WIENEKE, L. (2010). An analysis of productive user contributions in digital media applications for museums and cultural heritage [Doctoral thesis, Bauhaus-Universität Weimar]. ORBilu-University of Luxembourg. |
SCUTO, D., LANDAU, B., & WIENEKE, L. (March 2024). "Tout ce dont on se souvient, vit". Le Mémorial digital des victimes de la Shoah au Luxembourg. Revue d'Histoire de la Shoah, 219, 217-235. Peer reviewed |
MORSE, C., LANDAU, B., LALLEMAND, C., WIENEKE, L., & KOENIG, V. (2022). From #MuseumAtHome to #AtHomeAtTheMuseum: Digital Museums and Dialogical Engagement beyond the COVID-19 Pandemic. ACM Journal of Computing and Cultural Heritage, 15 (2). doi:10.1145/3480955 Peer reviewed |
MORSE, C., Niess, J., LALLEMAND, C., WIENEKE, L., & KOENIG, V. (2021). Casual Leisure in Rich-Prospect: Advancing Visual Information Behavior for Digital Museum Collections. ACM Journal on Computing and Cultural Heritage, 14 (3). doi:10.1145/3437257 Peer reviewed |
MORSE, C., LALLEMAND, C., WIENEKE, L., & KOENIG, V. (2021). Virtual Masterpieces: Innovation through Public Co-creation for Digital Museum Collections. International Journal of the Inclusive Museum, 15 (1), 65-83. doi:10.18848/1835-2014/CGP/v15i01/65-83 Peer reviewed |
ANDERSEN, E., BIRYUKOV, M., Kalyakin, R., & WIENEKE, L. (2020). How to read the 52.000 pages of the British Journal of Psychiatry? A collaborative approach to source exploration. Journal of Data Mining and Digital Humanities. Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
DURING, M., WIENEKE, L., & Croce, V. (2015). Interactive Networks for Digital Cultural Heritage Collections - Scoping the Future of HistoGraph. In P. Cimiano, F. Frasincar, G.-J. Houben, ... D. Schwabe (Eds.), Engineering the Web in the Big Data Era. Cham, Unknown/unspecified: Springer International Publishing. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-19890-3_41 Peer reviewed |
WIENEKE, L., DURING, M., Silaume, G., LALLEMAND, C., Croce, V., Lazzarro, M., Nucci, F., Pasini, C., Fraternali, P., Tagliasacchi, M., Melenhorst, M., Novak, J., Micheel, I., Harloff, E., & Garcia Moron, J. (2014). histoGraph – A Visualization Tool for Collaborative Analysis of Historical Social Networks from Multimedia Collections. In Proceedings of 18th International Conference Information Visualisation (IV), 2014 Conference. Paris, France, Unknown/unspecified: CPS. doi:10.1109/IV.2014.47 Peer reviewed |
WIENEKE, L., DURING, M., Silaume, G., LALLEMAND, C., Croce, V., Lazzarro, M., Nucci, F., Pasini, C., Fraternali, P., Tagliasacchi, M., Melenhorst, M., Novak, J., Micheel, I., Harloff, E., & Garcia Moron, J. (2014). Building the Social Graph of the History of European Integration. In A. Nadamoto, A. Jatowt, A. Wierzbicki, ... J. Leidner (Eds.), Social Informatics (pp. 86--99). Springer Berlin Heidelberg. Peer reviewed |
MORSE, C., KOENIG, V., LALLEMAND, C., & WIENEKE, L. (2019). Art in Rich-Prospect: Evaluating Next-Generation User Interfaces for Cultural Heritage. In C. MORSE, V. KOENIG, C. LALLEMAND, ... L. WIENEKE, MW2019: Museums and the Web, Boston 2-6 April 2019. Peer reviewed |
ZAAGSMA, G., & WIENEKE, L. (2018). Digital Resources and Tools in Historical Research. In S. Kollmann, L. Müller, S. Reh, J. Dane, ... T. V. Ruiten (Eds.), Picture archives and the emergence of visual history of education. ISCHE 40 pre-conference workshop. 3rd workshop "Pictura Paedagogica Online: educational knowledge in images. Berlin, Unknown/unspecified: pedocs. |
WIENEKE, L., Düring, M., Silaume, G., LALLEMAND, C., Croce, V., Lazzarro, M., Nucci, F., Pasini, C., Fraternali, P., Tagliasacchi, M., Melenhorst, M., Novak, J., Micheel, I., Harloff, E., & Garcia Moron, J. (2014). Building the social graph of the history of European integration: A pipeline for humanist-machine interaction in the digital humanities. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 8359 LNCS, 86-99. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-55285-4_7 Peer reviewed |
ANDERSEN, E., FABER, V., WIENEKE, L., & Wynants, N. (2024). Decoding Fairground Newspapers: Analysing History with Large Language Models. ORBilu-University of Luxembourg. |
DURING, M., GANSCHOW, I., JANZ, N., JASKOV, H., PAPASTAMKOU, S., WIENEKE, L., VENKEN, M., Derian, & Nemchenko, V. (2022). Report on C²DH Activities in Support of the Ukrainian Research Community. Esch-sur-Alzette, Luxembourg: Luxembourg Centre for Contemporary and Digital History. |
WIENEKE, L., & Hazan, S. (2014). Report on the results of the UGC Thematic Task Force. Europeana. |
ARMASELU, F., REIS, F., JONES, C., WIENEKE, L., Berettoni, A., Alzetta, C., HINGRAY, E. (Other coll.), PITICCO, M. C. (Other coll.), COOPER, S. (Other coll.), & GUIDO, D. (Other coll.). (2018). TEI Transviewer. |
DANESCU, E., ELISAR, O., GUIDO, D., BETA, R., WIENEKE, L., & KLEIN, F. (2020). #WernerReport@50 internet portal & conference (COOPER, S., Trans.). Luxembourg, Luxembourg: University of Luxembourg. |
Van Weyenbergh, G., Bouillard, M., WIENEKE, L., SCHAFER, V., & Paulin, A. (12 June 2020). Networked Governance, Enabling Multistakeholder Cooperation [Paper presentation]. DGO20. 21st Annual International Conference on Digital Government Research. |
TEFERLE, F. N., WIENEKE, L., PARVAZ, S., Bebon, Q., & BACKES, D. (05 May 2022). Scanning the Past: A 3D Model of Trausch's Library [Paper presentation]. Producing Histography in a Changing World - Practices of Historians in Analog and Digital Contexts, Luxembourg and Esch-sur-Alzette, Luxembourg. |
CAUVIN, T., Konstantinou, K., Boccalatte, P., Chaudhur, D., Povroznik, N., Quoc-Tan, T., Yuta, H., Makoto, G., Akihiro, K., Berta, E., Ferloni, J., Camarda, A., Malone, L., Brosseau, C., Lemay-Perreault, R., Maximova, A., Redgate, I., Dolgoy, R., Ayukawa, C., ... MORSE, C. (Other coll.). (15 December 2020). Making History Together: Public Participation in Museums [Paper presentation]. Making History together: Public Participation in Museums, Online, Luxembourg. |
BIRYUKOV, M., Kalyakin, R., ANDERSEN, E., & WIENEKE, L. (July 2020). Topics, buckets, and psychiatry. On the collective creation of a corpus exploration tool [Paper presentation]. DH2020. |
BIRYUKOV, M., ANDERSEN, E., & WIENEKE, L. (12 September 2019). Making sense of non-sense. Tracing topics in a historical corpus on psychiatry facing low OCR quality [Paper presentation]. Digital Humanities Benelux (DHBenelux), Liège, Belgium. |
SCHAFER, V., & WIENEKE, L. (24 February 2021). Innovative Models of Governance [Paper presentation]. The Future of Scholarly Communication (OPERAS-P Workshop). |
Bouillard, M., van Weyenbergh, G., SCHAFER, V., & WIENEKE, L. (08 September 2020). Networked Governance and Multistakeholder Cooperation [Paper presentation]. OPERAS Workshop: Knowledge infrastructures and digital governance. History, challenges, practices. |
ZAAGSMA, G., & WIENEKE, L. (28 August 2018). Digital picture archives in historical research and the visual history of education [Paper presentation]. ISCHE 40 Pre-Conference Workshop Picture Archives and the Emergence of Visual History of Education, Berlin, Germany. |
DURING, M., GUIDO, D., & WIENEKE, L. (2017). histograph. Graph-based exploration, crowd-based annotation [Paper presentation]. Tagung Graphentechnologien in Mainz. |
DURING, M., GUIDO, D., & WIENEKE, L. (2017). Workshop participation: Fibra: Toward a Humanistic Analysis of Research Networks [Paper presentation]. Fibra: Toward a Humanistic Analysis of Research Networks. |