KORVERS, S. (2017). Quantum moment maps and retracts for bounded symmetric domains. ORBilu-University of Luxembourg. https://orbilu.uni.lu/handle/10993/29284. |
KORVERS, S. (January 2017). Comment obtenir explicitement toutes les quantifications par déformations d'un domaine borné symétrique donné ? [Paper presentation]. Séminaire « Analyse, Géométrie et Algèbre », Metz, France. |
KORVERS, S. (2016). Notes on a Lie algebraic relation. ORBilu-University of Luxembourg. https://orbilu.uni.lu/handle/10993/29280. |
KORVERS, S. (November 2016). Toward explicit formal and non-formal deformation quantizations of bounded symmetric domains [Paper presentation]. Theoretical Physics Research Seminar, Cologne, Germany. |
KORVERS, S. (2016). Expressions & relations mathématiques élémentaires. (Unilu - University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg, BPG-10 Mathématiques pour gestionnaires (partie 1)). |
KORVERS, S. (September 2016). Formal and non formal deformation quantizations of bounded symmetric domains [Paper presentation]. 50th Seminar « Sophus Lie », Będlewo, Poland. |
KORVERS, S. (August 2016). From quantum moment maps to deformation quantizations on bounded symmetric domains [Poster presentation]. GAP XIV « Graded geometry and applications to physics », Sheffield, United Kingdom. |
KORVERS, S. (July 2016). From quantum moment maps to deformation quantizations on bounded symmetric domains [Poster presentation]. Poisson 2016, Zurich, Switzerland. |
KORVERS, S. (June 2016). From quantum moment maps to deformation quantizations on bounded symmetric domains [Poster presentation]. Second joint Conference of the Belgian, Royal Spanish and Luxembourg Mathematical Societies, Logroño, Spain. |
KORVERS, S. (May 2016). Deformation theory, quantization and beyond [Paper presentation]. Lunch Seminar « Our Mathematics Spectrum », Luxembourg, Luxembourg. |
KORVERS, S. (May 2016). The deformation quantizations of the complex unit ball. Part 2. ... and perspectives [Paper presentation]. Seminar in Algebra, Geometry and Quantization, Luxembourg, Luxembourg. |
KORVERS, S. (December 2015). Deformation quantizations of symplectic Lie groups and associated PDE's hierarchies [Poster presentation]. Relativity and Geometry: In memory of André Lichnerowicz, Paris, France. |
KORVERS, S. (October 2015). Quantum moment maps and retracts for symmetric bounded domains [Poster presentation]. From Poisson Geometry to Quantum Fields on Noncommutative Space, Würzburg, Germany. |
KORVERS, S. (2015). Weyl type quantization for some symplectic symmetric spaces. (Chapter of the Book "Representation Theory and Continuous Fields of C*-algebras"). ORBilu-University of Luxembourg. https://orbilu.uni.lu/handle/10993/29281. |
KORVERS, S. (May 2015). The deformation quantizations of the complex unit ball [Paper presentation]. Seminar in Algebra, Geometry and Quantization, Luxembourg, Luxembourg. |
KORVERS, S. (May 2015). Deformation quantizations of symplectic Lie groups and associated PDE's hierarchies [Paper presentation]. Bayrischzell Workshop 2015: Quantization, geometry and mathematical physics, Bayrischzell, Germany. |
KORVERS, S. (May 2015). Quantification via contraction et hiérarchie d'EDPs associée : le cas des espaces hermitiens symétriques de type non compact de rang 1 [Paper presentation]. Séminaire « Groupes et Quantification », Reims, France. |
KORVERS, S. (April 2015). Toward an explicit description of deformation quantizations of homogeneous complex bounded domains [Paper presentation]. GAP Seminar, State College, United States. |
KORVERS, S. (January 2015). An introduction to deformation theory and quantization [Paper presentation]. Comprensible Seminar, Liège, Belgium. |
KORVERS, S. (December 2014). From classical to quantum moment maps [Paper presentation]. Ph.D. students seminar in geometry and mathematical physics, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium. |
KORVERS, S. (November 2014). The complex unit ball: from geometry to deformation quantization [Paper presentation]. Geometry and Quantization Seminar, Liège, Belgium. |
KORVERS, S. (2014). Quantifications par déformations formelles et non formelles de la boule unité de C^n [Doctoral thesis, UCL - Université Catholique de Louvain]. ORBilu-University of Luxembourg. https://orbilu.uni.lu/handle/10993/23453 |
KORVERS, S. (June 2014). Formal and non-formal deformation quantizations of the complex unit ball [Paper presentation]. Non Commutative Geometry and Mathematical Physics, Scalea, Italy. |
KORVERS, S. (May 2014). The deformation quantizations of the unit ball in the space of n complex variables [Paper presentation]. Oberseminar Deformationsquantisierung, Würzburg, Germany. |
KORVERS, S. (April 2014). Non formal deformation quantisations of the complex unit ball [Paper presentation]. Third IAP DyGeSt Annual Meeting, Liège, Belgium. |
KORVERS, S. (2014). Géométrie différentielle des surfaces. (UCL - Université Catholique de Louvain, Belgium, Géométrie II). |
KORVERS, S. (2013). Éléments de théorie de Lie. (UCL - Université Catholique de Louvain, Belgium, Éléments de théorie de Lie et géométrie riemannienne). |
KORVERS, S. (October 2013). The deformation quantizations of the Hermitian symmetric space SU(1,n)/U(n) [Paper presentation]. QDays in Barcelona, Cerdanyola del Vallès, Spain. |
KORVERS, S. (July 2013). The deformation quantizations of the Hermitian symmetric space SU(1,n)/U(n): an explicit resolution [Paper presentation]. XXXII Workshop on Geometric Methods in Physics, Białowieża, Poland. |
KORVERS, S. (May 2013). The deformation quantizations of the Hermitian symmetric space SU(1,n)/U(n): an introduction [Paper presentation]. DyGeSt Corfu Meeting: Random Matrices, Quantum Hall Effect, Geometric Group Theory, Kérkyra, Greece. |
KORVERS, S. (April 2013). Weyl type quantization for the Ax+B – group [Paper presentation]. Operator algebras and representation theory seminar, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium. |
KORVERS, S. (April 2013). Isométries infinitésimales sur une variété pseudo-riemannienne localement symétrique associée à une EDP d’ordre 2 [Paper presentation]. IRMP Ph.D. students seminar 2013, Vaalbeek, Belgium. |
KORVERS, S. (March 2013). Weyl type quantization for some symplectic symmetric spaces [Paper presentation]. Operator algebras and representation theory seminar, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium. |
KORVERS, S. (March 2013). Symplectic symmetric space realized as co-adjoint orbit [Paper presentation]. Operator algebras and representation theory seminar, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium. |
KORVERS, S. (March 2012). Étude des aspects géométriques et analytiques d’une extension d’un processus de quantification par déformation de l’espace symplectique symétrique SU(1,1) / U(1) [Paper presentation]. GPP – NOSY Seminar, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium. |
KORVERS, S. (January 2012). Méthodes géométriques pour la résolution d’une équation aux dérivées partielles [Paper presentation]. IRMP Ph.D. students seminar 2012, Vaalbeek, Belgium. |
KORVERS, S. (June 2011). Quantifications par déformation de l’espace symplectique symétrique SU(1,n)/U(n) [Paper presentation]. Noncommutative geometry and mathematical physics seminar, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium. |
KORVERS, S. (2010). Introduction à la théorie des espaces symétriques [Bachelor/master dissertation, UCL - Université Catholique de Louvain]. ORBilu-University of Luxembourg. https://orbilu.uni.lu/handle/10993/23463 |