
WAGNER Mélanie

University of Luxembourg > Faculty of Humanities, Education and Social Sciences (FHSE) > Department of Humanities (DHUM) > Luxembourg Studies

Main Referenced Co-authors
GILLES, Peter  (4)
SEELA, Sebastian  (3)
SIEBURG, Heinz  (3)
BELLING, Luc  (1)
Davies, W.V. (1)
Main Referenced Disciplines
Languages & linguistics (26)

Publications (total 26)

The most downloaded
GILLES, P., SEELA, S., SIEBURG, H., & WAGNER, M. (2010). Sprachen und Identitäten. In S. IPSE - Identités. Politiques (Ed.), Doing Identity in Luxembourg. Subjektive Aneignungen - institutionelle Zuschreibungen - sozio-kulturelle Milieus (pp. 63-104). Bielefeld, Unknown/unspecified: transcript.

The most cited

34 citations (OpenCitations)

WAGNER, M., & Davies, W. V. (2009). The role of World War II in the development of Luxembourgish as a national language. Language Problems and Language Planning, 33 (2), 112-131. doi:10.1075/lplp.33.2.02wag

WAGNER, M. (2020). Die Universität Luxemburg: eine dreisprachige Universität? In J. Darquennes, T. Du Plessis, ... J. Soler, Sociolinguistica 34: Language diversity management in higher education (pp. 107-129). Berlin, Germany: De Gruyter.
Peer reviewed

WAGNER, M. (2019). Luxemburg. In R. Beyer & A. Plewnia, Handbuch des Deutschen in West- und Mitteleuropa: Sprachminderheiten und Mehrsprachigkeitskonstellationen (pp. 71-103). Tübingen, Germany: Narr Francke Attempto.
Peer reviewed

WAGNER, M. (2017). Deutsch im gymnasialen Unterricht: Das Beispiel Luxemburg. In W. Davies, A. Häcki-Buhofer, R. Schmidlin, M. WAGNER, ... E. Wyss (Eds.), Plurizentrik des Deutschen zwischen Norm und Praxis (Basler Studien zur deutschen Sprache und Literatur. Narr Verlag, Tübingen, pp. 189-206). Tübingen, Germany: narr Verlag.
Peer reviewed

Davies, W. V., Häcki Buhofer, A., Schmidlin, R., WAGNER, M., & Wyss, E. L. (Eds.). (2017). Standardsprache zwischen Norm und Praxis. Narr Francke Attmpto Verlag.

WAGNER, M. (2017). Luxemburg – ein Halbzentrum? Deutsch an Gymnasien in Luxemburg. Zeitschrift für Deutsche Philologie, 136 (2017), 145-167.
Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi

WAGNER, M. (2016). German at secondary schools in Luxembourg: a first, second or foreign language? Pluricentricity on test. In R. Muhr (Ed.), Pluricentric Languages and Non-Dominant Varieties Worldwide. Part I: Pluricentric Languages across Continents. Features and Usage. Peter Lang. doi:10.3726/978-3-653-07112-2
Peer reviewed

WAGNER, M. (2016). German at secondary schools in Luxembourg: a first, second or foreign language? In R. Muhr (Ed.), Pluricentric Languages and non-dominant Varieties worldwide. Frankfurt, Germany: Peter Lang. doi:10.3726/978-3-653-07112-2
Peer reviewed

WAGNER, M. (2015). German at secondary schools in Luxembourg: the implementation of macro-level language policies on the micro level of the Luxembourgish German language classroom. In W. Davies & E. Ziegler (Eds.), Micro and macro language planning (pp. 62-82). Basingstoke, United Kingdom: Palgrave.
Peer reviewed

BELLING, L., & WAGNER, M. (2014). Private literacy – then and now. A diachronic analysis of changing practices of written Luxembourgish [Paper presentation]. Beyond the tyranny of writing, Luxembourg, Luxembourg.

Davies, W., WAGNER, M., & Wyss, E. (2014). Deutsch im gymnasialen Unterricht: Deutschland, Luxemburg und die deutschsprachige Schweiz im Vergleich. Sprachreport.
Peer reviewed

WAGNER, M. (2013). Luxembourgish on Facebook: Language ideologies and writing strategies. In E. H. Gruffydd Jones & E. Uribe-Jongbloed (Eds.), Social Media and Minority Languages. Convergence and the creative industries (pp. 87-98). Bristol, Unknown/unspecified: Multilingual Matters.

WAGNER, M. (2012). Sprachideologien auf Facebook: Diskussionen auf Gruppenseiten über den Sprachgebrauch in Luxemburg. In Beitrag zum III. Hannoverscher Workshop zur linguistischen Internetforschung (pp. 131-150). Peter Lang.
Peer reviewed

WAGNER, M., & Horner, K. (2012). Remembering World War II and legitimating Luxembourgish as the national language: consensus or conflict? In N. Langer, S. Davies, ... W. Wandenbussche (Eds.), Language and History, Linguistics and Historiography (pp. 447-464). Peter Lang.
Peer reviewed

WAGNER, M. (2012). Private Schriftlichkeit:Sprachwahl und Verschriftlichungsstrategien in Feldpostbriefen des 2. Weltkriegs. In F. Grucza & J. Zhu (Eds.), Akten des XII. Internationalen Germanistenkongresses (pp. 151-156). Frankfurt, Unknown/unspecified: Peter Lang.

GILLES, P., SEELA, S., SIEBURG, H., & WAGNER, M. (2011). Langues et Identités. In IPSE (Ed.), Construire des identités au Luxembourg. Appropriations subjectives, Projections institutionnelles, Milieux socio-culturels (pp. 69-111). Paris, France: Berg International Èditeurs.
Peer reviewed

GILLES, P., SEELA, S., SIEBURG, H., & WAGNER, M. (2011). Languages and Identities. In IPSE (Ed.), Doing Identity in Luxembourg. Subjective Appropriations – Institutional Attributions – Socio-Cultural Milieus (pp. 66-105). Bielefeld, Germany: transcript.
Peer reviewed

GILLES, P., & WAGNER, M. (Eds.). (2011). Linguistische und soziolinguistische Bausteine der Luxemburgistik. Frankfurt, Unknown/unspecified: Peter Lang.

WAGNER, M. (2011). Private literacies - strategies for writing Luxembourgish in World War II. In Linguistische und soziolinguistische Bausteine der Luxemburgistik (pp. 203-228). Peter Lang.
Peer reviewed

WAGNER, M. (2011). Luxembourgish on Facebook Language ideologies and discourse types on group pages. In R. Sánchez Prieto (Ed.), Minority languages and the Social Web (pp. 39-52). Peter Lang.
Peer reviewed

GILLES, P., SEELA, S., SIEBURG, H., & WAGNER, M. (2010). Sprachen und Identitäten. In S. IPSE - Identités. Politiques (Ed.), Doing Identity in Luxembourg. Subjektive Aneignungen - institutionelle Zuschreibungen - sozio-kulturelle Milieus (pp. 63-104). Bielefeld, Unknown/unspecified: transcript.
Peer reviewed

WAGNER, M. (2009). Lesenlernen: die Situation in Luxemburg. In Lesekompetenz in Erst-, Zweit-, und Fremdsprache. Lutjeharms, Madeline Schmidt, Claudia.

WAGNER, M. (2009). L'écriture privée comme patrimoine linguistique. In C. Moumouni & C. Dubé (Eds.), Regards croisées sur le patrimoine: actes du colloque de Luxembourg (pp. 151-162). Québec, Canada: PUL.

WAGNER, M. (2009). Lay linguistics and school teaching An empirical sociolinguistic study in the Moselle Franconian dialect area. Stuttgart, Germany: Franz Steiner Verlag.

WAGNER, M., & Davies, W. V. (2009). The role of World War II in the development of Luxembourgish as a national language. Language Problems and Language Planning, 33 (2), 112-131. doi:10.1075/lplp.33.2.02wag
Peer reviewed

WAGNER, M. (2008). Linguistische Normen und deren Auffassung von Laien im moselfränkischen Raum um Trier. In Akten des XI. Internationalen Germanistenkongresses Paris 2005 "Germanistik im Konflikt der Kulturen (pp. 213-218). Valentin, Jean Marie.

WAGNER, M. (2008). Teachers' and pupils' perceptions of linguistic variation: a study conducted in the Moselle-Franconian dialect area. Sociolinguistica, 22, 108-126.
Peer reviewed

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