

University of Luxembourg > Luxembourg Centre for Contemporary and Digital History (C2DH) > Digital History and Historiography

Main Referenced Co-authors
Stark, Martin (10)
WIENEKE, Lars  (8)
GUIDO, Daniele  (7)
BUNOUT, Estelle  (6)
Ehrmann, Maud (5)
Main Referenced Keywords
HistoricalNetworks\_articles (9); impresso (8); HistoricalNetworks\_peer\_articles (4); PhD\_articles (4); HistoricalNetworks\_books (3);
Main Referenced Unit & Research Centers
Luxembourg Centre for Contemporary and Digital History (C2DH) > Digital History & Historiography (DHI) (17)
Herder Institut (1)
LISER - Luxembourg Institute of Socio-Economic Research (1)
Lund University (1)
Luxembourg Centre for Contemporary and Digital History (C2DH) > Contemporary European History (EHI) (1)
Main Referenced Disciplines
History (82)
Arts & humanities: Multidisciplinary, general & others (6)
Computer science (4)
Art & art history (1)
General economics & history of economic thought (1)

Publications (total 89)

The most downloaded
DURING, M., & Eumann, U. (2013). Historische Netzwerkforschung. Ein neuer Ansatz in den Geschichtswissenschaften. Geschichte und Gesellschaft, 39, 369--390.

The most cited

26 citations (Scopus®)

WIENEKE, L., DURING, M., Silaume, G., LALLEMAND, C., Croce, V., Lazzarro, M., Nucci, F., Pasini, C., Fraternali, P., Tagliasacchi, M., Melenhorst, M., Novak, J., Micheel, I., Harloff, E., & Garcia Moron, J. (2014). histoGraph – A Visualization Tool for Collaborative Analysis of Historical Social Networks from Multimedia Collections. In Proceedings of 18th International Conference Information Visualisation (IV), 2014 Conference. Paris, France, Unknown/unspecified: CPS. doi:10.1109/IV.2014.47

DURING, M. (In press). Netzwerkvisualisierungen in den Geschichtswissenschaften zwischen explorativer Quellenanalyse und der Suggestionskraft des Bildes. In R. Häußling (Ed.), Visualisierung sozialer Netzwerke. Wiesbaden, Unknown/unspecified: VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften.

DURING, M. (24 November 2024). impresso Text Reuse at Scale. A Prototype Interface for the Exploration of Text Reuse Data in Semantically Enriched Historical Newspapers [Paper presentation]. Quantitative analysis of text reuse. Towards a methodology, Helsinki, Finland.

DURING, M., BUNOUT, E., & GUIDO, D. (2024). Transparent generosity. Introducing the impresso interface for the exploration of semantically enriched historical newspapers. Historical Methods, 35 - 55. doi:10.1080/01615440.2024.2344004
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DURING, M. (11 December 2023). Making sense of semantically enriched newspapers [Paper presentation]. C2DH Training Trading Zone, Belval, Luxembourg.

DURING, M. (04 December 2023). Introduction to social network analysis: Manual data extraction [Paper presentation]. C2DH Training Trading Zone.

DURING, M. (15 November 2023). The Luxembourg Centre for Contemporary and Digital History (C2DH) [Paper presentation]. Inivited Talk, Marburg, Germany.

DURING, M. (15 November 2023). Impresso Text Reuse at Scale [Paper presentation]. Seminar "Netzwerkforschung in den Geistes- und Kulturwissenschaften – Theorien, Konzepte und Anwendungen", Marburg, Germany.

DURING, M. (15 November 2023). Historische Medien und Maschinelles Lernen. Vom Zusammenspiel von Infrastrukturen, Methoden und Akteuren [Paper presentation]. Studium Generale "Vernetzte Welt(Kultur)", Marburg, Germany.

DURING, M. (11 November 2023). impresso. Media Monitoring of the Past [Paper presentation]. Workshop "Artificial Intelligence in Archives", Luxembourg, Luxembourg.

DURING, M. (11 November 2023). From text to data to networks [Paper presentation]. English Studies Conferences.

DURING, M. (11 November 2023). impresso Text Reuse at Scale [Paper presentation]. Quantitative analysis of text reuse. Towards a methodology, Helsinki, Finland.

DURING, M. (18 October 2023). impresso - Media Monitoring of the Past Machine - Learning to Read Yesterday’s News. How semantic enrichments enhance the study of digitised historical newspapers [Paper presentation]. EUROPAST Workshop, Lund, Sweden.

DURING, M. (12 October 2023). impresso - Media Monitoring of the Past II. Beyond Borders: Connecting Historical Newspapers and Radio [Paper presentation]. ModelSEN Workshop "Modelling Knowledge and Evolution of Science".

DURING, M. (14 September 2023). impresso. Media Monitoring of the Past [Paper presentation]. DIFEM 2023 – Doctoriales internationales francophones en études des médias – A history of online virality, Belval, Luxembourg.

DURING, M. (09 September 2023). From text to data to networks [Paper presentation]. English Studies Conferences.

DURING, M. (04 September 2023). Impresso - Media Monitoring of the Past [Paper presentation]. Belgian print media in the age of digitization. Current challenges of research into the history of media and journalism in Belgium, Brussels, Belgium.

DURING, M. (12 July 2023). impresso - Media Monitoring of the Past II. Beyond Borders: Connecting Historical Newspapers and Radio [Paper presentation]. Centre of Competence for Data Science and Simulation (DSS) Data Science Lunch Discussion Series, Belval, Luxembourg.

DURING, M. (04 July 2023). Networked Data: Digital Environments for Collecting, Managing, and Analysing Relational Data in Medieval Studies - A Round Table Discussion [Paper presentation]. International Congress on the Study of the Middle Ages, Leeds, United Kingdom.

DURING, M. (04 July 2023). Gleanings from Applications for the Graph-Based Exploration of Cultural Heritage Collections [Paper presentation]. International Congress on the Study of the Middle Ages, Leeds, United Kingdom.

DURING, M.* , Romanello, M., & Ehrmann, M. (2023). impresso Text Reuse at Scale Evaluation Form. doi:10.5281/zenodo.8009613

DURING, M. (30 May 2023). Machine Learning to Read Yesterday’s News [Paper presentation]. Humanities Data Science and Methodology Lecture Series, Darmstadt, Germany.

DURING, M., & Ehrmann, M. (11 May 2023). impresso. Media Monitoring of the Past [Paper presentation]. Workshop "AI and Historical Newspapers", London, United Kingdom.

DURING, M. (30 January 2023). Introduction to Historical Network Research [Paper presentation]. Seminar.

DURING, M. (2023). HNR Bibliography Edit-a-thon [Paper presentation]. GrapHNR 2023, Mainz, Germany.

Ehrmann, M.* , DURING, M., Neudecker, C., & Doucet, A. (2023). Computational Approaches to Digitised Historical Newspapers (Dagstuhl Seminar 22292). doi:10.4230/DagRep.12.7.112

DURING, M.* , Romanello, M., Ehrmann, M., Beelen, K., GUIDO, D., Deseure, B., BUNOUT, E., Keck, J., & APOSTOLOPOULOS, P. (2023). impresso Text Reuse at Scale. An interface for the exploration of text reuse data in semantically enriched historical newspapers. Frontiers in Big Data, 6, 1249469. doi:10.3389/fdata.2023.1249469
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GANSCHOW, I., Weisbrodt, S., DURING, M., & LAURENT, M. (2022). Die Uni Luxemburg vernetzt kluge Köpfe für die Nachkriegszeit. Luxemburger Wort.

DURING, M., GANSCHOW, I., JANZ, N., JASKOV, H., PAPASTAMKOU, S., WIENEKE, L., VENKEN, M., Derian, & Nemchenko, V. (2022). Report on C²DH Activities in Support of the Ukrainian Research Community. Esch-sur-Alzette, Luxembourg: Luxembourg Centre for Contemporary and Digital History.

Buarque, B., Deicke, A., Doehne, M., DURING, M., Fangerau, H., Herfeld, C., van den Heuvel, C., Hyvönen, E., Lalli, R., Vogl, M., Weiß, L., Wintergrün, D., van Miert, D., & van Vugt, I. (2022). White Paper of the ModelSEN Workshop (April 2022). Zenodo. doi:10.5281/zenodo.7341217

DURING, M., Beck, C., Rollinger, C., & Stark, M. (Eds.). (2021). Issue 6. Journal of Historical Network Research, 6 (1), 262. doi:10.25517/jhnr.v6i1
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DURING, M., Kalyakin, R., BUNOUT, E., & GUIDO, D. (2021). Impresso Inspect and Compare. Visual Comparison of Semantically Enriched Historical Newspaper Articles. Information, 12 (9), 348. doi:10.3390/info12090348
Peer reviewed

DURING, M. (2020). Gleanings from applications for the graph-based exploration of cultural heritage collections. In F. Kerschbaumer, L. V. Keyserlingk, M. Stark, ... M. DURING (Eds.), The Power of Networks. Prospects of Historical Network Research (pp. 224-250). Routledge Publishers.

Kerschbaumer, F., Keyserlingk, L. V., Stark, M., & DURING, M. (Eds.). (2020). The Power of Networks. Prospects of Historical Network Research. Routledge Publishers.

BUNOUT, E., & DURING, M. (2019). Collections of Digitised Newspapers as Historical Sources – Parthenos training.

BUNOUT, E., & DURING, M. (25 October 2018). Implementing Transparency [Paper presentation]. Digital Hermeneutics in History: Theory and Practice.

DURING, M. (2018). Vom Sprechen, Denken und Rechnen mit Netzwerken. Eine Skizze der Forschungspraxis in den (Digitalen) Geschichtswissenschaften [Paper presentation]. Netzwerke und NS-Belastung zentraler deutscher Behörden.

DURING, M., & Stark, M. (2018). Workshop „Erhebung relationaler Daten aus Texten“ [Paper presentation]. Trier Summer School Soziale Netzwerkanalyse.

DURING, M. (2018). Presentation of work in social network analysis [Paper presentation]. Dagstuhl Seminar "Network Visualization in the Humanities".

DURING, M. (2018). Erste Überlegungen zu Biographien, Vernetzung und Netzwerkanalyse. In C. Gruber, Á. Z. Bernád, ... M. Kaiser (Eds.), Europa baut auf Biographien. Aspekte, Bausteine, Normen und Standards für eine europäische Biographik (pp. 248--258). Wien, Unknown/unspecified: new academic press.

DURING, M., Rollinger, C. (Ed.), Stark, M. (Ed.), & Gramsch, R. (Ed.). (2018). Second issue. Journal of Historical Network Research. doi:10.25517/jhnr.v2i1
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DURING, M. (2018). Data Visualisation [Paper presentation]. Doctoral Training Unit ‘Digital History & Hermeneutics’.

DURING, M. (2018). impresso. Mining 200 years of historical newspapers.

DURING, M. (22 June 2017). What have networks ever done for us? [Paper presentation]. Digital History Summer School University of Lausanne, Switzerland.

DURING, M., GUIDO, D., & WIENEKE, L. (2017). histograph. Graph-based exploration, crowd-based annotation [Paper presentation]. Tagung Graphentechnologien in Mainz.

Papastamkou, S., & DURING, M. (2017). #dhnord2017: (Dé)construire l'histoire numérique [Paper presentation]. #dhnord2017: (Dé)construire l'histoire numérique.

DURING, M., & Stark, M. (2017). Workshop „Erhebung relationaler Daten aus Texten“ [Paper presentation]. Trier Summer School Soziale Netzwerkanalyse.

DURING, M. (2017). Einführung in die Historische Netzwerkforschung [Paper presentation]. Student Seminar at the University of Trier.

Rollinger, C., DURING, M., Stark, M., & Gramsch, R. (2017). Editors' Introduction. Journal of Historical Network Research, 1 (1). doi:10.5072/jhnr.v1i1.19
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Sumikawa, Y., Jatowt, A., & DURING, M. (2017). Analysis of Temporal and Web Site References in History-related Tweets. In Proceedings of the 2017 ACM on Web Science Conference (pp. 419--420). New York, NY, USA, Unknown/unspecified: ACM. doi:10.1145/3091478.3098868
Peer reviewed

Gramsch, R., Rollinger, C. (Ed.), Stark, M. (Ed.), & DURING, M. (Ed.). (2017). Inaugural issue. Journal of Historical Network Research, 1 (1). doi:10.25517/jhnr.v1i1
Peer reviewed

Hasanuzzaman, M., Jatowt, A., Dias, G., DURING, M., & van den Bosch, A. (2017). Introduction. In The 4th International Workshop on Computational History (HistoInformatics 2017). Co-located with the 26th ACM International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM 2017). CEUR-WS.

DURING, M., GUIDO, D., & WIENEKE, L. (2017). Workshop participation: Fibra: Toward a Humanistic Analysis of Research Networks [Paper presentation]. Fibra: Toward a Humanistic Analysis of Research Networks.

Ehrmann, M., BUNOUT, E., & DURING, M. (2017). Historical Newspaper User Interfaces: A Review [Paper presentation]. International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA).

DANESCU, E., Heimbach, H., DURING, M., & GUIDO, D. (10 June 2016). A new reading of primary sources via the digital analysis of social networks. ‘The Werner Committee and the debates on European economic and monetary integration’ [Paper presentation]. DH Benelux 2016 - Building a Platform for the Community of Interdisciplinary DH Researchers, Belval, Luxembourg.

Kerschbaumer, F., & DURING, M. (2016). Quantifizierung und Visualisierung. Anknüpfungspunkte in den Geschichtswissenschaften. In M. DURING, U. Eumann, ... M. Stark (Eds.), Handbuch Historische Netzwerkforschung (pp. 31--42). Berlin, Wien, Münster, Unknown/unspecified: Lit.

McGee, F., DURING, M., & Ghoniem, M. (2016). Towards Visual Analytics of Multilayer Graphs for Digital Cultural Heritage. In Towards Visual Analytics of Multilayer Graphs for Digital Cultural Heritage.
Peer reviewed

Guido, D., WIENEKE, L., & DURING, M. (2016). histograph. Graph-based exploration, crowdsourced indexation. Luxembourg, Unknown/unspecified: CVCE.

DURING, M. (2016). How reliable are centrality measures for data collected from fragmentary and heterogeneous historical sources? A case study. In T. Brughmans, A. Collar, ... F. Coward (Eds.), The Connected Past. Challenges to Network Studies in Archaeology and History (pp. 85--102). Oxford, Unknown/unspecified: Oxford Publishing.

DURING, M., Jatowt, A., Preiser-Kapeller, J., & van den Bosch, A. (2016). Proceedings of the 3rd HistoInformatics Workshop on Computational History (HistoInformatics 2016) co-located with the Digital Humanities 2016 conference (DH 2016) [Paper presentation]. Histoinformatics 2016.

WIENEKE, L., JONES, C., DURING, M., ARMASELU, F., & LEBOUTTE, R. (Eds.). (2016). Proceedings of the Third Conference on Digital Humanities in Luxembourg with a Special Focus on Reading Historical Sources in the Digital Age. CEUR Workshop Proceedings.
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DURING, M., Eumann, U., & Stark, M. (Eds.). (2016). Handbuch Historische Netzwerkforschung. Berlin, Wien, Münster, Unknown/unspecified: Lit.

DURING, M. (2016). Agent-based Modeling, Counterfactual Thinking and the Historical Method. In Digitaalinen humanismi ja historiatieteet. Turku, Unknown/unspecified: Turku History Society.

DURING, M. (2016). The dynamics of helping behavior for Jewish refugees during the Second World War: The importance of brokerage. In Online Encyclopedia of Mass Violence. Sciences Po.
Peer reviewed

DANESCU, E., DURING, M., GUIDO, D., & Heimbach, H. (10 October 2015). Une nouvelle lecture des sources primaires à travers l’analyse numérique des réseaux sociaux [Paper presentation]. 18 Édition Les rendez-vous de l’Histoire - Blois. Journée d’études de Humanistica « Les historiens et le numérique », Blois, France.

DURING, M. (2015). The dynamics of helping behaviour for Jewish refugees during the Second World War. The importance of brokerage. In M. Gamper, L. Reschke, ... M. DURING (Eds.), Knoten und Kanten: soziale Netzwerkanalyse in Geschichts- und Politikwissenschaften (pp. 321--338). Bielefeld, Unknown/unspecified: Transcript.

Gamper, M., Reschke, L., & DURING, M. (Eds.). (2015). Knoten und Kanten: soziale Netzwerkanalyse in Geschichts- und Politikwissenschaften. Bielefeld, Unknown/unspecified: Transcript.

DURING, M. (2015). Verdeckte soziale Netzwerke im Nationalsozialismus. Berliner Hilfsnetzwerke für verfolgte Juden. Berlin, Unknown/unspecified: De Gruyter.

DURING, M. (2015). Historical Network Research. Network analysis in the historical disciplines.

DURING, M., WIENEKE, L., & Croce, V. (2015). Interactive Networks for Digital Cultural Heritage Collections - Scoping the Future of HistoGraph. In P. Cimiano, F. Frasincar, G.-J. Houben, ... D. Schwabe (Eds.), Engineering the Web in the Big Data Era. Cham, Unknown/unspecified: Springer International Publishing. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-19890-3_41
Peer reviewed

DURING, M. (2015). Cheat Sheet: Social Network Analysis for Humanists.

DURING, M. (2015). Should I do Social Network Analysis?

DURING, M. (2015). From Hermeneutics to Data to Networks: Data Extraction and Network Visualization of Historical Sources.

Kestemont, M., Karsdorp, F., & DURING, M. (2014). Mining the Twentieth Century’s History from the Time Magazine Corpus. Abstract book of EACL 2014 : the 14th Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics, 62.
Peer reviewed

DURING, M., & Bosch, A. V. D. (2014). Multi-perspective Event Detection in Texts Documenting the 1944 Battle of Arnhem. In C. Biemann & A. Mehler (Eds.), Text Mining (pp. 201--219). Springer International Publishing.

Zervanou, K., DURING, M., Hendrickx, I., & van den Bosch, A. (2014). Documenting Social Unrest: Detecting Strikes in Historical Daily Newspapers. In A. Nadamoto, A. Jatowt, A. Wierzbicki, ... J. Leidner (Eds.), Social Informatics (pp. 120--133). Springer Berlin Heidelberg.
Peer reviewed

DURING, M. (2014). Agent-based Modeling, Counterfactual Thinking and the Historical Method. In Complexity and the Human Experience Modeling Complexity in the Humanities and Social Sciences. Pan Stanford Pub.

WIENEKE, L., DURING, M., Silaume, G., LALLEMAND, C., Croce, V., Lazzarro, M., Nucci, F., Pasini, C., Fraternali, P., Tagliasacchi, M., Melenhorst, M., Novak, J., Micheel, I., Harloff, E., & Garcia Moron, J. (2014). Building the Social Graph of the History of European Integration. In A. Nadamoto, A. Jatowt, A. Wierzbicki, ... J. Leidner (Eds.), Social Informatics (pp. 86--99). Springer Berlin Heidelberg.
Peer reviewed

WIENEKE, L., DURING, M., Silaume, G., LALLEMAND, C., Croce, V., Lazzarro, M., Nucci, F., Pasini, C., Fraternali, P., Tagliasacchi, M., Melenhorst, M., Novak, J., Micheel, I., Harloff, E., & Garcia Moron, J. (2014). histoGraph – A Visualization Tool for Collaborative Analysis of Historical Social Networks from Multimedia Collections. In Proceedings of 18th International Conference Information Visualisation (IV), 2014 Conference. Paris, France, Unknown/unspecified: CPS. doi:10.1109/IV.2014.47
Peer reviewed

Hendrickx, I., DURING, M., Zervanou, K., & van den Bosch, A. (2013). Searching and Finding Strikes in the New York Times. Proceedings of The Third Workshop on Annotation of Corpora for Research in the Humanities (ACRH-3), 25.
Peer reviewed

DURING, M., & Eumann, U. (2013). Historische Netzwerkforschung. Ein neuer Ansatz in den Geschichtswissenschaften. Geschichte und Gesellschaft, 39, 369--390.
Peer reviewed

DURING, M. (2013). Netzwerkforschung in den Geschichtswissenschaften zwischen Metaphern, Strukturen und Datenbanken. Ein Überblick. In H.-O. Grunder, A. Hoffmann-Ocon, ... P. Metz (Eds.), Netzwerke in bildungshistorischer Perspektive. Bad Heilbrunn, Unknown/unspecified: Klinkhardt.

DURING, M. (2012). Roland Barthes: Mythen des Alltags. In C. Leggewie, D. Zifonun, A. Lang, M. Siepmann, ... J. Hoppen (Eds.), Schlüsselwerke der Kulturwissenschaften. Bielefeld, Unknown/unspecified: Transcript.

DURING, M., Bixler, M., Kronenwett, M., & Stark, M. (2011). VennMaker for Historians: Sources, Social Networks and Software. Redes, Revista Hispana Para el Análisis de Redes Sociales, 21 (8).
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DURING, M. (2011). Das Dilemma zwischen Effizienz und Sicherheit: Über die Beziehungen zwischen Verfolgten des Nationalsozialismus und ihren Helfern. informationen. Wissenschaftliche Zeitschrift des Studienkreises Deutscher Widerstand 1933-1945, (73), 19--24.

Mailänder-Koslov, E., Beer, S., & DURING, M. (2011). Interaktive Geschlechterkonstruktion in biografischen Interviews. In P. Farges, C. Chamayou-Kuhn, ... P. E. Yavuz (Eds.), Le lieu du genre: la narration comme espace performatif du genre. Paris, Unknown/unspecified: Presses Sorbonne nouvelle.

DURING, M. (2011). Hilfe für Verfolgte während des Nationalsozialismus. In M. Schönhuth, M. Gamper, M. Kronenwett, ... M. Stark (Eds.), Vom Papier zum Laptop.Perspektiven elektronischer Tools zur partizipativen Visualisierung und Analyse sozialer Netzwerke. Bielefeld, Unknown/unspecified: transcript Verl.

DURING, M., & Stark, M. (2011). Historical Network Analysis. In G. A. Barnett (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Social Networks. London, Unknown/unspecified: Sage Publishing.

Beer, S., & DURING, M. (2011). Hilfe für jüdische Verfolgte im Nationalsozialismus: Biographische und sozialstrukturelle Zugänge am Beispiel der Berliner Helferin Ruth Andreas-Friedrich. Medaon: Magazin für Jüdisches Leben in Forschung und Bildung, 9.
Peer reviewed

DURING, M. (n.d.). Bibliography \textbar Historical Network Research.

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