WAGNER, M. (2020). Die Universität Luxemburg: eine dreisprachige Universität? In J. Darquennes, T. Du Plessis, ... J. Soler, Sociolinguistica 34: Language diversity management in higher education (pp. 107-129). Berlin, Germany: De Gruyter. Peer reviewed |
WAGNER, M. (2019). Luxemburg. In R. Beyer & A. Plewnia, Handbuch des Deutschen in West- und Mitteleuropa: Sprachminderheiten und Mehrsprachigkeitskonstellationen (pp. 71-103). Tübingen, Germany: Narr Francke Attempto. Peer reviewed |
WAGNER, M. (2017). Deutsch im gymnasialen Unterricht: Das Beispiel Luxemburg. In W. Davies, A. Häcki-Buhofer, R. Schmidlin, M. WAGNER, ... E. Wyss (Eds.), Plurizentrik des Deutschen zwischen Norm und Praxis (Basler Studien zur deutschen Sprache und Literatur. Narr Verlag, Tübingen, pp. 189-206). Tübingen, Germany: narr Verlag. Peer reviewed |
Davies, W. V., Häcki Buhofer, A., Schmidlin, R., WAGNER, M., & Wyss, E. L. (Eds.). (2017). Standardsprache zwischen Norm und Praxis. Narr Francke Attmpto Verlag. |
WAGNER, M. (2017). Luxemburg – ein Halbzentrum? Deutsch an Gymnasien in Luxemburg. Zeitschrift für Deutsche Philologie, 136 (2017), 145-167. Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
WAGNER, M. (2016). German at secondary schools in Luxembourg: a first, second or foreign language? Pluricentricity on test. In R. Muhr (Ed.), Pluricentric Languages and Non-Dominant Varieties Worldwide. Part I: Pluricentric Languages across Continents. Features and Usage. Peter Lang. doi:10.3726/978-3-653-07112-2 Peer reviewed |
WAGNER, M. (2016). German at secondary schools in Luxembourg: a first, second or foreign language? In R. Muhr (Ed.), Pluricentric Languages and non-dominant Varieties worldwide. Frankfurt, Germany: Peter Lang. doi:10.3726/978-3-653-07112-2 Peer reviewed |
WAGNER, M. (2015). German at secondary schools in Luxembourg: the implementation of macro-level language policies on the micro level of the Luxembourgish German language classroom. In W. Davies & E. Ziegler (Eds.), Micro and macro language planning (pp. 62-82). Basingstoke, United Kingdom: Palgrave. Peer reviewed |
BELLING, L., & WAGNER, M. (2014). Private literacy – then and now. A diachronic analysis of changing practices of written Luxembourgish [Paper presentation]. Beyond the tyranny of writing, Luxembourg, Luxembourg. |
Davies, W., WAGNER, M., & Wyss, E. (2014). Deutsch im gymnasialen Unterricht: Deutschland, Luxemburg und die deutschsprachige Schweiz im Vergleich. Sprachreport. Peer reviewed |
WAGNER, M. (2013). Luxembourgish on Facebook: Language ideologies and writing strategies. In E. H. Gruffydd Jones & E. Uribe-Jongbloed (Eds.), Social Media and Minority Languages. Convergence and the creative industries (pp. 87-98). Bristol, Unknown/unspecified: Multilingual Matters. |
WAGNER, M. (2012). Sprachideologien auf Facebook: Diskussionen auf Gruppenseiten über den Sprachgebrauch in Luxemburg. In Beitrag zum III. Hannoverscher Workshop zur linguistischen Internetforschung (pp. 131-150). Peter Lang. Peer reviewed |
WAGNER, M., & Horner, K. (2012). Remembering World War II and legitimating Luxembourgish as the national language: consensus or conflict? In N. Langer, S. Davies, ... W. Wandenbussche (Eds.), Language and History, Linguistics and Historiography (pp. 447-464). Peter Lang. Peer reviewed |
WAGNER, M. (2012). Private Schriftlichkeit:Sprachwahl und Verschriftlichungsstrategien in Feldpostbriefen des 2. Weltkriegs. In F. Grucza & J. Zhu (Eds.), Akten des XII. Internationalen Germanistenkongresses (pp. 151-156). Frankfurt, Unknown/unspecified: Peter Lang. |
GILLES, P., SEELA, S., SIEBURG, H., & WAGNER, M. (2011). Langues et Identités. In IPSE (Ed.), Construire des identités au Luxembourg. Appropriations subjectives, Projections institutionnelles, Milieux socio-culturels (pp. 69-111). Paris, France: Berg International Èditeurs. Peer reviewed |
GILLES, P., SEELA, S., SIEBURG, H., & WAGNER, M. (2011). Languages and Identities. In IPSE (Ed.), Doing Identity in Luxembourg. Subjective Appropriations – Institutional Attributions – Socio-Cultural Milieus (pp. 66-105). Bielefeld, Germany: transcript. Peer reviewed |
GILLES, P., & WAGNER, M. (Eds.). (2011). Linguistische und soziolinguistische Bausteine der Luxemburgistik. Frankfurt, Unknown/unspecified: Peter Lang. |
WAGNER, M. (2011). Private literacies - strategies for writing Luxembourgish in World War II. In Linguistische und soziolinguistische Bausteine der Luxemburgistik (pp. 203-228). Peter Lang. Peer reviewed |
WAGNER, M. (2011). Luxembourgish on Facebook Language ideologies and discourse types on group pages. In R. Sánchez Prieto (Ed.), Minority languages and the Social Web (pp. 39-52). Peter Lang. Peer reviewed |
GILLES, P., SEELA, S., SIEBURG, H., & WAGNER, M. (2010). Sprachen und Identitäten. In S. IPSE - Identités. Politiques (Ed.), Doing Identity in Luxembourg. Subjektive Aneignungen - institutionelle Zuschreibungen - sozio-kulturelle Milieus (pp. 63-104). Bielefeld, Unknown/unspecified: transcript. Peer reviewed |
WAGNER, M. (2009). Lesenlernen: die Situation in Luxemburg. In Lesekompetenz in Erst-, Zweit-, und Fremdsprache. Lutjeharms, Madeline Schmidt, Claudia. |
WAGNER, M. (2009). L'écriture privée comme patrimoine linguistique. In C. Moumouni & C. Dubé (Eds.), Regards croisées sur le patrimoine: actes du colloque de Luxembourg (pp. 151-162). Québec, Canada: PUL. |
WAGNER, M. (2009). Lay linguistics and school teaching An empirical sociolinguistic study in the Moselle Franconian dialect area. Stuttgart, Germany: Franz Steiner Verlag. |
WAGNER, M., & Davies, W. V. (2009). The role of World War II in the development of Luxembourgish as a national language. Language Problems and Language Planning, 33 (2), 112-131. doi:10.1075/lplp.33.2.02wag Peer reviewed |
WAGNER, M. (2008). Linguistische Normen und deren Auffassung von Laien im moselfränkischen Raum um Trier. In Akten des XI. Internationalen Germanistenkongresses Paris 2005 "Germanistik im Konflikt der Kulturen (pp. 213-218). Valentin, Jean Marie. |
WAGNER, M. (2008). Teachers' and pupils' perceptions of linguistic variation: a study conducted in the Moselle-Franconian dialect area. Sociolinguistica, 22, 108-126. Peer reviewed |