of Childhood and Youth - 11th Biennial Conference. |
VENKEN, M. (22 June 2021). Presenter: Scientific Research on Former Ostarbeiterinnen [Paper presentation]. Destination Sweetheart – Red Star Line Museum - Gespreksavond ‘Ostarbeiterinnen’. |
VENKEN, M. (17 June 2021). Keynote: Peripheries at the Centre. A Framework of Comparison [Paper presentation]. 21. International Conference on Migration 'Border Thinking', Klagenfurt, Austria. |
VENKEN, M. (16 June 2021). Panel Organiser: De-centralized histories of education. Non-binary and postcolonial approaches [Paper presentation]. ISCHE 42 Looking from Above and Below: Rethinking the Social in the History of Education. |
VENKEN, M. (16 June 2021). Presenter: Peripheries at the Centre. Borderland Schooling in Interwar Europe [Paper presentation]. ISCHE 42 Looking from Above and Below: Rethinking the Social in the History of Education. |
BRÜLL, C., & VENKEN, M. (21 May 2021). Presenter: Towards the UniGR-CBS Working Group 'Border Temporalities' [Paper presentation]. 7. Seminar UniGR-Center for Border Studies. Literaturen und Repräsentationen der Grenze. |
VENKEN, M. (12 May 2021). Introduction: Webinar by Dr. Piero-D. Galloro within the framework of "FLUXUS – Série de conférences au sujet des migrations et des frontières dans l’espace de la Grande Région" [Paper presentation]. FLUXUS – Série de conférences au sujet des migrations et des frontières dans l’espace de la Grande Région. |
VENKEN, M. (22 April 2021). Keynote Speaker: War Heroes Became Deserters and War Whores Turned into Singing Babushkas: Displaced Persons and Gender in Cold War Belgium [Paper presentation]. Who Is a Refugee? Shifting Categorizations in Forced Migration. |
VENKEN, M. (17 April 2021). Presenter: Peripheries at the Centre: Borderland Schooling in Interwar Europe [Paper presentation]. Association for Borderlands Studies Virtual Conference 2021. |
VENKEN, M. (17 April 2021). Panel Organiser: Peripheries at the Centre: Borderland Schooling in Interwar Europe [Paper presentation]. Association for Borderlands Studies Virtual Conference 2021. |
VENKEN, M. (30 March 2021). Panel Organizer: Changing Border, Defining Identity. A European Perspective of Shaping Children's Role in Modern Society [Paper presentation]. Society of the History of Childhood and Youth, Conference, Dublin, Ireland. |
VENKEN, M. (27 March 2021). Panel Organiser: Border Making and its Consequences after the First World War: the Habsburg Case [Paper presentation]. European Social Science History Conference 2021. |
VENKEN, M. (25 March 2021). Chair: Abandoned, Orphaned & Displaced: Histories of Children’s Destitution and Relief [Paper presentation]. European Social Science History Conference 2021. |
VENKEN, M., Kaisto, V., & Brambilla, C. (Eds.). (16 March 2021). Children, Young People, and Borders: A Multidisciplinary Outlook. Journal of Borderlands Studies, 36 (2). doi:10.1080/08865655.2021.1898447 Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
VENKEN, M., Kaisto, V., & Brambilla, C. (16 March 2021). Introduction. Children, Young People and Borders: A Multidisciplinary Outlook. Journal of Borderlands Studies, 36 (2), 149-158. doi:10.1080/08865655.2021.1898447 Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
VENKEN, M. (05 March 2021). The Western European Borderlands. Overview of Possible Case-Studies [Paper presentation]. Kick-Off Meeting EU Advanced Grant SOCIOBORD, Florence (Online), Italy. |
VENKEN, M. (2021). Peripheries at the Centre. Borderland Schooling in Interwar Europe. Berghahn. |
VENKEN, M. (March 2021). Presenter: Border Making and its Consequences after the First World War: the Habsburg Case [Paper presentation]. European Social Science History Conference 2021. |
Kind-Kovács, F., & VENKEN, M. (Eds.). (27 February 2021). 1918, 1945, 1989: Childhood in Times of Political Transformation: Part I. Journal of Modern European History, 19 (2). Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
VENKEN, M. (26 February 2021). Presenter: Elite School Principals and Democratic Citizenship in the Belgian-German Borderlands (1919–1939) [Paper presentation]. Europäische Grenzregionen. Neue Wege im Umgang mit historischen Raum- und Grenzkonzeptionen in der Geschichtswissenschaft. |
Kind-Kovács, F., & VENKEN, M. (February 2021). Childhood in Times of Political Transformation in the 20th Century: An Introduction. Journal of Modern European History, 19 (2), 1–11. doi:10.1177/1611894421994710 Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
VENKEN, M. (February 2021). Secondary school principals and liminality in Polish Upper Silesia (1919-1939). Journal of Modern European History, 19 (2), 206-221. doi:10.1177/1611894421992685 Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
VENKEN, M. (18 January 2021). Discussant of Working Group: Migration Crisis and Human Rights: A Challenge for the EU [Paper presentation]. Castle Talks on Cross-Border Cooperation. The migration crisis. A challenge for border regions, Strasbourg (Online), France. |
VENKEN, M. (18 January 2021). Keynote: Migration, Borderlands and International Law in 20th Century Continental Europe [Paper presentation]. Castle Talks on Cross-Border Cooperation. The migration crisis. A challenge for border region, Strasbourg (Online), France. |
VENKEN, M. (12 January 2021). Presentation of De Gruyter New Book Series 'Migrations in History' [Paper presentation]. American History Association. |
CAUVIN, T., Montt, M., Stoutamire, W., & VENKEN, M. (Other coll.). (2021). Contributor: Creating Public History Master Programs: International Guidelines. |
VENKEN, M. (05 December 2020). Co-Presenter: 'Talking Borders. From Local Expertise to Global Exchange'. Evidence from a Citizen Science Project [Paper presentation]. VIII CONVEGNO SIAA. Fare (in) Tempo. Cosa dicono gli antropologi sulle società dell’incertezza, Parma, Italy. |
VENKEN, M., & Bo Frandsen, S. (Eds.). (December 2020). Special Issue: The Dissolution of the Austro-Hungarian Monarchy: Border Making and its Consequences. European Review of History, 27 (6). doi:10.1080/13507486.2020.1828837 Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
VENKEN, M. (December 2020). The Dissolution of the Austro-Hungarian Monarchy: Border Making and its Consequences. European Review of History, 26 (6), 697-708. doi:10.1080/13507486.2020.1828837 Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
VENKEN, M. (2020). Les anciens légionnaires et la protection sociale au Luxembourg. Une approche transnationale. In S. Camarda, F. Reinert, A. SAUER, ... D. SCUTO (Eds.), Légionnaires. Parcours de guerre et de migrations entre le Luxembourg et la France (pp. 168–179). Luxembourg: Silvana Editoriale. |
VENKEN, M. (19 June 2020). Moderator of the Session 'Politics' [Paper presentation]. 20th International Conference of Migration 'The Multicultural Condition', Olten, Switzerland. |
VENKEN, M. (28 February 2020). Die räumliche Grammatik der Großregion. Ein historischer Zugang [Paper presentation]. Border Studies - Planungskulturen in Grenzräumen - Herausforderungen und Perspektiven, Kaiserslautern, Germany. |
VENKEN, M. (26 February 2020). Introduction to the Hands-On-History Lecture [Paper presentation]. Lecture: Randy Widdis. The Spatial Grammar of Borderlands, Esch-Sur-Alzette, Luxembourg. |
VENKEN, M. (2020). Organizer: Towards a Spatial Grammar of Luxembourg and Beyond? |
VENKEN, M. (17 December 2019). Language Learning in the Polish–German and Belgian–German Periphery (1919–1940) [Paper presentation]. Colloquium at the Chair for Eastern European History, Göttingen, Germany. |
VENKEN, M. (15 November 2019). Bordering Brussels. Research Symposium – Open Practices IN Education [Paper presentation]. Bordering Brussels. Research Symposium – Open Practices IN Education, Frankfurt am Main, Germany. |
VENKEN, M. (31 October 2019). Poolse soldaten in de Kempen en hun rol in de Europese geschiedenis [Paper presentation]. Poolse soldaten in de Kempen en hun rol in de Europese geschiedenis, Turnhout, Belgium. |
VENKEN, M. (24 October 2019). Dzieci w regionach pogranicznych (1919-1940): History Institute, University of Warsaw, 24.10.2019 [Paper presentation]. Talk: Dzieci w regionach pogranicznych (1919-1940), Warsaw, Poland. |
VENKEN, M. (24 October 2019). Native Borderland Children in Europe: comparing verification and nationalization narratives after the Second World War [Paper presentation]. No Neighbours’ Land: Postwar Europe in New Comparative Perspective. International Workshop, Warsaw, Poland. |
VENKEN, M. (18 October 2019). The ambiguity of Germanness among borderland youth: A preliminary comparison [Paper presentation]. Conference: Housing, Leisure and Everyday Life: Societies under German Occupation, Jena, Germany. |
VENKEN, M. (August 2019). Book Review: Citizenship Education and Global Migration. Implications for Theory Research, and Teaching, James A. Banks, Washington 2017. Journal of Borderlands Studies, 35 (1), 165–166. doi:10.1080/08865655.2019.1646154 |
VENKEN, M. (05 June 2019). Children of Transformation [Paper presentation]. Beyond 1989: Childhood and Youth in Times of Political Transformation in the 20th Century, Budapest, Hungary. |
VENKEN, M. (June 2019). Beyond 1989: Childhood and Youth in Times of Political Transformation in the 20th Century [Paper presentation]. Beyond 1989: Childhood and Youth in Times of Political Transformation in the 20th Century, Budapest, Hungary. |
VENKEN, M. (16 May 2019). Borderlands and Children in Interwar Europe [Paper presentation]. Colloquium: Borderlands and Children in Interwar Europe, Regensburg, Germany. |
VENKEN, M. (25 April 2019). Borderland Children Ego Documents from Once Upon a Time: Delusions or Gateways to a New Understanding of the Past? [Paper presentation]. Association for Borderlands Studies Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA, United States. |
VENKEN, M. (25 April 2019). Chair and Commentator: European Union: Immigration and Border Control [Paper presentation]. Association for Borderlands Studies Annual Conference, San Diego, CA, United States. |
VENKEN, M. (12 March 2019). Borderland Child Ego Documents. An Alternative Gateway to the Past? [Paper presentation]. Colloquium: Borderland Child Ego Documents, An Alternative Gateway to the Past?, Florence, Italy. |
VENKEN, M. (28 January 2019). Colloquium: Borderland Pupils in Interwar Europe [Paper presentation]. Colloquium: Borderland Pupils in Interwar Europe, Jena, Germany. |
VENKEN, M. (2019). Did Communist Children’s Television Communicate Universal Values? Representing Borders in the Polish Series Four Tank-Men and a Dog. In M. Blaive (Ed.), Perceptions of Society in Communist Europe: Regime Archives and Popular Opinion (pp. 159-176). London, United Kingdom: Bloomsbury Academic. Peer reviewed |
VENKEN, M. (2019). Форум: В поисках детской субъектности. Forum for Anthropology and Culture, 42, 9-106. doi:10.31250/1815-8870-2019-15-42-9-106 Peer reviewed |
VENKEN, M., Fellner, A., Dorfman, A., Laine, J., Meier, D., Trautmann, L., Tripathi, D., & Zeller, W. (January 2019). Border-Making and its Consequences: A Global Overview. Eurasia Border Review, 10 (1), 59-69. doi:10.14943/ebr.10.1.59 Peer reviewed |
VENKEN, M. (14 July 2018). Keynote Lecture: What is a Borderland Child? Age as a Central Category of Analysis in Border Research [Paper presentation]. Association for Borderland Studies 2nd World Conference, Budapest, Hungary. |
VENKEN, M. (11 July 2018). Book presentation: Borderland Studies Meets Child Studies. A European Encounter [Paper presentation]. Association for Borderland Studies 2nd World Conference. |
VENKEN, M. (11 July 2018). Panel Discussion: Border Studies Meets Citizen Science [Paper presentation]. Association for Borderland Studies 2nd World Conference, Vienna, Austria. |
VENKEN, M. (10 July 2018). Organiser of Plenary Session: Migration, Trafficking and Borders: Contemporary Global Challenges [Paper presentation]. Association for Borderland Studies 2nd World Conference, Vienna, Austria. |
VENKEN, M. (July 2018). Border-Making and its Consequences on the ABS 2nd World Conference. The Experience of a Conference Chair, Transcending Borders – Redrawing Perspectives [Paper presentation]. Lecture, Graz, Austria. |
VENKEN, M. (July 2018). Organizer: Multilingualism in Interwar Poland [Paper presentation]. Association for Borderland Studies 2nd World Conference, Budapest, Hungary. |
VENKEN, M., & Valencia, F. L. (2018). Message Regarding Academic Freedom. ORBilu-University of Luxembourg. |
VENKEN, M., & Neubauer, M. (Eds.). (2018). Association for Borderlands Studies 2nd World Conference. Border-Making and its Consequences: Interpreting Evidence from the 'post-Colonial' and 'post-Imperial' 20th Century. Vienna, Austria: University of Vienna. |
VENKEN, M. (27 June 2018). Borderland Children in interwar Europe [Paper presentation]. Network Conference Children Born of War, Leipzig, Germany. |
VENKEN, M. (28 April 2018). Discussant of the Panel: Crossing Borders, Graduate Conference in European History, University of Vienna, 28.04.2018 [Paper presentation]. Panel, Vienna, Austria. |
VENKEN, M. (11 April 2018). Remembering 1918. Turning Point for Europe [Paper presentation]. BOZAR Project: 1918. European Modernity One Hundred Years On. |
VENKEN, M. (06 April 2018). Moderator of the Panel: Border Mediascapes [Paper presentation]. Association for Borderlands Studies Annual Meeting, San Antonio, United States. |
VENKEN, M. (05 April 2018). Discussant of the Panel: Perceptions and Mental maps of the Borderlands [Paper presentation]. Association for Borderlands Studies Annual Meeting, San Antonio, United States. |
VENKEN, M. (05 April 2018). Language learning in interwar European Borderlands [Paper presentation]. Association for Borderlands Studies Annual Meeting, San Antonio, United States. |
VENKEN, M. (02 February 2018). Panel: Citizen Science - Methodologie und Kommunikation in partizipativen Forschungsprojekten [Paper presentation]. Fourth Austrian Citizen Science Conference: Talking Borders. From Local Expertise to Global Exchange, Salzburg, Austria. |
VENKEN, M. (2018). Talking Borders. From Local Expertise to Global Exchange. In F. Heigl & M. Ernst (Eds.), Austrian Citizen Science Conference 2018. Abstract book (pp. 94-101). frontiers. doi:10.3389/978-2-88945-587-4 |
VENKEN, M. (2018). Die vergessene Sicht der Kinder. Grenzregionen als Brennpunkte politischer Spannungen. In C. Lejeune, C. BRÜLL, ... P. Quadflieg (Eds.), Grenzerfahrungen Band 4. Staatenwechsel, Identitätskonflikte, Kriegserfahrungen (1919-1945): Eine Geschichte der Deutschsprachigen Gemeinschaft (pp. 308-317). Eupen, Belgium: Grenz-Echo. Peer reviewed |
VENKEN, M., Christiaens, K., & Goddeeris, I. (2018). Rząd belgijski na londyńskim wygnaniu. In R. P. Żurawski (Ed.), Struktury władzy na emigracji (pp. 399-413). Krakow, Poland: Arcana. Peer reviewed |
VENKEN, M. (15 December 2017). Panel: Re/Bordering Memory: Dynamics and Frictions of Multi-Scala Remembering [Paper presentation]. Borderland Child Agency? Memory Studies Association Second Annual Conference, Copenhagen, Denmark. |
VENKEN, M. (30 November 2017). Reflections on Europe. (with a commentary of Philipp Ther) [Paper presentation]. Introduction to Herman Van Rompuy’s lecture 'Europe: Reasons for Hope', Vienna, Austria. |
VENKEN, M. (23 November 2017). Lecture accompanying the screening of Bart Verstockt’s documentary Sylwester: Polish Soldiers and Ex-Combatants in Belgium. A Short History [Paper presentation]. Screening of Bart Verstockt’s documentary Sylwester, Brussels, Belgium. |
VENKEN, M. (07 October 2017). Language learning in interwar European borderlands [Paper presentation]. Session: Kinship, Migration and Knowledge, Atlanta, United States. |
VENKEN, M. (14 July 2017). Conception and Organisation, 3. Netzwerktreffen für Postdocs der Geschichtswissenschaftern [Paper presentation]. The Association for Borderland Studies World Conference, Vienna, Austria. |
VENKEN, M. (April 2017). Presentation: Borderland Studies Meets Child Studies. A European Encounter [Paper presentation]. Association for Borderlands Studies Annual Meeting, San Francisco, United States. |
VENKEN, M. (09 March 2017). Language Learning in Interwar European Borderland Primary Schools. A Comparison between Polish Upper Silesia and Eupen-Malmedy, 1919-1925, Minorities In/At War [Paper presentation]. Minorities In/At War, Brussels, Belgium. |
VENKEN, M. (March 2017). Book Review. Kulczycki, John J. Belonging to the Nation. Inclusion and Exclusion in the Polish-German Borderlands 1939-1951. Slavonic and East European Review, 95. doi:10.5699/slaveasteurorev2.95.3.0579 |
VENKEN, M. (2017). Een gemeenschappelijke Europese geschiedenis? Niet voor vandaag. De Wereld Morgen. |
VENKEN, M. (Ed.). (2017). Borderland Studies Meets Child Studies. A European Encounter. Frankfurt am Main, Germany: Peter Lang Edition. doi:10.3726/b11559 |
VENKEN, M. (2017). Introduction. Borderland Studies Meets Child Studies. A European Encounter. In M. VENKEN, Borderland Studies Meets Child Studies. An European Encounter (pp. 11-41). Frankfurt am Main, Germany: Peter Lang Verlag. Peer reviewed |
VENKEN, M. (08 December 2016). Social advance in interwar European borderlands. A compared analysis of elite training in Polish Upper Silesia and the Eupen-Malmedy region [Paper presentation]. Leibniz-Institut für Geschichte und Kultur des östlichen Europa (GWZO), Leipzig, Germany. |
VENKEN, M. (02 December 2016). How Universal Was Communist Children’s Television? Representing Borders in the Polish Series Four Tank-Men and a Dog [Paper presentation]. Conference: Perceptions of Society at the Top in East Central Europe, 1945-1981. |
VENKEN, M. (14 November 2016). Language Learning in Interwar European Borderland Primary Schools. A Comparison between Polish Upper Silesia and Eupen-Malmedy [Paper presentation]. Tadeusz Mazowiecki Cycle of Lectures on the History of the Visegrad Countries. |
VENKEN, M. (07 October 2016). Borderland Studies, Child Studies, Europeanisation. A New Encounter [Paper presentation]. Association for Borderland Studies, European Conference, Luxembourg. |
VENKEN, M. (13 June 2016). Presentation: Children in 20th Century European Borderlands [Paper presentation]. Mentoring Program for Female Postdoctoral Academics, Vienna, Austria. |
VENKEN, M. (08 April 2016). Language learning as borderscaping process in interwar European borderlands [Paper presentation]. Conference: Borderscape as an Interdisciplinary Concept, Luxembourg. |
VENKEN, M. (April 2016). Narrating the Time of Troubles in Polish School History Textbooks (1918–1989). Cahiers du Monde Russe, 57, 879-902. doi:10.4000/monderusse.9996 Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
VENKEN, M. (30 March 2016). Session organiser: Changing Border, Defining Identity. A European Perspective of Shaping Children's Role in Modern Society [Paper presentation]. European Social Science History Conference. |
VENKEN, M. (30 March 2016). Growing Up in 20th-Century European Borderlands [Paper presentation]. European Social Science History Conference, Valencia, Spain. |
VENKEN, M. (18 January 2016). Lecture: Wie universell war das kommunistische Fernsehen? Neue Ergebnisse über audiovisuelle Medien in der Volksrepublik Polen [Paper presentation]. Tadeusz Mazowiecki - Ringvorlesung zur Geschichte Polens, Vienna, Austria. |
VENKEN, M. (04 June 2015). Colloquium: Moulding New Citizens for 20th Century Europe? A Comparison of Elite Training in the Belgian-German and Polish-German Borderlands (1920-1940 and 1945-1960) [Paper presentation]. Zentrum für Zeithistorische Forschung, Potsdam, Germany. |
VENKEN, M. (30 April 2015). Illegal youth organisations in East Upper Silesia 1947-1956 [Paper presentation]. Conference: From the poison cabinets of communism. Methodological questions on working with surveillance files in South-Eastern and Central Europe. |
VENKEN, M., & Röger, M. (April 2015). Growing up in the shadow of the Second World War: European perspectives. European Review of History, 22 (2), 199-220. doi:10.1080/13507486.2015.1008410 Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
VENKEN, M. (April 2015). Child Forced Labour. An Analysis of Ego Documents Thoughout Time. European Review of History: Revue européenne d'histoire, 22 (2), 368-388. doi:10.1080/13507486.2015.1008412 Peer reviewed |
VENKEN, M. (23 March 2015). Narrating the Time of Troubles in Polish history schoolbooks (1918-1989) [Paper presentation]. Conference: Children and War. Reflecting on Wartime Childhood across the Centuries, Mainz, Germany. |
VENKEN, M., & Zalewski, K. M. (March 2015). Boso, ale na rowerze. De helaasheid der dingen in Polen. Filter: Tijdschrift over Vertalen, 22 (3). Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
VENKEN, M. (2015). Як спів може надати сенсу воєнному досвіду. Остарбайтерки в Бельгії повоєнного періоду. Україна модерна, 1-14. Peer reviewed |
VENKEN, M. (January 2015). Organiser of the Conference: Growing Up in 20th Century European Borderlands [Paper presentation]. Growing Up in 20th Century European Borderlands. |
VENKEN, M. (January 2015). Presentation: Elite Training in Interwar Europe. A Perspective from the Border [Paper presentation]. Growing Up in 20th Century European Borderlands, Vienna, Austria. |
VENKEN, M. (04 December 2014). The Best Propaganda is Adventure for Children. The Non-Presentation of the Holocaust in the Polish Television Series “Four Tank-Men and a Dog” [Paper presentation]. Völkermord zur Primetime - Der Holocaust im Fernsehen / Genocide at Prime Time, Vienna, Austria. |
VENKEN, M. (20 November 2014). Comparing Nationalisation and Elite Training in 20th Century European Borderlands [Paper presentation]. 46th Annual Convention of the Association for Slavic, East European & Eurasian Studies, San Antonio, Texas, United States. |
VENKEN, M. (07 November 2014). Podium Discussant on the Round Table: "Publishing in English: Challenges and Chances" [Paper presentation]. Publishing in English: Challenges and Chances. |
VENKEN, M. (29 September 2014). Presentation of the paper: Comparing Nationalisation and Elite Training in 20th Century European Borderlands [Paper presentation]. 10. Österreichischer Zeitgeschichtstag, Klagenfurt, Austria. |
VENKEN, M., & Kaczorowski, G. (05 July 2014). Presentation: Historia mówiona w powiecie lublinieckim (województwo katowickie) [Paper presentation]. Historia mówiona w powiecie lublinieckim (województwo katowickie), Koszęcin, Poland. |
VENKEN, M., Sierakowski, S., Labov, J., & Kontny, J. (09 June 2014). Writing Europe and the East-West Divide [Paper presentation]. Writing Europe and the East-West Divide, Vienna, Austria. |
VENKEN, M., & Zalewski, K. M. (08 May 2014). Boso, ale na rowerze. De Helaasheid der dingen in Polen [Paper presentation]. Circulation of Dutch Literature Workshop, Budapest, Hungary. |
VENKEN, M., & Röger, M. (23 April 2014). Paper presentation: War Children in the Post-war: An Introduction, European Social Science History Conference, Vienna, 23.04.2014 [Paper presentation]. European Social Science History Conference, Vienna, Austria. |
VENKEN, M. (March 2014). Nationalization campaigns and teachers' practices in Belgian–German and Polish–German border regions (1945–1956). Nationalities Papers, 42 (2), 223-241. doi:10.1080/00905992.2013.817386 Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
VENKEN, M. (2014). Child Forced Labour. An Analysis of Ego Documents Throughout Time [Paper presentation]. Conference: Storylines and Blackboxes. Konstellationen auto/biographischer Erzählungen über Gewalterfahrungen im Kontext des Zweiten Weltkrieges, Vienna, Austria. doi:10.1080/13507486.2015.1008412 |
VENKEN, M. (2014). War Children in the War and the Post-war [Paper presentation]. European Social Science History Conference, Vienna, Austria. |
VENKEN, M. (2014). Book review. Menno Spierling and Michael Wintle (eds), European Identity and the Second World War. Journal of Contemporary History, 49, 853-854. doi:10.1177/0022009414550269d |
VENKEN, M., & Daenen, R. (Crit. Eds.). (2014). Editoriaal. Grenzeloos. Tijd-Schrift: Heemkunde en Lokaal-Erfgoedpraktijk in Vlaanderen, 3, 4-5. |
VENKEN, M., & Pools Institut in Brussel (Ed.). (2014). De soldaten van de Eerste Poolse Pantserdivisie. Hun geschiedenis. Gelegenheidsbrochure naar aanleiding van 70 jaar bevrijding van België, p. 6-21. |
VENKEN, M. (2014). Herinneren in een (eens) verdeeld Europa. Consistentie en veranderlijkheid in getuigenissen van oud-strijders. Revue Belge de Philologie et d'Histoire, 92, 527-544. Peer reviewed |
VENKEN, M., Pałka, J., & Zalewski, K. M. (Eds.). (2013). Żołnierze 1. Dywizji Pancernej gen. Maczka. Doświadczenie i pamięć. Gdansk, Poland: Replika. |
VENKEN, M. (2013). Zwangsarbeitserfahrungen polnischer Kinder in Ego-Dokumenten und Selbstzeugnissen [Paper presentation]. Conference: Kontakte und Kulturtransfer im historischen Raum Ostpreussen 5 (1700-2000), Nida, Lithuania. |
VENKEN, M. (2013). Presentation of the Draft Project Proposal: Children of Annexation. A Comparative and Entangled History, 1939-1960 [Paper presentation]. Research Seminary of Professor Philipp Ther, Vienna, Austria. |
VENKEN, M. (2013). Borderland Children in Europe. An Explorative Study [Paper presentation]. Children and War: Past and Present, Salzburg, Austria. |
VENKEN, M. (2012). Józef Chałasiński and the Young Countryside Generation of the Polish People’s Republic [Paper presentation]. Dissenters and Collaborators: Revisiting Cold War Binaries, Vienna, Austria. |
VENKEN, M. (2012). In their own words. War experiences of Polish child forced labourers [Paper presentation]. Children, Women and Families – Migration in Historical Perspective, Salzburg, Austria. |
VENKEN, M. (2012). Session: Border Studies meet Migration Studies: Similarities and Differences [Paper presentation]. Belgische Dag voor Nieuwste Geschiedenis. |
VENKEN, M. (2012). War Children in the Post-war. A West-East perspective on child policies, child experiences and warchildhood remembrance cultures in Europe since 1945 [Paper presentation]. War Children in the Post-war. A West-East perspective on child policies, child experiences and warchildhood remembrance cultures in Europe since 1945, Vienna, Austria. |
VENKEN, M. (2012). Nationalisation Campaigns and Teachers’ Life Paths in Belgian-German and Polish-German Border Regions [Paper presentation]. Region – Europa – Nation? Kollektive Identitäten an Grenzen: Deutschland, die Niederlände und Belgien im 20. Jahrhundert, Aachen, Germany. |
VENKEN, M., & Filipkowski, P. (2012). Making meaning of war experiences: Polish ex-combatants settled in Belgium and in Poland [Paper presentation]. Beyond Camps and Forced Labour. Current International Research on Survivors of Nazi Persecution, London, United Kingdom. |
VENKEN, M. (2012). Paper presentation: Educating a new generation of border people: a comparison between the Polish Western and Belgian German-speaking borderlands, 1945-1960 [Paper presentation]. Belgische Dag voor Nieuwste Geschiedenis. |
VENKEN, M. (2012). Paper presentation: Teachers and Nationalisation in Belgian-German and Polish-German Borderlands [Paper presentation]. European Social Science History Conference. |
VENKEN, M. (2012). East-West Comparisons [Paper presentation]. 8. Österreichischer Zeitgeschichtetag, Linz, Austria. |
VENKEN, M. (2012). Paper presentation: War Memories, Border Regions, Children and Migrants in Europe [Paper presentation]. 8. Österreichischer Zeitgeschichtetag, Linz, Austria. |
VENKEN, M. (2012). Border Studies meet Migration Studies? Similarities and Differences [Paper presentation]. European Social Science History Conference. |
VENKEN, M. (2012). Editoriaal. Erfgoed en migratie. Tijd-Schrift: Heemkunde en Lokaal-Erfgoedpraktijk in Vlaanderen, 2, 4-5. |
VENKEN, M. (2012). The Communist 'Polonia’ Society and Polish Immigrants in Belgium, 1956-1990. In P. Rygiel & G. Squires (Eds.), Hearing from Home (pp. 43-58). Paris, France: Publibook. Peer reviewed |
VENKEN, M. (2012). 'You still live far from the Motherland, but you are her son, her daughter'. War Memory and Soviet Mental Space (1945-2011). In G. Mink & L. Neumayer (Eds.), History, Memory and Politics in Central, East and South East Europe (pp. 54-67). Houndsmill, United Kingdom: Palgrave Macmillan. Peer reviewed |
VENKEN, M. (2012). De mobilisatie van Poolse oud-strijders in België, 1947-1972. Een andere visie op Poolse migrantenorganisaties. Brood and Rozen: Tijdschrift voor de Geschiedenis van Sociale Bewegingen, 3, 22-45. Peer reviewed |
VENKEN, M. (2012). ‘I am also a Foreigner, but with Me it’s Different’: Polish Displaced Persons, War Memory and Ethnification in Belgium. In O. Kleist & I. Glynn (Eds.), History, Memory and Migrant Incorporation: How Perceptions of the Past Affect the Reception of Immigrants (pp. 49-67). Houndsmill, United Kingdom: Palgrave Macmillan. Peer reviewed |
VENKEN, M. (2011). Lecture: Early Postwar Memories of Children from the Historical East Prussian Region [Paper presentation]. Early Postwar Memories of Children from the Historical East Prussia Region. |
VENKEN, M. (2011). Giving meaning to war experiences. Ex-combatants from Poland and Belgium [Paper presentation]. Genealogies of Memory in Central and Eastern Europe. Theory and Methods. |
VENKEN, M. (2011). Educating Children about War in the Historical East Prussia Region [Paper presentation]. the Biennale of the Society for History of Childhood and Youth, New York, United States. |
VENKEN, M. (2011). Discussant: From the Iron Curtain to the Schengen Area [Paper presentation]. From the Iron Curtain to the Schengen Area, Vienna, Austria. |
VENKEN, M. (2011). Straddling the Iron Curtain? Immigrants, Immigrant Organisations, War Memories. Peter Lang Verlag. Peer reviewed |
VENKEN, M. (2011). Migration and War Memory in a European Perspective? A Case-Study on Displaced Persons in Belgium. Natolin Research Papers, 5. Peer reviewed |
VENKEN, M. (2011). Międzynarodowe i lokalne próby aktywizacji byłych żołnierzy Pierwszej Polskiej Dywizji Pancernej w Belgii w latach 1947–1970. Pamiec i Sprawiedliwosc, 17, 333-351. Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
VENKEN, M. (2010). Polen ernstig uit balans. De Standaard. |
VENKEN, M. (2010). Migrantenorganisaties: brug naar of hindernis tot integratie? Een historisch perspectief [Paper presentation]. Lezingenreeks Actuele Geschiedenis. |
VENKEN, M. (2010). War Memories. Border Regions, Children and Migrants in Europe (1945-1970) [Paper presentation]. Conference Border Communities: Microstudies on Everyday Life, Politics and Memory in European Societies from 1945 to the Present. |
VENKEN, M. (2010). 2009-2010: Poland, Germany and Russia remember World War II [Paper presentation]. The Biennale of Belgian Slavists. |
VENKEN, M. (2010). ‘Because we Liberated your Country’. Polish Immigrants in Belgium, War Memory and Etnification [Paper presentation]. European Social Science History Conference Ghent. |
VENKEN, M. (2010). Making meaning of war experiences. Polish ex-combatants settled in Belgium and in Poland [Paper presentation]. Oral History Association Conference, Prague. |
VENKEN, M. (2010). Wie Singen Kriegserlebnissen Sinn verleihen kann. Ostarbeiterinnen im Belgien der Nachkriegszeit. In E. BOESEN & F. Lenz (Eds.), Migration et mémoire. Concepts et methods de recherche/ Migration und Erinnerung. Konzepte und Methoden der Forschung (pp. 151-165). Berlin, Germany: LIT Verlag. Peer reviewed |
VENKEN, M. (2010). Tussen Oost en West. De oorlogsherinneringen van migrantenvrouwen en -mannen tijdens de Koude Oorlog. In L. Wouters & C. Wallemacq (Eds.), Aken van het colloquium Genderstudies: een genre apart? Savoirs de genre: quel genre de savoir? (pp. 79-93). Brussels, Belgium: Sophia vzw. Peer reviewed |
VENKEN, M. (2010). Polish liberators and Ostarbeiterinnen in Belgium during the Cold War. Mixed marriages and the differences for immigrant men and women. In E. Yeo & M. Schrover (Ed.), Gender, Migration and the Public Sphere, 1850-2005 (pp. 54-75). London, United Kingdom: Routledge. Peer reviewed |
VENKEN, M. (2010). Включенное наблюдение и/или интервью? Собирание коллективных и/или личных воспоминаний? Case-study в Бельгии. In G. Grinchenko & N. Khanenko-Friesen (Eds.), In Search of Voice: Oral History as Theory, Method, and Source (pp. 64-73). Kharkiv, Ukraine: Torgsin Plus. Peer reviewed |
VENKEN, M. (2010). Van onzichtbaar naar zichtbaar: van communistes tot slachtoffers en baboesjka’s. Gewezen Ostarbeiterinnen in België. Historica, 3. Peer reviewed |
VENKEN, M., Beyers, L., & Goddeeris, I. (2009). Families, Foreignness, Migration. History of the Family, 14 (2). doi:10.1016/j.hisfam.2009.04.001 Peer reviewed |
VENKEN, M. (2009). Bodily Memory: Introducing Immigrant Organisations and the Family. History of the Family, 14, 150-164. doi:10.1016/j.hisfam.2009.02.003 Peer reviewed |
VENKEN, M., Beyers, L., & Goddeeris, I. (2009). Families, Foreignness, Migration. An Introduction. History of the Family, 4, 125-131. Peer reviewed |
VENKEN, M. (2009). Straddling the Iron Curtain? Migrants' War Memories. Journal of Belgian History, 39, 297-300. Peer reviewed |
VENKEN, M. (2009). Participant Observation or Interviews? Gathering collective or Personal Memories? A Case Study from Belgium [Paper presentation]. Conference In Search of Voice: Oral History as Theory, Method and Source. |
VENKEN, M. (2009). Lecture: Families, Foreignness, Migration. Now and Then [Paper presentation]. Ośrodek Badań nad Migracjami. doi:10.1016/j.hisfam.2009.04.001 |
VENKEN, M. (2009). From Communist Invisibles to Traumatized Visibles. Ostarbeiterinnen in Belgium, 1945-2009 [Paper presentation]. 7thCEEISA Convention (The Central and East European International Studies Association), Saint Petersbourg, Russia. |
VENKEN, M. (2009). Singing a Meaning to War Experiences [Paper presentation]. Conference 1948 and All That: Soviet Music, Ideology & Power. |
VENKEN, M. (2009). Seminar: Straddling the Iron Curtain? Migrants’ War Memories [Paper presentation]. Seminar Prof. Kuly, Borodzieja i Kochanowskiego. |
VENKEN, M. (2009). Review. Dénes: Liberty and the Search for Identity. Liberal Nationalisms and the Legacy of Empires. European Review, 17, 638-641. doi:10.1017/S1062798709001008 |
VENKEN, M. (2009). Тілесна пам’ять: імміґрантські організації та родина (вступ до проблеми). East/West: Journal of Ukrainian Studies, 193-218. Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
VENKEN, M. (2008). Polish ex-combatants in confrontation with Polish domestic workers: identification / reorientations [Paper presentation]. Conference Labour Migration and Europeanization. |
VENKEN, M. (2008). Gemengd huwen, nationaliteit en de verschillen voor mannen en vrouwen. Poolse oudgedienden en Ostarbeiterinnen in België tijdens de Koude Oorlog. Tijdschrift voor Sociale en Economische Geschiedenis, 5, 23-48. Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
VENKEN, M. (2008). Betekenis geven aan oorlogservaring. Herinneringen en identificaties van migranten over het Ijzeren Gordijn heen [Paper presentation]. 5th Dutch-Flemish Days of Slavic specialists. |
VENKEN, M. (2008). Families and Silence: Ostarbeiterinnen in Belgium: Migration und Erinnerung. Konzepte und Methoden der Forschung [Paper presentation]. Families and Silence: Ostarbeiterinnen in Belgium: Migration und Erinnerung. Konzepte und Methoden der Forschung. |
VENKEN, M. (2008). Ostarbeiterinnen and War Memory [Paper presentation]. Conference Foreign Labour in Wartime Germany: the Gender Perspective, Brussels, Belgium. |
VENKEN, M. (2008). Panel Organiser: The Cold War and the Integration of Migrants [Paper presentation]. European Social Science History Conference, Portugal. |
VENKEN, M. (2008). War memory and integration [Paper presentation]. Conference 'Integratie in België en Nederland vanuit historisch perspectief'. |
VENKEN, M. (2008). Paper presentation: Singing Memory [Paper presentation]. European Social Science History Conference, Portugal. |
VENKEN, M. (2008). Embodied Memory [Paper presentation]. Conference: Families, Constructions of Foreignness and Migration in 20th Century Western Europe. |
VENKEN, M. (2008). Review. What We Remember. The construction of memory in military discourse by Mariana Achugar. Paradigmatics, 18, 814-815. |
VENKEN, M. (2008). In spreidstand over het IJzeren Gordijn heen? De oorlogsherinneringen van migranten [Doctoral thesis, KU Leuven - Catholic University of Leuven]. ORBilu-University of Luxembourg. |
VENKEN, M. (2007). Letters connect people and people? The Communist ‘Polonia’ Society and Polish Immigrants in Belgium, 1956-90. Journal of Intercultural Studies, 7, 25-38. Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
VENKEN, M. (2007). Constructie en receptie van het collectieve geheugen bij enkele Poolse gewezen divisiesoldaten in België. De Koude Oorlog in praktijken. Journal of Belgian History, 3-4, 387-417. Peer reviewed |
VENKEN, M. (January 2007). Heeft het Lijfs nog een toekomst? Taalpolitiek in Letland van nabij bekeken. Streven, 74, 316-324. Peer reviewed |
VENKEN, M. (2007). Konstrukcja i recepcja pamięci zbiorowej wśród polskich dywizjonistów w Belgii. Zimna wojna w praktyce. Przeglad Polonijny, 33, 41-62. Peer reviewed |
VENKEN, M. (2006). Polish migration to Western Europe in the 1980s: Western European Trade Unions and Solidarity, 1980-89 [Paper presentation]. Polish migration to Western Europe in the 1980s: Western European Trade Unions and Solidarity, 1980-89, Brussels, Belgium. |
VENKEN, M. (2006). For Your Freedom and Ours. Individual and collective identities of Polish Ex-combatants in Belgium, 1950-2006 [Paper presentation]. Dag van de Nieuwste Geschiedenis, Belgium. |
VENKEN, M. (2006). Het digitale leerplatform eRMIONE. Informatiekunde aan de hand van primaire Poolse bronnen [Paper presentation]. Colloquium: Het Cultureel aspect in het onderwijs van Slavische Talen. |
VENKEN, M. (2006). Het Kostwinnersmodel en Slavische migranten in België na WO II: Gender en Migratie [Paper presentation]. CGM – Studiedag. |
VENKEN, M. (2006). Letters connect people and nations. Correspondence between the Communist 'Polonia' Society and Polish Immigrants in Belgium 1955-90 [Paper presentation]. European Social Science History Conference, Amsterdam, Netherlands. |
VENKEN, M., & Beyers, L. (2006). Geschiedenis van integratie? Een historische kijk op vestigingsprocessen na migratie. Bulletin d'Information de l'Association Belge d'Histoire Contemporaine, 13-16. |
VENKEN, M. (2006). The Nationalization of Identities: Ukrainians in Belgium, 1920-1950. East/West: Journal of Ukrainian Studies, 31, 89-115. Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
VENKEN, M. (2006). Konstrukcja i recepcja pamięci zbiorowej wśród polskich dywizjonistów w Belgii. Zimna wojna w praktyce [Paper presentation]. Międzynarodową Konferencję Polonijną w Szczecinie: Polska-Polonia. Wzajemne oczekiwania. Polska tożsamość na emigracji, Szczecin, Poland. |
VENKEN, M. (2005). De diversificatie van de Poolse energiesector. Oost-Europa Tijdingen, 43-47. Peer reviewed |
VENKEN, M. (2005). De diversificatie van de Poolse energiesector. Oost-Europa Tijdingen, 43-47. |
VENKEN, M. (2005). Polen in Wit-Rusland: Een boksmatch met internationaal karakter. Oost-Europa Tijdingen, 36-41. |